Chaos fairy way

Chapter 121 Little Ling is a Mother

"Hey! It's getting cold, and I don't know if Xiao Lan will still kick the quilt at night?"

"There is no need to worry. Xiao Lan has been away from home for seven years. Now she must have jumped out of the realm of mortals and become a real monk. Naturally, the cold and pain of mortals will not befall her."

"This ghost girl is delicate and willful, I don't know if she will be wronged in Piaomiao Pavilion?"

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and she needs to walk her own way! Well, don't stay in Xiaolan's room all the time, or you will get sick."

"Hey! I can only feel better when I look at these quilts that Xiaolan used! Quilts! Wait for some things."

"Go! I'll accompany you to the back garden to relax."

Outside the door, Xu Lan quietly listened to the conversation between her parents in the room, and tears rolled down like pearls.

"Dad! Mom! My daughter is unfilial."

Xu Lan really couldn't bear the longing in her heart and the overwhelming sense of guilt towards her parents, so she pushed open the door with trembling hands, sobbing and threw herself into the arms of the already haggard woman in brocade.

"Xiao Lan! I'm not dreaming!"

Long Yun, who was sitting on the bedside, had tears in her eyes, touched Xu Lan's head excitedly, and repeated this sentence.

"Xiao Lan!"

Xu Peng woke up from the trance of surprise, looked at the mother and daughter hugging together with a smile on his face, and called out kindly.

"Auntie, you are not dreaming, this ghost girl of yours is back!" After seeing this touching scene, Long Fei, Niu Zhong and Xu Zixuan who were originally standing in the courtyard came over and stood at the door involuntarily.

"Fei'er! Oh! I've met my aunt!" Xu Peng was pleasantly surprised again when he heard the sound, he turned his head to look at Long Fei, and when he saw Xu Zixuan, he hurriedly saluted.

"Peng'er doesn't need to be too polite! You couple and Lan'er haven't seen each other for many years and you have a lot to talk about, so don't worry about us. Just tell the servants to arrange for us to wait for you in the living room!" Xu Zixuan said softly with a kind smile on her face. .

"Yes!" Although Xu Peng promised, he still respectfully moved his hands, and then said loudly, "Come on!"

"Yes! What is the master's order?"

The noise in Xu Lan's room naturally attracted some of Xu's servants to watch. A fat middle-aged man in Tsing Yi walked in while nodding to Long Fei and the others with a smile on his face. He bowed and asked road.

"Xu Biao, quickly invite my aunt and the two young masters to rest in the living room!" Xu Peng's tone was still very excited, then he looked at Xu Zixuan, and said respectfully: "Auntie, please wait a moment, we will come right away."

"It's okay! You guys talk more, don't pay too much attention to us." Xu Zixuan nodded slightly with a look of relief.

Afterwards, Xu Zixuan, Long Fei, and Niu Zhong went to the living room of Xu Mansion under the guidance of Xu Biao.

That night, Xu Peng held a family banquet to treat Xu Zixuan, Long Fei and Niu Zhong well.During the banquet, Xu Peng and his wife kept asking Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan about their cultivation status; when they heard that the cultivation bases of the three had reached the Yuan Yuan stage, they were all surprised. It took a long time for Da Zhang to close it numbly.During the banquet, Xu Zixuan didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional to reveal the relationship between Xu Lan and Niu Zhong.Regarding this news, Xu Peng and his wife did not show much surprise, because when Xu Lan left seven years ago, they had already seen Niu Zhong and Xu Lan's affectionate and reluctant appearance; As for the relationship between the two, Xu Peng and his wife will naturally not object, because Niu Zhong is a good son-in-law in their minds no matter in terms of character or life experience.

During the chat, Long Fei also heard the expected and sensational news, that is, Long Lin and Chen Wan got married and had a son and a daughter.When Long Fei heard the news and was immersed in the joy of being an uncle Rong, his aunt Long Yun's words made the meat on the chopsticks fall to the ground with a "slap", and then said "Auntie, I have a headache and go back to my room to rest." Then he ran away.Seeing this, Xu Lan on the side stopped laughing.As for Long Yun's words, the original text is: "Fei'er! You see, Long Lin is younger than you and is already the father of two children. You are not young anymore, and it's time to find a wife. How about my aunt introduce one to you? The daughter of the Zhang family is very good, she is the younger sister of Zhang Yunfeng, the emperor of Fenglin Kingdom, she is beautiful and virtuous, she is a good match for you. How about it? Auntie will tell you!"

The next day, before dawn, while Long Fei was still sleeping, the spirit beast bracelet on his left wrist suddenly vibrated violently.

"Handsome boss! Wake up!"

An anxious, nian girl's voice came into Long Fei's ears.

As Long Fei was sleepy, his divine thoughts moved, and the golden-yellow sky crystal spirit beast spirit immediately flew out of the spirit beast bracelet and landed on the tea table in the middle of the bedroom.

"What's wrong with waking me up so early?" Long Fei yawned, feeling quite unhappy.

"Stop talking so much, hurry up! Take out the egg quickly, or you will cause harm to that little guy." Xiao Ling waved his claws fiercely, anxiously.

"Egg? Oh! Really?" Long Fei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then suddenly came to his senses. His divine sense moved in surprise, and a golden egg with some cracks on the shell slowly came out of the spirit beast. The bracelet flew out and landed gently on the ground.

After only a moment, the golden egg cracked open with two sounds of "Boom! Crack!", revealing a golden, fluffy, chicken-like head.But the eyes are extremely sharp, and there is a small hook at the tip of the golden mouth.

"Mom! I finally see what you look like."

The excited and childish voice actually came from the mouth of the chicken-shaped strange bird.

Long Fei looked at this strange bird that had just hatched in shock. Although he was somewhat prepared for the miracle of this bird, being able to talk at birth was indeed far beyond Long Fei's expectations.Immediately, Long Fei probed into the strange bird with a divine sense, and immediately discovered that the cultivation of this strange bird had reached the fourth level, which is the cultivation base of the Consciousness Stage.Long Fei was even more surprised in his heart, and couldn't help sighing secretly: What kind of bird of prey is this?It is too shocking to reach the stage of financial awareness at birth!Many monks can't reach the stage of integration in their entire lives!

"Didn't I tell you before that I'm not your mother, and we look different, don't you?" Xiao Ling quickly explained, although her voice was nai nai, but the bitterness in her eyes was different from that of her childish mother. The sound doesn't match up at all.

"You are my mother! Otherwise, why are you with me every day? Mom, don't you like me?" Qi Niao looked pitifully at Xiao Ling with aggrieved eyes, and her voice trembled a little, as if she wanted to cry.

"Oh! Be good, don't cry! It's your mother, I told you." Long Fei had a strange smile on his face when he heard the conversation between the two little guys, but he tried not to laugh out loud. Then he saw the strange bird It seemed like she was about to cry, so she hurriedly said like coaxing a child.

"Handsome boss, don't mislead the children!" Xiao Ling said angrily.

"Mom, I know you're kidding me. Mom! Here I come."

The eggshell cracked completely with a "click" and turned into two petals. The strange bird's two golden claws kicked the ground suddenly, and its yellow, chubby wings vibrated at the same time. On the foot-high tea table, then swayed and fluttered to Xiaoling's side, the egg-sized head very affectionately rubbed against the golden neck of Xiaoling who was not much taller than it.

"Woo! I'm really not a mother!" Xiao Ling sobbed anxiously, and the weak voice of defense actually had the taste of pleading.

"No! You are my mother! That tall guy looks ugly, but he doesn't look like a bad person, so he won't lie." The strange bird's two yellow wings hugged Xiao Ling even tighter. I can't listen to Xiao Ling's defense at all.

"Cough! Cough!" Long Fei coughed a few times in embarrassment. Regarding his appearance, Long Fei has always been classified as handsome. This is the first time he heard someone commenting on him as ugly. The one with the black line seemed to have suffered a little blow in his heart, but facing the two little ones, he could only say softly: "I think this little guy looks golden and golden, so he is called Xiaojin! Xiaoling, since you are a mother , you have to take on the responsibility of being a mother. From now on, you will be in charge of Xiaojin’s feeding, teaching and other matters, and you can tell me directly if you need anything.”

"Ah! Handsome boss, I'm still a child!" Xiaoling saw that he couldn't change Xiaojin's mind even though he tried his best to justify, and he liked Xiaojin quite a lot, so he didn't want to explain anything anymore. He could only wait for Xiaojin Gradually getting to know himself, when he heard Long Fei ask him to take up the responsibility of raising Xiao Jin, he cried anxiously.

"Okay, is there any kid who is smarter than me? You guys go back to the spirit beast bracelet first, and if you need anything, send it to me directly. I still have important things to do later." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he flipped his left hand over. With his wrist, he put Xiaoling, Xiaojin, and the broken eggshell into the spirit beast bracelet.

"Handsome boss! Handsome boss..."

Xiao Ling seemed to want to argue, but his voice disappeared into the spirit beast bracelet, and he couldn't hear it from outside.

Long Fei twitched his lips, smiled slightly, dressed neatly, and walked towards Niu Zhong's room.


The dawn fog is about to rest, the apes and birds are singing, and the sky is turning white.

A mountain peak pierces the sky, and a faint white mist floats on the mountainside.On the top of the peak, the two young men frowned tightly, with depressed faces, standing on the canopy of two lush and towering ancient trees, the two young men were naturally Long Fei and Niu Zhong.Just now, the two of them entered the anthole where they killed the ant queen again, and took various methods to carefully check everything in the entire anthole, but apart from being able to confirm that the stone platform engraved with the blood-colored gossip map should be Except for one seal, nothing else can be obtained.

"Hey! The three basins of the Twin Cities are only more than fifty miles square. Yesterday I used my spiritual sense to detect the three basins several times in turn, but I didn't find any clues. Just now we have carefully inspected the anthole again, and it is still the same. No clues were found. According to what the master said, the sect of the Twin Cities ten thousand years ago should be in the Twin Cities, and literally speaking, the Twin Cities and the Twin Cities are indeed connected. Ten thousand years is a long time, but more or less it will stay There are a few relics, but why there is nowhere to be found, nowhere to check? It is really puzzling!" Long Fei sighed lightly, his confused eyes turned unwillingly into the distance.

"We have searched the entire Twin Cities and even Fenglin Kingdom's classics, unofficial history, etc., but there is no record about the Twin Sect. It can be seen that the Twin Sect must have been destroyed in the extinction event thousands of years ago in the cultivation world of the Huahuang Continent. The Gemini Sect died after killing the Ant Queen, and the ant hole was so close to the Twin Cities, so it can be inferred that the Gemini Sect must have been suddenly attacked by the enemy when it was destroyed. Then the Twin Sect was on the ground of the Twin Cities The mountain gate should have been completely destroyed, and the current Twin Cities must have been built by mortals after the disaster. Therefore, it makes sense that we didn’t find any remains of the Twin Cities here. Since the search for the Twin Cities is temporarily broken, and your death The resurrection and the weapon tattoos on our bodies were all caused by an inexplicable fall in the Tongtian Mountains, so I think we should go to the Tongtian Mountains again to see if we find anything?" Niu Zhong thought for a moment when he heard Long Fei's words , frowning slightly, then said.

Long Fei nodded silently, paused for a moment, then seemed to think of something interesting, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Since we have decided to go to the Tongtian Mountain Range to investigate, let's go home secretly to see How are our respective bosses doing? Hehe! And that bastard Longyang!"

Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong disappeared in a flash.

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