Chaos fairy way

Chapter 122

In Tongtian Town, Longjiabao, and Inner Fort's meeting hall, three generations of the Long family's descendants crowded together and gathered here.A chubby young man in red robes, about seventeen or eighteen years old, was sitting on the main seat on the upper stage of the hall, with a proud expression on his face, and his fat eyes, which were almost in a line, scanned the group of smiling dragons below. Three generations of descendants.This red-robed boy is naturally our "Peter Pan" Long Yangla!

"Fei Xia, the representatives of the three generations of the direct line and the descendants of the three generations of the tribes have all arrived, and now the only thing left is the second young master, Long Lin! Will we hold the meeting after he arrives?" asked a young man in Tsing Yi, who was the chief of the lower right row of the hall.

"Forget it. My second brother has been busy coaxing his son to attend. I'm still in charge of hosting this meeting. The meeting will start in July! Long Dong, please tell me the income and expenditure of the Flying Tigers this month first." Tell everyone!" Long Yang waved his wide right sleeve and said slowly, looking at him like that, he has the demeanor of a superior.

A young man in purple robe who was the chief of the left row of the lower rank immediately stood up and said loudly to the crowd: "Last month, our Flying Tigers achieved remarkable results, with a total income of 68 three gold coins and a total expenditure of 540. 53 gold coins, with a surplus of more than 64 gold coins. Among them, there are three main income items. The first is to exchange gold coins for killing monsters. Fifteen beasts, the income from this item alone reached more than 15 gold coins, accounting for as much as 23% of the total income; in addition, the income from mining and digging medicinal materials reached 18 gold coins;

Listening to Long Dong's report, all the descendants of the three generations of the Long family below were all smiling, cheering and discussing.

"This month's bonus should be more than last month! My wedding jewelry is finally settled."

"En! I can switch to a refined black iron epee."

"Hehe! After receiving this month's money, my father's illness should be cured."

Long Yang looked at the crowd with a smile, and listened quietly without interjecting a word. After Long Dong finished reporting, he lazily stood up, raised his right hand and shook it, and the wide sleeve fell down immediately, revealing With a round fat hand, he said: "Okay! Everyone performed well last month, but there is also a fly in the ointment. That is, the income of the autumn wind was surpassed by the income of killing monsters. This is not in line with our Flying Tigers. Stealing from the rich and helping the poor to benefit teammates . "It's the purpose. So I decided that this month, we should go to the black iron mining area in the south of Tongtian Town more!"

"Fei Shao! The guards of the various forces in the southern Xuantie mining area are very strict, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed!" A simple-looking young man among the three generations of the lower-ranking Long family said with a embarrassed look on his face.

"The harder it is, the more challenging it is! Besides, if it's easy to get it, it's not called playing Qiufeng, it's called others think that there are too many ores and no place to put them, so they put them in your pocket. By the way, remember to call me Feixia in the future, don't call me Feishao Young Master Fei, Young Master Fei, it sounds like I'm just a dandy, but I'm a hero who eliminates the strong and supports the weak." Long Yang seemed dissatisfied with how the simple and honest boy called him, and said angrily.

"What? Didn't Lai Shao also call him young?" The simple and honest boy argued unconvinced whether he was too honest or just had a single tendon in his head.

"Although my eldest brother is not bad in all aspects, his stinky fart looks like a dude." Long Yang tilted his head, raised his brows, and looked disapproving of the simple and honest boy using Long Fei to refute himself.

"Really? Bitch, the little wings have grown hard, haven't they? But being the boss is quite stylish!" A small but heart-piercing voice came from behind Long Yang, and at the same time a hand It rested on Longyang's left shoulder.


Long Yang's heart was startled suddenly, he felt the chill behind his back, and his body jumped into the third generation disciples of the lower rank with a "hoo", turned around and looked, and when he saw the person behind him, he immediately shouted with joy and anger : "Damn, boss, do you know that people are scary and can scare people to death?"

"Master Lai!"

"Master Lai!"

All three generations of disciples were stunned by the sudden scene, and then shouted in surprise.

The person who came was naturally Long Fei. Standing in front of the main seat, Long Fei glanced at the startled Long Yang with a smile on his face, then looked at everyone, and then said: "I have all the contents of your meeting. I heard that you did a good job, much better than when I was in the family. But the purpose of the Flying Tigers you formed should be slightly changed to 'robbing the rich and helping the poor, benefiting the people', of course the people also include you. !"

"Brother is right! In this way, we are justified in fighting the autumn wind. We take it from the people and use it for the people! It makes sense, it makes sense!" The fleshy thumb of Long Yang's right hand was raised high, and he immediately smiled. Da Da flattered me.

"Fei Xia, I remember you said before that robbing the rich and helping the poor is the slogan, and benefiting teammates is the goal. Poverty doesn't refer to the poor, it refers to us who are poor." The honest and honest boy seemed to be in conflict with Long Yang, and immediately demolished Long Yang's way .

"Really? Did I say it? Impossible, you remember wrongly." Long Yang turned his head left and right with a blank expression, glanced at everyone, and denied it.

"Yeah, definitely said it, haha!"

Everyone curled their lips and laughed together.

"Damn, how can you do this? It's too disrespectful." Long Yang's face is indeed thick enough, and he didn't show the slightest embarrassment when he was exposed by everyone, and he said sullenly.

"Okay, you guys continue with the meeting, I'll go find grandpa!" Seeing this, Long Fei shook his head speechlessly, but he was very pleased with the harmonious atmosphere of the three generations of the Long family.

Longjiabao, outside the gate of the ancestral courtyard.

"Long Fei, the descendant of the third generation, begged to see the patriarch!" Long Fei bowed respectfully with a solemn face, and he looked very respectful.

"Fei'er? You brat, I haven't seen you in seven years, but you know how to respect your elders. Not bad! Not bad! Hehe, let's go in!" A surprised and old voice came from the left wing of the ancestral courtyard.

"Ahem! Then I'll go see grandpa first, and I'll talk to you later!" Long Fei coughed a few times in embarrassment, and only then did he understand what kind of image he was in front of the elders before, and then he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Did not enter the ancestral home.

In front of the door of Long Qingsong's study, Long Fei was about to knock on the door, when suddenly there came a vicissitudes but sonorous voice: "Fei'er, come in!"

Hearing the sound, Long Fei was greatly surprised, thinking to himself: I came here by running "Wanwuhuawujue", and my grandpa found out before knocking on the door, what a strange thing!

"Hey! What are you doing in a daze? You underestimate the Long family!" Long Qingsong's voice came out again, his tone full of confidence.

Long Fei shook his head with a wry smile, then pushed open the door and entered, only to see Grandpa Long Qingsong sitting on a mahogany chair, looking at him with the same loving expression as he had seen him in the past.

"The unfilial grandson Long Fei pays respects to grandpa!" Looking at his much older grandpa, Long Fei felt guilt and sadness welling up in his heart, his nose was a little sore, and he quickly knelt down on one right foot and bowed respectfully.

"Hehe! It's over! It's over! You're already a master of the Yuan Dynasty, and you're still so pretentious!" Long Qingsong hurriedly got up to help Long Fei up, and smiled gratifiedly.

"Hey!" After getting up, Long Fei embarrassedly wiped his tear-stained eyes with his right hand, smiled awkwardly, but secretly said in his heart full of doubts: Seeing that Grandpa's cultivation is still at the stage of concentration, but Why can I find out my whereabouts after I cast "All Things Are Unsolved"?And I can also see my cultivation, only high-level monks can see the cultivation of low-level monks?

Long Qingsong looked at Long Fei's slightly frowned brows, and said quite proudly, "How is it? It's very frustrating! Don't say you are a master in the Yuan Dynasty, even if you are a master in the early stage of Yingjie, as soon as he stepped into Tongtian Town, Our Longniu family will immediately notice his presence."

"Really? Why is this?" Long Fei was startled suddenly, and asked in great surprise.

"Hehe! When you flew to Tongtian Town, didn't you see that the whole Tongtian Town is like a huge Taiji gossip map?" Long Qingsong grabbed Baixu, paused for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and he said vigorously: " Tongtian Town is a large formation!"

"What? Tongtian Town with a radius of hundreds of miles is actually a formation?" Although Long Fei had already guessed that the reason for the incident must be beyond imagination, but when he heard that Tongtian Town was a large formation, he couldn't believe it for a while. too exaggerated!It would not be surprising if the large formation with a radius of hundreds of miles was in the head sect of the four major cultivation sects, but this is a small town in the mortal world!

After a while, Long Fei finally closed his mouth wide open in shock, and quickly asked: "What is this formation called? Why can our Dragon and Niu families master such powerful formations?"

"Hmph! This formation was left by our ancestors, and our Dragon and Niu families only have some functions. As for the specific name? How to get it? We don't know. But the ancestors have a last word: when the time comes, someone will naturally come to inform Everything." Long Qingsong's tone was quite proud.

Hearing this, Long Fei was surprised that the Longniu family still possessed such a secret, and then guessed what mission the Longniu family must have, but at present, the Longniu family must not know what the specific mission is.

Long Fei was silent for a moment, then suddenly recalled the matter of investigating the Twin Sect, and then asked with a glimmer of hope: "Grandpa, I often hear you mention the ancestors, I want to ask how long the ancestors have passed away?"

"I am the No. 90 patriarch of the third generation of the Long family, so the ancestor of the Long family must have passed away at least ten thousand years ago!" Long Qingsong thought for a while and said with certainty.

"Ten thousand years ago? Hehe! Grandpa, did the ancestors leave any written records? I want to inquire about the next place called Yaoyu Paradise." Long Fei was pleasantly surprised when he heard the word ten thousand years ago, and hurriedly asked road.

"Yaoyu Paradise?" Long Qingsong was taken aback for a moment, then recovered his indifferent expression in an instant, and said casually: "There is nothing left in the written records, but for this place, the ancestor's last words mentioned it. Yaoyu Paradise It was the name Ten Thousand Monster Forest was called in the comprehension world ten thousand years ago."

Long Fei nodded silently and did not ask any more questions.

Naturally, Long Qingsong's sudden gaffe couldn't be hidden from the thoughtful Long Fei, but Long Fei didn't ask.Because Long Fei knew that if Grandpa could say something, he would definitely tell it bluntly, and if he couldn't, he wouldn't tell it no matter how much he asked.At this time, Long Fei felt more and more the mystery of the Longniu family.

After the two stood still for a while, the grandparent and grandson had a sit-down conversation. Long Fei told his grandfather Long Qingsong one after another about his cultivation in the past seven years.During the conversation, Long Fei also gave Long Qingsong the "Liuyun Jue" and a large amount of crystals, spirit stones, materials, etc. obtained during the suppression of the Qisha League, which made Long Qingsong, who is in his 90s, dance with excitement .

Reunited after a long absence, there were a lot of natural words, and the time we spent together naturally passed quickly, more than two hours passed.

At this moment, Long Fei stood up, bowed and said: "Grandpa, I've talked to you so much today, I'm going to meet my mother now!"

"Oh! Your father comes back once a year, and you are away from home. Your mother is always alone. It's very pitiful. You go! Have a good chat with your mother." Long Qingsong sighed, and then stood up stand up.

"Yes!" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he withdrew and left.

Long Qingsong watched Long Fei leave with a smile on his face, and when he realized that Long Fei was far away from the ancestral home, he frowned, his face full of worry, and he raised his head and sighed: "Oh! I didn't expect to ask about Yaoyu Tiantian The first one is actually Feier, so the other person is Chonger. I don’t know if this is the blessing of the Longniu family, or the disaster of the Longniu family! Sigh! Time is running out, we must train Yang’er as soon as possible! "

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