Chaos fairy way

Chapter 123 5 Great Monster Races

On the same day, Long Fei brought back his father Long Zhenfeng from the Xuantie mining area in the south of Tongtian Town, and the family of three finally reunited after a seven-year separation.

Everyone in the world talks about raising children to guard against old age, but the parents of monks can't enjoy family happiness, let alone the support of their children until they die.

Looking at the parents with more wrinkles on their foreheads, Long Fei felt a pain like a knife in his heart. At this time, he really realized the cruelty of cultivation, but once he has embarked on the journey of cultivation, there is no turning back.

That night, Long Qingsong hosted a feast to welcome the wind and cleanse the dust, and treated the proud Long Fei of the Long family well.During the banquet, although Long Fei drank a lot, he was still not drunk, not because he was not drunk because of his high cultivation, but because he couldn't get drunk right now.Guilt towards his grandfather and parents, sadness at the upcoming parting, joy at the prosperity of the Long family... How can his heart be drunk when all kinds of emotions are mixed in his heart?

With a heavy heart, the road must be walked.

Before dawn the next day, Long Fei was afraid that it would only increase the sadness of his relatives, so he left Tongtian Town and entered Tongtian Mountain Range with Niu Zhong, who was also sighing endlessly, without saying goodbye to his relatives.Since the fact that Yaoyu Tiantian is the Wanyao Forest is of great importance and Tongtian Town is too far away from the Seven Star Sect, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were afraid that something would happen on the way, so they did not send anyone to report the news to the Seven Star Sect.

In the Tongtian Mountain Range, although the peaks are not as huge as the seven main peaks of the Big Dipper Immortal Meridian, almost every peak reaches straight into the sky and their height is not inferior to the Seven Big Dipper Immortal Meridian Peaks.For the current Long Fei and Niu Zhong, the area with a radius of [-] li had been carefully searched several times in just one day, but they found nothing, let alone the memory of the scene where they fell off the cliff.

The peak of a mountain as high as [-] zhang, covering an area of ​​about ten li square, is all made of stones, without a single tree.

Long Fei and Niu Chong stood facing the cliff, the mountain wind was so strong that the two people's robes were bulging, their hair fluttered and almost messed up.

"Investigating the Twin Cities and the Tongtian Mountains has yielded no results. Both you and my grandfather said that the Demon Land Paradise was renamed the Ten Thousand Demon Forest because of the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, and the Twin Cities should also be the result of the catastrophe ten thousand years ago. The calamity is destroyed, so whether we are looking for the mystery of the proverb, or the mystery of the wrist weapon tattoo, we can only go to the Wanyao Forest! Shall we go back to the sect and ask the sect to come forward to investigate?" Niu Zhong Looking at Long Fei expressionlessly, he said.

"The last time Leng Feng defected to the sect, the sect has now investigated clearly. His identity is actually a member of a mysterious organization. Leng Feng can escape from the Xingchen Cave and even the Seven Star Sect smoothly, which shows that there must be an inner ghost inside the Seven Star Sect. The identity of the inner ghost is still very high. Besides, the fact that Yaoyu Tiantian is the Wanyao Forest still needs to be confirmed. Therefore, in order to avoid the Longniu family being involved in unprovoked disputes, we should investigate the matter clearly before we personally Go report to the suzerain." Long Fei thought for a moment, then replied.

"That's right! But the Wanyao Forest is the area ruled by the Yaozu. It is the only place in the Huahuang Continent that humans dare not set foot in. If you want to enter it, you can find out about the youngest son of the Lion King in the Zhongyan Continent 10 years ago. I am afraid it will be extremely difficult to obtain information about the seeded team!" Niu Chong sighed.

"No matter how difficult it is, we have to go. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." With a determined look on Long Fei's face, he was about to use the "Leaping Thunder Technique" to leave the peak when suddenly there was an angry cry from the little spirit in his ears. Hearing the sound, he felt joy in his heart, and with a movement of his divine sense, the little spirit immediately jumped out of the storage bag, and still landed on Long Fei's left shoulder.

When Niu Zhong saw this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Handsome boss, why do I feel that the way you look at me today is a bit wrong! Forget it, I'm fine, I'll return the spirit beast bracelet." Looking at Long Fei's face full of smiles, Xiao Ling suddenly felt his scalp tingling , knowing that Long Fei must have some trouble looking for it, so he quickly asked for the spirit beast bracelet back.

"Hey! Xiaoling, don't be nervous. What your handsome boss is asking you to do this time is a very relaxing and pleasant thing, that is, touring the mountains and playing in the water!" Long Fei chuckled lightly, full of doting Looking at Xiaoling with her loving eyes, her tone should be as friendly as possible, giving people an irresistible enthusiasm.

"Ah! Handsome guy, please don't talk to me with this expression. Seeing your expression makes my heart feel a little creepy." Xiaoling used his right paw to cover his eyes exaggeratedly, and then said: "Oh, that's right! Xiao Jin said, although the rice field eel you fed to it yesterday is very long, it likes it, but it is too small to fit between its teeth; now it is hungry and wants to eat bigger and longer eels." In addition, it also said that its inheritance memory seems to say that they should eat something called a dragon, and asked the dragon if it can be found. "

"What?" The smile on Long Fei's face disappeared suddenly, and turned to a look of surprise, looking at Niu Zhong who was also quite surprised, thinking to himself: What kind of bird is this little guy, Xiao Jin!A brat who actually knows about dragons and speaks wildly about eating dragons.The dragon is a beast!

"Handsome boss, why are you in a daze! You haven't answered me yet? I'm also very interested in things like dragons. What does it look like? Is it delicious?" With a startled look on his face, he seemed to guess that the dragon must be extraordinary, so he hurriedly asked.

"The dragon is a mythical beast in legends. I've never seen it before! Well, about Xiaojin, I'll catch a snake and feed it to him. Now let's talk about business. You said you are much older than me. How old are you now? "Long Fei heard that Xiao Ling had also developed an interest in eating dragons, and was immediately speechless by the brash words of the two young masters, and then turned to the real topic.

"Hmph! I'm much older than you. I'm over 200 years old!" Xiao Ling seemed a little displeased with Long Fei's perfunctory answer, and looked up at it, disdainfully speaking.

"Yes, you are very big, you are very strong, all right! By the way, since you are so old, you must know a lot about the situation in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest! Tell us about it." Long Fei said to Xiao Ling Acting coquettishly and getting angry is already commonplace, so I immediately praised it according to the previous practice to satisfy its vanity, and then waited quietly for Xiaoling to answer without saying a word.

Long Fei's move really worked, Xiaoling was very proud when he heard that, and said happily: "Listen! Because the cultivation world of the Huahuang Continent suffered a catastrophe ten thousand years ago, the losses of both the human and demon races are quite great. Serious. But generally speaking, the loss of the Yaozu side is quite small, and the number base is large, so most of the Lingshan Xianfu after the catastrophe were occupied by monsters, and the sphere of influence covered more than half of the Huahuang Continent. But later With the rise of the Seven Star Sect, Zhanmen, Piaomiao Pavilion, and Tianyougu, the Yaozu was forced to shrink their sphere of influence step by step, during which they would naturally have constant disputes with human monks. Later, the two tribes almost had a war, but in the end I don’t know why. The battle was not completed, and the two clans reached an agreement, so the current situation was formed. According to the agreement between the two clans, human monks are strictly prohibited from entering the Ten Thousand Monster Forest unless they are invited by the five royal clans of the Monster Race."

"Oh! Who are the five royal families of Yaozu?" Long Fei asked with a look of surprise on his face.

"The five royal families are the tiger family, the eagle family, the snake family, the bear family, and our mink family." When the little mink mentioned the word mink family, he raised his head high and said proudly.

"You're a sky crystal spirit beast, not a mink?" Niu Zhong deliberately hit the stronger little spirit to make her tell more information, so he interjected.

"The one who said that the Sky Crystal Spirit Beast is not a mink? The Sky Crystal Spirit Beast is not only a mink, but also the god of mink." Xiao Ling seemed a little angry when he heard that, and then said worriedly: "Oh! But I never dare Expose my identity, because there are many monsters who want to kill or capture the sky crystal spirit beast, and I don't know why? These are what my parents told me in the Divine Sense Shadow Realm."

"It's okay, with your handsome boss here, no monsters or people! Don't be afraid." Long Fei patted his chest and coaxed Xiaoling arrogantly, paused, and then said with some disappointment: "I wanted to ask you There is no way to get into the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, if this is the case, then forget it, we will find a way by ourselves."

Xiao Ling looked at Long Fei's unrepentant expression, moved, and said quickly: "I can't reveal my identity, it doesn't mean I dare not go to the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, and it doesn't mean I can't find a way to take you in. Let me tell you Diao Wang not only knows my identity, but also recognizes me as his daughter! I left the Ten Thousand Demon Forest and ran to the Sky Crystal Mountains because I was greedy for food. In the end, I was caught by a human monk as a golden mink. I didn’t encounter any danger when I met you. Don’t worry! The matter of entering the Ten Thousand Monster Forest is on my shoulders.”

"Then how do we get in?" Long Fei was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then asked.

"Of course, enter from the Territory of the Mink Clan in the east of Wanyao Forest! Wait until you get the invitation token from the Diao King, and then do what you want to do." Like something, he said again: "There are a lot of powerful monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, so after you enter the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, remember not to use the teleportation technique, because maybe a single teleportation will flash to the forbidden area of ​​the powerful monsters. Then it’s too late to regret.”

Long Fei and Niu Zhong nodded in agreement.

Next, Long Fei caught a cobra to solve the problem of Xiao Jin's stomach, so under the guidance of Xiao Ling, he and Niu Chong Yubao flew directly to the Ten Thousand Demons Forest.

Wanyao Forest, with a radius of more than 50 li, facing the vast ocean to the east, is located in the northeast corner of Huahuang Continent.The distribution of forces in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest is quite similar to that of the Huahuang Continent, with the Tiger Clan in the middle, the Mink Clan in the east, the Snake Clan in the south, the Eagle Clan in the west, and the Bear Clan in the north. The vast area of ​​the Ten Thousand Monster Forest.

Three days later, Long Fei and Niu Zhong Yubao passed through the sphere of influence of the Piaomiao Pavilion and entered the vast ocean, and then flew from the vast ocean to the eastern coastal area occupied by the mink tribe in the Wanyao Forest.At this time, Xiao Ling did not enter the spirit beast bracelet, but stood on Long Fei's left shoulder.

"Enter from the banyan forest area, don't enter the mangrove forest area, there are many dangerous formations." Xiao Ling pointed his right paw to the narrow banyan forest area less than a mile wide in front of the left, and said.

When Niu Zhong heard this, he flew towards the banyan forest area with the sky-supporting spiritual shield.

"Wait a minute!" Long Fei called Niu Zhong to stop, and then touched Xiao Ling's head with his right hand.

"Boss handsome guy, what do you want to do? Men and women can't kiss each other!" Xiao Ling blinked her dark eyes, tilted her head, looked at Long Fei's hand in confusion, and said with a nai.

"What are you talking about! Little brat, I just spent a few moments with Long Yang a few days ago and learned it badly. I'm taking back the spiritual seal that was planted in your 'Niwan Palace'." Long Fei couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the sound, and said angrily. , and the right palm then clings to the Baihui acupoint on the top of Xiaoling's head.

"Ah!" Xiaoling cried out in pain, tears welled up in his eyes, but more tears of emotion, and then he said with some worry in surprise: "Thank you handsome boss! Why did boss do this? Do you want me to leave you later?"

"Hehe! Little guy, don't think about it so complicated. I just want to be your handsome boss, but I don't want to be your master! It's the same with Xiao Jin. That's why I haven't planted a spiritual mark on him so far." Long Fei With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, he tilted his head and squeezed his left eye towards Xiao Ling.

"So that's it! Okay! From now on, Xiao Jin and I will hang out with you." Xiao Linghuan cried.

"Oh! That bastard Longyang is too poisonous." Long Fei shook his head speechlessly and sighed.

"No matter how poisonous you are, it's not as strong as you! The two villains dared to run away from me in secret, do you think you can run away?" A melodious voice like a silver bell came, and then a green shadow of Ah Luo flashed .

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