Chaos fairy way

Chapter 124 Yunfu Immortal Tea

The visitor was dressed in lotus green clothes, and stepped on a colorful nine-stringed phoenix-tailed qin. The beauty of Juechen and agility gave people endless reverie.

After Long Fei saw who was coming, he glanced at Niu Zhong with a strange expression, and then gloated, "Young Master Niu, what happens next must not be suitable for children to watch, so Xiao Ling and I will lead the way first! You don't need to worry , just follow slowly.”

Before he finished speaking, Long Fei hurriedly flew towards the banyan forest area with the Qingshuang Sword.

"Hmph! You escaped quickly." The person who came was naturally Xu Lan. Xu Lan glanced at Long Fei who was flying away, then turned to look at Niu Zhong with a half-smile and said, "Big stupid cow, just throw it away without saying hello this time." I, say! What should I do?"

"That! Lan'er! I..."

"Mountains and Flowing Water"

"Ah yo!"

"Pingsha Falling Geese"

"Ah yo!"

The sound of the piano and the screams came from behind him. Long Fei turned his head and glanced at the tortured Niu Zhong. The corner of his mouth twitched. flight speed.


In the south of the Ten Thousand Monsters Forest, the Nightmare Swamp is a nightmare for living beings.This place has been covered with poisonous miasma like smoke all day long, and the stench is pungent and pervasive. What's more frightening is that this is the kingdom of poisonous snakes.A series of ferocious and poisonous snakes or snake monsters hide in the mire, or swamp jungle, or puddles, waiting for the arrival of their prey all the time, and then give them a fatal blow.

To the west of the Nightmare Swamp, there is a cave, filled with poisonous green mist all the year round, making it hard for strangers to notice.The entire cave mansion is gloomy and humid, and extremely quiet, like a labyrinth, with countless caves of different sizes and shapes dotted around; deep passages criss-cross, like spider webs connecting the caves.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Bursts of cold, thick raindrops of green mist suddenly rolled out of the central cave of the cave, turning into a hurricane and sweeping towards each cave, and after whirling again and again, it gushed out of the cave entrance that was more than a thousand feet wide along the passages.

"Haha! Finally broke through the ninth floor." A man's voice full of confusion and excitement came from the central yang cave.

"Congratulations to the Snake King's great progress!" A soft female voice made people feel numb, and couldn't help but have fantasies.

"Rou Ji, you will be mine after all!" The man's voice was full of confidence and strong possessiveness.

"Really? Hehe! But what I worship is power, the king. The Snake King still needs to work hard!" The contempt in the provocative tone of the female voice was undoubtedly revealed.

"Hmph! It will take a few months for my "Thousand Gu**" to break through to the tenth floor and achieve great success. One year later, the battle of the demon king will be won, and the position of the demon king will be at hand. By then, you will be mine Haha!" Listening to the voice, the man who spoke was not irritated by the contemptuous female voice, but was more confident and his fighting spirit was even higher.

"Hehe! I hope so. Alright, I'm leaving, please remember the order of the Palace Master!" Although the female voice was still soft, it revealed a hint of sharpness.

"Don't worry! Everything is under control." The male voice came out again.


The Wanyao Forest and Yunfu Peak in the east are as high as ten thousand feet, with auspicious clouds floating on the top and auspicious fog floating around.On the top of the mountain, a quaint Taoist palace is half hidden in the auspicious clouds.This peak is the holy land of the Diao people, and this Taoist palace is naturally the Taoist palace of the Diao king.Yunfu Peak has a space-limiting formation, so if you want to climb to the top quickly, you can only do it from the foot of the mountain along the rugged mountain road by using the technique of vertical jump and drift.

At this time, at the foot of Yunfu Peak, in the square in front of the mountain gate, two mink-headed demon cultivators led more than a dozen demon minks of different colors and stood quietly. They all looked into the distance, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Monster beasts reach the fifth level, that is, after the Yuan Dynasty, they turn into human bodies from the head down, and the cultivation world no longer calls them monsters, but demon cultivators.

For a moment, a sword, a shield, and a qin appeared on the far side of the sky. As the distance got closer, the people on the three treasures were clearly identifiable. They were Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and of course There was a little spirit lying on Long Fei's left shoulder.

"Greetings, young master!" The two demon cultivators with sable heads flashed excitedly when they saw this, and bowed their hands in salute.

"Uncle Lightning! Uncle Fire Cloud!"

Xiao Diao waited for Long Fei to close his sword and fall into the square of Yunfu Peak Mountain Gate. He leaped towards the mink-headed demon cultivator who was wearing a black robe with white lightning on his forehead and had a bunch of white lightning-shaped hair on his forehead. .

"You little naughty, you have been missing for more than two years, but your father is very anxious." The sable demon, who is called Lightning, touched the little spirit who had jumped to his right shoulder with his right hand, and his eyes were full of excitement. With the color of doting.

The other demon cultivator, who was wearing a fiery red robe and had sable hair as red as fire, also looked at Xiao Ling lovingly.

"I've seen the two seniors!" Long Fei bowed and saluted.Niu Zhong and Xu Lan also bowed and saluted with smiles on their faces.

"Don't dare to be! Don't dare to be! You and I are all monks from the Yuan Dynasty, and we should be of the same generation. Besides, the three fellow daoists are the benefactors of the young master, that is, the benefactors of our entire Diao clan. How dare we accept a salute from fellow daoists? I don’t dare to be called a senior anymore.” Lightning said as he bowed to Huoyun in return.

"Since this is the case, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Long Fei cupped his hands and said.

"Okay! Don't use so many polite words! It's making me dizzy. We'd better go to the mountain first! We'll talk after entering the Taoist palace." Seeing that the two parties seemed a little too polite, Xiaoling unexpectedly Still a little unhappy.

"Yes! Yes! Three, please enter the palace and explain." Lightning immediately made a gesture of invitation with his right hand, and then used the drifting technique to float away to the peak.

Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan followed closely behind, and Huo Yun led the demon minks to follow behind.

For the masters of the Tuoyuan period and the monsters who ruled the roost with their body skills, the distance of ten thousand zhang is just a matter of moments.

As soon as Long Fei and the three of them stepped into the peak square under the guidance of lightning and fire clouds, they saw a man in golden robes standing in front of the gate of the Taoist palace. He was clean and tough, with blond hair and white beard. An old man with thin eyes and a smile on his face.

"Father, I miss you so much!" Little Diaojiao exclaimed, and then jumped into the air, and fell into the arms of the old man in front of him after a few jumps, rubbing his head against the old man's clothes non-stop.

"Hehe! You little naughty boy! Here's another move." The old man embraced Xiaoling with his left hand, and touched Xiaoling's head with his right hand. Forget it, next time I go out of the mountain privately, I will definitely not take it lightly."

"Yes! Yes! Absolutely not next time." Xiaoling blinked her dark eyes when she heard the words, and immediately expressed her determination.

Seeing Xiao Ling's swearing expression, the old man shook his head speechlessly, apparently not believing it, then looked at Long Fei and the others with a smile on his face and said, "The three fellow Taoists should be Ling'er's benefactors!"

"Oh! I've met Senior Diao Wang! I don't dare to be a benefactor, it's just a little effort." Long Fei suddenly woke up from the joyful atmosphere of the reunion between Diao Wang and Xiaoling's father and daughter, and hurriedly bowed his hands, feeling surprised in his heart. Thinking: I didn't expect such a coincidence, Xiao Ling was originally called Ling'er.

Although Niu Zhong's face was tied tightly, his gesture of bowing and bowing was extremely standard; Xu Lan's gesture of bowing and bowing showed his demeanor even more.

"The three of you have reached the Yuan Dynasty at such a young age, you young heroes! Three fellow Taoists, please follow me into the Taoist palace to explain." Diao Wang smiled and nodded, then turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation with his right hand.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the others followed Diao Wang into Diao Wang's Taoist Palace, and arrived at the living room of Diao Wang's Taoist Palace in a short while.

In the welcoming hall, the entire decoration is simple and elegant, but the golden-yellow blanket covering the main seat is particularly inconspicuous.

After Diao Wang took the main seat, he quickly gestured kindly to Long Fei and the three standing in the hall to sit down at will.

The three of Long Fei immediately sat on the first three seats to the left of the main seat, while Xiao Ling, Lightning and Huoyun sat on the right seats.

"Come here, serve the three honored guests with Xian Xingguo and Yunfu Immortal Tea! Fire Cloud, Lightning, you two will also accompany you!" Seeing that Long Fei and the others had already sat down, Diao Wang smiled and said warmly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lightning and Huoyun hurriedly got up and bowed to thank them, their eyes were filled with excitement, and their voices trembled a little.

"Wow! Fairy Star Fruit! Father, I want to accompany you too! I want to accompany you too!" Before the words of Lightning and Huoyun could be heard, Xiaoling yelled hurriedly and jumped up and down on the seat.

It was the first time Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan had heard of Longevity Fruit and Yunfu Immortal Tea, so they naturally didn’t know what they were; but from the excited words and deeds of Lightning and Huoyun and Xiao Ling’s eager look, they probably knew that Longevity Fruit It must be extraordinary with Yunfu Immortal Tea.

After a while, two upright walking minks, one white and one red, presented a fruit plate and a cup of tea to the monks one by one.

The birthday fruit on the fruit plate is white with a hint of green, crystal clear, and looks like a rich old man sitting in a plate. A trace of spiritual energy is slightly leaked from the birthday fruit, and a fresh orchid-like fragrance comes to the nostrils.

That cup of tea, the cup was actually made of a thousand-year-old jade, round and smooth, with emerald green drops.Although the tea in the cup was sealed by the cup lid, the true face could not be seen, but wisps of faint tea fragrance floated into the noses of everyone intermittently, which was pleasant.

"Everyone! Please share the spirit fruit fairy tea!" Diao Wang said in a big way.

"Thank you senior for the reward!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Father!"

The three of Long Fei, Lightning, Huo Yun, and Xiao Ling said one after another, and then they all carefully picked up the birthday fruit, slowly put it into their mouths and tasted it.

As soon as Long Fei took a bite of the birthday fruit, he felt a strong fresh and sweet taste rushing straight to his nose and tongue, which made people intoxicated; the flesh of the birthday fruit melted in the mouth, and a powerful mysterious energy immediately permeated and spread to the skin, blood vessels, and organs of the whole body. In the bones and bone marrow.Long Fei then sat cross-legged on the seat, "Yanyu Sword Art" was running at full capacity, and the mysterious energy was instantly absorbed by refining and transformed into his own origin power.

"Huh!" Diao Wang looked at Long Fei and let out a sigh, obviously he had noticed the change of Yuan Power in Long Fei's body.But Diao Wang didn't say much, he picked up the teacup and drank the tea with a look of surprise.

Afterwards, all the monks remained silent, immersed in the delicious food and refining and absorbing the longevity fruit, all of them looked joyful, obviously their cultivation base was constantly improving.

An hour later, Long Fei opened his eyes, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and was very excited, because after refining and absorbing a birthday fruit and a cup of Yunfu fairy tea, his cultivation had increased a lot, and he vaguely felt that I can touch the barriers of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Xiao Ling, Huo Yun, and Lightning also opened their eyes one after another. Looking at the surprises on their faces, one knew that they must have gained a lot.

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