Chaos fairy way

Chapter 125 Transformation Spirit Grass

"Thank you, senior, for your generosity!"

Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan got up again, clapped their hands together to express their thanks, and said in unison.

"You three fellow Taoists don't need to be so polite. Compared to Ling'er, this is nothing! Xiao Ling told me about your intentions two days ago using the Mink Clan's secret method of sending messages, 'Sound of Lingyu'. This is the invitation token, take it well!" King Diao waved his right hand as soon as Diao Wang finished speaking, and three shiny golden tokens the size of a palm slowly flew towards Long Fei and the others.

Long Fei twisted his wrist and grabbed the token casually, put it in the storage bag, and thanked him again.

Diao Wang nodded with a smile on his face, and then said: "Hehe! I am ashamed to say it! As for whether the Ten Thousand Demon Forest was really called the Demon Paradise ten thousand years ago? I have heard of it. As for what you said about the migration of the demon clan from the outer continent to the demon paradise 10 years ago, I don’t even know about it. And in the entire demon clan, except for the demon king Tiger King who died a year ago , I am the oldest, so even if I don’t know things, other monster cultivators probably don’t know. Therefore, if you want to find out the whereabouts of the migrating monster clan, I’m afraid it’s almost impossible.”

Long Fei's heart sank when he heard Diao Wang's words, but he still didn't give up and hurriedly said: "Excuse me, senior, do the Yaozu have any classics to search for something that happened 10 years ago?"

"As far as I know, there should be no relevant classics. Because the major events of my Yaozu are recorded in the "Yaozu Chronicle", but the catastrophe in the Huahuang Continent 1 years ago not only wiped out many human cultivation sects The disaster is that our Yaozu is almost wiped out, the holy land is destroyed, the exercises and classics in the holy place are all reduced to ashes, and the "Yaozu Chronicle" at that time is naturally destroyed. Now the five royal families of the Yaozu are all It was developed after the disaster, so the current "Yaozu Chronicle" naturally only records the major events that happened in the years after the Yaozu disaster." Diao Wang said here, his face was full of sadness, he paused, and then he seemed to think of Like something, and then said: "Perhaps the demon king will know what you want to explore!"

The three of Long Fei were overjoyed when they heard the words, and then turned into disappointment in an instant.

Long Fei sighed: "Oh! It's a pity to hear what you said before, the demon king passed away a year ago!"

"You don't have to be disappointed at this point. Every demon king will have a memory inheritance, and their memory inheritance is all from the spirit stone inherited from the ancestral hall of the demon clan." Diao Wang regained his kind and benevolent normal state for a moment, and then said.

After hearing what Diao Wang said, Long Fei quickly asked: "Then dare to ask senior when the new Demon King will take office?"

"One year later, the demon king will be determined again!" Diao Wang's eyes revealed a hint of joy.

Long Fei naturally sensed the change in Diao Wang's eyes, and then smiled and said: "Just now, I heard what Senior said, except for the deceased Demon King, Senior is the oldest in the entire demon clan, and I think the next Demon King must be Senior! The juniors are here to congratulate in advance!"

"Fellow Daoist Long is really sharp-eyed and observant! But fellow Daoist, I'm afraid I guessed wrong this time!" Diao Wang snatched away Baixu, smiled, paused for a moment, and then said: "This old man is not eligible to participate in the election." !The current kings of the five royal families are not eligible for the election except the Snake King, Tiger King, Bear King, Eagle King, and I. This is because all three of us have reached the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty and have stayed at this level for a long time. It is possible to overcome the catastrophe of transformation at any time. The ancestral precepts of the Yaozu stipulate: After the cultivation base of the Yaozu clan has reached the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty, they cannot participate in the election of the Demon King, but must concentrate on crossing the catastrophe. Once the catastrophe is successful, they will directly Promoted to the guardian elder of the Yaozu clan."

Hearing this, Long Fei was disappointed on his face, he was a little confused by the joy in Diao Wang's eyes just now.

Diao Wang seemed to have seen the confusion in Long Fei's heart, and immediately said: "Although the old man can't stand for the election, what can Linger do!"

"Ah! Father, how can I do it! The Tiger King and the Snake King have been cultivated in the late Yuan period two years ago, and I am only in the late stage of Consensus! How can I beat them? I am not pure I'm looking for torture and death, so I won't go!" Xiao Ling immediately expressed his opinion after screaming.

A year ago, Little Spirit crossed the Flame Territory for two calamities together and reached the early stage of Consciousness. Afterwards, he entwined hard and softly to grind Long Fei, and finally got the Nine Sun Power Pill. , so in the next year, he broke through the second level in a row, which is a shocking breakthrough to the later stage of Conscientiousness.

Hearing that King Diao wanted Linger to compete for the position of Demon King, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Lightning and Huo Yun looked at King Diao in surprise.

"You little rascal, you have to be a father! The selection of the demon king will be held in the demon king's cave in Zufeng, the holy place of the demon clan. The selection time will be one year later. Because the demon king's cave is extremely difficult and dangerous, people may die at any time." Possibly, so all contestants participating in the battle of the demon king can bring a dead man of the same level or below to enter the cave of the demon king." Diao Wang glanced at Xiao Ling, who was making a fuss, with a confident expression on his face He paused for a moment, then looked at Long Fei with a smile on his face, and said in a pleading tone: "If Linger participates in the competition, Fellow Daoist Long is an excellent warrior!"

Hearing this, Long Fei said without hesitation: "Xiao Ling has been with me for more than two years, and I treat her like my own sister. If I can help Xiao Ling ascend to the position of Demon King, this junior will naturally go there regardless of danger. But My cultivation is at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, which is a big step higher than Xiaoling, which does not meet the competition rules mentioned by the seniors; besides, how can my current cultivation be able to fight against the Tiger King and Snake King who are in the late Yuan Dynasty? "

"Xiao Ling's cultivation base, I have a way to raise it to the Yuan Yuan stage within a year. As for the strength of Fellow Daoist Long, it is because Fellow Daoist Long is too modest. When Fellow Daoist Long was refining the birthday fruit, I already Aware of the changes in the power of the Daoist and the power of the mind. The strength of the power and the mind of the Taoist body has reached an astonishing level. It is at least [-] times stronger than the monks of the same level, and it is comparable to the general metamorphosis. The monks are on the same level. If fellow daoists break through to another level in the selection competition, it should be entirely possible to defeat the tiger king and the snake king. Therefore, I would like to ask fellow daoists for help at that time. Of course, I will be very grateful! I have my own solution for the first-order matter." Diao Wang said straightforwardly without turning around.

Long Fei thought for a while when he heard the words, and then said with a serious expression: "Thanks to senior for being so considerate of me and helping Xiaoling, I am willing to go."

Although Niu Zhong and Xu Lan felt a little abrupt about Long Fei's immediate statement, they couldn't persuade him with words at this time, so they all looked at Diao Wang, hoping to hear what Diao Wang had to say next before making plans.

When Diao Wang heard Long Fei's statement, he immediately got joyful, got up quickly, bowed to Long Fei, and solemnly said: "Your fellow Daoist Long is righteous, I admire you deeply; Fellow Daoist Long's kindness for helping me, I am Diao!" The family will never forget."

Seeing this, Long Fei quickly stood up and bowed in return, and then said: "Senior is such a big gift, it's a shame for this junior! I don't know how senior can improve my cultivation by one level in the selection competition?"

"It's a bit ashamed to say it, but the method I'm talking about needs to be won by Long Daoyou and others! I don't know if you have heard of Wannian Jade*ru and Transformation Spirit Grass?" Diao Wang sat down slowly, Some embarrassingly authentic.

Hearing this, Long Fei immediately thought of the records in "Wan Bao Lu" about the soul jade spirit rut and the transformation spirit grass.

The soul jade spirit ru, ru white, is the holy medicine for monks above the Yuan Dynasty to improve their cultivation.

The shape-changing spirit grass has seven leaves, seven leaves and seven colors, which are comparable to the rainbow color. It takes 5000 years to ripen, and the monster beast clothes can transform into human forms in advance, and can reduce the risk of monsters transforming into human forms in advance to a certain extent.

"Senior has not crossed the catastrophe of transformation, but now he has transformed into a human form. I have eaten the transformation spirit grass before I think about it! I don't know where I can find the transformation spirit grass and the soul jade spirit rut?" Long Fei asked immediately .

"Yes, I took a shape-changing spirit grass thousands of years ago. The two treasures of the shape-changing spirit grass and the soul jade spirit can be found in the Wanrong Cave in the Muling Mountains. Thousands of years ago, I looked for it here. I have obtained two kinds of spiritual treasures. Now I will print the relevant information of the Muling Mountain Range and the Wanrong Cave on the soul wooden sticks for you to understand carefully." As soon as Diao Wang finished speaking, his right hand immediately took the gold from his waist He took out four yellow soul sticks from the bag and placed them in front of his eyes, and then stared at the sticks, apparently rubbing information with spiritual thoughts.After a few breaths, the soul king turned his eyes to look at Long Fei, and lightly threw the soul wooden stick forward with his right hand, and the four soul wooden sticks slowly flew towards Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Xiao Ling.

Long Fei grabbed the flying soul wooden stick with his right hand, and his spiritual thoughts immediately penetrated into it, and a stream of information instantly entered the sea of ​​thoughts, which was exactly what happened in Wanrong Cave.Long Fei's face then became serious, because according to the soul stick, the Wood Spirit Mountain Range is located in the northeast corner of the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, and that place is neither under the jurisdiction of the monster race nor under the jurisdiction of humans. *world.Long Fei is no stranger to the term wood spirit, because there are related introductions of wood spirits in some classics of the Seven Star Sect.

Wood spirit is a general term for plant cultivators. Plants such as flowers, plants and trees absorb the aura of heaven and earth for a long time, and by chance, they can also produce spiritual wisdom and can also cultivate.

The sea of ​​thoughts is the brain of the primordial spirit, and the sea of ​​thoughts of the primordial spirit is perfectly integrated with the brain of the physical body before it emerges from the physical body, and the two are indistinguishable from each other.After the monks reach the Escape Stage, they have already formed the Primordial Spirit. At this time, the Primordial Spirit is no different from the Primordial Spirit of the Yingjie Stage masters except that they cannot leave the physical body and are relatively weak. Spiritual power, consciousness, and soul are all expressions of the soul. Spiritual power is the initial expression of the soul, nothing is invisible; consciousness is an energy expression of the soul, which can be regarded as a kind of energy; soul, It is the substantiation of the soul. It is already a living body that can survive alone and form a complete human, monster and other creatures together with the physical body.

Monster beasts, the fourth level is equivalent to the cultivation level of human beings at the fusion stage, and can walk upright; the fifth level is equivalent to the cultivation level of human beings at the metamorphosis period, and the body below the head will be transformed into a human body; It is possible that Ying Jie will be completely transformed into a human body, so as to reach the Ying Jie period, and the appearance and cultivation level divisions are no different from human monks.

Next, Long Fei and the three asked King Diao one by one about some puzzles or unintroduced places in the soul stick.Diao Wang answered every question in great detail.In the end, the three of Long Fei and Diao Wang decided to set off the next morning to go to Wanrong Cave after discussing with Diao Wang.

Afterwards, under Diao Wang's enthusiastic arrangement, Long Fei and the others moved into the VIP Pavilion of Diao Wang's Taoist Palace.

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