Chaos fairy way

Chapter 126 Poor Niu Zhong

The VIP Pavilion of Diaowang Dao Palace is a du li small courtyard with bedrooms, living rooms, and training rooms. In the small courtyard, the thatched pavilion is easy to get out of the dust, the bluestone rockery is ingenious, and the clear small pond exudes the fragrance of the earth. The environment is full of poetic simplicity and elegance.

At this time, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan were sitting in the living room.

"Little cousin, why did you so hastily agree to Diao Wang to be Xiaoling's dead man? A dead man is ready to die for him at any time, and this meaning is also reflected in Diao Wang's words." Xu Lan frowned slightly, rather Wei said worriedly.

"Hehe! Although Xiaoling used to be my spirit beast, I regard her as a family member. She has such a good deed, so I naturally want to help. Besides, I also want to enter the Demon King's Cave to experience it. The more dangerous it is for my own The more the practice is promoted, the more I carry "Wu Wu Jue" and "Wind Shadow Jue", even if I encounter a danger that is difficult to resolve, at the end of the day, I will just run away with Xiaoling." Long Fei chuckled , with a twitch of the left corner of his mouth, the bad arc immediately appeared, as if everything was under control.

"I hope so!" After hearing Long Fei's explanation, Xu Lan still had a little worry in her heart, but what Long Fei said was very reasonable, so she couldn't say much. Looking at Niu Zhong, he said softly, "Da Boniu, it's still very early, are you bored! Why don't I accompany you to go outside to discuss and learn from each other? Please declare in advance that you are not allowed to use the 'Yuan Shield'."

"Pow! Cough! Well, Lan'er! I... I've been traveling for the past two days and I'm very tired, now I want to rest, next time!" Niu Zhong, who was drinking tea, spit out the tea immediately, and waved his hands quickly. .

"Hmph! Your eyes are twinkling, obviously lying. Do you not like staying with me?" Xu Lan raised her brows, showing that witch-like expression again.

"Well, Xiaolan,'s not the case." Niu Zhong was originally a dull person, and he didn't speak much, but he was so anxious that he didn't care what to say, and then looked at Long Fei for help.

Seeing this, Long Fei quickly got up and walked out of the hall, without turning his head, he said while walking, "Well, I'm too tired these two days, I'm going to sleep. Play slowly, don't worry about me!"

For this pair of enemies, Lai Shaolongfei's attitude has always been to avoid them.Because for this kind of husband abuse incident, he has already made a conclusion in his mind, that is: the fight between the two enemies is relative, scolding is love, fighting, cursing and falling in love, anyway, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, nothing can happen It's a big deal, but it's better not to worry about it!

"Damn Niu, I'll wait for you in the square outside, come or not is up to you!" Xu Lan glanced at Niu Zhong with a smirk on his face, and then walked out of the yard in a blink of an eye.

"Oh!" Niu Zhong heard Xu Lan's casual and threatening words, he responded helplessly, then walked out of the room with his head bowed, and walked out of the courtyard.

It is certain that Niu Zhong will be abused next time, who told him to have Xu Lan who is known as the little witch!

When Niu Zhong was abused, Long Fei was sitting cross-legged on the bunk in the training room with his eyes closed.Since the return of Zhongyan Continent, Long Fei has either been dealing with various entertainments or has things to deal with, so he has no time to calm down to summarize his own cultivation achievements in Zhongyan Continent, let alone sort out his next tasks. The practice direction and goal of this exercise.Today, living on the top of Yunfu Peak, feeling relaxed and happy, and having nothing to do, is the best time for meditation and meditation, so Long Fei is currently in meditation and meditation:

Now that his cultivation base has reached the peak of the early Yuan Dynasty, it is only one step away from breaking the wall and entering the middle stage of Yuan Dynasty. If he can get the ten thousand year jade *ru, it is a matter of course for him to advance to the rank.

Majoring in the third chapter of "Yanyu Jianjue", "Integrating the sword into the body", the so-called "Gong Consummation", has been able to achieve "the fusion of treasures into the body, the integration of body and treasure, and the unity of the body and the body." The fourth chapter "The body is my sword" has been cultivated to the "beginner's threshold", and the next step is the state of "entering the room"; the sword method "Shenjian Swordsmanship", especially the strongest one The move "One Sword Breaking the Sky" has been basically mastered, but it has not yet reached the point where it can be mastered, and it needs to be comprehended and practiced.

"Wind Shadow Jue" has been cultivated to the third level, "the body is the wind", and has reached the point where "the body can quickly change into the wind, flying thousands of feet", but the fourth level, "the king of the wind", can't get a glimpse of it. Mystery, after thinking about it, you have to wait until the catastrophe period to learn it!

"Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" is divided into four layers, namely Poling, Poyuan, Poshennian, and Poyuanshen.Now only the "Breaking Spirit" class is mastered, and the only way to break through the enemy's spiritual defense and attack the enemy is to use Yuanli's magnetic waves.Only when Yuanhua Magnetic Wave has reached the second level of "Breaking Yuan" and can break the enemy's Yuanli defense can it truly reflect its power as a method of breaking Yuanqi.However, according to the relevant information given by the Soul King, if this method reaches the "Broken Yuan" state, a person with a very good appearance will have to practice for eight to ten years to achieve it.However, if supplemented with rare treasures that enhance the power of the divine mind, the speed of cultivation can be greatly increased, because the magnetized Yuanbo is formed by using the power of the divine mind to attract the magnetic force of the heavens and the earth to magnetize the Yuanli, so that when practicing "Magnetized Yuanbo" The consumption of thought power is huge.It seems that the cultivation speed of this exercise depends on chance!

"Three Absolute Seals", the second seal "Potian Seal" has been mastered, and more practice is needed; the third seal "Destroying the Sky Seal" is the seal method of the catastrophe period, and now it can only be understood slowly.

"Little Ben Lei Shu" has reached the level of proficiency, and its teleportation distance increases with the enhancement of cultivation base. Now it can teleport more than [-] miles at a time at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it can reach more than [-] miles in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. inside.


In the morning of the next day, in Diao Wang Dao Palace Square, Diao Wang led Lightning and Huo Yun to see Long Fei and others off in person.

Following Diao Wang's blessing of "I wish you success soon!", Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Xiao Ling embarked on the journey to Wanrong Cave.

Lightning looked at the figures of Long Fei and others who had disappeared into the sky, and asked in confusion: "Your Majesty, although Long Fei's divine sense and Yuan power are comparable to ordinary monks in the late Yuan Dynasty, what is his combat power? Clearly, besides, Snake King and Tiger King are not ordinary monks in the late Yuan Dynasty, they are masters who can leapfrog to defeat Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty! Wouldn't it be too hasty for you to bet on Long Fei?"

"Hehe! Lightning, you have followed me for many years, have you ever seen me miscalculate once? Long Fei's combat power is far beyond what his cultivation level can reflect. It is really great for him to act as a sunspot. In vain." Diao Wang looked into the distance, with his beard in his right hand, and a smile on his face.

The conversation between Diao Wang and Lightning could not be heard by Long Fei and others in flight.At this time, while flying with the sword, Long Fei reviewed the relevant situation of Wanrong Cave Sky recorded in the soul stick.

Wanrong Cave Sky is located in the Muling Mountains in the northeast corner of Wanyao Forest.The Muling Mountains are more than [-] li in length and width, and are ruled by the Muling Clan, sandwiched between the ruled areas of the Mink Clan and the Bear Clan.The Wanyao Forest should actually be home to six major races, namely the Tiger Clan, Eagle Clan, Bear Clan, Sable Clan, Snake Clan, and Wood Spirit Clan.The Wood Spirit Clan is nominally subordinate to the Demon King, but in reality they belong to all the demon clans in the Ten Thousand Monster Forest. They will only follow the orders of the Demon King when the Ten Thousand Monster Forest encounters a catastrophe.In order to maintain their dulixing and prevent the monster race from infiltrating and occupying the Wood Spirit Mountain, the Wood Spirit Clan does not allow powerful monsters to live in the Wood Spirit Mountain for a long time.If powerful monsters or humans want to enter the wood spirit forest, they must obtain permission to enter.Therefore, it is difficult to see monsters above the Yuan Dynasty in the Wood Spirit Forest.

The purpose of Long Fei and his group of masters going to Wanrong Cave was for the two precious treasures of Wannian Yulu and Transformation Spirit Grass. Naturally, they would not enter the Muling Mountains openly, and sneaking in became the best choice.

Two days later, Long Fei and his team of master Yubao flew to the foot of a mountain a hundred miles away from the Muling Mountain Range, and then sneaked towards the Muling Mountain Range on foot.

The distance of a hundred miles is a short time for Long Fei's three Yuan Dynasty masters, even if they perform the vertical leap and drifting technique, and Xiao Ling is naturally an old hobby, sleeping on Long Fei's left shoulder.The three of Long Fei then crossed the defense line of the Wood Spirit Clan and sneaked into the Wood Spirit Mountain Range, which also went smoothly.Because Long Fei has "Wu Wu Jue" and "Wind Shadow Jue", and there are many shielding formations given by Han Ziling in the storage bag, the formations of the Wood Spirit Clan to prevent intruders To Long Fei, traps, traps and hidden whistle are useless.

An hour later, Long Fei and the three had gone deep into the Muling Mountains for nearly five hundred miles.Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan and Xiao Ling walk through the primeval forest with hidden breath. Along the way, towering ancient trees, intertwined roots, lingering vines, thick moss covering the ground, and the singing of animals and birds make it even more profound and ancient.

At noon, the three of Long Fei walked to the edge of a gurgling stream lined with old trees.The water of the creek is crystal clear, and the small fish are swimming one by one, very happy.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat." Xiao Ling, who just woke up lying on Long Fei's left shoulder, yawned and lazily called.

"You little guy eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats, you are a little slob! Come, come! Let my sister hug you." Although Xu Lan is a big girl in her early twenties, the girl is still not in the slightest. Changing, looking at the golden-haired and shiny little spirit, I love it from the bottom of my heart, forgetting the experience of countless failures for a moment, I can't help hugging the little spirit.

"I don't! Opposites attract and same sex repels, don't you understand?" Xiao Ling was not at all impressed by Xu Lan's enthusiasm, tilted his head, and never looked at Xu Lan again. , There is no mercy at all.

Xu Lan's jade hands stopped in mid-air, laughed a few times, then turned her head to look at Niu Zhong, and said in a strong tone: "Big bored cow, I'm hungry too, hurry up and find something to eat!"

"Why is it me again?" Niu Zhong was obviously a little depressed that Xu Lan took the anger of hitting a wall on him, and he was full of complaints about finding food by himself every time, so he blurted out and asked why, but When she saw Xu Lan raised her black eyebrows, she hurriedly said, "I'll go, I'll go, that's it!"

Seeing this, Long Fei couldn't stop laughing.

Niu Zhong then disappeared into the woods, naturally he went hunting.Long Fei jumped up onto the thick branch of a towering ancient tree, then took out a bag of wine and sat on it to drink.Xu Lan was so bored, she sat on a pebble wide by the side of the stream, threw small stones into the stream, and played with the small fish in the stream.Naturally, Xiao Ling squinted his eyes in a daze, as if he hadn't had enough sleep yet, and stayed awake because he was hungry.

The mountain wind was blowing, but it was cool, and suddenly there were several sounds of "swoosh!", and from the tall grass in the forest, a huge, colorful and three-foot-thick snake suddenly sprang out. Bloody mouth bit Xu Lan.

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