Chaos fairy way

Chapter 127

The monster python attacked swiftly, Xu Lan, as a master of the Tuoyuan period, naturally reacted immediately, with a light movement of "cloud misty shadow", the person floated to an ancient tree ten feet away in an instant, nine feet away. Xianfengweiqin came out of the body immediately, intending to kill the demon python.

"Wait a minute, the long guy is Xiaojin's favorite! The handsome boss, let Xiaojin out, and let her experience it." Xiaoling immediately regained his spirits, stood up immediately, and shouted excitedly.

When Long Fei heard this, with a movement of his mind, Xiao Jin jumped out of the spirit beast bracelet.


The sound was so loud that it made the leaves rustle a little.

Long Fei, Xu Lan, and Xiao Ling stared dumbfounded at the monster python that fell to the ground at the source of the sound, and then at Xiao Jin who glides to the ground with his fluffy little wings and has an incomprehensible expression on his face.

"Oh! Xiao Jin, I didn't expect you to be so cruel! What kind of secret technique did you use just now? You killed that big guy as soon as you came out." Xiao Ling blinked her black eyes and shouted in surprise.

"I didn't! Oh, by the way, I glanced at it as soon as I came out. Could it be that my eyes killed it? Wow! How can I be so strong!" Xiao Jin caught the golden beak with his right wing , staring at the monster python who had died of exasperation with wide eyes, and sighed in surprise.

After Long Fei was surprised, he immediately felt relieved after thinking about it.Naturally, the monster python was not killed by Xiao Jin's glance, but was crushed to death by Xiao Jin's coercion.The air fluctuations caused by coercion can't be noticed by ordinary experts, but Long Fei has learned the magical technique "Yanyu Sword Art", and his spiritual thoughts and aura are extremely sensitive to the external environment, so Can feel the coercion exuded by Xiao Jin.After Long Fei cleared his doubts, he became even more confused about Xiao Jin's identity. Obviously this little guy must be an extraordinary monster, but what kind of monster is it?There is also Xiaoling, who is not afraid of Xiaojin's coercion, so what kind of magical mink is she?Is the Sky Crystal Spirit Beast really her identity?

When Long Fei was expressing emotion in his heart, another thing happened that left Long Fei and Xu Lan dumbfounded.

After a moment of narcissism, Xiaojin drools, and then rushes to the side of the monster python with a "shua!", and after a quarter of an hour of "chacha!" All that was left of the thick monster python was a blood-stained skeleton, and all the meat naturally entered Xiao Jin's stomach.

Xu Lan was still immersed in the shock of the monster python's sudden death, but now seeing Xiao Jin's extremely exaggerated appetite, Cherry's small mouth was wide open and never closed, and she was already stunned.

Xiao Ling kept nodding her head, as if she really thought she was Xiao Jin's mother, and seemed very satisfied with Xiao Jin's performance.

At this time, Xiaojin, the focus of attention, patted his round belly with his chubby and fluffy wings, hiccupped, glanced at Xu Lan who looked shocked, and said with a bit embarrassed look: " Don't look at me like that, okay? I know I'm amazing, if you keep looking at me like this, I'll be shy! I'm still young, and I don't want to find a wife yet!"

Hearing this, Long Fei couldn't laugh or cry, he naturally cursed Longyang for teaching Xiaoling to be bad, and Xiaoling taught Xiaojin to be bad.

Of course, there are Xu Lan who is misunderstood as a nympho, and Niu Zhong who just heard Xiao Jin's words after hunting.

Niu Zhong hunted three elk this time, and the following work, such as skinning, cleaning, and grilling, was a familiar task for Long Fei and Niu Zhong, who had experienced two years in the Zhongyan Continent in the Yuan Dynasty.Amid the praises from Xu Lan, Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling, the venison was roasted soon.Although Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan are masters in the Tuoyuan period, they can already eat bigu, but they will not refuse the delicious roast venison, and they will eat it freely. Lai Shao’s quotation: Eat as much as you want a joy.Not to mention Xiao Ling and Xiao Jin, gobbling up is not enough to describe their eating behavior.As for Xiao Jin's stomach that seemed never to be filled, Long Fei and the others couldn't describe it anymore, but Xiao Ling said: "Pervert! It's really a bottomless pit."

After the three of them and the two little demons had a big meal, they took a short rest, and then continued on their way. Of course, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan were still on the road. Long Fei sleeps on his left shoulder.However, these two little guys have a good reason for their lazy behavior. In their original words, "You know, we are both growing up, so we should sleep more."

The ancient trees covered the sky, and the vines were like nets. Long Fei and his party used the technique of vertical leap and drift to walk in the virgin forest.The more they went deeper into the Muling Mountains, the more surprised they felt, because they had advanced into the Muling Mountains for more than [-] miles, and they hadn't encountered a single Muling tribe along the way.

"What a strange thing! According to the record of the soul wooden sign given by King Diao, we are now in the sphere of influence of the Chongmu clan of the Wood Spirit Clan. This clan has a large population and is slow to move. It is the easiest clan to find its traces. This is why we The reason why we infiltrated here, but why we have penetrated more than [-] miles, but haven't found a single member of the wood spirit tribe?" Xu Lan frowned slightly, and said involuntarily.

"I think maybe it's because we concealed our aura so that the Chongmu people didn't find us; on the other hand, the Muling people may also have a secret method to conceal their aura, so we can't detect their existence." Niu Zhong said thoughtfully.

"Hehe! I said Young Master Niu! Don't focus on love and affect your cultivation! Your ability to perceive the environment has declined. You should calm down and sense the surrounding environment." Long Fei said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Niu Zhong gave a dry cough in embarrassment, then closed his eyes, put aside all distracting thoughts, calmed his mind, and slowly extended his spiritual thoughts and aura.

"Hey!" Niu Chong lightly let out a sigh, then stared open his eyes, and said with a confused face: "There is an extremely slight poisonous gas in the air, and it is impossible to produce poisonous gas in such a place where the spiritual energy is very abundant. What's going on? ?”

"There is plenty of aura in this place, so naturally there will be no poisonous miasma or other derivatives, so this poisonous gas can only be caused by humans or demons. The poison is too mild, and it is difficult to distinguish what kind of poison it is. Let's search in the direction where the poisonous gas came from. Root cause!" Long Fei said slowly, squinting his eyes to the north.

"Little cousin! Our purpose is to find the two kinds of treasures. If we look for the source of the poisonous gas now, I am afraid that the search for the treasures will be complicated. Why don't we wait until the goal is achieved before investigating the source of the poisonous gas?" Xu Lan suggested worriedly road.

"Lan'er's concerns are right, but saving people is like putting out a fire, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Although wood spirits are different species, they are also creatures of heaven and earth. We cultivators should rescue them. From my point of view, you two go ahead with Xiaoling Go to Wanrong Cave to search for two kinds of spiritual treasures, and I will find the source of the poison and try to detoxify it alone." Long Fei thought for a while and said solemnly.

"Long Fei suggested, and I agree. It is our duty as cultivators to eliminate the strong and help the weak, and save all living beings from danger." Although Niu Zhong's face was tightly bound and he did not show any expression, his tone was extremely firm.

Looking at Long Fei's serious expression, Xu Lan's heart was touched by Long Fei's and Niu Zhong's words, and then she nodded and said: "Although these masters didn't teach me, I think it makes sense. Okay, then I will talk to you." Big Man Niu is going to look for Lingzhen first, you must be careful by yourself."

"Don't worry! I don't dare to brag when I fight, but it's okay if things go wrong. Don't forget, I'm Young Master Lai, ha ha!" Long Fei laughed.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan left imprints of spiritual thoughts on each other so that they could find each other when the time came.Xiao Ling, this heartless little guy was held in Xu Lan's arms with an unhappy expression on his face.

Long Fei watched Niu Zhong and Xu Lan's figures gradually disappear into the lush forest in the northwest direction, and then "All things turned into Wujue" was running at full speed, and when "Wind Shadow Jue" was unfolded, the breath was like nothing, and the body quickly changed into the wind, facing the poisonous gas The drifting north drifted away.

All the way to the north, the grass is still dense and the trees are still lush, but the poisonous gas is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, in order to prevent accidents, Long Fei had left his body to protect himself with the anti-poison spirit armor; Clues, the speed of drifting is not very fast.

An hour later, Long Fei had advanced nearly a thousand miles to the north, and the poisonous gas was already strong enough to be visible to the naked eye.Looking at the light black poisonous gas like light smoke, Long Fei seemed a little familiar.Afterwards, Long Fei took out an anti-drug pill, put it in his mouth and swallowed it, and then carefully absorbed a trace of poisonous gas into his nasal cavity, and immediately felt extremely itchy in his nasal cavity.However, the poisonous gas did not enter the throat, but penetrated in the direction of the brain autonomously.Long Fei was startled in his heart, and quickly mobilized a wave of Yuanli rich in the power of the poison-repelling elixir to surround the poisonous gas, but he couldn't dissolve the poisonous gas.Long Fei was quick to use his wits, and quickly operated the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave", instantly magnetizing the Yuan Force that besieged the poisonous gas into a Yuan Force Magnetic Wave, destroying the internal defense structure of the poisonous gas, and the medicinal power of the anti-drug pill was immediately integrated into the poisonous gas. It took a quarter of an hour Time finally completely dissolved the poisonous gas.

Long Fei was not drifting at this time, standing in the grass under a tree, muttering to himself: "This poisonous gas is so overbearing, even the anti-poison pill can't defend against its poisonous erosion, and it can also attack the brain unconsciously." If it weren't for the magical technique of "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave", I would have suffered a lot. What kind of poisonous gas is this? It is not a poisonous poison, nor is it a poison that I usually see, but why do I have a familiar feeling about it? Woolen cloth?"

Long Fei pondered for a long time but did not come up with a reason, then he could only sigh lightly and continue heading north.

This time, in order to prevent missing some clues due to the high speed, Long Fei reduced the drifting speed to the minimum, and wandered in the woods and grass like afterimages. In order to detect the enemy first, the detection range of the divine sense It tried its best to expand to a circular area with a radius of more than a hundred miles, and at the same time, it seemed that there was no hidden breath, and drifted northward very carefully.

Suddenly, Long Fei's spiritual sense detected an intermittent aura more than a hundred miles ahead, and then he restrained his spiritual sense, and stretched out "Wind Shadow Jue" with all his might, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he drifted away in an instant.

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