Chaos fairy way

Chapter 128 The Disaster of Heavy Trees

The distance of a hundred miles is only a moment for Long Fei who is fully exerting "Wind Shadow Jue".

A gust of wind blew, the leaves in the forest rustled, and the branches swayed.One tree didn't move at all, and even the leaves didn't shake a bit.

"You have been deeply poisoned, let me detoxify you! Please relax your whole body, and keep the Yuanli and Spiritual Power in your body still. Don't resist my Yuanli treatment." The gust of wind blew around the immobile tree. After a circle, a white figure gradually appeared, it was Long Fei.

"Despicable, vicious... human beings, you... mess with me!" The voice was breathless, intermittent, and it was the unmoving tree who spoke.

"If I don't save you, you will definitely die within half an hour. You are a dying person, are you still afraid that I will murder you?" Long Fei said calmly, but his tone was extremely sincere.

"Don't worry about it, you die! Is there anyone in the Chongmu clan who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" When the tree man said this, his voice was weak but full of firmness.

"You are not afraid of death, you have the guts! But what you do is not a hero, but a reckless man. Judging from your situation, you must be deeply hated. If you lose your life, how will you take revenge? Besides, I have a grudge against you." Is it?" Long Fei's expression was flat, but every sentence hit the other person's heart, and he tried his best to persuade Shuren to accept treatment as soon as possible.

"Hmph!" The tree man snorted softly, and stopped talking. Obviously, he had nothing to refute, and the emotion in his voice seemed to be calmer.

"I don't think it's better than this. You accept my treatment first. After the poison is resolved, if you still don't believe me, how about we go our separate ways and don't owe each other?" Long Fei saw that Shu's heart had been persuaded. Fire strikes iron.

"Hey! You... move your hands! I'm going to die... that's all." The wooden man sighed softly, his voice became intermittent again, and then turned into a tree man.This treant is no different from a human below the head, but the head is like a canopy, covered with a pile of leaves; the face is lignified and cannot reveal the slightest expression, and the nose, eyes and mouth are extremely stiff like sculptures.

Long Fei smiled slightly, nodded, and immediately took out a poison-proof pill from the storage bag on his waist with his right hand. Immediately after the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" was activated, a powerful magnetized yuan force instantly lifted the Pill that was supported by his right palm. The poisonous pill was smashed into a black dust mist and wrapped up, forming a light yellow energy cluster the size of a fist.Afterwards, with a movement of Long Fei's mind, the pale yellow energy ball slowly flew to the top of the tree crown of the tree man, and then fell straight down, instantly sinking into the tree man's brain.


The tree man fell to the ground, screaming again and again, his eyes were closed tightly, and his body was shaking and rolling on the ground.

After more than an hour, the treant curled up on the ground. Although his body was still trembling slightly, his expression was much calmer, and his pitch-black skin also turned into his own brown.

After a while, the tree man's body gradually stretched and stopped shaking, and then slowly opened his dry eyes.

"Thank you fellow daoist for saving your life! I have offended you so much before, please punish me!" The tree man swayed and stood up, then knelt down on one foot and bowed respectfully.

"Fellow daoist, please get up quickly. It's just a matter of lifting my hands to save you. How dare I accept such a big gift from you! My name is Long Fei, I don't know how to call you respectfully? Why was it poured here by such a strange poison?" Long Fei quickly raised his hands Tree people, solemn and authentic.

After Tie Zhu was lifted up by Long Fei, he sighed with grief and indignation: "Oh! My name is Tie Zhu, and I am the Iron Wood Spirit of the Chongmu Clan. The day before yesterday was the annual New Year's Day of the Chongmu Clan. The eight parties gathered together to celebrate the arrival of the new year. This was a joyous day, but it became a catastrophe day for my Chongmu clan. That night, my clan held a family-wide New Year’s Eve bonfire party as usual. The party On the morning, more than [-] members of my Chongmu clan gathered in the Chongmu Temple Square to sing, dance, fight and fight wine. It was very lively. Just as the whole clan was pushing glasses and changing glasses, drunk and extremely relaxed, suddenly all sides of the square were blown at the same time. There was a gust of wind, and it crashed into the gathering place of all the clansmen in an instant. When everyone woke up from the wine and was surprised, they fell to the ground one after another. Several masters of the Yuan Dynasty, including the patriarch and I, suppressed the spread of poisonous gas in our bodies with tyrannical Yuan power, and rushed out. However, we were besieged by more than a dozen black-clothed, head-and-masked men. Surprisingly, they did not kill us, who were so deeply poisoned that our strength dropped. In the end, the patriarch was in a hurry In order to risk death due to the exhaustion of energy, I used my family's unique skill "Heavy Heaven and Earth Judgment" to kill several black-clothed masked men. Although they broke through their siege and revealed the murderer's true face Human beings, but they were poisoned and fell to the ground. Our four masters of the Yuan Dynasty received the death order from the patriarch in advance, so we took the opportunity to flee to all parties regardless of the patriarch's safety, in order to invite reinforcements to solve our family's difficulties. And I hid I escaped here after being chased by the masked man in black, but the poisonous gas rushed into my brain and could not be suppressed. In the end, the poisonous gas broke out and I was forced to turn into the body and stop here. Sigh! Two days have passed, the patriarch and the clansmen may be in danger. gone."

Hearing this, Long Fei thought for a while, and comforted him: "Friends of the railway, you don't have to be too sad. I just heard from you that the masked men in black surrounded and did not kill you masters who had escaped from the origin. After all, I thought it was for you The Chongmu tribe has plans, so it can be inferred that your patriarch and clan members should not be in danger of life now."

Hearing Long Fei's words, Tie Zhu's eyes lit up, his eyes suddenly revealed a sudden look, and then he quickly knelt down on his feet, knocked his head heavily to Long Fei, and said anxiously: "Friend Daoist's profound spells can resolve this problem." Waiting for the strange poison, I ask my fellow Taoists to save my Chongmu clan!"

"It's my fault for such a great gift from the railway friends! Get up quickly! It should be the responsibility of me and other cultivators to save people in emergency. You take me there now, and I will do my best." Long Fei raised his hands again. Tie Zhu said quickly.

"Fellow Daoist is a blessing to our family, please follow me!" Tie Zhu clasped his fists and bowed, then flew to the north with a piece of black wood about three feet long.

Long Fei stepped on the Qingshuang Sword and followed closely.

Running all the way left and right, the poisonous gas became thicker and thicker. The poisonous gas that could not be discerned by the naked eye had now turned into a faint black smoke.Tie Zhu had already held his outer breath, entered his inner breath, and resisted the invasion of poisonous gas with the strength of his skin.It's not a problem for Long Fei to be protected by the silver-white mask emitted by the anti-poison spirit armor.

After the monk reached the Yuan Dynasty, he had the gift of supernatural powers.External respiration is through the mouth and nose; internal respiration, also known as body respiration, is through the skin.

An hour later, the iron tower put away the black wood and fell to the ground. He turned his head to look at Long Fei who had also retracted his sword and landed. With his right hand pointing forward, he said respectfully, "About a hundred miles ahead is the temple square. What's the best way?"

"You don't need to be polite, you fellow railroads. You can directly express your thoughts." Long Fei looked towards the direction pointed by the iron tower, knowing in his heart that Tie Zhu must have a plan, and he was just politely asking for his own opinion, so he directly asked the other party to tell.

At this time, due to the unknown situation of the enemy, Long Fei controlled the detection range of his spiritual sense to ten miles in diameter in order not to overwhelm the enemy.

"Since this is the case, let me tell you what I think, and ask fellow daoists to advise me if I have any shortcomings. My idea is: fellow daoists are waiting for me here, and I will go in and have a look first. Discuss countermeasures." Tie Zhu said in a tone of discussion.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't need to worry about my safety. I have my own way to hide my breath and appearance. Let's go together!" Long Fei smiled, and then said via voice transmission.

"Since fellow daoist insists on going with me, then I will explore the way ahead, and fellow daoist will follow behind. If you encounter difficulties to resolve the crisis, fellow daoist can just leave without worrying about me." Tie Zhu said solemnly through voice transmission.

Long Fei didn't speak any more, nor did he act pretentiously, and nodded slightly with his heart moved.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the two walked on foot, and after a short while, they had traveled more than [-] miles, and suddenly found several moving trees in front of them.

"That's the rosewood wood spirit. The poisonous gas here is extremely strong. They have been poisoned before, but why can they still walk as if nothing happened?" Tie Zhu said with a confused expression.

At this time, Long Fei and Tie Zhu restrained their spiritual thoughts to prevent them from being poisoned, and they did not dare to let them out to explore the way.

"Let me detect it first!" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" started to work immediately, quickly magnetizing a strand of yuan force to wrap a strand of divine thought, and shot it into the body of a red sandalwood tree in front of him in the blink of an eye.For a moment, Long Fei was stunned, and thoughtfully said: "These red sandalwood spirits have indeed been poisoned, and the poisoning was extremely deep. The spiritual consciousness in the 'Niwan Palace' in their brains has been completely poisoned, and now they are all poisoned. After the walking dead, it is very difficult to detoxify them. From this point of view, the real purpose of the black-clothed masked men is not to destroy the Chongmu tribe, but to control the Chongmu tribe."

"Then what should we do next?" Tie Zhu was anxious when he heard this, and asked quickly through voice transmission.

"It's still the same, you walk in front, and I hide my breath and whereabouts and follow behind. But this time, you have to pretend to be poisoned and walk towards the temple square." Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, and then rumored.

"You want to attack suddenly and instantly kill the enemies guarding this place to relieve the danger of the people?" Tie Zhu thought for a moment, then nodded slightly and said via voice transmission.

"Yes, if the enemy's purpose is to control the Chongmu tribe, they will definitely not send heavy troops to garrison here. Because on the one hand, they are afraid that if the control of the Chongmu tribe fails, it will cause a large number of unexpected casualties; on the other hand , even more afraid of being discovered by other clansmen, which will attract the attention of the high-level wood spirit clan." Long Fei's voice transmission was very gentle, paused, and then said confidently: "So you will lure the enemy in front, and I will Then secretly carry out the thunder strike, I think I can kill the enemy instantly before the enemy controls all the poisoned Zhongmu tribe to surround and kill us."

"This plan is very good, let's act now!"

As soon as Tie Zhu finished speaking, his gaze immediately became dull, his limbs were as stiff as a machine, and he walked slowly towards the temple square seemingly aimlessly.

Long Fei's "All things turn into Wujue" was running vigorously, and there was no breath; when "Wind Shadow Jue" was unfolded, the wind quickly changed, blowing back and forth not far from the iron pillar.

Along the way, Tie Zhu met less than ten people from the Chongmu tribe. These people wandered like walking corpses in the dense fog-like black and poisonous jungle, and they were unconscious. Do not attack the opponent.

An hour later, Tie Zhu finally stepped into the temple square.

"Elder Wu, another big fish has returned, haha!" A sinister laughter came immediately.

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