Chaos fairy way

Chapter 129 Capture the Murderer Alive

"Hmm! The Tie Li Mu Spirit can return after two days. It seems that the poison has exceeded expectations. Zhong Li, go and bring him into the hall."


The voices of the voices all come from the quaint temple hall of the Chongmu tribe to the east of the temple square.

Then a short man with a black robe covering his body with only his eyes exposed stepped out from the gate of the temple hall and walked straight towards the iron pillar.This person held a black bell the size of a fist in his right hand. After walking to the side of the iron pillar, he raised the bell and shook it towards the iron pillar.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

As the bell rang, Tie Zhu walked slowly into the temple hall like a walking corpse under the guidance of the little man in black robe.Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind also blew into the hall.

At this time, there were three people sitting in the main hall, all of them were in black robes with only their eyes exposed, one of them was a huge man sitting upright on the main seat on the upper stage, and the other two were fat and thin sitting on the lower stage Above two rows of seats.

"Okay! The five masters of the Chongmu clan who were in the Yuan Dynasty have all been controlled by poison, and the third phase of the experiment has been successfully completed. Wang Yun, please go to the branch hall and invite Elder He to start the fourth phase of the experiment." The main seat of the main hall The burly man looked at the iron pillars entering the hall, and spoke in an excited tone.

"Yes! Elder Wu." The thin man sitting on the left quickly got up, and answered with hands folded towards the burly man, and then walked out of the hall.

"Zhong Li, Zhong Qiang, you two will follow me into the inner hall and then carefully analyze the poisoning situation of the five masters in the metamorphosis period, so as to grasp the most real situation and lay a solid foundation for the start of the fourth phase of the experiment." Zhuang Shuo Elder Wu immediately stood up, waved his right sleeve, and walked towards the inner hall while talking.

"Yes!" Zhong Li, who had just stepped into the hall, and the fat man who got up from his seat bowed respectfully, and replied in unison.

At this time, Tie Zhu's gaze was still dull, without any change, and he walked slowly towards the inner hall under the guidance of the bell in Zhong Li's hand.

As soon as the iron pillar entered the inner hall, the patriarch and the other three heavy wood clan masters from the Yuan Dynasty stood like wooden stakes on the left side of the inner hall; as for the right side of the inner hall, brown animal skin bags were piled up in disorder Or jade bottles of various colors, obviously these are poison-making materials; while in the middle of the inner hall, there are all kinds of metal utensils like spoons, flutes, knives, etc. These should be poison-making materials. Poison utensils.

"Okay, bring him to the four experts of the heavy wood clan, and we will start the poison test." Elder Wu turned his head and glanced at the iron pillar, then walked towards the pile of metal objects.

At this moment, suddenly a golden light flashed and turned into a golden rainbow and shot towards Elder Wu.

Elder Wu suddenly felt a chill go down his back, and before he had any reaction, he suddenly heard a "chi!", and immediately felt a sharp pain in his chest, and saw a golden light piercing through his heart in an instant.Then with a "Boom!", Elder Wu didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his body suddenly exploded and shattered.The misty blood mist reveals the withering of a life.

"Elder Wu!"

"Elder Wu!"

Zhong Li and Zhong Qiang had just woken up from their daze, and urgently called out to Elder Wu who had exploded and died.Suddenly, with a sound of "Crack!", two black and shiny swords pierced through the backs of Zhong Li and Zhong Qiang at the same time at the same time, exposing the sword tips dripping blood in a line.

It was Tie Zhu who killed Zhong Li and Zhong Qiang in an instant, and the golden rainbow was naturally Long Fei who performed "Breaking the Sky with One Strike".

"I'm here to rescue the patriarchs. Check the storage bags of the three people who were killed and see if you found anything?" Long Fei, who had already appeared, quickly took out four anti-poison pills from the storage bag on his waist Hold it in the palm of your hand, and at the same time, the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" was running vigorously, a majestic pale yellow magnetized yuan force suddenly rushed out from the right palm, instantly smashing the four anti-poison pills into a cloud of black smoke and quickly wrapped them into A pale yellow ball the size of a fist.Afterwards, the ball the size of a fist cracked suddenly and turned into four balls the size of eggs and slowly flew to the top of the heads of the four chiefs of the Chongmu clan, then fell straight down, sinking into the heads of the four people.


Following four heart-piercing screams, the four chiefs of the Chongmu clan fell to the ground with a "plop plop", all of them rolling on the ground with their heads in their hands, trembling all over, obviously in extreme pain.

"How? Have you found the storage bags of the three of them?" Long Fei asked, looking at Tie Zhu after finishing his work.

"There is nothing in the storage bag except for some spirit stones and crystals. I have also checked their bodies, and there is no other clue except that they are human beings." Tie Zhu sighed with some disappointment.

"It's getting late now. Someone went out to invite someone just now. After thinking about it, we will invite someone here tomorrow morning. Then we will find a way to capture someone alive and see if we can get some useful information!" Long Fei said to The things in the three storage bags that did not reveal their identities were not surprised. They squinted and looked out of the hall, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Tie Zhu nodded slightly, and then flicked the flower with his right hand, shooting four sparks, flying towards the four copper oil lamps the size of wooden basins at the four corners of the inner hall.Although the oil lamp was bright, the interior of the inner hall was a bit hazy due to the light black poisonous gas.Long Fei and Tie Zhu each randomly found a wooden chair and sat down, quietly waiting for the Patriarch of the Chongmu Clan and other experts to wake up.

After more than an hour, the patriarch of the Chongmu clan and other four poisoned Tuoyuan stage masters opened their eyes one after another. They did not exhale foul air, and they obviously entered the internal breath.

"Thank you fellow daoist for saving your life! Please accept my worship!" Although the Patriarch of the Chongmu Clan was in excruciating pain during the detoxification process, he still had a sliver of consciousness, so he could naturally hear the conversation between Long Fei and Tie Zhu. As soon as he woke up, he quickly got up and knelt down to thank him.

The other three poisoned heavy wood masters also hurriedly got up and kowtowed.

"Senior Patriarch, everyone, please don't do this, don't do this! Please, please get up!" Long Fei quickly lifted the Chongmu Clan's patriarch who was about to kneel on the ground with his hands, and said quickly.

"Fellow Daoist is so chivalrous, it is the blessing of our clan, and it is also God's mercy for our clan! I beg you fellow Daoist to show kindness and cure the poison of all members of our clan!" Kneel down and kowtow.

Seeing this, Tie Zhu and the other three masters who had just kowtowed and stood up knelt down and begged the prime minister.

"Senior patriarch, I really can't bear such a big gift! Everyone, please get up! I, Long Fei, will do my best to relieve the Chongmu clan's danger." Long Fei hastily supported the Chongmu clan patriarch's hands to prevent him from kneeling down. , and then frowned, and sighed helplessly: "Oh! But the anti-poison pill I brought is far from enough to cure the poison of the entire Chongmu clan! The only way to cure the poison is to get the antidote from the enemy. The reason why Zhu said that he wanted to capture the enemy alive."

Afterwards, Long Fei discussed the strategy of catching the enemy with the five masters of the Chongmu clan in the Yuan Dynasty. Long Fei also learned from the conversation that the patriarch of the Chongmu clan was named Chongshan, and he had achieved great cultivation in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the morning of the next day, three dark shadows landed on the temple square with a mid-level furnace each.

Just as the three shadow figures were about to step towards the main hall of the temple, suddenly arm-thick vines grew suddenly on the ground of the temple square, trapping the three firmly in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the leader in black robe suddenly burst out a thick black mist and rushed to all directions in an instant.What is amazing is that the vines withered under the cover of the black mist for a moment, as if hit by autumn frost, and then decayed, emitting a choking and rancid smell.

"Quick retreat! The deeds have been revealed, the Chongmu clan will definitely have reinforcements arriving, you must remember the rules of the church!" The leader in black robe disappeared in a flash.The other two also quickly cast the teleportation technique and disappeared in a flash.

However, the moment the three men in black robes flashed away, a hemispherical light blue energy shield with a diameter of fifty miles suddenly appeared a thousand feet high.

As soon as the energy shield flashed, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three times, three black shadows hit the energy shield in three directions, and they retreated one by one to reveal their figures.

"The demons are dancing!"

The three men in black robes quickly stopped their receding bodies, shouted in unison, and then a majestic black energy burst out from their bodies, and then the three men in black robes moved rapidly at the same time, instantly turning into three black rainbows in the energy There are arcs drawn in the space with a diameter of fifty miles.After a while, it was surprising to find that a Qimen Nine Palaces Map had been constructed.

With the formation of the Qimen Nine Palaces Diagram, the fog-like black poisonous gas inside and outside the energy shield rushed towards the wall of the energy shield, and then suddenly condensed and condensed, instantly condensing into a pitch-black venom covering the entire energy Cover the wall.

"Hiss! Hiss!"

The sound of burning paper suddenly came from all directions, and it rang together.Immediately, wisps of light black smoke rose from the walls of the energy shield, and for a moment many light smokes joined together to form a layer of light black mist covering the energy shield.

Suddenly, "crash!" There was a sound, and the energy shield seemed to be overwhelmed and burst into a large piece of energy fragments in an instant, falling down one after another.

At this moment, the diagram of the Nine Palaces of the Qimen split open suddenly, turning into three black rainbows and rushing towards the sky again.

"It's impossible to capture them all. Surround the leader and kill the other two!" The patriarch Chong Shan yelled angrily, and people followed the sound, intercepting the leader in black robe in an instant.

Tie Zhu and another Chongmu Clan master who escaped from Yuan Dynasty also flew over in time with the royal treasure, forming a three-legged force with Chongshan and surrounded the leader in black robe.

At this moment, "Boom! Boom!" repeated two sounds, and the other two black-robed men whose cultivation base was only in the early Tuoyuan period were suddenly attacked by another two masters from the Chongmu clan whose cultivation base had reached the mid-Taoyuan period. , fell to the ground in two pieces.

When the two black-robed men died, the leading black-robed man had no time to take care of his accomplices, because he himself was also in danger.

I saw Zhongshan stepping on a dark heavy wood, and suddenly opened his hands, eight jet-black branches rushed out of his body, and shot towards the leader in black.

The head of the black-robed man stepped on a vermilion furnace, and a four-foot-nine-long black sword suddenly emerged from his right hand, and then he held the black sword vertically, with the tip of the sword facing down, and his body spun rapidly.

"Dangdang" sounded non-stop, and after a violent impact, the eight attacking black branches were immediately knocked away by the swirling black sword of the head man in black.

Seeing this, Zhong Shan twisted his wrist and clenched his fist, the eight black branches immediately turned into a trap, and a group of four were connected end to end in an instant to form two black prison circles, firmly trapping the leader in the black robe in the blink of an eye .

At this time, Tie Zhu and another heavy wood clan's escaped yuan master who surrounded him also shot out eight black branches from their bodies, and rushed to the whole body of the leader in black.The two had a total of sixteen black branches, four connected end to end to form four black confinement circles, tightly trapping the headed man in black.

"Drug Bully Quartet!"

The leading man in black yelled loudly, and jet-black poisonous gas suddenly gushed out of his body, and spread in all directions.

Seeing the poisonous gas rushing towards them, Chong Shan and the other three Chongmu Tribe Tuoyuan period masters suddenly looked shocked, and they all tried their best to retreat violently.And the six black confinement circles in the center of the poisonous gas were instantly eroded black and translucent by the poison, and then slid down softly.

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