Chaos fairy way

Chapter 130

The six black prison circles all slipped down. Seeing that the leader in black robe was about to get out of trouble and leave, suddenly a golden light flashed and turned into a golden rainbow from a height of ten feet above his head.


The right hand and right leg of the leading man in black were shot by Jin Hong in an instant, and he fell away from the body and fell to the ground sharply. Blood flowed profusely from the two cuts.

At this time, the six limp black confinement circles regained their strength, taking the opportunity to firmly confine the mutilated body of the leader in black robe.

The golden rainbow that passed by made a 180-degree U-turn, and then revealed its true face, it was Long Fei.

Long Fei tapped his right index finger twice towards the leader in black robe, and shot out two beams of energy to hit the acupuncture points near the heart of the leader's two wounds, instantly stopping the gushing blood.

At this time, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that as the three black-robed men performed the "Dancing Demons" stunt to absorb the poisonous gas crazily, all the poisonous gas from Siye was sucked up.The sky became clearer, and the Zhongmu clansmen, who were like walking corpses, stopped wandering aimlessly and seemed to become clearer.

"Let's go, inner hall interrogation!"

Chong Shan snorted coldly, and shook his right palm toward the void of the leader in black robe, and the body of the leader in black robe flew to Chong Shan's side with a whimper.

"Hmph! If you want to interrogate me, don't think about it!" As soon as the leader in black robe finished speaking, his face twitched suddenly, a mouthful of black blood spewed out of his mouth, and his pupils gradually dilated.

"You...searching for gods!" Chongshan yelled angrily, and suddenly touched the black-robed man's eyebrows with his right index finger, and then sighed with an extremely gloomy expression: "This man is extremely ruthless. He swallowed poison and killed himself at the same time. Hai, if it wasn't for our clan's 'Huntian Lingsuo' to have the effect of sealing, otherwise this person would definitely suffer the disaster of exploding his body and primordial spirit."

"Patriarch, have you found any information from his sea of ​​thoughts?" Tie Zhu asked hastily.

"Oh! No, this person is extremely decisive in self-destructive thoughts, and he has no time to search for God." Chongshan frowned, paused, and said helplessly: "Tie Zhu, search his storage bag to see if there is any found?"

When Tie Zhu heard this, his divine sense moved, and the storage bag at the waist of the head man in black immediately flew into his right palm, and his left hand probed into the storage bag, and immediately revealed a hint of joy: "In addition to a large number of Besides the spirit stones and crystals, there is also a jade bottle."

Afterwards, Tie Zhu took out a dark green jade bottle with the size of a fist from the storage bag, then opened the bottle cap, tilted the jade bottle slightly, and a line of ruddy liquid immediately flowed down from the mouth of the bottle.

"Arrow poison! It's actually arrow poison!" Tie Zhu's face turned pale immediately, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and said again: "Patriarch, the Arrow Poison Wood clan has never lost their desire to destroy me! This must be their collusion Vicious humans have murdered our family, and we will fight them."

Patriarch Chong Shan's face was full of anger, and his chest heaved up and down due to shortness of breath, but he clenched his lower teeth, instantly calmed down the anger in his heart, and said with great difficulty: "Nonsense! Are you trying to make our clan Clan annihilation? With the current situation of our clan, how can we fight against the poisonous arrowwood clan? Furthermore, how can we conclude that the murderer who poisoned our clan must be the poisonous arrowwood clan with just a bottle of curare poison? Now that the clues have been broken, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. The first thing we need to do is to appease the clansmen, and then I will personally go to the headquarters of the Wood Spirit Clan to report to the Chief Patriarch. This matter will be thoroughly investigated by the headquarters, and we will investigate secretly. .”

"Yes!" Although Tie Zhu and the other three Tuoyuan masters were full of unwillingness, but the patriarch said the truth, so they only suppressed the anger in their hearts and responded in unison.

Long Fei Yujian hung beside Chongshan, he didn't intervene or ask a word about the matter between Chongmu clan and Jiandumu clan.Because Long Fei also has his own principles in doing things, that is, to save the dying and heal the wounded, to help the weak and other chivalrous things, he will definitely take action, but he will not get involved in the hatred and disputes between people or between clans.Although Long Fei didn't speak at this time, he was quite moved by the "God Searching Technique" that Zhong Shan had just performed, but this is naturally not the time to study.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Zhongshan and others conducted random physical examinations on the poisoned Chongmu clansmen, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that the poison of the Chongmu clansmen was basically cured.Afterwards, Long Fei diluted all the anti-drug pills on his body in water, and gave them one by one to those who had not completely removed the toxins.

Two hours later, all the members of the Chongmu clan were finally detoxified and woke up one after another.

At this time, Long Fei was sitting in the inner hall of the temple of the Chongmu clan with Zhongshan and other masters from the Yuan Dynasty, enjoying the highest standard hospitality of the Chongmu clan.

Long Fei not only tasted the ancient wood spirit wine, which has been treasured by the Chongmu tribe for thousands of years, but also tasted the longevity star fruit that he had eaten in Diao Wangdao Palace.Long Fei ate and refined these cultivation treasures. During the refining process, he clearly felt that his cultivation base was increasing bit by bit.An hour later, Long Fei finally tasted the two kinds of spiritual treasures and completely refined and absorbed them. At this moment, he felt that he had completely touched the barrier in the middle stage of the metamorphosis, and he only needed an opportunity to break through the barrier and reach the middle stage of the metamorphosis.

"Fellow Daoist Long, you are the benefactor of our clan's rebirth. Although our clan is small, we still have some accumulation of spirit stones, crystals and various spiritual treasures. If you need anything, just tell us. As long as our clan has it, we will give it to you. Why don't you follow me to the Chongmu Clan's treasure house to choose?" Chongshan said with a smile on his face when he saw that Long Fei had refined the medicinal power and closed his eyes.

"Patriarch Chong's kindness, I appreciate it. Rescuing the nobles is just a matter of lifting a finger. Besides, saving lives and healing the wounded is the duty of a cultivator, so Patriarch Zhong should not be too polite. Now that the poisoning of the Chongmu clan has come to an end, I will bid you farewell." Long Fei originally wanted to take the opportunity to learn from Chong Shan to learn the "soul-searching technique", but seeing that Chong Shan was too enthusiastic, he didn't know how to speak for a while, so he decided in his heart to wait for Chong Shan to send him off before proposing. So he clapped his hands and smiled.

"Saving the dying and healing the wounded, showing favor without repaying it, fellow Daoist Long is also chivalrous! Alas! In today's cultivation world, you can see monks who cultivate without doing anything, and who cultivate by themselves; There are very few monks. Many monks don’t care about the affairs of low-level creatures, and even treat them like ants. This is the misfortune of the cultivation world! Fellow Daoist Long is unique. The entire cultivation world has sent a batch of sweet springs in the burning sand, which is the gospel of the cultivation world, and fellow Daoist Long will surely have a limitless future!" Hearing Long Fei's words, Chong Shan immediately became respectful, and couldn't help praising, Afterwards, the brows frown and frown and changed a few times, as if some kind of difficult decision was about to be made, and finally Zhongshan's brows suddenly opened, and he said with a big sigh of relief: "Daoist Long, do you agree with me?" Our family has such a great kindness, but now we refuse to accept our family's customary etiquette and leave. We are really uneasy. I see this. I have two things here. I think they will be of some use to fellow Taoists. Give it to a fellow Taoist, please don’t refuse any more. The first of these two things is one of the three great skills of our family, the "God Searching Technique". The world should have some help, but please do not teach this technique to others. The second piece is a heavy wooden token, which is a unique token of the five elder clans of our wood spirit clan. After thinking about it, Lingshan Mountain has important things to do, so if you hold this token, you will definitely save a lot of worry."

"Patriarch Chong used the 'God Search Technique' and the wooden token as a gift. This gift is far more important than a mountain! I really need these two important gifts, so I will not be hypocritical. Thank you, Patriarch Zhong and Everyone!" Long Fei was overjoyed when he heard the words, he hesitated for a while, and then he cupped his hands and said with a moved smile.

The technique of searching for gods is actually thaumaturgy, which Long Fei has experienced before. Afterwards, Long Fei will explore the mysteries in his heart and find out the culprit of Long Sihai's death. This technique is indeed a great help.The heavy wooden token is a status symbol. According to the soul wooden token given by Diao Wang, the holders of the token are like the five elders of the Wood Spirit Clan.Naturally, Long Fei was overjoyed to be able to obtain these two treasures, and he was also deeply moved by the feelings of Chong Shan and others.

"Fellow Daoist Long is too polite. It's hard for mere things to be worth the kindness of fellow Daoist! Fellow Daoist, please put it away!" As soon as Chong Shan's words fell, he took out a soul wooden stick and a piece of paper from the storage bag at his waist. A shiny black token with gold letters engraved on both sides.After that, Chong Shan placed the soul wooden stick on his forehead for a moment, and then slowly flew the soul wooden stick together with the token towards Long Fei under the control of his divine sense.

Long Feixin copied it with his hand, and at the same time grabbed the soul wooden stick and the token and put them into the purple storage bag around his waist, then got up and saluted the five Tuoyuan period masters including Zhuo Chongshan, and then walked towards the hall.

Seeing this, the four masters of the Yuan Dynasty, including Chong Shan and Tie Zhu, got up quickly, bowed their hands in return and followed closely, sending Long Fei away.

In the temple square of the Chongmu clan, after Long Fei bid farewell again, he displayed the "Little Thunderbolt Technique" and disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the direction in which Long Fei disappeared in a flash, a tall and thin Tuoyuan period master of the Chongmu clan turned his head to look at Chongshan, and said with great pain: "Patriarch, you will use one of the three great skills of the clan to search Both the Divine Art and the Heavy Wood Token were given to Long Fei, isn't this too heavy a gift? These two things are strictly forbidden to spread outside!"

Hearing the words, Chongshan sighed softly and said: "Oh! Chongwei! As an elder of this clan, you should know the situation of our clan. Our clan is a small clan in the entire Wood Spirit Clan. Only by relying on the Chongmu Order Enter the five elder clans of the Wood Spirit Clan. Now our clan has fallen, and this is an important reason why Xiaoxiao dared to suddenly attack our clan! I watched Longfei, and his divine sense, origin power and combat power were all powerful. Far from being so young compared to monks of the same level, and because he has all living beings in his heart and cultivates the truth, I believe that Long Fei will definitely reach the top of the Huahuang Continent in the future, so it must be the best of my family to form a good relationship with him as soon as possible. What's more, according to the regulations of the three major tokens of the Wood Spirit Clan, the Heavy Wood Token can be given to those who have made important contributions to the clan."

Naturally, Long Fei didn't know about the conversation between Chong Shan and the others.And Chongshan decisively donated Juejutsu and tokens to Long Fei, which brought a great fortune to the Chongmu clan in the future, which Chongshan and others naturally couldn't think of at this time.

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