Chaos fairy way

Chapter 131

Strange rocks and lush forests, dangerous peaks piercing into the sky, this is a true portrayal of the landscape of Muling Mountain.On the top of the dangerous peak, on the edge of the cliff, Long Fei suddenly appeared on the gray-white boulder half suspended in the air, standing near the abyss.Although the scenery in the distance is beautiful, after Long Fei glanced at the surrounding environment, he didn't appreciate it. Then he took out the soul wooden stick given by Chongshan from the storage bag on his waist and put it on his forehead. , A flow of information immediately entered the sea of ​​thoughts, which is the method of "searching for gods". "God Searching Technique" is a secret technique, that is, a kind of spell, so the required training time is not too long.Long Fei practiced "Yan Yu Jian Jue" and his sensitivity and comprehension were far superior to ordinary monks, so the time required for him to practice "God Search" was naturally shorter. In just over two hours, Long Fei basically mastered the "God Search Technique". technique".

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, joy was immediately revealed on the bad arc, and then he put away the soul wooden stick, "All things turned into Wujue" ran at full speed, and "Little Ben Lei Shu" unfolded, and went straight to Niu Zhong's place direction.Although he has the heavy wood order, Long Fei does not want to attract the attention of others, so he hides his teleportation. Of course, it is precisely because of the heavy wooden order that he decides to use the teleportation technique to run away.

As the sun sets, the sunset glows like fire, and the golden edge of Yunfeng shines like rare treasures. The scenery is magnificent and intoxicating.

Long Fei had no intention of admiring the scenery along the way. He exhibited the "Little Ben Thunder Technique" five times in a row and traveled more than [-] miles in a short while, and then "Wind Shadow Jue" was deployed. Thunder Art" accumulates Yuan power and spiritual power.Long Fei's body changed quickly, his breath was like nothing, he stepped on the forest and drifted, and suddenly a familiar figure in front of him came into his eyes.

I saw the evil charm on that person's face, or evil beauty, with his head tilted slightly, his eyes looking far away, standing on a huge blue boulder at the waist of a towering mountain, as if he was waiting for someone.

Li Zhilie, this unfavorable and confusing name suddenly flashed in Long Fei's mind.The reason for the confusion was that when Li Zhilie left the crowd after all the experienced masters came back from the Zhongyan Continent that day, Long Fei felt an inexplicable chill on his back and his heart suddenly tugged, but after seeing the weird smile on the corner of Li Zhilie's mouth, his heart trembled a little. Frightened.Long Fei couldn't figure it out. Now that he saw Li Zhilie here, he naturally wanted to follow up and investigate.

Immediately, Long Fei drifted in the mountains and forests around Li Zhilie, closely watching Li Zhilie's movements.

Huh!Long Fei, who was drifting, was greatly surprised because he found that Li Zhilie's cultivation had reached the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty. You must know that Li Zhilie's cultivation was only at the late stage of Consciousness when he returned from the Zhongyan Continent, and it took just over a month. It's unbelievable that Li Zhilie's cultivation even broke through two barriers and reached the early Yuan Dynasty.

Suddenly, there was a ripple on the cliff three feet behind Li Zhilie, and a bearded man in black robes flashed out of the cliff in a panic.

"Young master! It's not good! It's not good! When I checked the soul jade every day just now, I found that all the spirits deposited by Elder He and others in the soul jade of the branch hall disappeared. Obviously they are dead, so The Youhun Hall should have been destroyed! What should I do? Shall I send someone to investigate the reason?" The bearded man hurriedly said anxiously while bowing his hands respectfully.

"No! Elder He and others are dead, and the cooperation between the Ghost Hall and the Arrow Poison Wood Clan will definitely be found out. Send me an order, and the branch church in the Wood Spirit Mountain will evacuate immediately! The Ghost Hall will disappear forever from now on, and it is strictly forbidden Anyone who mentions the word Youhuntang again will die!" Li Zhilie's soft tone carried a strong killing intent.

Long Fei was drifting in the forest around Li Zhilie. After hearing the conversation between Li Zhilie and the two of them, he was immediately filled with righteous indignation, his face darkened, and his fists clenched. Otherwise, Li Zhilie will be killed immediately.Long Fei took a deep breath, calmed down his anger, and was immediately surprised that Li Zhilie's originally stern and introverted character had turned into a needle in the cotton and restless; At the same time, he was also puzzled by Tianyougu's purpose of experimenting with the entire Chongmu clan.

"Yes!" After the bearded man bowed his hands to accept the order, he hesitated a little, and hesitatingly said again with some fear: "Young master, will the changes in the ghost hall be implicated in the branch hall of the wood spirit mountain? Those experiments in the ghost hall Will..."

"Hehe! I had expected this kind of result, so I sent Elder He and others to cooperate with the Jiandumu tribe in the name of Youhun Hall. When Elder He and others went to the Jiandumu tribe, they did not carry any information that could reveal Tianyougu's identity. As for the content of the test results, others can't find any clues if they get it; and the curare poison has already been obtained, we will choose another place to redo the test. Okay, go and call everyone to pack up and evacuate immediately. I have to leave in advance Go, you all should be careful along the way." Li Zhilie disappeared in a flash as soon as he finished speaking.

"Yes!" After the bearded man got the order, he quickly walked into the rippling cliff just now.

Looking at the stone where Li Zhilie was originally standing, Long Fei sighed inwardly.Long Fei was afraid of alarming Li Zhilie before, so he didn't leave a spiritual imprint on Li Zhilie's heart, and it was unexpected that Li Zhilie resolutely abandoned everyone and left first, so naturally he couldn't follow Li Zhilie who had disappeared in a flash.

Afterwards, Long Fei was still drifting in the mountains and forests. Since Li Zhilie could no longer track him, he could only learn about the situation from his subordinates.

Moments later, the bearded man led the five men in black robes out of the cliff, and then they all flew towards the northwest with the treasure furnace in their hands.

Long Fei was afraid of scaring the enemy, so he didn't dare to kill the enemy immediately, he could only follow carefully and wait for the opportunity.Because there are two masters in the late Yuan Dynasty among this group of people, it is not difficult for Long Fei to instantly kill a master in the late Yuan Dynasty with his cultivation base in the early Yuan Dynasty, but it is impossible to instantly kill two masters in the late Yuan Dynasty Yes, it is even more impossible to kill this group of people instantly.

After more than an hour, the sky was already dark, the waning moon lifted into the sky, and the mountain wind was gentle.

The bearded man flying on a black treasure furnace turned his head and glanced at the men in black robes behind him and said, "It's getting late, we've already flown more than a thousand miles, now go down and find a place to rest for the night before we go on our way!"

"Yes!" All the men in black robes clapped their hands and answered in unison.

Afterwards, the bearded man and the others flew into the lawn by a small stream in the royal furnace.

"Deng Meng, Zhao Yong, go hunting; Liu Hao, Zhang Xincheng, gather firewood and make a fire." Luorou Huzi immediately ordered.

"Yes!" After the four black-robed men whose cultivation base was only at the Fusion Consciousness stage got the order, they walked into the forest in groups of two.

After the network beard assigned good people, he and another master with a goatee in the late Yuan Dynasty arranged formations around the small lawn.

Long Fei hid in the dark. Seeing that the enemies had finally dispersed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he followed the two hunting men in black.

"Aw!", suddenly there was a sharp and strange bird cry in the forest.

"Ah!", "Ah!", followed by two screams.

"There is such a powerful bird of prey hidden in the Muling Mountains! Elder Ma, you are here to protect Liu Hao and the two of you. I will go and check." The bearded man coiled on a bunk quickly got up and flew away with the treasure furnace To the source of the screams.

The goatee-bearded black-robed elder horseman jumped up, with a scimitar in his hand, holding it across his chest, and looked around vigilantly.Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng, who were collecting firewood, jumped up and down in panic, and jumped to Elder Ma's side.The three of them stood back to back like horns, their spiritual consciousness or thoughts spread as much as possible, their eyes stared straight ahead, their ears listened in all directions, and they were highly alert to changes in the surrounding situation.

Half an hour later, the bearded man hadn't returned, and there was no abnormal sound heard in the forest.

An hour later, the bearded man still hadn't returned, and there was still no abnormal noise heard in the forest.

After another hour, the waning moon has disappeared behind the distant high mountains; the sky is getting darker, and the scene of the four fields is more difficult to see clearly; the cold wind is also blowing in the middle of the night, blowing the forests of the four fields to rattle, But the beard is still gone forever.

Elder Ma and the three of them, after nearly three hours of high tension, were exhausted, but their lives were at stake, so they still insisted on maintaining a high degree of vigilance to cope with any changes.

As time passed moment by moment, it became more and more difficult for Elder Ma and the three of them to persevere. Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng's feet trembled, their faces were no longer pale, but ashen.

Nearly two hours passed, Elder Ma and the three were exhausted physically and mentally, almost collapsed, their brows were dewy, and cold sweat broke out all over their bodies, but their desire to survive was still supporting them.

When dawn breaks, the sky has entered the darkest moment, the cold wind has stopped, and the sky and the earth are dead silent.Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng were already in a trance, Elder Ma persisted with all his will.

Suddenly a drop of dew fell from Elder Ma's left eyebrow, Elder Ma's left eye blinked involuntarily, and the tightly bound nerves supported by will were instantly distracted.At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and instantly transformed into a golden rainbow that shot towards Elder Ma.



In just one breath, Elder Ma was pierced through the heart by Jin Hong, exploding and dying, his body was smashed into pieces, and the blood mist filled the air.Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng had collapsed, facing Elder Ma's explosive body without any resistance, they were blown away three feet away, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted to the ground.

After the golden rainbow rushed out three zhang, it immediately paused in the air, turned into a white shadow and fell to the ground, it was Long Fei.

"Hey! If you weren't too vicious, I wouldn't have used such cruel means to kill you!" After Long Fei sighed secretly, he flicked the void with his right hand, shooting out two pale yellow net-shaped chrome marks and flying down on Liu. On the foreheads of the two men and penetrated into the brain, this net-shaped chrome seal is a seal chrome seal.After Long Fei sealed Liu Hao and the two, with a movement of his divine sense, he controlled the bodies of Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng to fly to his side in the blink of an eye.Looking at the two of Liu Hao, whose whole bodies were limp and floating in the air one inch above the ground, Long Fei immediately cast out the "God Searching Technique", and pointed his right index finger towards the center of Liu Hao's eyebrows, and a wave of spiritual thoughts immediately rushed into Liu Hao's "mud". Marumiya", searching for some information about the poisoning experiment of the heavy wood clan and the branch church in Tianyou Valley.

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