Chaos fairy way

Chapter 132 Xiaojin's Mystery

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei's face revealed a sudden look, and he got a lot of desired information from Liu Hao's spiritual consciousness.

Tianyou Valley Ten Thousand Monsters branch hall is located in the area ruled by the Eagle Clan. The hall master and the deputy hall master are all masters of the Yuan Dynasty.The Muling Mountain Branch is one of the five branches under the Wanyao Branch. This time, everyone in the Muling Mountain Branch wants to withdraw from the Wanyao Branch.Five years ago, Li Zhilie was ordered by the owner of the valley, Li Gang, to come to the Muling Mountain Range to personally control the Muling branch, and to carry out a task of refining and testing mysterious poisons.Three years ago, because the refining of the mysterious poison required arrow poison as raw material, Li Zhilie appointed the elder of the branch hall, He Qisheng, to reach a cooperation agreement with the people of the arrow poison wood clan who wanted to destroy the Chongmu clan under the pseudonym of Youhun Hall.The content of the agreement is: the Arrow Poison Wood Clan assists Youhun Hall to refine the mysterious poison, and You Soul Hall helps the Arrow Poison Wood Clan eradicate the Heavy Wood Clan.More than a month ago, after Li Zhilie returned from the Zhongyan Continent, and the mysterious poison had successfully entered the third stage, under the instruction of Li Zhilie, the Ghost Hall suddenly attacked the Chongmu clan, using the entire Chongmu clan as the test object. In order to promote the refining of the fourth stage of the mysterious poison.Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, and they were accidentally bumped into by Long Fei and destroyed their plan.But what is the name of the secret poison?What is the purpose of refining it?Liu Hao didn't know, neither did He Qisheng, only Li Zhilie knew.

After Long Fei searched for the god Liu Hao, he thought about it for a while, and then searched for Zhang Xincheng, but he didn't find anything new.

"The Wanyao Branch Hall is guarded by masters who have escaped from the Yuan Dynasty. It is not appropriate to investigate, and it is very important to find two kinds of spiritual treasures. Therefore, the development of the mysterious poison in Tianyougu can only be reported to the suzerain after returning to the sect." Long muttered to himself, Then he withdrew his index finger and pointed directly at Zhang Xincheng's right hand between the eyebrows, and then made a fist with his right palm. Liu Hao and Zhang Xincheng's bodies shook violently and their eyes suddenly opened, and then closed again in an instant.

"Both of your 'Niwan Palace' and dantian have been destroyed, not only your memory is completely lost, but also you can no longer cultivate in this life. Whether you can walk out of the Muling Mountains alive depends on your own good luck." Long Fei looked at Liu After Hao and Zhang Xincheng whispered a word, they disappeared in a flash.

The sky was slightly bright, and the surrounding fields were hazy. In a cave among the cliffs, Long Fei was sitting on a blue rock, cleaning up last night's spoils.

Last night, Long Fei first ordered Xiao Jin to let out a howl, and then instantly killed Deng Meng and Zhao Yong who were hunting, thus luring the master of the Muling Mountain Branch, the bearded man, to come to investigate.As soon as the bearded man rushed to the murder site, he saw Xiao Jin standing next to a pool of broken corpses and blood.The bearded man, who has heard Xiao Jin's soul-piercing screams, and seen Xiao Jin's sharp eyes like arrows, and Xiao Jin can instantly kill two masters of the Fusion Stage with just a fledgling body, naturally knows that Xiao Jin must As an extraordinary bird of prey, he was happy instead of angry, and surrendered in his heart.Afterwards, the bearded man's spiritual thoughts spread around and looked around, and found that there was no mother bird present, he was ecstatic in his heart, and then devoted himself to using various methods to catch Xiaojin.As a result, the tragic fate of the bearded man was also doomed immediately, and he was naturally killed by Long Fei's surprise attack on the spot, but Long Fei controlled him so that he did not explode.

Once the bearded man died, as the head of the branch hall of the Wood Spirit Mountain, the property of the entire wood spirit branch on his body would naturally become Long Fei's possession, plus the private property of the six people including the bearded man, Long Fei made a big fortune.Although there are hundreds of millions of crystals and spirit stones, for Long Fei of Fuke Shengzong, it is only a fraction of the number.What Long Fei was interested in was the poisons and antidotes in Tianyou Valley, because when he unified the bee farm, he copied half of the poison hall of the Tianjing Mountain Branch of Tianyou Valley, and the many poisons and antidotes were given to Long Fei and others. The unification of Fengyuan, the Megatron of the Four Sects, the travel of the Zhongyan Continent, and the rescue of the Chongmu clan all played a vital role.What Long Fei got now was the entire property of the Muling Mountain Branch Church which was used as a drug testing base. One can imagine how much poison and antidote it contained, which was ten times more than the Poison Hall of the Sky Crystal Mountain Branch branch. No way!Among the piles of medicine bottles, medicine boxes, medicinal materials, etc., what Long Fei was most interested in was a dark green jade bottle that was a foot tall, big as a fist, and only had a skull head on it.Because Long Fei found out from Liu Hao's research that the poison in the dark green jade bottle was the secret poison secreted by Tian Yougu, that is, the poison that erodes the heavy wood clan.

After cleaning up the loot with a smile on his face, Long Fei clapped his palms, stretched his waist, and couldn't help sighing: "Hehe! Tianyou Valley is really my blessed land! Bees are rich because of it, Zhongyan Continent lives because of it, wood spirits Because of it, the mountain range is a hero, what a skill! When the poisonous pill and antidote were used up, Tianyougu sent me another batch, what a good man did it to the end!

"Ugly Boss, is Tianyou Valley so good? Are there any little dragons to eat there? Be sure to let me out next time you go, so I can see it too! I like eating little dragons the most." Xiao Jin slapped the furry pair Wing, staring at Long Fei's joyful expression with longing eyes, said in a nai voice.

"Xiaolong doesn't seem to be there, but there is a scorpion. I heard someone say that a scorpion is a great tonic when taken with wine. I don't know if a scorpion can be served with wine?" Long Fei suddenly thought of the scorpion that brought Li Zhilie back to the sect, tilted his head slightly and sighed again One sentence.

"Eat! I eat, as long as it is long, I like to eat it. Ugly boss, when are we going?" Xiao Jin asked impatiently after hearing the words.

At this time, if there are people from Tianyougu here, they will definitely vomit blood.Copied one of his branch halls, then wiped out another branch hall, and now he is even more concerned about his Shougu Spirit Beast. Are these two guys too mixed up?well!Long Fei always scolded Long Yang for corrupting Xiao Jin, but he didn't know that he poisoned Xiao Jin more deeply.

"That..." Long Fei suddenly remembered that he was talking to a little fart bird, and then he stopped talking about these boring topics, and said with a smile: "You performed well last night, now go catch a monster snake that satisfies you as a reward." You! We are chasing after the cattle and they are looking for the monster snake."

"Really? Good! Good! Ugly boss, I found that although you are a little too ugly, you are actually quite a nice person!" Xiao Jin said excitedly, drooling from greed.

Hearing this, black lines formed in the back of Long Fei's head. He was always quite proud of his appearance, but Xiao Jin always said that he was ugly. Although he had never heard of Xiao Jin's words, he asked curiously : "Then handsome little Jin, may I ask what looks good-looking?"

"Mom looks the best! It's golden and yellow, just like me! It looks like you still have to rely on clothes to dress yourself up, but you don't even have a single beautiful hair on your body." Xiao Jin glanced at Long with pity. Fly, shaking his head and said.

Hearing this, Long Fei was completely speechless, and without saying hello, he forcibly put Xiao Jin into the spirit beast bracelet, and disappeared in a flash.

In the early morning, the cold air is still threatening, and a thin layer of morning mist wraps around the forest. There are strands of lingering mist everywhere, which also casts a mysterious veil on the virgin forest.

At this time, Long Fei's divine sense expanded to a range of hundreds of miles, searching for the demon snake while drifting.After all kinds of strong protests, Xiaojin was finally released again, but he was asked to restrain his coercion.While one person and one bird were galloping, Xiao Jin was able to glide with his fleshy wings that had not yet grown feathers, and his speed even surpassed Long Fei who was trying his best to perform "Wind Shadow Art".Seeing this, Long Fei was shocked, and became even more curious about Xiao Jin's identity.One person and one bird seem to have drifted thousands of miles in the struggle, but they haven't found a single demon snake that can enter Xiaojin's eyes, but they have encountered several masters of the wood spirit clan, and all is well after showing the heavy wood order.

"Little gluttonous chicken! Is your mouth too big? That was a fourth-order demon python just now? You are not interested!" At this time, Long Fei stood on the edge of a swamp in a forest, and said a little impatiently .

Looking for snakes all the way, Long Fei found several monster snakes above the third rank, but they were all rejected by Xiao Jin's "not interested".Just now I found another monster python that has just entered the fourth level, but Xiaoling still glanced at it with disdain, and said "I'm not interested".

"Ugly boss, I think you're getting a little emotional. You have to remember! It's you who said to catch a monster snake that satisfies me. Also, please don't call me a greedy chicken, you should call me handsome little gold! Although I don't I know my identity, but I am confident that I must be a divine beast. I am a noble divine beast, do you understand? So you have to respect me." Xiao Jin raised his head high and said solemnly.

"Hehe! It's still a beast! I think the chicken is more or less the same!" Looking at Xiao Jin's serious expression, Long Fei was immediately amused, and smiled with his lips curled up.

"You are a blasphemous beast, hmph!" Xiao Jin glared at Long Fei angrily, tilted his head, as if he would never pay attention to you again.

Seeing that Xiao Jin was really angry, Long Fei smiled even more intensely, but he didn't want to really hurt the little guy's heart, so he suppressed his smile, shook his head, and said, "Okay, okay! Noble beast, Noble handsome little Jin! Aren't you hungry?"

"Well! It's not too bad!" Xiao Jin's eyes were full of complacency, and then he said a little shyly: "Actually, my stomach has been rumbling a long time ago."

"Really? Let's go!" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he drifted straight to the center of the swamp.Because when he was talking to Xiao Jin just now, he found a deep hole in the center of the swamp, which looked like a habitat for snakes.

"Okay!" Xiao Jin chased after him waving his golden and fluffy wings.

The swamp in the forest is not big, with a diameter of more than a hundred miles, and the central hole is naturally only more than sixty miles away.

For Long Fei and Xiao Jin, the distance of more than sixty miles is just a short time.

At this time, Long Fei and Xiao Jin stood on a drier grassland next to the entrance of the swamp hole.

The opening of the cave is not very big, about ten feet in diameter, but it is very deep, and a gust of cold air gushes out, and a strong rancid smell rushes straight into the nostrils, which is extremely unpleasant.

"Boss, boss, there is really a snake inside. Hehe! I have already sensed it." Xiao Jin patted his little meaty wings and exclaimed excitedly.

"Really? I have penetrated into the cave for more than a hundred miles without noticing any snakes! Why is your spiritual sense so powerful?" Long Fei said in surprise.

"Hehe! Ugly boss, don't be envious. I'm born with a super sensitive ability to snakes. You can't envy me." Xiao Jin was quite proud, and then sighed: "Oh! I don't know. Do you have this ability to sense dragons?"

Hearing this, Long Fei's head was blackened, and he thought to himself: Why is this little guy always thinking about eating dragons?The dragon is a beast!Who did he learn this brash bravado from?But after a while, Long Fei seemed to feel that Xiao Jin was not just bragging.

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