Chaos fairy way

Chapter 133 Surprised to find the snake cultivator

"Ugly Boss, are you envious of me? Get in the cave!" Seeing that Long Fei remained silent for a long time and did not enter the cave, Xiao Jin urged a little angrily.

"Oh! Okay, let's go into the cave. Are you going into the spirit beast bracelet?" Long Fei woke up from his thoughts when he heard Xiao Jin's call, and then looked at Xiao Ling and said.

"No! I want to fight. Let me kill any monster snakes below the fourth level." Xiao Jin waved his right wing vigorously and said heavily.

"Hehe! Okay, let's go." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he concealed his breath and drifted into the cave.

Xiao Jin can actually hide his breath, fluttering his little fleshy wings, and gliding closely behind.

The inside of the cave is about [-] degrees steep and leads to the depths. The air is humid and mixed with a strong smell.

Long Fei didn't take out the Ye Mingzhu in order to prevent the demon snake in the cave from being disturbed. Instead, he and Xiao Jin used their spiritual thoughts to identify objects and sneaked carefully.Along the way, I didn't see a single animal, not even a common snake.One person and one bird felt surprised in their hearts, and then slowed down and sneaked deeper into the depths more cautiously.

After more than an hour, Long Fei and Xiao Jin had penetrated hundreds of miles into the cave, and the cave suddenly opened up to a width of hundreds of feet.After traveling for more than ten miles, Long Fei's divine sense suddenly reached the bottom of a cave about a hundred miles away, and found two monster snakes at the bottom of the cave.

"Back! The two monster snakes at the bottom of the cave are too strong to be killed." Long Fei immediately stopped drifting, and stopped Xiao Jin who was gliding, with a look of fear on his face.

"Since you're here, don't leave! It just so happens that my son just advanced and needs blood to stabilize his realm, so you guys came in time." A cold voice came from the depths of the cave.

A voice spread hundreds of miles, which shows the strength of the voice transmitter.

"Let's go!" Long Fei hugged Xiao Jin with his right hand, "Little Ben Lei Shu" developed rapidly, and wanted to teleport far away.But after the person flashed, he was still in the same place, and Long Fei was shocked in his heart.

"Jie Jie! It's useless. I have already set up a closed formation here. You can only enter but not exit. Unless you get the permission of the deity, no one can go out of the cave." After a sinister laugh, the cold voice came again.

Long Fei cast "Small Running Thunder Technique" again and it still didn't work, and he cast "Wind Shadow Jue" and still couldn't move half a step outside the cave, so he could only give up trying, flying Yujian in the air, and said calmly: "How did you find out our?"

"In my 'Seal the Heaven and Earth' formation, no one can hide from me, and no one can escape. Well, enough talking, it's time for you to come and sacrifice your body, do you want me to invite you?" The voice that came from Yin was cold and full of arrogance.

"Hehe! I don't know if you are destined to enjoy it? I'm going to learn it!" Long Fei sneered, and then sent a few words to Xiaojin, and then he was at the bottom of the cave and stood on a stone, looking ten feet away The two snake monsters outside.

The bottom of the cave is not big, about [-] feet square, and there is a faint light coming in from the top of the cave, so everything in the cave can be seen visually.I saw those two monster snakes, with blue heads and black necks, blood-red eyes, and soul-stirring eyes; they opened their mouths to spit out messages, licking their dicks endlessly; black poisonous gas gushed out of their mouths.

A monster snake with a human body and a snake head, whose cultivation has reached the peak of the late Yuan Dynasty, that is to say, half of its feet have entered the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty.This monster snake is wearing blue, yellow, black, and red spotted scales, and it exudes a terrifying murderous aura. Only those who are bloodthirsty and slaughter like hemp can emit such a powerful murderous aura.

Another demonic snake is more than ten feet long, thick as a wooden basin, and covered with blue, yellow, black, and red scales all over its body. Rank, better than Xiao Jin.

"Cultivating snakes!" Long Fei took a deep breath, his face became more apprehensive, and he immediately remembered the record of snake cultivating in "Wan Bao Lu".

Snake repair, also called "Ba snake", the god among snakes, can swallow an elephant with its mouth open, its skin is firmer than treasures, and it is difficult to kill, its scales are the holy goods for making treasures.

"Jie Jie! You have some knowledge. Since you know the identity of the deity, you will be killed!" The voice of the snake cultivator sounded soft, but it seemed to be able to penetrate the heart of a person. Afterwards, the snake cultivator turned his head to look at him. The fourth-level snake cultivator next to him said noncommittally: "Xi'er! That little bird must be extraordinary. If you swallow it, your realm will be stable. Whether you can take it or not depends only on yourself."

The fourth-order snake cultivator didn't say a word, but nodded his head heavily, his bloodthirsty eyes immediately turned to Xiao Jin.

"Cut, it's just a small bug, so arrogant, I will eat you today!" Standing on another stone three feet away from Long Fei, Xiao Jin cast a disdainful glance at the fourth-level snake cultivator, as if he didn't pay attention to it at all. you.

"You, you must die!" The fourth-level snake cultivator shouted three words coldly, and then his body suddenly shrank, and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Jin with a swish, and at the same time, the snake's mouth opened suddenly, reaching a width of one foot, and wanted to swallow it in one gulp Under Xiaojin.

"Wow! I'm so scared!" Xiao Jin kicked his feet, and the little fleshy wings fluttered, and instantly jumped into the air to avoid it.

The fourth-level snake cultivator snorted coldly, and the snake's tail slammed like a steel whip, violently pumping Xiaojin's belly from bottom to top like tearing the air.

Xiaojin flapped his wings twice, and his body flew vertically like a helicopter. He never resisted the fourth-order snake repair, as if he was a little afraid of the mighty power of the snake demon.

The fourth-level snake cultivator saw that Xiao Jin easily avoided the two heavy blows, and was a little annoyed. The body of the snake quickly circled into a pile, the head of the snake suddenly stood up, and with a huge mouth, it spewed out a mass of venom that was as big as Xiao Jin; His body suddenly gathered momentum, and he followed the venom like a sharp arrow towards Xiao Jin who was in the air.

Xiao Jin gave a "giggle" laugh, but still did not fight against the fourth-order monster snake, flapped his wings rapidly, and glided obliquely like a flying saucer, properly avoiding the two combo attacks of the fourth-order snake repairer, and still stayed in the air. In the air, provocative eyes cast unreservedly on the fourth-order snake cultivator.

"If you have the ability, fight it hard!" The fourth-level snake cultivator saw that Xiao Jin had avoided it three times, and Xiao Jin didn't fight it head-on, he was very annoyed, and said sharply.

"Hehe! I'm not capable!" Xiao Jin said confidently.

"You..." The fourth-level snake cultivator heard the words, and saw that Xiao Jin said that he was incompetent so confidently, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and then his body shrank suddenly, and he shot towards Xiao Jin.

Long Fei glanced at Xiao Jin, and couldn't help but smile.The snake cultivator with a human body has a thick and fierce light in his eyes, and he wants to kill Xiaojin instantly.

"You still want to sneak attack with your cultivation level? That bug should be your descendant! Why don't you try to see if I can kill him instantly?" Long Fei's eyes turned cold, he glanced at the snake cultivator, and spoke slowly, But the meaning is full of deterrence.

"Really? Then I'll kill you first, and then I'll kill him!" Before the Snake Cultivator finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a cloud of black light shot out, and then it was only a blur, but it appeared strangely in front of Long Fei. One foot above his head, there was a sudden "Boom!" and an explosion exploded. Countless black awns instantly enveloped Long Fei within a ten-foot-wide range, and then "Bang!"

"Hua la la!" Like the sound of breaking water, Long Fei broke through the black glow and rushed away, but his face was disheveled and his hair was disheveled; his clothes were riddled with holes and torn.

Long Fei drifted on the lawn beside a cave wall in an instant, horrified in his heart, and secretly sighed: If he hadn't swallowed the anti-drug pill and the Chixiao sword had already melted into his body when he first entered the cave, he would have suffered a great loss .

"A few times, but death is doomed!" The snake cultivator's calm tone instantly turned into a vicious one.Afterwards, the mouth suddenly opened wide, reaching a width of three feet, and a ball of black light with a diameter of three feet rushed out from the mouth, and then disappeared strangely.But the Human Body Snake Cultivator kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, and the line of his body shot towards Long Fei like a rainbow, and those black palms pointed straight at Long Fei's throat like sharp knives.

Long Fei's face was full of fear, and the Qingshuang sword instantly came out of the body, and the flying sword's [-] handles formed a three-foot-thick sword cover covering the whole body within a three-foot radius; The patron saint reads the light curtain to protect the whole body; at the same time, the Chixiao sword that had been fused in the body suddenly burst into thick red flames, floating on the body surface to form a layer of flame armor; and the poison-proof spirit armor also emerged close to the body.

All the defenses were completed with lightning and flint, and as soon as Long Fei had done a tight defense, the attack of the personal snake repairer stopped.


The black light group with a diameter of three feet clinging to the wall of the blue frost sword cover above Long Fei's head flashed strangely again, and exploded suddenly. fall off.


The Cyan Frost sword cover lasted only three breaths before it was blown apart by the violent explosive force.

The Wuguang group blasted the Qingshuang sword shield, although the explosive power melted, the Wumang was not damaged at all.As soon as the sword cover of Qingshuang was broken, the dense black awns immediately closed tightly and violently towards Long Fei who was tightly surrounded.


The light curtain of the first layer of guardian spirit was broken, and Wumang was only a little weaker.

"Wow! Wow!" The light curtains of the second and third layers of patron saints were broken, but Wumang was only weaker than one point.

"Porf!" The fierce black light hit the Chixiao flame armor, and the flame armor cracked and opened after only ten breaths, and the regenerating flame was restrained in the body; the black light was only three points weaker.

The six-point black awn is still eye-catching, and the offensive is still fast.

"Bang!" Wumang hit the anti-drug spirit armor and exploded like fireworks, and the "beep, beep, beep" continued again.

The anti-poison spirit armor is worthy of being a high-level body armor. It finally resisted the fierce attack of Wumang, and resisted the poisonous attack carried by Wumang.The external force was blocked, but the impact force that hit the body could not be dispelled. Long Fei let out a muffled sigh, his heart was sweet, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and suffered a slight internal injury.

But at this moment, the black palms of the Human Body Snake Cultivator attacked swiftly.Long Fei's body has been blocked by the attack of the human-body snake cultivator, and it is too late to dodge. In desperation, he suppresses the disordered energy in his body and forcibly raises the energy he can control. Afterwards, he used his palms that were bursting with crimson flames to push straight towards the swiftly attacking black palms of the Human Body Snake.


The crimson flaming palms shook the black palms, the sound of the collision was as thrilling as thunder, the ground shook violently, and the cave roof collapsed in a large area.The energy surge swept across the four directions. Because the cave was not big, the energy that surged in all directions bounced back after hitting the wall, and hit another wall of the cave. It hit the wall several times before gradually losing its strength and dissipating.For a moment, there was a strong wind in the cave, and the dust and mist filled the cave. Long Fei and the snake cultivator who were in the cave could no longer see his figure.As for the Xiaojin and the fourth-order snake repairmen of the other battle group, they were already vomited blood and fell to the ground after being hit back and forth by the berserk energy.

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