Chaos fairy way

Chapter 134

After a long time, the collapse stopped and the dust and mist scattered.

"Ugly Boss! Ugly Boss!" Xiao Jin looked around, but he didn't see Long Fei's figure, and he cried out with grief in his heart.

"Cough! He's dead, now it's up to me to kill you!" The fourth-level snake cultivator seemed to be more seriously injured than Xiao Jin. He coughed and ignored the blood at the corner of his mouth. , then turned to look at the seriously injured snake cultivator and said solemnly: "Father, let me kill him."

"You can try your hand first!" The human-body snake cultivator stood in a bush, his eyes were a little dim, and the scales on his body were already in tatters. This armor, like the red devil's, was transformed from the skin when he was promoted to the metamorphosis, so damaged I am afraid that it is impossible to recover to the original level without ten or eight years of cultivation.

Xiao Jin looked at the snake cultivator, his eyes filled with grief and indignation, he quickly spread his wings in fear, and glide unsteadily to a mound of soil at the entrance of the cave, occupying the highest point.

"Fly to the entrance of the cave and want to escape? You are stupid, my father has already said that there is a big formation here, you can't escape, so just swallow it for me!" The fourth-level snake cultivator shouted coldly. When it fell, it circled into a pile in an instant, the snake's head suddenly stood up, sprayed out a stream of venom, and as soon as it entered the air, ten poisonous arrows shot towards Xiao Jin; His body rushed towards Xiao Jin like lightning; obviously he wanted to take advantage of Xiao Jin's serious injury and devour Xiao Jin with one blow.

Xiao Jin fluttered his wings, and seemed to want to fly away again.At this moment, a layer of black light suddenly flashed a foot above Xiaojin's head, and the wall was covered with thick black mucus. This black light wall was naturally condensed by the snake cultivator.Xiao Jin didn't notice this at all.

In the blink of an eye, ten poisonous arrows were shot three feet in front of Xiao Jin's body, and the giant mouth of the fourth-level snake cultivator followed suit.

A sly light flashed in Xiaojin's eyes, he didn't flap his wings downwards to fly into the air, but slammed at the poisonous arrows, a sharp wind burst out, and hit the ten poisonous arrows with a "crack". Smash and blast into the giant mouth of the fourth-order snake repairer.Afterwards, Xiaojin's right wing suddenly grew to a width of three feet, and he slapped fiercely towards the fourth-level snake cultivator.




The fourth-order snake cultivator was first pierced through the back of the head by Feng Gang from the mouth, and then slapped on the head by Xiao Jin's right wing. The body immediately smashed into the ground a foot deep, the snake's head was bloody and bloody, and the bones were hideous; the snake's body was covered with cracks and blood stains; Suddenly fainted.

"Little bastard, you are so cunning! I will kill you." The snake cultivator jumped like a thunder, and shot at Xiao Jin, with a pair of shiny black poisonous palms, he stabbed at Xiao Jin's head, obviously wanting to retaliate, so he still smashed Xiao Jin's head with his hands.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin quickly slapped his wings horizontally violently, and his body retreated violently towards the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, the black wall of light above Xiaojin's head fell straight down, and the snake cultivator also rushed towards him.

"Oh..." Xiao Jin suddenly raised his head to the sky and shrieked, and the pressure of the divine beast rushed out of his body.

There was a sudden panic in the depths of the snake cultivator's soul, the attack stopped, and he was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, Xiao Jinyuan's standing mound burst open, and a golden rainbow burst out violently, shooting towards the stunned Human Body Snake.



In an instant, the snake cultivator with a human body was shot by Jin Hong from his chest, and his body exploded immediately, his body was smashed into pieces, blood mist engulfed him, and his body and spirit disappeared.

"Ugly boss, this is a waste, do you know that? This is a little snake from the Yuan Dynasty! If I eat it, I will be promoted to the next level quickly." Xiao Jin protested dissatisfied.

"Cough! If you don't kill it completely, if the primordial spirit escapes, there will be endless troubles." Jin Hong is naturally Long Fei who performed "One Strike to Break the Sky". At this time, Long Fei was leaning against the cave wall, his face pale, His eyes were dim, his mouth was black, and it was obvious that he was seriously injured.It was very difficult for Long Fei to speak, and then his trembling right hand reached into the storage bag on his waist, took out a red pill and stuffed it into his mouth, then sat cross-legged on the ground, adjusting his breath to heal his injuries.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin didn't speak anymore, knowing that Long Fei's fatal blow just now was a blow with all his strength regardless of the serious injury, which caused the injury to be more serious.Looking at Long Fei who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, Xiao Jin suddenly felt that his figure was very tall, and a trace of admiration and respect suddenly rose in his heart.Respect is like paying respect to a benefactor, the worship is because Long Fei knows things like a god and is extremely calculating.

This time, being able to kill half of the human body snake cultivator who stepped into the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty was not at all due to luck, but due to Long Fei's ingenious calculation.As soon as Long Fei found out that the snake cultivating human body was too strong, it was difficult for him to win, so he decisively decided to retreat.Afterwards, he was trapped and unable to evacuate, so he decided that Xiaojin must have a natural restraint ability against snakes, and then made a plan, and told Xiaojin about the plan before entering the bottom of the cave.The trick is: first fight with the snake cultivator, and then pretend to be seriously injured, causing the snake cultivator to relax his vigilance because of pride, so that he thinks the overall situation is settled, and carelessly strikes himself or Xiao Jinxing with the final killing blow.At this time, Xiao Jin suddenly screamed and released the pressure of the divine beast, which caught the snake cultivator by surprise and caused the snake cultivator to be distracted for a moment.I seized this moment of distraction and dealt a thunderous blow to the human body.Although the whole process was full of twists and turns, it was all calculated, and the result was just as Long Fei imagined.

After a while, Xiao Jin withdrew his gaze from looking at Long Fei, and turned to look at the fainting fourth-level snake cultivator, because his stomach growled louder.At this time, relative to the delicacy, worship is naturally thrown out of the sky.

Xiao Jin swallowed the saliva that was about to flow out, kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, flapped his wings, and with a whoosh, he came to the side of the fourth-level snake repair in a blur, and his speed was faster than the battle just now.

"Tear! Wow!" Xiao Jin instantly peeled off the skin of the fourth-order snake cultivator, revealing the red puppet's snake flesh.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The sound of pecking meat rang out.

In just a quarter of an hour, the fourth-order snake cultivator turned into a pile of white bones and a piece of scaly skin.Xiao Jin hiccupped from hunger, with a contented expression on his face, and then fell asleep on his stomach regardless of the mud on the ground.

A day later, Long Fei opened his eyes, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his face turned rosy, which showed that his injury was much better.

"The elixir of Tianyougu is really good, and the injury has recovered [-]% in just one day. I don't know the 'Huanyuan Pill' and 'Yu*jin Pill' that were refined from the two pills used in the Yuan Dynasty in the original purple storage bag. What is the effect? ​​Fighting against powerful enemies will inevitably lead to injury, it seems that we should refine these two kinds of elixir in case we have time!" Long Fei murmured a few words, then looked at Xiao Jin, couldn't help laughing, speechless Shaking his head straight.

I saw Xiao Jin not only sleeping on his stomach in the mud, but also dripping down his saliva in lines.But at the next moment, Long Fei was startled, because Xiao Jin's body grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and countless golden needle-shaped feather roots suddenly appeared.

Long Fei guessed that Xiao Jin should be advancing, so he didn't wake Xiao Jin up, but he couldn't help sighing: "This little guy is too perverted! People are very careful and fully prepared when they advance, but luckily he advanced while sleeping. Alas! It’s really more popular than people!”

Afterwards, Long Fei waved his right sleeve, and put the snake skin on the ground into the purple storage bag at his waist.Then he took out a blue storage bag from the purple storage bag, and a hint of joy appeared at the corner of his mouth.This cyan storage bag is exactly the trophy that Long Fei used to kill the body and repair the snake.Long Fei held the cyan storage bag in his left hand, and immediately poked his right hand into the mouth of the bag, but he couldn't get in.Long Fei was surprised and thought: The snake cultivator of the human body is obviously dead, but his storage bag seems to have a guardian spirit blocking the mouth of the bag!Um!After all, it belongs to others!Never mind!Kill directly.

Long Fei immediately mobilized all the power of the divine mind in the sea of ​​thoughts, trying to destroy the guardian spirit in the blue storage bag.

At this moment, a smoke-like figure suddenly rushed out of the mouth of the pocket, and then gradually solidified, so that one could distinguish its appearance, it was actually a snake with a human body and a snake head.Long Fei could tell with his naked eyes that this snake repair was definitely not the one he killed.Because this snake cultivator is not only physically bigger than the killed snake cultivator, but also has a temperament overlooking the world, which the killed snake cultivator did not have.

"Friend Taoist, I am the Snake King Shedu. Since this bag is in your hands, I think my younger brother has died in your hands. Your appearance has already sensed my original god Nianhai, and I can chase and kill you at any time. But This bag is very important to our clan, as long as you return it to me, I will not take the revenge of killing your brother! And I will thank you very much!" This guardian spirit can speak, which shows how powerful the master of the spirit is. .

"Is it possible?" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, his white glove suddenly floated with his right palm, and then he shot out a Yuanli sword, fiercely shooting at the guardian spirit.



Before the patron saint could finish his words, he was stabbed by the Yuanli sword and gradually disappeared.

"Hmph! There's a lot of nonsense, just trying to lure me into the urn!" Long Fei sneered, and then opened the storage bag, only to find a small inch-high jade bottle with four colors of blue, yellow, black, and red inside. There is nothing special about it.Long Fei then gently uncorked the bottle, and an extremely rich fragrance instantly permeated the entire cave, and the fragrance contained a strange violent energy that he couldn't inhale into his nose.As the fragrance wafted out, the contents in the bottle naturally revealed their true face, it was actually a mass of golden blood boiling like boiling water.The golden blood kept rushing out of the bottle, Long Fei quickly re-corked the small jade bottle to prevent any change, and put the small jade bottle into a purple storage bag.Afterwards, Long Fei pondered for a long time, constantly reviewing the "Wanbaolu" and some pharmacopoeias of the sect, but there was no record of this blood, so he could only suppress the surprise in his heart and save it for later. Answer.

After Long Fei finished handling the things in the blue storage bag, he immediately took out another red pill from the purple storage bag and stuffed it into his mouth, continuing to adjust his breath and heal his wounds.

Another day passed, and Xiaojin's body was at least five times bigger than before. His head had grown to the size of two fists, and his body had reached a length of ten feet. Most of the roots of the dense needle-like feathers had emerged A little golden retriever.

At this moment, Xiaojin finally stopped growing at a high speed, and slowly opened his eyes. There was a tinge of gold in the black eyes, as if his vision was still a little hazy, so he was confused for a moment. Then he looked up to the sky and yawned, sighing with satisfaction : "Ah! I'm comfortable, I'm finally full of sleep!"

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