Chaos fairy way

Chapter 135

"Hehe! Now that you're full of sleep, let's go!" Long Fei also opened his eyes at this time, looking at Xiao Jin's cute appearance, his heart suddenly felt pity, and his tone was quite kind.

"Oh!" Xiaojin replied lazily, but when he found the needle-shaped roots of the golden feathers on his body, he was shocked and shouted in great panic: "Wait a minute, ugly boss, I have a lot of hair on my body!" Why do so many strange things grow? Did I get poisoned by eating that strange snake? Please help me!"

"Hehe! That's your feather, it's like this when it grows out." Looking at Xiao Jin's startled look, Long Fei shook his head speechlessly, paused for a moment, then raised his head and sighed: "Oh! I didn't expect that. The noble divine beast is so afraid of death!"

"Oh! That's good." Xiao Jin patted his chest with his right wing as soon as he heard the word "it's okay." He breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Long Fei's exclamation, and immediately said solemnly: " Please remember that the noble beast is not afraid of death, but afraid of not being handsome. Not being handsome is much more uncomfortable than dying, understand?"

Long Fei was speechless for a while again, thinking: Why is this little guy more stinky than me?

Afterwards, Long Fei and Xiao Jin walked towards the entrance of the cave, but an extremely depressing thing happened.

When Long Fei and Xiao Jin walked a hundred miles away from the bottom of the cave, they could no longer move half a step forward.Because although the human body snake cultivator is dead, the closed formation it arranged is still there, so no matter how Long Fei and Xiao Jin move forward, there will be a powerful mysterious force to pull them back in an instant, as if they were in the same place. Mobile in general.Afterwards, one person and one bird were struck with swords, burned, frozen, and blown by the wind, all of which were of no avail.In the end, even the entrance of the cave collapsed. After clearing, everything was still the same and it was impossible to get out of the cave.As a result, one person and one bird had no choice but to turn back to the bottom of the cave in frustration, hoping to see if they could find clues to get out of the cave at the bottom of the cave.

The bottom of the cave is not big, about [-] feet square. After the battle just now, a layer of earth and rocks up to three feet thick was piled up on the ground, and dozens of mounds of different heights stood up.As soon as Long Fei's divine sense expanded, he thoroughly explored everything on the surface of the entire cave, but found nothing.Afterwards, he searched deep into the fluffy soil and rocks with his spiritual sense, but still found nothing.

Long Fei stood on top of a mound of dirt, his brows were tightly furrowed, his spiritual thoughts were searching for everything in the cave tirelessly over and over again, the search was extremely careful, to the point where even stones the size of a grain of rice would not be spared.But after a long time, there was still no result. In the end, he could only smile wryly and stop the search for spiritual thoughts.

"That strange snake is too bad, what kind of destruction is it here! I really want to blow up this hole!" Xiao Jin roared so angry.

"Exploded? Oh, yes!" Long Fei stopped Xiao Jin's voice, whispered a word, then frowned, and felt joy in his heart, thinking: Yes!All kinds of attacks at the entrance of the cave are ineffective, so why not try to blast the bottom of the cave to pieces to see if you can destroy the closed formation.

Long Fei wanted to do it, and immediately the white glove appeared in his right palm, "Zheng!" with a sharp sound, he shot out a Yuanli sword with a dazzling yellow glow.As soon as the Yuanli Sword entered the void, it transformed into ten thousand Yuanli flying swords, then suddenly condensed into a square sword formation, and shot into the cave roof with a howl, but something strange happened again, and the ten thousand flying swords flashed to their original positions in an instant.

Long Fei knew in his heart that the closed formation must be doing something strange, and then mobilized the square sword formation to shoot into the opposite cave wall.After a breath, there was a loud "boom!", and a hole with a depth of one foot and a width of five feet was blasted out on the opposite wall, but it was blocked to death by earth and rocks.

Long Fei was overjoyed in his heart, and then the Yuanli was poured into the white glove again, and the white glove shot out a Yuanli sword again, and once it flew into the air, it transformed into ten thousand Yuanli flying swords, but this time it suddenly froze But it condensed into a dustpan-shaped sword formation.The dustpan sword array then flew into the new cave, clearing away the earth and rocks.

"Ugly boss, you are too cool! You actually used such a mighty treasure to clear the earth and rocks. I have to admire you!" Xiao Jin praised exaggeratedly, and then flapped his two half-haired wings, clucking straight Laughing, it seems that seeing Long Fei working as a miner is quite funny.

Long Fei ignored this little guy, and as soon as he cleaned up the soil and rocks in the cave, with a movement of his divine sense, the dustpan sword formation exploded, then suddenly condensed, formed a square sword formation and shot into the cave again.After a breath, there was another "boom" that shook the hole, and the hole deepened by nearly ten feet.Then the white glove shot out another Yuanli sword, turning into ten thousand Yuanli flying swords, and then condensed the dustpan sword array to clear the earth and rocks...

In this way, blow up and clear, clear and dig, and start again and again.One day later, the entire bottom of the cave was filled with earth and rocks, and it was impossible to pile any more, and the new hole dug was ten miles deep.But the cave has to be opened, because Long Fei and Xiao Jin went to the entrance of the original cave and tried again, but they still couldn't get out of the cave.At this time, there was nowhere to pile up the earth and rocks, so Long Fei could only open a hole in front and block the hole in the back.

The inside of the new cave was pitch black, and Long Fei and Xiao Jin could only identify objects with their spiritual thoughts or perception.Another day passed during the excavation, and the new hole was more than twenty miles deep.At this time, Long Fei cast a light curtain of the guardian spirit to cover himself and Xiao Jin, and then turned to dig a hole upwards, because Long Fei had given up the idea of ​​going out from the original hole and decided to dig a hole out.

Thousands of yuanli swords formed a square sword array and shot towards the top of the cave, and once they shot into the wall of the cave top, they suddenly exploded with a "boom", and the earth and rocks on the top of the cave collapsed and fell down with a sound of "crash!" , a lot of earth and stone "bang bang!" hit the light curtain of spiritual thoughts and slid down.The light curtain of spiritual thoughts vibrated violently, but it was not damaged at all.

As the hole opened upwards became deeper and deeper, Long Fei could only take Xiao Jin to drive the Qingshuang Sword while flying upwards while opening the hole.

Half a day later, the upward hole was six miles deep. Suddenly, there were two sounds of "boom! Boom!", followed by another burst of "crash! bang!", and a space appeared on the top of the cave.Long Fei was overjoyed immediately, knowing that there must be a passage or underground hole dug ahead.

Afterwards, Long Fei flew up with himself and Xiao Jin on the Qingshuang Sword, rushed into the space above in an instant, and then took out the Ye Mingzhu from the storage bag.Although the mind can distinguish things, it is more reassuring and comfortable to see things with the eyes.

As soon as the night pearl came out, the cave lit up.I saw that the cave is not big, about two hundred feet square, which is a typical cave surface.The stone pillars, stalagmites, stone waterfalls and stone bells in the cave are all available in different shapes, which are uncanny and natural.Long Fei looked forward with great surprise, not because of the beautiful scenery of this cave, but because of the small pool in front of him.

I saw a small pool in front of me, oval in shape, about nine feet in diameter.A line of streams rushes down from the rocks on the cave wall, like a small waterfall falling into the pool, causing ripples.A diameter of about one foot, a ruddy white lotus flower stands gracefully in the middle of the small pond, shining with a faint brilliance, and traces of light blue aura surrounds its body, everything reveals its extraordinary.

"Thousand-year stone lotus!" Long Fei couldn't help exclaiming, and immediately remembered the record of this stone lotus in "Wanbaolu": the thousand-year stone lotus, the whole body is ruddy, matured in 3000 years, and it grows deep in the ground. It is hard to find, and its lotus juice is a treasure that can enhance the power of spiritual thoughts.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Xiao Jin exclaimed, then looked at Long Fei and quickly asked, "Boss, what is a thousand-year-old stone lotus?"

"Hehe!" Long Fei laughed lightly, without answering, he placed the Ye Mingzhu on a stone platform, and then flashed to the side of the pool.The white glove suddenly appeared on his right palm, and he shot out a Yuanli sword, which flew to the edge of the stone lotus flower stem one foot above the water with a "swish".Then he took out a two-inch-high ruddy white jade bottle from the storage bag at his waist, and slowly flew to the side of the Yuanli Sword under the control of his spiritual thoughts.Afterwards, Yuan Lijian suddenly cut across the stem of the stone lotus, with a sound of "cha", the stem snapped off, and two streams of white seru juice spewed out from the two cuts. intoxicating.With a thought of Long Fei's mind, the two streams of white serum juice flowed into the white jade bottle without falling to the ground.In a moment, the milk juice in the two flower stems had drained, and then the stone lotus slowly fell into the water under the control of Long Fei's spiritual thoughts.

""Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" can break through the realm of Yuan!" Long Fei sighed happily, and then with a move with his right hand, the ruddy white jade bottle slowly flew into his right palm, and the Yuanli sword also flew back into the white In the glove.

"Boss, it smells so good! I found you so handsome! I want to drink too!" Xiao Jin stared at the jade bottle in Long Fei's hand with his dark golden eyes, and said while swallowing.

"You little glutton, you say I'm handsome at this time? Hehe! Don't worry, I'll share it with you." Hearing Xiao Jin's words, Long Fei was speechless again, thinking: The little guy actually knows how to flatter!Could this be learned from Long Yang again?

Afterwards, Long Fei considered that it was too late to meet up with Niu Zhong and the others before taking the Wannian Shiru, so he immediately decided to repair the second layer of "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" "Broken Yuan" here before trying to find a way out of the cave. .

Next, Long Fei took out another silver-white jade bottle, divided half of the juice from the original jade bottle into the silver-white jade bottle, and then handed the silver-white jade bottle to Xiaojin.

Xiaojin hurriedly folded his wings together to catch the silver-white jade bottle, then poured it into his mouth, swallowed the juice in one gulp, and fell asleep on the ground.

Long Fei stared at Xiao Jin dumbfounded, and only then did he truly understand that this little guy's cultivation method is to sleep, so he couldn't help cursing: "Little pervert!"

Afterwards, Long Fei set up protective formations one by one in the cave, and then sat next to Xiao Jin to meditate and adjust his breath.An hour later, when all aspects of his body were adjusted to the best, Long Fei immediately drank a small mouthful of stone lotus milk juice.As soon as the stone lotus milk juice is in the mouth, it feels sweet and mellow, and the fragrance rushes down the nose, and it flows down the throat, refreshing and refreshing; as soon as it enters the abdomen, a thick magical energy suddenly rushes into the sea of ​​thoughts, and the power of spiritual thoughts soars .Long Fei hurriedly ran the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" exercise with all his strength, constantly consuming his spiritual power to mobilize the magnetic force of heaven and earth, and magnetize the Yuan force in his body to practice.In the process of practicing "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave", Long Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that not only his "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" skills became more and more refined, but also his spiritual sense was gradually strengthened.

Three days later, Long Fei breathed out a turbid breath, opened his eyes, raised the corner of his left mouth, and the bad arc appeared immediately, with a rather smug look, obviously the "Broken Yuan" realm of "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" has been reached.

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