Chaos fairy way

Chapter 138 Humanoid Stone

Niu Zhong looked at the direction where the skinny eagle demon disappeared, his pupils shrank, and then he jumped down to the ground.

"Big boring cow, why did you drag me just now? That skinny eagle demon is so bad, I wish I could give him a hard lesson, hum!" Xu Lan said with puffed cheeks, obviously because It was caused by the words of the thin eagle demon.

"That's right! After hearing the voice transmission from Sister Lan, I also want to spank his ass. How bad! You actually want to murder us. Alas! It's a pity that I can't beat him now!" Xiao Ling was still hugged by Xu Lan Li, raised his head and looked at Niu Zhong, quite aggrieved and authentic.

Xu Lan has reached the metamorphosis stage, and his perception ability far surpasses that of the Consciousness Stage. He can detect all movements, including sounds, within a thousand feet even if he doesn't use his spiritual sense; the weight of the cow is even worse, and his perception range can reach a radius of more than two thousand feet; Therefore, Niu Zhong and Xu Lan can naturally hear the words of the dry and skinny eagle demon.Perception refers to the ability to sense external things relying on the eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin.

"As the skinny eagle demon said just now, we will be the fisherman. We came here only for two kinds of spiritual treasures. It is really difficult for us to defeat the strength of the monster cultivators just now. Therefore, it is best for us to show the enemy now. Weak, wait for them to catch the Lingzhen and then give them a surprise, and finally win the Lingzhen!" Although Niu Zhong's face was tight, his tone in front of Xu Lan was very soft.

Although Xu Lan was extremely unwilling, Niu Zhong's words were indeed reasonable, so she could only nod her head slightly.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong and Xu Lan teleported away towards Wanrong Cave.In such a big commotion just now, no wood spirit clan master came to punish the trespasser.Niu Zhong and Xu Lan guessed that the identities of these people had already been known by the Muling tribe, and these people intended to seek two kinds of spiritual treasures, and had no purpose of harming the Muling tribe, so the masters of the Muling tribe could not really Kill or punish these young masters, so they can only turn a blind eye.It was also based on this that Niu Zhong and Xu Lan dared not to care whether the masters of the Wood Spirit Tribe would notice their whereabouts, so they blatantly teleported far away to Wanrong Cave.

Wanrong Cave Sky, located in the north of the core area of ​​the Muling Mountains, is an underground cave world. The passages in Wanrong are criss-crossed, twisting and twisting, like a spider web; there are countless caves in it, with holes in the cave and holes in the back; Heart is extremely difficult.

When Niu Zhong and Xu Lan arrived at the entrance of Wanrong Cave, the young masters of the bear, eagle, and tiger clans had long since disappeared, apparently they had all entered the cave.As soon as Niu Chong's divine sense expanded, he knew the situation within a hundred miles, and found that there were still monster clansmen wandering within the range of the hundred miles, except for the five major monster clans.

Niu Zhong and Xu Lan randomly found an entrance and entered in a flash.

Niu Zhong had already entered Wanrong Cave, while Long Fei was still looking for the exit in that cave passage underground.

"Ugly boss, I feel that something is wrong, I seem to have passed this place once!" Xiao Jin flapped his wings and followed Long Fei closely, saying with some doubts.

"Really? You've discovered it too, noble beast? It's terrible! But this is the third time we've gone to this place." Long Fei stopped drifting, looking at Xiao Jin's cute appearance, he couldn't help teasing , and at the same time relieve the depression in my heart.Because at this time, he and Xiao Jin had been drifting through this section of the karst cave passage for more than an hour, but it turned out that the same path had been walked three times, and it was still repeated.

"Ugly boss, your tone of voice is wrong! I don't follow the road because I believe in you! You have to remember, the beast will be angry!" Xiao Jin turned his head to look at Long Fei, and there seemed to be some retort in his words Taste, but at the end of the sentence, the tone was a lot more solemn, paused, then looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "Oh! I really feel wronged to recognize you as the boss!"

Seeing that childish and funny look, Long Fei raised his right hand and tapped on Xiao Jin's head, saying: "Little brat! If you don't learn anything else, you can play tricks and pretend to be cool, but you've learned a lot!"

"Ouch! I'm telling the truth, you can't even get out of such a simple maze! I wonder how stupid you are! Huh!" Xiao Jintou immediately turned to the other side, and was naturally very unhappy with the blow.

"Really? Can you go out?" Long Fei looked at Xiao Jin suspiciously.

Xiao Jin turned a blind eye to Long Fei's words, and kept his head tilted towards it without moving.

"Okay, little golden beast, I know you are very powerful! Tell me how to get out of this maze?" Looking at Xiaojin's angry child, Long Fei felt funny in his heart, but he quickly coaxed Xiaojin .

"This is so-so! The method of provocative generals is useless to me, and admitting mistakes is the right thing to do." Hearing Long Fei's flattering words, Xiao Jin raised his head, blinked those black and golden eyes, and looked smug There was a sudden look in his eyes, and then he said proudly: "Okay, follow me!"

Afterwards, Xiao Jin spread his wings and glides away.Long Fei naturally cast "Wind Shadow Jue", followed by Drift.

As the saying goes: Children speak without deception, children will not lie.Although this remark is not very applicable to Xiao Jin, it has been well confirmed this time.A quarter of an hour later, under the leadership of Xiao Jin, Long Fei went through the complicated palace with seven turns and eight corners, and finally walked out of the maze.

"Okay! That's right, Xiao Jin! By the way, how did you do it just now?" Long Fei gave a thumbs up with his right hand, and asked curiously while admiring.

"Of course! Who am I? I'm a divine beast." Xiao Jin raised his head very high, his eyes were almost reaching the sky, then turned his head to look at Long Fei, and said lightly, "As for your question I don’t know why I can tell the way, anyway, I feel that I can go wherever I can, that is, I go by feeling. Maybe it’s because I am a beast! Alas! The loneliness of a master!”

Looking at Xiao Jin's stinky fart, Long Fei shook his head speechlessly.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Xiao Jin continued to move forward, but after passing through the maze, the passageway cave was not only nearly twice as wide as before, but also encountered large-scale caves from time to time in the process of advancing.These caves are like orbs running above the channel caves.

Due to the twists and turns of the caverns, different widths, and many twists and turns, Long Fei could not use "Little Thunderbolt Technique" and "Wind Shadow Jue" was also subject to many restrictions, so Long Fei and Xiao Jin's traveling speed was relatively fast. slow.

A day later, the front passage suddenly opened wide. Although holding the luminous pearl in his hand could only illuminate a short distance around him, Longfei's divine sense detection range with a radius of hundreds of miles could instantly understand everything in the cave.

This cave is about a hundred li square in size, and the scene of the karst cave in the cave is not much different from the previous cave, but there is an additional human-shaped stone with a height of three feet.

Long Fei didn't stop, and the speed of drifting further accelerated, just like passing through other caves, Yu directly passed through the cave.But just as Long Fei drifted to the center of the cave, suddenly a pair of scarlet lights shot out of thin air like searchlights and crossed randomly, and then all shot towards Long Fei.Long Fei was taken aback, seeing that all these rays of light shot out from the face doors of those human-shaped stone heads, which seemed to be two lines of sight.Long Fei quickly put Xiaojin into the spirit beast bracelet and put away the Ye Mingzhu, and then carefully detected these human-shaped stones with his spiritual sense, but the same as the previous detection, these human-shaped stones had no life fluctuations.But after only a while, Long Fei was shocked again.Because those human-shaped stones suddenly waved their fists and feet like human beings, and moved their muscles and bones; due to the stiffness of the body, the sound of "crash! clatter!"

After a very brief movement of muscles and bones, the human-shaped stones rushed towards Long Fei. "Bang bang!" The sound of footsteps rang out all at once, shaking the ground and dust.

At this time, Long Fei's body did not move for a moment, waiting quietly for the arrival of the people's shaped stones.Because there was no relevant introduction on the soul wooden sign given by Diao Wang, he wanted to know what these human-shaped stones were.

A moment later, the first human-shaped rock approached Long Fei in an encircling manner, and mechanically waved the giant palms of the stiff stone one after another, and slapped Long Fei fiercely with a whistling sound.

Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded in time, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he floated between two human-shaped stones, avoiding the swift and violent combined attack properly, and drifted ten feet away, amazed in his heart: these human-shaped stones There is no life fluctuation in the block, but they can move like living creatures and know how to attack the enemy together. What kind of monster is this?

At this moment, the second human-shaped stone had arrived, and ten huge stone palms slapped Long Fei's head wildly, and the whistling wind made Long Fei's hair dance wildly.This time, Long Fei did not immediately drift away to avoid it, but waited for a while, and when the first huge boulder palm hit a spot above his head, "Wind Shadow Jue" suddenly stretched out, and shot towards the huge boulder. The human-shaped stone in the palm drifted away.When passing by this human-shaped stone, the Qingshuang sword flashed in his right hand instantly, slashing the neck of the human-shaped stone with his backhand.

"Dang!" Sparks flew, and the beheaded human-shaped stone shook, but there was only an inch-long beheading mark on its neck.

Long Fei drifted more than ten feet away, shocked in his heart, and couldn't help thinking about the countermeasure secretly: his body is so hard that even high-level treasures can't touch its roots, it seems that he can only use the Yuanli sword with white gloves.

While Long Fei was thinking about it, the siege of people shaped like stones came again.This time, the crowd-shaped stones changed their attack methods. The giant palms of the stones either slapped the head, swept across the waist, or punched head-on, etc. The attack was extremely fast and crisp.

Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was performed to the extreme, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he floated among the people's shaped stones, dodging the swift and fierce attacks one by one; And now in his right palm, he shot out a three-foot-three-long Yuanli sword and held it tightly in his hand, stabbing fiercely at the human-shaped stones that were attacking. .

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Human-shaped stones fell one after another with the Yuanli sword, or their arms were broken, or their chests were pierced, or their heads were beheaded, etc. Black and red blood flowed from the wounds. blood.

Looking at the splashing blood, Long Fei was no longer surprised but appalled. He thought to himself: These human-shaped stones, or just called stone men, have no life fluctuations but can bleed. It's weird!Seeing that they know how to attack together, they should have wisdom after all.By the way, try to catch a search god and see where they come from.

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