Chaos fairy way

Chapter 139 Encountering An Ant Colony Suddenly

Long Fei had already made up his mind, so he didn't make any more tentative moves anymore. He clenched his right palm, and the white glove immediately shot out a sword of Yuanli, and as soon as it entered the void, it transformed into thousands of Yuanlifeis that shone with pale yellow light. The sword paused for a while, and then suddenly shot in all directions.

A Yuanli sword with a handle "Chi! Chi! Chi!" was shot into the heads of human-shaped stones.After only one breath, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a sound, and the heads of the human-shaped stones exploded one after another, and the debris scattered. Surprisingly, there were even gray brains splashing. "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The headshot human-shaped stones fell to the ground one after another.

Within a hundred feet, it was swept away, and Long Fei's white glove shot out a Yuanli sword again and flew into the air, and then transformed into ten thousand Yuanli flying swords.Ten thousand Yuanli flying swords were divided into two, and five thousand swords formed a square formation suspended above the head; the five thousand swords suddenly gathered, suddenly condensed, and suddenly turned into a three-foot three-yuan sword with a dazzling yellow glow.

Long Fei stretched out "Wind Shadow Jue", drifted into the air, grabbed the three-foot three-yuan sword with his right hand, and then shot his body towards the entrance just now.

The human-shaped stones already had wisdom, so they naturally guessed Long Fei's intention to escape, so some of the human-shaped stones continued to surround and kill Long Fei, and the other part of the human-shaped stones quickly gathered towards the entrance to prevent Long Fei from escaping.

The three-foot three-yuan sword in Long Fei's hand slashed violently. Wherever it passed, broken stones shot violently, blood flew, and incomplete human-shaped stones lay horizontally on the ground, some of which were still trembling slightly.

The human-shaped stones in front gathered more and more, and soon reached the point where water could not flow through; but the human-shaped stones in the rear were sparse.

At this time, the corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, a bad arc appeared, and with a slight smile, the five thousand Yuanli sword above his head suddenly exploded in all directions, and many human-shaped stones that came from the siege were hit by the sword and exploded, falling to the ground instantly and died.Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded again, stopped his forward momentum, turned around with a 180-degree drift, and quickly changed into the wind, blowing away towards the exit of the cave.

The people-shaped stones were a little stunned by Long Fei's sudden change of direction, and then chased after him.

Long Fei instantly drifted to the side of a human-shaped stone in front of him, and the three-foot three-yuan sword in his right hand cut off his hands with a "shua! Shua!" like a stick; The right shoulder of the human-shaped stone, and then dragged the human-shaped stone and drifted out of the cave.

At this time, the crowd of stones had already chased to the exit, and rushed towards them holding up their huge stone palms.

Long Fei used "Wind Shadow Jue" with all his strength, drifting at a very high speed; at the same time, he threw the three-foot three-yuan sword upwards, and it exploded as soon as it entered the air, re-forming the five-thousand light yellow se yuan-force flying sword into a square shape The sword array shot into the wall of the cave roof.

After a short breath, there was a muffled "bang!" on the wall of the cave roof, and then a "boom!" collapsed down, and the landslide instantly covered the crowd-shaped stones that were slammed with huge stone palms, and the passage of the cave was immediately closed. was completely blocked.

At this time, Long Fei had already drifted ten miles away. Just in case, he shot out a Yuanli sword again with his right glove and then turned ten thousand Yuanli flying swords into the top of the cave, followed by "Bang! Boom!" Twice, the roof of the cave collapsed again, blocking the passage.

To be sure, Long Fei blew up the roof of the cave three times in a row. After doing all this, he found a cave that was only a thousand feet in size. god.

Long Fei's right index finger tapped between the eyes of the human-shaped stone, and a divine thought rushed into the head of the human-shaped stone.For a moment, Long Fei's face became cloudy and uncertain, and then he put down his right hand, and couldn't help murmuring softly: "I thought I'd get a lot of clues, but I didn't expect his brain to be a mess without any information. These living things The rocks were unheard of before, where did they come from?"

After pondering for a moment, Long Fei was naturally puzzled, and then in order to avoid causing disaster, he gave the human-shaped stone a happy death method.

Afterwards, Long Fei put away the formation in the cave and continued on.

Long Fei encounters a strange event suddenly, and Niu Zhong is in danger again.

At this time, Niu Zhong and Xu Lan had already penetrated into Wanrong Cave for more than a hundred miles, and the passage they walked was one of the thousands of passages.The passage was dark and humid, and the sound of dripping water accompanied the entire passage.Niu Zhong and Xu Lan have always maintained a high degree of vigilance, on the one hand to prevent the sneak attacks of the creatures in the cave, and on the other hand to prevent other people who are looking for treasures from plotting.Niu Zhong walked in front holding the Heavenly Spirit Shield tightly with his left hand.Xu Lan followed Niu Zhong closely, holding a white stone in his left palm, emitting a hazy white light to illuminate the path of the two of them.This stone is as big as a fist and oval in shape. It is called a fluorescent stone. Like the night pearl, it is also a rare lighting treasure.As for Xiao Ling, he was sleeping soundly on Niu Zhong's left shoulder.

The scenery inside the cave is very beautiful!The walls of the cave are like clouds, lotuses, or clusters of giant mushrooms...; the lava in the cave is strangely shaped, with uncanny craftsmanship—lingyans flying, crocodiles entering the water, white sheep leading the way, Guanyin swallows, Kunpeng spreading its wings, and westerly spring curtains. , a group of monks worshiping the Buddha... one step at a time, the scene is different

Although the rose is beautiful, it is a pity that it has thorns; the scenery is charming, but there is a hidden danger.

"Ah! Ah!" A few sharp screams ahead shook the silent space of the passage.

"Lan'er, there must be a change ahead, be careful!" Hearing the sound, Niu Zhong quickly opened the "Yuan Shield", and a translucent hemispherical element shield with a diameter of three feet shining slightly yellow appeared. , instantly enveloped himself and Xu Lan in it.

"Well! I have gone deep into the cave for more than a hundred miles. It will be a waste of time to retreat and find the entrance again, and thus miss the opportunity to compete for the Lingzhen, so I can only go up in danger." Xu Lan looked forward, nodded slightly, and then branched out. The divine mind wraps the fluorescent stone in the hand, and slowly moves it to suspend at a height of one foot above the head; then pulls the left hand inside the body, and the nine-stringed phoenix appears in a flash.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong and the two of them each performed the sect's top body skills and drifted forward quickly.

When the two of them drifted for more than ten miles, there was a slight and fine "creak" and the blunt sound of "crunch" cutting flesh suddenly from ahead.After a few miles, I entered a large cave with a diameter of twenty miles. With the help of the hazy white light of the fluorescent stone, I saw several human-shaped objects lying in front of me with a gloomy luster. And can be composed of particles that wriggle irregularly.

Niu Zhong then carefully probed those wriggling particles with his divine sense, his heart was pulled violently, and his face immediately became serious.The human-shaped objects were actually corpses, and the wriggling particles were just gold-eating ants.

Gold-eating ants, as recorded in "Wanbaolu", like to live in groups, love meat, eat everything, and destroy everything. When encountering a master in the Yuan Dynasty, he must stay away from it, otherwise his life will be lost.

"Back!" Niu Zhong shouted, and mobilized "Yuan Zhidun" to turn around and run back with Xu Lan.

But it was too late, when Niu Zhong and the others stopped to look at the corpse, a series of black lines had sealed the entrance, and the surroundings of the cave were also surrounded by a series of black lines.Those black lines are naturally an ant colony composed of countless thumb-sized gold-eating ants!Niu Zhong and the two were surrounded by gold-eating ants.

In a dilemma, then the natural choice is to advance.Niu Zhong then mobilized the "Yuan Zhishield" to turn around and drift away to the depths of the cave again.

At this time, the few corpses in front had been devoured until there was not even a bone left.Thousands of gold-eating ants in front saw the "Yuan Zhishield" rushing towards them, and instantly piled up three black ant walls to seal Niu Zhong's whereabouts; while gold-eating ants from the other three directions also rushed in.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!", "Yuan Zhishield" hit three ant walls in a row, and the ant walls collapsed immediately, and all the gold-eating ants scattered away, "Wow! Wow!" and fell on the "Yuan Shield". superior.In a moment, the surface of the "Yuan Zhishield" was covered with gold-eating ants.The gold-eating ants opened their brown, sharp-toothed pliers frantically biting the light yellow shield wall of the "Shield of Yuan", devouring the light yellow shield transformed by Yuan Force like eating cotton candy. wall.In just a moment, the pale yellow shield wall of the "Yuan Zhishield" became thinner a little.

Seeing this, Niu Zhong quickly increased the Yuan force injected into the "Yuan Shield", and the "Yuan Shield" returned to its original thickness for a while.

Xu Lan's "Four Wonderful Songs of Tianyin" played "Pingsha Luoyan" quickly, and a soothing and leisurely sound of the piano fluttered in all directions, but the gold-eating ants did not respond as if they were tone-deaf, and did not reach the goal at all. Intoxicating and still effect.Xu Landai frowned slightly, and bit her red lips lightly. Then, the piano music changed, and a fast, passionate, heart-pounding piano sound suddenly rang out.This is the third piece of "The Four Wonderful Songs of Tianyin", and it is also the strongest piece Xu Lan has mastered so far.

"Beep! Beep!" There was a sound like setting off firecrackers, and the densely packed gold-eating ants on the surface of the "Yuanzhishield" burst their heads and fell to the ground.The corpses of these gold-eating ants that fell to the ground were swallowed up by the following gold-eating ants in an instant.

The sound of the piano instantly wiped out many gold-eating ants, and the "Shield of Yuan" immediately returned to its original thickness.Niu Zhong took the opportunity to mobilize the "Yuan Zhishield" to rush out of the cave and enter a [-]-foot-wide cave passage, but there were more gold-eating ants ahead.Brown gold-eating ants have crawled all over the walls of the passage, which is creepy to watch.The densely packed gold-eating ants saw the "Yuan Zhishield" rushing, or jumped from the roof and wall of the cave to the "Yuanzhishield", or piled up an ant wall and let the "Yuanzhishield" collapse on the "Yuanzhishield". Yuan Shield".Although Xu Lan's piano sound is very domineering, killing enemies quickly and in groups, but there are too many gold-eating ants. After a while, "Yuan Zhishield" was completely covered by gold-eating ants again, and the crazy devouring began again.And as more and more gold-eating ants devoured the light yellow shield wall of the "Yuanzhishield", the speed at which the light yellow shield wall became thinner also became faster and faster.

Niu Zhong had to increase the energy injected into the "Yuan Zhishield" time and time again, but he still couldn't make ends meet, and the "Yuanzhishield" was slowly weakening.

Seeing this, Xu Lan let out a coquettish shout, and the "Goddess Manual" was running vigorously. At the same time, with a movement of the divine mind, the nine-stringed phoenix-tailed qin was suspended in front of her chest, and her right hand played the qin rapidly, and the sound of the qin became more urgent and passionate; Hurry up, strange pale yellow flowers with six petals condense and form in the void, and slowly fall onto Niu Zhong's head, continuously blessing Niu Zhong's "Goddess Manual" Yuanli amplified state.

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