Chaos fairy way

Chapter 140

Xu Lan's Divine Jade Body is really miraculous. With the empowerment of strange pale yellow six-petal flowers entering the body, the Yuan Power in Niu Zhong's body suddenly soared, and the Yuan Power injected into the "Yuan Shield" also increased; As the sound of the piano became more and more urgent and passionate, the sound of the gold-eating ants' headshots of "Beep! Beep!" became louder and denser.As time goes by, the energy that Niu Zhong injects into the "Yuan Shield" finally reaches the point where it can make ends meet, and the "Yuan Shield" gradually reaches the thickness of the initial state again.

When Niu Zhong saw this, his heart immediately relaxed, and then he accelerated the speed of drifting, and the "Yuan Zhishield" suddenly turned into a yellow rainbow and swept along the winding cave passage to the depths of the cave.The number of gold-eating ants was really appalling. Niu Zhong controlled the "Yuan Zhishield" to float all the way, and saw that the walls of the passage were covered with gold-eating ants, and the entire cave passage turned brown and black.

Floating all the way, rushing all the way, the sound of "beep" headshot, "bang! bang!" The sound of hitting the ant wall, and the passionate sound of the piano that compels the heart, suppresses the spiritual consciousness or spiritual thought, together form a song A song of death, a song of flight.

Niu Zhong controlled the "Yuan Zhishield" to fly for twenty miles, and suddenly saw that the passage ahead was divided into two passages.While Niu Zhong was rushing, when he chose the passage, suddenly there was the sound of "beep, beep, beep" from the entrance of the left passage, and then a light smoke followed the sound, and there was a thick burnt smell. come.After a while, a two-foot-large flame shield was seen rushing out from the left passage.

"Tiger Might!" Little Ling exclaimed as he looked at the two figures in the flame shield in front of him. The little guy finally woke up after running away.

At this time, the flame shield has been scattered and has many loopholes. The gold-eating ants scrambled to get into the flame shield through the loopholes. Once inside the flame shield, they jumped to the bodies of the two demon cultivators, Huwei, viciously. Biting the fleshy bodies of the two demon cultivators fiercely.At this time, the two demon cultivators of Huwei were completely bruised and almost turned into blood-humans.

"Diao Ling, save me!" Hu Wei's face was pale, his lip was bitten by himself and bleeding, when he saw Niu Zhong and the others or the demon queen, his almost despairing eyes were suddenly filled with hope, and he became hoarse called out.

Seeing this, Niu Zhong couldn't bear it, and then controlled the "Yuan Zhishield" to float into the left channel in an instant, quickly moved to the side of the flame shield, and then suddenly opened and retracted, and in the blink of an eye, the two demon cultivators of Huwei and the flame shield were separated. The cover is included in the "Yuan Shield".And Xu Lan's zither sound killed all the gold-eating ants on the flame shield and Huwei two demon cultivators in an instant.

Huwei let out a long breath, then retracted the flame shield into his body, and then bowed to Niu Chong respectfully with another golden-robed demon tiger: "Thank you for saving my life, fellow daoist!"

"You don't have to be polite, it's the responsibility of a cultivator to save lives and heal the wounded." Niu Zhong's face was tightly tied, and his tone was firm.

"Xiao Hu, you haven't thanked me yet!" Xiao Ling blinked and said unhappily.

"Oh! Thank you, sister Ling'er." Hu Wei hurriedly looked at Xiao Ling, and bowed to Xiao Ling again.

"Hee hee! You're welcome, it's just a matter of talking!" Xiao Ling stuck out his tongue, and a sly light flashed in his eyes.

When everyone or the demon cultivators were courteous, due to the increase in personnel, the movement speed of the "Yuanzhishield" slowed down, and now two gold-eating ants combined into one to attack the "Yuanzhishield", the battle between Niu Zhong and Xu Lan The pressure suddenly increased a lot, and the Yuan power injected into the "Yuan Shield" was not enough to make ends meet, so I could only watch helplessly as the "Yuan Shield" gradually weakened.

Seeing this, Huwei let out a low growl, stuffed a red pill the size of a thumb into his mouth, glanced at Niu Zhong, then gritted his teeth, the flame shield suddenly opened from his body, and with Niu Zhong's cooperation down, and instantly floated on the surface of the "Shield of Yuan".The surging flames burned the gold-eating ants sticking to the "Yuan Zhishield" to ashes in a moment, and the "Yuanzhishield" finally stabilized again.

The sound of the piano destroys the enemy at a long distance, and the flames burn the enemy at a short distance. The pressure on the "Yuan Shield" is greatly reduced, and Niu Zhong can also free up more spiritual thoughts and energy to mobilize the "Yuan Shield" to drift faster. "Yuanzhishield" turned into a yellow rainbow again, rushed out of the left passage, and shot into the right passage.

An hour later, the "Yuan Zhishield" finally broke out of the encirclement of the gold-eating ants.At this time, Huwei and his subordinates were running away with the "Shield of Yuan" and smashed all the way towards the top of the passage, knocking down the top of the passage continuously, completely blocking the entire passage with landslides, making it impossible for the gold-eating ants to chase after them. On the other side.

After another hour, there was no more sound coming from behind, obviously they had completely thrown off the pursuit of the gold-eating ants.At this time, Niu Zhong and other monks stopped running and fled, and sat cross-legged in a cave less than a thousand feet in size.

Half an hour later, all the monks opened their eyes one after another, exhaled a breath of foul air, and it was obvious that the energy and spiritual power that had been consumed just now had been fully recovered.

"Little Tiger, didn't you enter the cave before us, how did you collide with us here?" Xiao Ling, who has been protecting the Dharma for everyone, saw that everyone woke up from closing their eyes and adjusting their breath, and asked curiously. road.

"Alas! We encountered a surprise attack by stone men on the way, and then fell into the siege of gold-eating ants, so we delayed meeting you." Hu Wei's face showed fear, obviously still terrified in his heart .

"Stone man? What is a stone man? Why didn't my father tell me that there are such monsters in Wanrong Cave? According to the soul wooden stick my father gave me, the gold-eating ants in Wanrong Cave are just a small swarm. Small stocks are not too much danger to the masters of the Yuan Dynasty, but now there are so many gold-eating ants in Wanrong Cave, it is really strange!" Xiao Ling looked at Huwei, bewildered and authentic.

"The stone man is not a monster. Like the gold-eating ants, he is also a member of the demon tribe. My father did not mention the stone man. I think it is because there has never been a stone man in Wanrong Cave before. As for the gold-eating ants, I will listen to my father. I also said that in Wanrong Cave, there are a small number of small groups. This time both appeared in large numbers, and I don't know why!" Huwei said helplessly.

"By the way, you said that the stone man and the gold-eating ants are members of the Yaozu clan. Why did they dare to besiege and kill you who are the young masters of the five royal families of the Yaozu?" Niu Zhong frowned slightly and couldn't help asking.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Niu, you don't know. The monster clan is actually divided into two parts, namely the ground monster clan and the underground monster clan, that is, the sun monster clan and the dark monster clan. The five royal monster clans and the monster clan on the surface belong to the The ground monster clan is the Sunshine Monster Clan; while the stone man and the gold-eating ants belong to the underground Monster Clan, that is, the Dark Monster Clan. The two monster clans have always been strangers and have never communicated. Few people know the reasons for the relationship between the human race, so it is not uncommon for stone people and gold-eating ants to surround and kill us." Hu Wei gave a wry smile and answered in detail.

Hearing this, Niu Chong suddenly thought of the ant beast in the Twin Cities, and quickly asked, "Friend Tiger, have you heard of an ant beast? This monster is shaped like an ant, with a brown shell, and is generally four feet long. In addition, these stone Where do underground monsters such as humans and gold-eating ants usually hide? Do they often move on the ground?"

"I've never heard of the kind of ant beasts mentioned by Daoist friends. As for these stone men and gold-eating ants that have lived in underground soil layers or caves for a long time, they usually don't seem to dare to climb out of the ground for some reason? Oh! Yes Yes, I once heard my father accidentally say that it is said that there seems to be an underground world deep under our feet, which is the world of the underground monster race." Hu Wei thought for a while, and then replied.

When Niu Zhong heard Hu Wei's answer, although his face didn't turn a little bit different, he was startled suddenly, thinking: Could it be that the ant beast came from the underground world?Thinking of this, Niu Chong asked eagerly: "Does the underground world really exist? Don't there be experts to check it out?"

"Whether the underground world exists or not, the demon kings of the Sunshine Demon Clan have sent people to verify it, but unfortunately they all failed." Hu Wei said with some regret.

Hearing the words, Niu Zhong nodded slightly, feeling a little disappointed, then stood up, glanced at the blocked passage behind him, and then said: "Just now I heard from Fellow Daoist Tiger that the stone man has never appeared here before and the gold-eating ants There are not so many, so it can be inferred that there must be some kind of change in this cave. For the sake of safety, I think we should go to collect two kinds of spiritual treasures as soon as possible, so as to leave this cave as soon as possible."

"It's exactly what I want! In order to thank the few who saved their lives, if the number of the two kinds of spiritual treasures is not enough, I hereby express that I will not fight for them, and I will try my best to help them compete with others." Huwei respected Niu, said solemnly.

"Thank you!" Niu Zhong looked at Hu Wei's sincere eyes, and he had a good impression of Hu Wei who knew how to repay Hu Wei, so he quickly returned the salute.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Hu Wei and other people or monsters rushed to the depth of the cave together.


Under the ground, in the cave passage, Long Fei and Xiao Jin were drifting rapidly, but floating around, Long Fei always felt as if something was following him all the time.After Long Fei encountered the human-shaped stone, the magic of the human-shaped stone's breathlessness and lifelessness left a deep impression on Long Fei. If it wasn't for the low cultivation of the human-shaped stone at that time, it would have been dangerous.Therefore, in order to prevent attracting the attention of similar inexplicable experts, Long Fei's divine sense detection was controlled within a radius of ten miles at this time, and Xiao Jin was also asked by Long Fei to restrain his aura and coercion.

Long Fei swung his right sleeve inward, then put Xiao Jin in the spirit beast bracelet, and then continued to drift forward.After drifting for several miles, suddenly "Wind Shadow Jue" was exerted with all its strength, and it turned into a gust of wind, rushed forward with a "scream", then suddenly turned around and drifted in the opposite direction; at the same time, the detection range of the divine sense suddenly expanded to hundreds of miles Radius, penetrating into rock, soil.Immediately after a sneer, the white glove flickered in his right palm, and with a strong grip, he shot ten Yuanli swords, and shot them into the ceiling wall of the cave above with a "swish".After only a few breaths, the wall above the cave roof broke open with a "Bo!", and a three-foot-sized light yellow, transparent ball rushed out and flew into Long Fei's left hand.

Inside the transparent ball, there was a chi-long, thumb-sized silver snake struggling to tear its teeth out.The transparent ball is naturally formed by Long Fei's ten imprisoning spirits attached to the ten Yuanli swords, and then fused with the Yuanli sword. The latest comprehension of the "sword in the body", or a kind of carrying forward. The body of "melting the sword into the body" not only refers to the body, but also includes the soul, so the sword can also be integrated into the soul; and the mind is a distraction, so the sword can also be integrated into the mind.

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