Chaos fairy way

Chapter 141 Vampire Vine

Long Fei twitched the left corner of his mouth, a bad arc appeared immediately, his eyes stared at the silver snake in the ball, his left eye flashed yellow, and then shot out an inch-long, light yellow sword-shaped imprisoning spirit, passing through in a flash The ball shot into the forehead of the silver snake.The silver snake stopped struggling immediately, and its body became stiff immediately.Then, Long Fei grasped the ball with his left palm, the ball was immediately retracted into his palm, and the silver snake was naturally held in Long Fei's left palm.Afterwards, Long Fei touched the silver snake's forehead with his right index finger, a flash of divine thought flashed into the silver snake's brain, and then searched for the silver snake.

After a while, Long Fei slowly moved away the index finger of his right hand that was on the forehead of the silver snake, and then suddenly opened his left palm, a mass of crimson flames burst out and burned the silver snake. flames.After a few breaths, the silver snake was incinerated into ashes, and fell to the ground with Long Fei's left palm.

Long Fei clapped his palms, and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect the chase of the snake clan to come so soon! This silver shuttle demon snake is worthy of being one of the three tracking strange monsters respected by "Marlboro". They found me along the road I walked. Fortunately, there are very few such snakes, otherwise I would have no escape and nowhere to hide.

At this time, Xiao Jin had already fallen asleep, and he couldn't even arouse any appetite for this low-level monster snake, so Long Fei didn't wake him up, and directly burned the Yinsuo monster snake.

Afterwards, Long Fei used "Wind Shadow Jue" with all his strength, his body quickly turned into a gust of wind, and the cave passage made "howling" noises, in order to leave the ground as soon as possible.Because Long Fei had just searched for the Yinsuo monster snake and found out that although the snake king of the snake tribe was chasing and killing him in the future because of his closed-door training, he sent two elders who had attained great success in the Yuan Dynasty and led many snake monsters to chase him down. .Since the silver shuttle demon snake has followed, the demon snakes will definitely follow the marks left by the silver shuttle demon snake.

Along the way, in order to avoid being attacked by human-shaped stones and other creatures, and to avoid the pursuit of the snake demon, Long Fei Ye Mingzhu has been stored in the storage bag, and the breath is hidden, and the divine sense does not dare to expand to the extreme to explore the way. It is to control the detection distance of the divine sense to be equivalent to the distance of one drift, that is, more than one thousand feet.

Two hours later, Long Fei drifted nearly ten thousand li, at this moment, suddenly, about two thousand zhang away in front of him, a white light flashed away, and there was a person in the white light.With the instant illumination of the white light, I saw that the place where the white light flashed was actually a cross fork, and that white light flashed from the left passage to the right passage.Although the white light disappeared in a flash, and the person in the white light disappeared immediately, but the back of that person was seen clearly by Long Fei in an instant. the feeling of passing.At this time, Long Fei's body was changing rapidly, his breath was as if there was no breath, and his spiritual thoughts did not intersect with the man's spiritual thoughts, so the man naturally couldn't detect Long Fei's existence.

When Long Fei saw that person, he felt pleasantly surprised, because since there was someone, it proved that there must be an exit from the cave.Afterwards, Long Fei quickly drifted into the right passage, chasing after that person.

"Wind and Shadow Judgment" is really miraculous, after Long Fei drifted for more than a hundred miles, he finally saw the drifting figure that was more than a thousand feet away in front of him, and at this moment, another crossroad appeared in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment!" As soon as Long Fei said that, his divine sense swept towards the figure, and then he was startled suddenly, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Cold wind!"

"Long Fei! I didn't expect you and I to meet here two years later." Leng Feng stopped and turned around after hearing the sound, looking at Long Fei, his expression still so cold.

"Why did you betray the teacher?" Long Fei stopped drifting, stopped hundreds of meters away from the cold wind, and asked with a serious expression.

"I'm not a member of the Seven Star Sect, so I can't talk about betrayal!" Leng Feng's expression was dull, and his voice was cold.

"Who are you?" Long Fei was not surprised by Leng Feng's answer, because although Leng Feng was ruthless, he was also an arrogant person, so it was impossible for him to betray him.

"No comment! Well, you and I must be Lingzhen when we enter this place. Now that Lingzhen hasn't appeared, it's not worth a showdown, so save it for the next time!" Leng Feng flashed into the front right passage after finishing his sentence.

"Looking forward to fighting with you again!" Leng Feng said reasonable and Long Fei didn't have a bad impression of Leng Feng, so Long Fei didn't go to catch Leng Feng, but drifted into the front left channel.

After Long Fei traveled for dozens of miles, more than half of his energy and spiritual thoughts had been consumed.In order to cope with the imminent pursuit, Long Fei must ensure that his body's energy and spiritual power are sufficient, so he must recover the energy and spiritual power in his body as soon as possible.Long Fei then drifted into a small branch of the cave passage, and found a rather hidden small cave beside the small branch passage.The small hidden hole is only a hundred feet in size. As soon as Long Fei entered the small hole, he waved his right sleeve out, and then a series of flags flashed around the small hole. The presence.After Long Fei set up the guardian formation, he immediately sat cross-legged on a gray-white stone bell in the center of the small cave, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and at the same time took out a piece of emerald jade crystal and a piece of sky-blue top quality from the storage bag Lingshi, hold one piece in each hand, absorb the spiritual power or spiritual power inside the body, and then quickly convert it into Yuan power and spiritual power through the physical body.After a few breaths, the spiritual power and spiritual power in the jade crystal and the top-grade spirit stone were sucked out, and they all turned into white and gray stones.Afterwards, Long Fei took out a piece of jade crystal and a piece of top-quality spirit stone, and absorbed and transformed the power of origin and the power of spiritual thoughts again...

An hour later, Long Fei absorbed a total of 14 yuan each of jade crystals and top-grade spirit stones, before he finally recovered the exhausted energy and spiritual power in his body, but his thoughts were flowing, and he sighed secretly:

Using jade crystals and top-grade spirit stones to restore the power and mind power is too slow, and it takes an hour to recover half of the power and mind power in the body.If this is during a battle, this method of restoring Yuanli and Divine Sense will not work at all.well!According to the relevant classics of the sect, the best energy item to restore Yuanli is the Yuanshi, and the best energy item to restore the power of the mind is Yuanjing, but these two are extremely rare to see, in fact, they are almost non-existent.It seems that the last two pills hidden in the purple storage bag need to be used as soon as possible, in order to refine the two magical pills "Huanyuan Pill" and "Shenshen Pill", in case of emergency!

Afterwards, Long Fei jumped up, still concealing his aura, controlled the detection range of his divine sense, and quickly drifted back to the original main passage.After traveling for more than twenty miles, Long Fei drifted to the entrance of an oval karst cave with a diameter of about [-] zhang.To be on the safe side, Long Fei immediately penetrated into the cave with his divine sense, and found out the situation of the whole cave clearly in an instant.This cave is very strange. The walls of the cave are not gray and white, gray and so on, but brown and black, and no life fluctuations have been found in the entire cave.Afterwards, Long Fei's spiritual thoughts entered his body, and his body floated into the cave.

Long Fei had just entered the cave without any abnormal phenomena, but when he reached the center of the black cave, the four walls inside the cave suddenly shook, and his skin immediately fell off and scattered suddenly, turning into countless children's arms Thick black vines.The black vines danced from the ground and the air like crazy tentacles, rushing towards Longfei.

"Vampire Vine!" Long Fei's expression suddenly became solemn, and he couldn't help saying in surprise, and then remembered the record about Vampire Vine in related classics of the Seven Star Sect.

Vampire demon vines, plant demons, like to eat animal blood, black all over, extremely good at camouflage, can well hide one's own breath and life fluctuations, it is extremely difficult to detect its existence, and leave quickly when encountering it, otherwise it will be dangerous.

Long Fei was in the center of the karst cave, facing the vines attacking from all directions, the Scarlet Sky Sword melted into his body, and the surface of his body suddenly burst into heat waves; , firing in all directions; at the same time drifting towards the exit at extreme speed.

"Chick! Chick! Chick!" The vines were chopped off, and a dark green liquid flowed out, followed by a foul smell.

But there were too many vines, and Long Fei was in the center of the encirclement, so no amount of swords could withstand the siege of vampiric vines.After only a moment, Long Fei's feet were firmly bound, and then his body was also tied up. Then he was pulled up into the air and hung upside down. At the same time, the hair-like barb on the vine immediately It stabbed at Long Fei's body violently.But Long Fei's body was as firm as the Scarlet Heaven Sword, those barbs would break if they were pierced, and they couldn't penetrate even a single bit.

Afterwards, Long Fei shouted loudly, and red flames burst out of his body, burning the vines on his body in a "crackling" manner, and those barbs naturally burned and turned into ashes.As wisps of gray smoke rose, the vines binding Long Fei's body instantly burned to ashes, and Long Fei immediately fell to the ground.

But the Vampire Demon Vine blatantly ignored the red flames and burned. As soon as the vines that bound Long Fei were burned, more vines followed one after another.

Long Fei turned into the blue frost flying sword and slashed violently, while launching the flames of the red frost sword to incinerate, and finally resisted the crazy attack of the vampire demon vine for a while.Although he breathed a sigh of relief temporarily, the solemn look on Long Fei's face did not ease even a bit, instead it became heavier and heavier.Because there were too many vampire vines, but Long Fei's mental power and origin power were limited.Long Fei's thoughts flowed quickly, thinking hard about a way to escape, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, with a movement of Long Fei's spiritual thought, a dark green jade bottle flew out of the black storage bag at his waist in a flash, the cork bounced off with a "boo", and a puff of light black smoke spewed out "chug" and expanded rapidly In all directions, the entire karst cave is lost at once.The black storage bag was snatched from the bearded master of the Tianyougu Muling Mountain branch hall, and the smoke that floated out was naturally the secret poison of Tianyougu.

As soon as the vampire vines smelled the smoke, the numerous aggressive vines became sluggish and slowly shrunk for a moment, and then reattached to the four walls and the ground of the cave, and bonded with rocks, soil, etc. Together they are indistinguishable.

Long Fei capped the dark green jade bottle, put it in the black storage bag, and the white glove flashed on his right hand. He wanted to use the Yuanli sword to kill these vampire vines, but at this moment, after a few flashes of his eyes, he suddenly revealed Smiling, the white glove was retracted into the body again, and he muttered to himself: "The cultivation of this vampire demon vine has reached the late Yuan Dynasty, it is a great gift!"

Afterwards, as soon as Long Fei's divine sense expanded, it instantly covered the vines on the entire surface of the cave, and he was amazed in his heart.Because when the vampire vines were besieging, the divine sense could detect its breath and life fluctuations, but it couldn't detect it at this moment.Long Fei thought for a while, and guessed that the vampire vine's method of hiding aura and life fluctuations should be a kind of spontaneous innate supernatural power, otherwise it would be impossible to hide his aura and life fluctuations when suddenly hit by a strange poison.Spontaneous innate supernatural powers refer to supernatural powers that can be displayed automatically without control, just like the vampire vine: when it moves, the breath and life fluctuations are released;

Afterwards, Long Fei withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and immediately took out the night pearl from the purple storage bag to illuminate the cave.Since the divine sense cannot detect it, it can only be observed with the naked eye.

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei was startled again, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

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