Chaos fairy way

Chapter 142 Heart of Lingyu

"Good fellow! There are not one vampire demon vine here, but four. No wonder it is so difficult to entangle. Fortunately, there is a mysterious poison, otherwise it must be hanged." Long Fei's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help sighing.

Earlier, Long Fei was suddenly surrounded by vampire vines spreading all over the sky. Although the cultivation level of the vampire vines was revealed, the number of them was not revealed, and he thought it was only one.Generally, only high-level monks can find out the cultivation base of low-level monks, but Long Fei's spiritual sense is slightly stronger than ordinary monks in the late Yuan Dynasty, so he can find out the cultivation base of the vampire demon vine.

Afterwards, Long Fei glanced at the four mound-like rocks in the cave. These rocks were not real stones, but the roots of four vampire vines.

Demon cultivators can transform into human bodies after reaching the level of the Yuan Dynasty, but some demon cultivators prefer their own bodies, so they don't show their human bodies to the public. This is the case with this vampire demon vine.

At this time, the yellow light in Long Fei's eyes flashed, and four light yellow sword-shaped imprints of spiritual thoughts were shot out, which flew into the roots of the four vampire vines respectively, and then took the four vampire vines as pets .Then, with a thought of Long Fei's mind, ten anti-poison pills flew out from the black storage bag at his waist, and flew slowly to a height of three feet above the center of the cave.Then Long Fei's "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" was in full swing, and with his right palm he suddenly pushed the ten poison-repelling pills in the air, and a majestic magnetized elemental force with a thickness of a foot rushed towards the ten poison-proof pills from his arm, instantly smashing the ten pills. The Pidu Pill was smashed into black mist and wrapped up, forming a light yellow, translucent energy cluster with a diameter of three feet.Once the pale yellow energy cluster formed, it suddenly shrank, and then merged with the black mist inside to form a blue-gray energy cluster.After that, it exploded with a "bang", turning into a thick blue-gray mist that billowed in all directions, quickly covering the entire cave.The karst cave, which had been filled with light black mist due to the mysterious poison, suddenly turned into a blue mist.

An hour later, the fog cleared, and the mysterious poison was lifted.

"All of you have turned into human bodies!" Long Fei had no expression on his face, but his tone was calm but undeniable.

As soon as Long Fei's words fell, the vines in the cave that were integrated with the surrounding environment disappeared, turning into four people with vine heads.The four people were dressed in four colors of red, green, purple, and black, their eyes were flickering, their thoughts were wandering, they hesitated for a moment, then looked at each other, then all looked at Long Fei, and cupped their hands casually one after another Said: "I have seen the master!"

"Hey! You seem to be a little bit unwilling!" Long Fei looked at Si Tengren's disrespectful expression with a half-smile, and said slowly.

"Master, if you have something to say, just say it! After thinking about it, I will be of some use, otherwise you will kill me on the spot." The purple-robed vine man stepped forward with his right foot, surpassing the other three vine men by one body, raised his eyelids, his expression Indifferently, he slightly arched his hands.

"Whether killing you on the spot is useful or not doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you! You wanted to suck on me before!" Long Fei's mouth twitched, his tone was understated, but there was a lot of deep meaning in his words.

"Hehe! Then please give me a death sentence, master!" the purple-robed vine man chuckled, shook his sleeves, and said disapprovingly.

"Life is not necessarily better than death! Do you think it is?" Long Fei's expression changed, and the Qingshuang sword melted into his body immediately. His cold eyes shot straight at the purple-robed vine man, but his words were filled with incomparable chill.

The purple-robed vine man shuddered suddenly, his eyes trembled, with a look of deep fear, he hurriedly bowed his hands in some panic and said: "What is the master's order? Please just say it."

Seeing this, the other three also flusteredly bowed their hands, their faces turning pale.

Seeing that the four vines had been subdued, Long Fei immediately withdrew his eyes from the purple-robed vines, and said slowly, "I have no intention of controlling you. You just need to do one thing for me. Not only will I not It will torture you, and it will also release your spiritual imprint and let you go."

"Master, are you serious?" the purple-robed vine man's eyes lit up, and he looked happy, but he still asked carefully in disbelief.

"No lie!" Long Fei said solemnly.

"Then thank you for your generosity, master! May I ask what is the law of the master?" The four rattan people heaved a long breath when they heard the words, and asked happily in unison.

Long Fei nodded in satisfaction, then took out a soul wooden stick from the storage bag and placed it on his forehead, rubbed the relevant information on it, then threw it at the purple-robed vine man, and said gently: "Just follow the instructions above. That's it."

The purple-robed vine man respectfully received the soul wooden stick with both hands, placed it on his forehead, and then said ecstatically, "Master, is it that simple?"

Looking at the very happy expression of the purple-robed vine man, Long Fei was quite surprised and said: "Not bad!"

"Hehe! No problem!" The purple-robed vine man smiled heartily and agreed, and then handed the soul wooden sign to the red-robed vine man beside him.

"Okay, see you then!" As soon as Long Fei finished his sentence, "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he drifted out of the cave.

"Respectfully send off the master!" The four rattan people hurriedly bowed to see him off.

The heart of Lingyu, as the name suggests, is the heart of a piece of Lingyu, and it is actually the same.The bottom of the sky in Wanrong Cave is a soul jade layer with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters. The heart of the spirit jade is located in the core area of ​​the soul jade layer. It is a natural jade cave with a small area, only a hundred square miles.Although the Lingyu Heart is small in size, it is extremely difficult to enter.Because its surroundings and the cave are full of dangers and dangers, if you are not careful, you will die on the spot. For countless years, countless monks have died in the cave or the passage of the soul jade layer in its surroundings because of seeking spiritual treasures.

There are two important reasons why Lingyu Heart became a fierce place.One of them is the soul jade layer.The soul jade can store spiritual power and consciousness for a long time; it is said that the ten thousand year soul jade can also store the mind (distraction). Immortal for a long time, thus gaining a glimmer of life.After a person or animal dies, its spiritual power and consciousness will last for a long time without dissipating.If during this period, spiritual power and consciousness are absorbed or stored in the soul jade, then after a long period of time and enough yin energy is absorbed, it is very likely to evolve into a ghost.No one knows when the soul jade layer at the bottom of Wanrong Cave was formed, but there is no doubt about its long history, so it naturally became the cradle of ghosts.Within the range of more than a thousand square meters of the soul jade layer, there are not only a large number of ghosts of all kinds, but also extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty, and there are many ghosts from the Tuoyuan period among them.

The land of rare treasures must be guarded by fierce beasts, this sentence is also effective in the heart of Lingyu.Within the hundred-mile-square area of ​​the Jade Heart, there lived a kind of Jade Silkworm.This silkworm can travel unimpeded among jade stones, and is extremely good at attacking with spiritual consciousness or spiritual thoughts, killing enemies invisible and difficult to guard against.Because the jade spirit silkworms feed on the energy of the jade spirit exuded by the soul jade spirit, so trying to seize the soul jade spirit is equivalent to cutting off their rations, and they will naturally be blocked by them frantically.This is another important reason why Lingyu Heart has become a fierce place.

At this time, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Hu Wei and a group of monks just broke through the siege of a group of ogres and flower demons, and rushed into the jade passage of the soul jade layer.The walls of the jade passage are all dark green, the interior is cold and cold, and it is unusually quiet. The gray air pervades the entire space, and fluorescent lights flicker deep in the passage.

"Everyone, be careful! The ghosts use this gray cloud to hide, and then approach us silently and attack." Huwei strode ahead of the team with a Zhangba Mace in his hand, looking up at the front In that dark world, he turned his head and said solemnly to Niu Zhong and other monks behind him.

The jade passages in the soul jade layer are narrow and tortuous, with many forks and crossings, which is not conducive to vertical grazing and drifting. In addition, the ghosts here are extremely fierce and there are a lot of them; therefore, Niu Zhong and other monks can only choose to hide in order not to attract too much attention from the ghosts. Breathe, walk quickly.

At this time, Xu Lan was walking in the middle of the team, and his spiritual sense controlled the fluorescent stone to hang three feet above his head, illuminating the team going forward.Needless to say, Xiaoling fell asleep after being put into the spirit beast bracelet by Xu Lan.

Niu Zhong held the Heavenly Spirit Shield tightly with his left hand, and held the Longyin Dagger with his right hand, walking at the back of the team, always guarding against ghosts attacking from behind.

The silence in the cave was very oppressive. Niu Zhong and other monks walked cautiously without speaking.

Suddenly, a ghost head with blue face, fangs, and empty eyes appeared one foot above Xu Lan's head, its black mouth suddenly opened wide, and it swallowed towards Xu Lan.

Xu Lan instantly sensed the danger. With a stretch of "Cloud Piao Miao Ying", it floated ten feet away. With a twist of his left hand, the nine-string phoenix-tailed qin appeared in a flash; With a sound, a sound wave shot towards the empty ghost head.

With a "beep", the sound waves in the ghost head exploded and disappeared.

But at this moment, ghosts of strange shapes, such as human, beast, or tree, suddenly appeared on the four walls of the passage. They were all blue and black ghosts, that is, they were all in the period of fusion consciousness. Soul of the Shadow (Ghost levels are the same as Wandering Souls).As soon as they revealed their true bodies, the overwhelming ghosts rushed straight at Niu Zhong and other monks, or opened their mouths to swallow, or scratched their heads with sharp claws, or rolled their bodies with long tongues, or held all kinds of energy ghost weapons and stabbed violently, etc. Various attack methods emerged one after another .

Niu Zhong, because the high-level ghost has not appeared, so the "Shield of Yuan" has not been opened, and "Nine Shadows Aegis" is displayed immediately, supporting the seven-faced shield of the heavenly spirit shield (the seven-faced shield can be transformed into a seven-faced shield in the Yuan Dynasty), Protect the body on five sides and attack the enemy on two sides.There are five defensive shields, one shield hangs above the head and rotates rapidly like a propeller, and the four shields whizzing around the whole body. At this time, Niu Zhong is completely submerged in the shadow of the black mans shield.Although many ghosts surround the cow tightly, they can't get close to the body. If they touch it, their hands will be cut off, and if they attack it, they will be crushed.On the other hand, the attacking shields on the other two sides rose three feet and three feet in diameter in the face of the wind, crushing and killing ghosts in all directions like a pan.For a while, ghosts were crying and screaming, and combined with the sound of "crash! Crash!", they formed a sad soul-killing song.

Xu Lan held the piano with his left hand and plucked the piano with his right hand, "Mountains and Flowing Water" was played fiercely, and the soul-stirring sound of the piano immediately stirred up all directions, "Bah! Bah! Bah!" Like the sound of firecrackers, countless ghosts exploded and dissipated. .

Huwei burst out a two-foot-high flame from his whole body, instantly forming a flame shield with a radius of two feet, which not only forced the ghosts to be unable to get close, but also burned all the ghosts in the rapid gallop. "Hissing" sounds of burning souls filled the ears, and the sky was clear and empty piece by piece.

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