Chaos fairy way

Chapter 14 Shock Concentration

As soon as he returned to Longjiabao, Long Fei immediately announced to retreat and concentrate on hitting the concentration period.

du li small courtyard, practice hole.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, Long Fei did not immediately take the Wind Spirit Fruit and Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, but comprehended the key points of the "Yanyu Sword Art" about the impact on the concentration period: the impact on the concentration period is divided into three steps, namely "Tongmai", "Broken Palace" and "Condensed Consciousness".Tongmai refers to opening up the spinal cord meridians, that is, mobilizing the energy of the skin, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow to gather in the dantian. When the dantian energy reaches saturation, mobilize all the energy in the dantian to impact the spinal cord meridians until they are all opened. "Chong Gong", that is, impacting the "Ni Wan Gong" in the brain, means that after the spinal cord meridian is opened, the whole body energy is gathered into the dantian, and the "Ni Wan Gong" is hit through the spinal cord pulse until the "Ni Wan Gong" is broken. "Concentration" is to condense the power of spiritual consciousness. Once the "Niwan Palace" is opened, it is necessary to condense all the spiritual power in the palace with the power of energy and transform it into the power of spiritual consciousness.After all the spiritual power has been transformed into the power of divine consciousness, the divine consciousness will be formed accordingly, and the stage of concentration has really been reached.

Reviewing the past to learn the new, once again comprehending the key to breaking through the barrier, Long Fei has a deeper understanding of the barrier and more confidence.Afterwards, Long Fei closed his eyes and adjusted his breath to adjust his body condition.

A day later, Long Fei spit out a mouthful of turbid air. At this time, he is full of energy, vigorous in blood, and smooth in his meridians, which is the best state for rushing to the pass.Afterwards, Long Fei took out half a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and put it in his mouth. He suddenly felt the fragrance hit his nose, and his mouth was full of saliva. He suppressed the desire to swallow it in one bite, bit off a small piece, and swallowed it.A small piece of thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum suddenly melted into the abdomen, and a powerful energy rushed to the muscles, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow of the whole body in an instant, and was quickly absorbed and transformed into a wave under the full operation of "Yanyu Sword Art". Dao violent power.Long Fei suddenly felt pain all over his body, and he quickly pulled all the violent energy into his dantian.The energy in the dantian gathered more and more, and was instantly saturated.Long Fei quickly mobilized all the energy in his dantian to rush towards the meridians of the spinal cord; the meridians of the spinal cord loosened a little, and then opened up a short section.Long Fei was overjoyed, and quickly drew violent energy into his dantian, and then impacted the spinal meridian.A small piece of thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum was consumed in a short while, and then another small piece was bitten off into the abdomen, and a new round of pulses had begun.

Ten days later, half a piece of Millennium Ganoderma lucidum was completely consumed, but the effect was remarkable, and all spinal meridians were opened up.

Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself: "It's really difficult to hit the concentration period! Half a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum can barely open the spinal meridian. Alright, let's move on to the next step of 'Chong Gong'."

Afterwards, Long Fei took out a wind spirit fruit and held it in his mouth. A sweet taste permeated his whole body instantly, making people obsessed. He bit it lightly, swallowed it, and it melted in his stomach.A purer and stronger energy than the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum poured into all parts of the body, gathered through the dantian, passed through the spinal meridian, and violently hit the "Niwan Palace".Long Fei suddenly felt a splitting headache, veins popped up in his head, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat, it was extremely difficult.With each shock and severe pain, Long Fei clenched his teeth and held on.Half a month later, a whole wind spirit fruit was completely consumed. Suddenly, there was a crisp "wave" sound in his brain, and Long Fei felt a heart-piercing pain in his brain. He fainted and fell to the ground.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Fei finally woke up panting heavily, with ecstasy pouring into his heart, obviously "rushing to the palace" was successful.

Long Fei wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, meditated, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and adjusted his body again.

One day later, the last step of "condensation" began.Long Fei took out another wind spirit fruit, held it in his mouth, bit it into pieces bit by bit, swallowed it into his stomach, transformed it into strong energy, absorbed it through the skin, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow, and transformed it into energy, and then passed through the dantian, spinal cord, etc. The meridian enters the "Niwan Palace" and merges with the spiritual power of the "Niwan Palace" to condense into spiritual power.Condensation did not feel any pain, but a tingling feeling, which made people feel very comfortable.

Three days later, Long Fei completed his "Concentration", and his spiritual consciousness was condensed.At this time, Long Fei's spiritual sense naturally explored, and found that the whole Niwan Palace is really divided into four spaces, separated by three layers of barriers; the innermost space is the smallest, and the further you go, the larger the space is.From what Long Fei remembered from "Yanyu Sword Art", all he had to do in the subsequent training was to gradually break through these three layers of barriers, making the entire "Niwan Palace" a super large space.Once the three layers of barriers are broken, then the concentration period will be completed.

After retreating for a month, consuming two wind spirit fruits and half a millennium Ganoderma lucidum, finally reached the initial stage of concentrating, Long Fei's mood cannot be described with ecstasy.

Walk out of the practice hole, take a deep breath of fresh air, and hum a little song naturally.

"Fei'er, you've finally come out. Hey! You're so focused! Haha! Not bad, not bad, you're worthy of being a genius of my Long family." Long Qingsong, who was dressed in white, stood in front of the stone table in the du li courtyard, and said pleasantly.

"Damn! Grandpa, do you know that this is called trespassing?" Seeing Grandpa's smiling face, Long Fei started with another usual joke.

"You bastard, you are always indifferent in front of the five grandpas. Sooner or later, I will beat your ass to pieces." Long Qingsong laughed and cursed dotingly.

"Hey! Isn't it because we have a good relationship!" Long Fei rubbed the back of his head, blinked his eyes, and said with a genuine smile.

"You little slicker. Well, I'm here today because I saw that you haven't left the retreat for a month, so I have to check the situation. Since you have reached the stage of concentrating, I have to tell you something." Long Qingsong grabbed the right hand White beard, very meaningful and authentic.

"What's the matter?" Long Fei asked curiously.

"Let's talk in the room! By the way, did you have any adverse reactions to the sword marks on your wrist?" Long Qingsong asked worriedly.

"There is nothing wrong, as if there is nothing." Long Fei replied seriously.

"That's good, alas!" Long Qingsong sighed, and then, led by Long Fei, walked to Long Fei's study.

The two entered the study room, Long Fei hurriedly invited his grandfather to sit down, and personally made a pot of exquisite fairy tea for him.

After sitting down and drinking tea, Long Qingsong said slowly: "Fei'er! You have reached the stage of concentrating, and you are still in the process of cultivation, and the grandfathers can't help you much, so you should leave Tongtian Town and try to join the cultivation sect. You can go further only after you enter the cultivation sect; and the cultivation sect has a profound background and many experts, which may be able to solve the mystery of your resurrection after death and the sword pattern on your wrist."

"Cultivation sect? What do you mean? Where is it?" Long Fei asked hastily.

Although Long Fei had a fearless attitude towards the origin of the sword pattern on the surface and the resurrection after death, but in his heart he always felt as if he could not breathe under the weight of a heavy boulder; A strong sense of urgency to solve doubts suddenly ignited in my heart; but I was much more indifferent about whether I would go further on the journey of cultivation.

"Human cultivation is divided into martial arts and self-cultivation. Once a person reaches the stage of concentrating, he leaves the realm of warriors and mortals, and truly enters the path of self-cultivation. He is called a monk. The sect of self-cultivation is naturally a cultivator. It’s a sect.” Long Qingsong’s face was full of yearning, he paused, took a sip of tea, and said with a trace of worry: “Joining the sect of cultivation, like us monks in the mortal country, there is only one way, that is It is to participate in the selection contest for disciples of the Cultivation Sect every ten years. In April next year, it will be ten years. Fenglin Kingdom is affiliated to Seven Star Sect, so every ten years, Seven Star Sect will send disciples to Fenglin Kingdom for selection Disciple. The selection contest of Fenglin Kingdom is called the National War. Our Twin Cities has five entries each year, so the Twin Cities will hold a Twin Cities Grand Competition every ten years to cater to the National War. Next year In November, your uncle will hold his [-]th birthday, and then you will follow me to the Twin Cities to celebrate his birthday and participate in the competition."

"Yes! Grandson will definitely live up to grandpa's expectations." Long Fei replied with a bow, full of anticipation in his heart.

Seeing this, Long Qingsong nodded slightly, sighed, his face suddenly turned into grief and indignation, and said in a deep voice: "Ah! 20 years ago, there were two peerless geniuses in the Longniu family, and they are yours. Family uncle Long Sihai and Niu Zhong's fifth uncle Niu Dingsheng. At that time, the two passed all the way, invincible, and were easily selected by the Seven Star Sect, but unfortunately they were killed on the way to the Seven Star Sect. Alas! Now 20 years have passed, and the unsolved case has never been resolved It has been cracked. So this time, you must be extremely careful when entering the Seven Star Sect."

Hearing this, Long Fei was startled, nodded his head heavily, and said solemnly: "Yes, after I join the Seven Star Sect, I will definitely try my best to find out the murderer."

"The purpose of your joining the cultivation school is to practice hard, and at the same time, to see if you can solve the mystery of your resurrection after death and the sword pattern. The Seven Star Sect has not found any results after 20 years of thorough investigation of the murder. How useful can you, a new disciple, be? So you should wait until you are strong enough to talk about this matter!" Long Qingsong smiled bitterly, waved his right hand, calmed down, and then said kindly: "The ancestor of the Long family left behind ten treasures. Treasures, are The weapons used by monks can be driven by spiritual consciousness to attack the enemy; they are divided into four levels: low-level, middle-level, high-level, and top-grade. The best weapon in our Long family is this middle-level treasure called the Chijin Sword. It is passed on to you to help you go further in the cultivation sect in the future, and your future is boundless."

After Long Qingsong finished speaking, he took out a golden-yellow silk cloth from his bosom, and opened it carefully, only to see a red, inch-long, small sword with a faint red light flashing out.Long Qingsong solemnly handed the red gold sword to Long Fei.

With a solemn face, Long Fei respectfully caught the red gold sword.

Afterwards, Long Qingsong instructed Long Fei a few more words, then got up and left.

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