Chaos fairy way

Chapter 15 The Mysterious Ant Beast

On New Year's Eve, in the meeting hall of the Inner Fort of the Long Family, the descendants of the Long Family gathered together to spend the New Year's Eve together.

In the hall, there are 21 mahogany tables for the Eight Immortals, the chief big table is placed in a single row and the front row; the other [-] tables are neatly placed in a row of four tables.

There are seven chiefs, with Long Qingsong sitting in the middle; Long Qingbai, Long Qingzhang and the two elders lined up on both sides; the last two are the eldest son Long Zhenshan and the eldest grandson Longfei.

In the second seat, the descendants of the direct descendants sit in order of seniority.On the left table in the middle of the first row, a middle-aged man with a square face and thick beard, who looked quite similar to Long Fei, was looking at the chief Long Fei lovingly. This person was Long Zhenfeng, Long Fei's father.Long Zhenfeng has been stationed in the Nanxuan iron mining area of ​​Tongtian Town all year round, and he only comes back once a year during the Chinese New Year.

After the hour of Hai, all the descendants of the direct line had arrived, Long Qingsong stood up majestically, with a red face, his waist straightened like a pen, and his right hand held the wine glass, full of aura and voice like a bell, he said:

"Tonight is the night of New Year's Eve. The descendants of my Long family will gather together to spend a good night together, bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Looking back on the year that is about to pass, this year is the most glorious year for my Long family. This year, the Long family There are three happy events in the family. The first is that the income of the Long family has doubled this year compared to last year, which is the highest in history; Long Fei was only 16 years old and had already reached the stage of concentration. The brilliant achievements are the result of the joint efforts of the whole family. If a family wants to prosper, it must be sincerely united by all family members and do their best to fight for it. Here, as the patriarch, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the descendants of the entire Long family! In addition, I would like to emphasize the praise of Xia Longfei. This year, he has made great contributions to our family. Contribution has brought us the biggest surprise! Three words, great job! I hope Long Fei will make greater contributions to our Long family in the future! Bring us even greater surprises! Finally, we toast to the same I wish, I wish the Long family an even more brilliant year ahead! The Long family will prosper for generations to come!"

"I wish the Long family prosperity for all generations!" Everyone immediately stood up, raised their glasses, and shouted in unison.

The fiery sound was deafening, resounding through the night sky.

At this moment, Long Fei looked at the elation of his family members; looked at the abnormal excitement of his grandfather; looked at the relief and pride on his father's face, his blood was boiling with excitement, and he thought to himself: Don't worry!grandfather!Father!All the families!I, Long Fei, will definitely make the Long family proud and prosperous because of me. May the Long family prosper for generations to come!

In January in Tongtian Town, the weather is getting warmer and the snow on the ground has melted away. However, the peaks are still covered with snow. Looking from afar, it looks like white bubbles appearing in the green ocean. Nature gives all living beings a different kind of snow scene.

After learning about the selection competition of the cultivation sect, Long Fei spent more than a month practicing hard except for the three-day reunion with his father during the Chinese New Year.

Cultivation is hard and lonely, but the results are remarkable.On this day, Long Fei was sitting in the courtyard, reviewing the results of more than a month of cultivation: the Concentration stage is divided into four sub-levels: the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the Dacheng stage, and now the spiritual consciousness has filled the innermost layer of the "Niwan Palace" The small space has obviously reached the peak of the early stage of concentration, and breaking through the middle stage of concentration is just around the corner. This is one of the achievements.

The second achievement is to practice the second chapter of "Yanyu Sword Jue" in the concentration period "sword move at will" with a small success, and can use the spiritual consciousness very skillfully to mobilize the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into the body, and transform it into spiritual power, which is endless The earth passes through the dantian and the spinal meridians and enters the "Niwan Palace" to accumulate spiritual consciousness, forming a virtuous cycle, so that one's spiritual consciousness will continue to grow.

The third achievement, the "Wan Jian Sword Art" equipped with "Sword Move at will" has already achieved initial results.According to "Wan Jian Sword Art", in the early stage of concentration, at least ten sword bodies can be transformed into sword treasures; in the middle stage of concentration, a hundred sword bodies can be transformed; Tens of thousands of sword blades can be transformed.What is surprising is that the red gold sword can now transform into fifty sword blades.

The fourth achievement is to finally discover the magical effect of the white glove. After running the "Yanyu Sword Art" with all its strength, he injects spiritual power into the white glove, and the white glove can automatically shoot out a light blue, ruler-sized handle. Long Spirit Sword. Once the "Wan Jian Sword Art" was cast, the spiritual power sword flashed into the air, and suddenly transformed into ten sword blades, its attack power was far greater than the fifty sword blades transformed from the red gold sword.

The whole day, Long Fei spent in cultivation again.

The next day was the day before heading to the Twin Cities. In the early morning, Long Fei had packed up and was about to be discharged from the hospital.

Long Yang rushed to the door and shouted: "Boss, hurry up! Everyone is already waiting for you in the square outside the castle."

"Aren't you going to the Twin Cities too?" Long Fei asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense, who am I! I'm Peter Pan, I'm handsome, and grandpa likes it, why don't I go?" Long Yang raised his head, quite proudly.

"Really?" Long Fei asked suspiciously.However, after thinking about it, I cleared up my doubts. Long Yang is the youngest grandson of my grandfather; besides Long Fei, who is a pervert, Long Yang is the most qualified child of the third generation of the Long family, better than Long Lin; more importantly, the boiling water is scalding Unfamiliar thick-skinned; coupled with superb acting skills and bragging skills, if you can't go, it will be a strange thing!

"What expression! Could it be that he is old and a little demented?" Long Yang pouted, dissatisfied.

"Oh, let's go! I was thinking about something for a while." Long Fei shook his head, and looked at Long Yang with a little amusement.

Half an hour later, the people attending the banquet in Longjiabao officially left for the Twin Cities.

The Twin Cities, located more than a thousand miles east of Tongtian Town, consisted of three basins lined up with a radius of about fifty miles. The City Lord's Mansion and the Dutong Mansion were both located in the middle basin.There are four major families in the city, Chen, Lin, Li, and Zhang, which are also the four major families in the entire Twin Cities area.The strength of the four major families is not much different from each other, and each family is equivalent to the union of the dragon and the bull. Therefore, to be precise, the Twin Cities should be the five major forces.

As the sun set, the Longjiabao banquet team had been walking the official road between Tongtian Town and Twin Cities for nearly three days.

"Grandpa! I want to pee." Long Yang squeezed his eyes that were almost in a line, pretending to be cute and authentic.

"Go! It's evening, be careful!" Long Qingsong said kindly.

"Yes!" Long Yang responded, riding his horse into the forest next to the official road ahead.

A quarter of an hour later, "Ah! Someone is here!" Long Fei shouted anxiously from the forest.

"The horse team is on standby, and Long Fei quickly enters the forest with me." Long Qingsong said while galloping his horse towards the sound.

Hearing the words, Long Fei followed closely.

When Long Qingsong and Long Fei arrived, they saw an ant-shaped monster with a brown shell about three feet high and four feet long, confronting Long Yang.There is also a tentacle-like hook about a foot long on the top of the monster's head, and the tip of the hook is about three inches long.Seeing Long Qingsong and Long Fei coming, the monster turned around and fled deep into the forest.With a move of Long Fei's consciousness, the red gold sword rushed out from the storage bag, "Shua! Chi!" Two sounds, the red gold sword passed through the monster's left eye in an instant.

"What kind of monster is this? By the way, there is still a corpse over there." Long Yang said in surprise.The monster's strength is about the fourth level of body forging, which is comparable to Longyang's strength, so Longyang is not afraid at all.

"I don't know either." Long Qingsong thought for a while and replied helplessly.

Afterwards, all three looked at the corpse.There was no injury below the head of the corpse, only a hole the size of a thumb on the top of the head, and the head was shriveled, obviously caused by the brain being sucked dry.

"When I first arrived here, I saw that the monster had jumped onto the dead man's shoulders, and the hook tip on the top of its head penetrated into the dead man's brain in an instant, and the dead man's head instantly turned into a shriveled appearance. I immediately jumped on the horse, Go to save him, but it's too late." Long Yang said regretfully.

"Put away the monster and report it to the city lord when you arrive at the Twin Cities. If such a strange monster appears, something must be weird." Long Qingsong said worriedly.

After the three of them packed up the monsters, they joined the team and continued to the Twin Cities.

"Oh! It's finally here! When the ant beasts come out, the world will cry; when the nine babies come, the catastrophe will come..." A short, fat figure in white clothes suddenly appeared on an old tree on the peak of the mountain where the monster was killed, and said to himself .Then, it faded away and disappeared.

The banquet team killed many monsters and rescued many people along the way.Five days later, we finally arrived in the Twin Cities.After entering the city, go straight to the Dutong Mansion.

In the Dutong Mansion, there will be a banquet in three days, but there is no sign of a banquet in front of the mansion.Long Fei and the others stood on the square in front of the mansion with suspicious expressions on their faces.

"Father, you are here! The journey is going smoothly!" As soon as the door of the mansion opened, a soft female voice came from inside, and then, a man in a purple palace dress, with a rich figure, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a smile on his face The woman came out of the mansion with a group of servants.

"Very good, let's talk when we go in!" Long Qingsong replied calmly.

"Auntie, good!" Long Fei and Long Yang said in unison.

"Xiaofei, Xiaoyang! Xiaofei, I haven't seen you for a few years. You've grown into an adult. Are you looking for a wife? How about my aunt introduce one to you? Xiaoyang, the longer she grows, the cuter she is!" Long Yun said with a smile.

"Cough! Cough! Auntie, I'm so hungry, let's eat first!" Long Fei didn't know how to answer when he heard this, so he randomly searched for a topic and coughed a few times. I feel quite speechless.

Unexpectedly, Long Yun quite agreed with the reason of being hungry, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, you two are growing up, so let's go to the house and eat."

Hearing this, Long Yang felt extremely depressed, full of dissatisfaction, and thought: At first, my aunt actually said that the longer I grow, the cuter I am, so it means I am fat!Later, I wanted to see my elder brother slumped, but was relieved by his hunger, alas!That's okay too?

In Xu's living room, there were only Long Yun and Long Qingsong, and Long Fei and Long Yang were naturally arranged to have dinner.

"Yun'er, where are Peng'er and Xiaolan? They will celebrate their birthday in three days, but there is no sign of celebration in the house. What's going on with you two?" Long Qingsong frowned slightly, and said sullenly.

"Father! You have wronged us! On the way to the Twin Cities, I believe you have encountered them. Five days ago, within five hundred miles around the Twin Cities, a large number of ants and beasts appeared out of thin air, causing disasters everywhere. This kind of ants Beasts, which I have never seen before, specialize in sucking the brains of humans and animals. Thousands of people have died of brain sucking, and countless livestock and poultry have died. Xu Peng and the city owner have been very busy these days. The meeting will be held the day after Xu Peng's birthday, so the birthday celebration can only be postponed until next year. As for Xiao Lan, a ghost girl, she thinks she is good at martial arts, so she pestered her father to kill monsters." Long Yun With a wry smile.

"It turned out to be like this! On the way, we also killed a lot of ant beasts. We wanted to report to the city lord with Peng'er. If this is the case, let's talk about it when the ant beast removal meeting is held!" Long Qingsong said solemnly .

"By the way, father! How many levels has Long Fei reached now? I can't even tell his level of cultivation with my strength of nine levels of body forging!" Long Yun asked curiously.

"He is a peerless genius of our Long family, even I can't see his cultivation level, what do you think his cultivation level has reached?" Long Qingsong smiled proudly when he mentioned Long Fei.

"What!" Long Yun was shocked, and then excitedly said: "Hey! This time I can give Xu Lan a good blow. This ghost girl always thinks that she has reached the tenth level of body training before she is 17 years old, and she is a genius. It's terrible, it's okay, I always beat her mother and me, and I always run around outside all day long, saying it is experience."

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