Chaos fairy way

Chapter 146 He's a Scoundrel

"Really? Who is he?"

"Where? When?"

"There are reinforcements? Really?"

The hearts of all the monks suddenly shook, and the fire of confidence was instantly ignited in their eyes, and they rushed to ask.

"There are reinforcements! He will definitely come!" Xu Lan lost her usual mischievousness and said solemnly to the monks.

"Yes, there are reinforcements! Everyone is persevering, and you will be saved if you persevere!" Although Hu Wei didn't know who Niu Zhong and Xu Lan were talking about, nor did he know if anyone had come, but what the monks lacked at the moment was confidence, and Hu Wei Humans are natural leaders, so at this moment Huwei immediately echoed loudly.

"Okay! Brothers, let's fight!" Xiong Lie yelled, raised his head and let out a breath of cold air, which suddenly exploded, turning into arrows filled with snow and shooting towards the overwhelming ghost.

Xiong Lie took the lead in launching an all-out attack, and after the confidence of the other monks increased greatly, they immediately displayed their housekeeping skills and desperately killed the enemy.

The monks killed the enemy regardless of the consequences, although the pressure on Niu Zhong was slightly relieved, but everyone was the last of the weak after all, and the situation on the battlefield remained the same after only a moment.

The ghost soldiers, wildfires, wind blades, etc. of the ghost are still so densely packed, and they are still falling down like a torrential rain; the ghost king saw that the resistance of the monks had become a little stronger, and then increased his attack power. The White Palm violently thrusts, slaps, or transforms into punches one at a time, causing the "Yuan Zhishield" to retreat violently like a ball.

"Will he really come?" A monk asked anxiously in panic.

"He will definitely come!" At this time, Niu Zhong's strength was getting weaker and his injuries were getting worse, but his voice was still so vigorous and powerful, because Niu Zhong believed that the man would definitely come. Come, this is years of tacit understanding and trust.

"Bang!", after the "Yuan Zhishield" retreated nearly twenty feet, it was almost broken, and Niu Zhong had already knelt on the ground with one foot, spraying several mouthfuls of blood, probably no longer able to resist.The dangerous situation naturally fell into the eyes of the monks.

"Damn! Fight with them, kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one!"

"Yes! If you want to die, you must die bravely!"

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is to die together!"

All the monks saw that there was no possibility of survival, and if there was no desire in their hearts, they would be strong, so one by one, they expressed their stance that they would die.

"No! Believe me! He will definitely come!" Niu Zhong's voice was much weaker, but his words were still powerful.

At this moment, the dead white palm brought a bitter palm wind to tear the air, attacking aggressively.

Niu Chongqiang raised the little remaining energy in his body, and tried to resist again.

"Damn, it's too useless! Brothers, I'll go first! Blow up this ghost girl." Xiong Lieyu rushed out of the "Yuan Shield" and died with the ghost king.

At the very moment, a black shadow, a knife with dazzling white light suddenly appeared in the sky above those dead white palms. The white knife actually carried a biting cold air, freezing the space as if it was brittle. "Shua!", the white-glowed knife slammed into the void between the two dead white palms, the attack was so crisp and fast that it was impossible to see how the knife was released and the trajectory of the knife.

After all, the ghost king was a master in the Dacheng period of Tuoyuan, and the dead white palm suddenly disappeared strangely the moment the knife struck.The white-glowed knife naturally slashed into the air, and the black shadow immediately fell to the ground, turned around slowly, revealing the cold and heartless face half covered by the long hair.

"Cold wind!" Niu Chong was extremely surprised when he saw the person coming, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he couldn't help blurting out the name of the shadow.However, there were not too many surprises in his heart, because Leng Feng was still at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty after all.

"Hehehe! You are the only one left! Now the delicious food is ready! Children, the feast is on!" After the ghost master sneered, he turned into a startled rainbow, and across the space, the black light on his palms was as bright as ten sharp swords His fingernails curled up with a biting energy, and rushed towards Leng Feng's head.

Leng Feng's eyes and pupils shrank, then he lowered his head and bent his waist slightly, dragging his right foot back slightly, holding the Xuefeng Knife tightly with both hands, the left side of the horizontal knife, with the blade facing outward, and remained motionless.

In an instant, the sharp sword's nails were no more than three feet above Leng Feng's head, and the force had broken quite a few hairs.

At this moment, the cold wind moved, and with a sound of "Shua!", the Xuefeng knife slammed towards the ghost king's belly from bottom to top, and it didn't care about the sharp armor that was about to stab his head.

The ghost king was startled, and quickly disappeared strangely.

"Enough hate! Desperate for life!" When the ghost king reappeared about ten feet away from the cold wind, he gave a low drink, and then stared straight at the cold wind with blood-red eyes, bursting out with awe-inspiring killing intent, and said in a cold voice : "However, there will be no next time!"

As soon as the ghost king finished speaking, he disappeared strangely.

Suddenly Leng Feng felt his back was icy cold, Zhengyu turned around and slashed back, "Bang!" The dead white palms flashed from Leng Feng's back in an instant, and hit Leng Feng's back hard.

Leng Feng's body "hoo! bang!" two bursts rushed more than three feet, fell hard to the ground, and then wiped a scratch nearly two feet long on the ground with a "swish" before it stopped Forward momentum.

At this time, the cold wind, disheveled hair, dirty face, coughing up blood in the mouth, the injury is extremely serious.

At this moment, the ghost king turned his palm into a fist, and struck again swiftly, the severely injured cold wind was powerless to resist.

At the time of the crisis, with the joint efforts of all the monks, Niu Zhong broke through the madness of many ghosts, and finally captured the cold wind in the "Yuan Shield" at the moment when the Ghost King Fist was about to hit the cold wind.

"Bang!" The ghost king fiercely hit the "Yuan Shield" with both fists, and the "Yuan Shield" became as thin as a piece of paper in the violent concussion. The "Yuan Zhishield" had no power to resist before, but after a little precious time was delayed by the cold wind, and Xu Lan kept adding Yuan power to Niu Zhong, it recovered a little.Therefore, saving Lengfeng this time can withstand the ghost king's punches.But at this time, the "Yuan Zhishield" could no longer resist the ghost king's attack anyway.

The Ghost King seized this opportunity in an instant, and attacked again with the momentum of thunder, so that Niu Zhong and others had no chance to breathe.

Niu Zhong smiled bitterly, and gritted his teeth to force the little bit of Yuan power in his body to support the "Yuan Shield" knowingly that it could not be done, waiting for the ghost king to attack; all the monks saw this, and all the attacks such as burning, knives, sticks, etc. They all concentrated on attacking the ghost king.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" With repeated ringing, the ghost king instantly dispelled all the attacks of the monks, and the attack of the black nails like a sharp sword was still as sharp.

The sharp nails were no more than three feet away from the "Shield of Yuan", and Xiong Lie was ready to charge before his body exploded.

At this moment, a golden glow suddenly flashed three feet above the ghost king's head and shot towards the heart of the ghost king's back.

The ghost king suddenly felt a chill go down his back, and quickly tried to use the secret method to disappear strangely, but it was still a little bit off.

"Whoosh! Wow!" twice, Jin Mang brushed the Ghost King's back and took away a piece of cloth.

Although the ghost king narrowly escaped this swift and unpredictable blow, the coolness on his back was still there.

"Damn it! There's another person, and I didn't even notice it!" The ghost king appeared in the distance in a hurry, with a dignified anger on his face.

But Jin Mang didn't talk nonsense to him, and disappeared in a flash.

"This scoundrel! It's finally here!" Niu Zhong frowned, felt relieved, and then cursed with a slight smile on his lips.

"Hehe! Alright! Finally, don't worry, big boring cow, hurry up and recover your vitality! To kill the ghost king, you two must join forces!" Xu Lan let out a long breath, finally relieved his tense nerves, and smiled It was revealed in those big beautiful eyes.

"Who is that person? Seeing that his cultivation base was only at the peak in the early Tuoyuan period, he was able to not only drive back the ghost king, but also almost stabbed the ghost king. It's incredible!" After Huwei was shocked, he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't help sighing.

The other monks were also shocked and looked at Niu Zhong and Xu Lan curiously.

"A pervert that can't be treated with common sense!" Leng Feng's voice was still cold, but there was a trace of melancholy, because he was very clear in his heart that he was still not Long Fei's opponent at this time.

"It's perverted enough!" Xiong Lie couldn't help sighing.

The eagle owl and the thin eagle demon looked at each other, and each could see the deep fear and fear in each other's eyes.

At this time, many ghosts also stopped attacking, all floating in the air.The ghost king hovered in the air, paying close attention to the changes around him with a high degree of vigilance, so as to be ready to give him a lore blow when the man with golden awns attacked him.

But after a long time, that golden glow never appeared, as if it didn't exist at all.

The ghost king was furious, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because Jin Mang's blow just now really made her terrified.

After a long time, the ghost king was already furious, and cursed sharply: "It's just a despicable rat, come out and fight!"

The voice resounded throughout the Yu* Cave, but no one answered her.

"What a coward! A treacherous villain! A lowly person..." The majestic ghost king kept cursing like a shrew, and he no longer had any kingly demeanor at this time.

The densely packed ghosts stared at the usually majestic king with dumbstruck expressions.

"That person won't fall for it?" A monk asked a little worried.

"No! He's a rascal! He will never appear!" Xu Lan looked at the furious ghost king with amused expression, and cursed the golden man with admiration.

"A rascal is invincible! That Taoist brother is really extraordinary!" Hu Wei sighed.



Many monks immediately agreed.

Xu Lan's mind was suddenly filled with black lines, and he thought: This rogue has actually been extended to a set of theories!Is this too exaggerated?

"Bastard, since you don't come out, this king will force you to come out! Children, kill me!" The ghost king couldn't help the anger in his heart. After yelling, he shot at the "Yuan Zhishield" like a startled rainbow .

But just as the ghost king raised his speed and rushed towards the "Shield of Yuan", Jin Mang appeared at a height of three feet above his head and shot at her violently.

The Ghost King sneered, and his figure disappeared strangely.But the golden glow also disappeared.

"Damn it! The speed is so fast, even my divine sense has no time to lock onto him!" The ghost king flashed a hundred feet away, his eyes flashed fiercely, his face was full of anger, but there was still a trace of helplessness mixed in, as if sighing and cursing. .

At this time, after hearing the ghost king's order, the ghosts covering the sky and covering the earth rushed towards the "Shield of Yuan" aggressively. It hit the "Yuan Shield" like a storm. The "Shield of Yuan" rippled, but it didn't break even half a point.During the period when the ghosts stopped attacking just now, Niu Zhong had already recovered a lot of energy with the help of Xu Lan, so he was still able to deal with the attacks of these ordinary ghosts with ease.

"That cow boy! Can you lift your calf?"

After another long time, a voice transmission of ridicule came to Niu Chong's ear.

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