Chaos fairy way

Chapter 147 Killing the Ghost King

"No problem!" Niu Dazhong shouted, hearing the sound that his injuries and the vitality and spiritual sense in his body had recovered enough to fight.

"Okay! Let's start!" A white shadow flashed beside the "Yuan Shield" with the sound, the corner of the left mouth was slightly raised, and a bad arc appeared immediately, and the right hand wearing a strange white glove was clenched tightly and flashed brightly Huang Mang's Yuanli Sword.No need to guess, the person who came was naturally our Young Master Lai, Long Fei.

"Shameless bastard! Are you finally willing to show up? I must suck you up little by little, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart! Children, kill! Never die!" The ghost king's blood-red eyes almost rushed out, tearing He let out a snarl with his teeth cracked, and then he turned into a purple-black startled rainbow and shot towards Long Fei's throat sharply with the ten black and coldly shining nails.

Long Fei cast a disdainful glance at the ghost master, then turned his head to look at the monks, and said lightly, "That piece of ice is okay! You and the other monks are responsible for exterminating little ghosts. I will hand over the big one to you." I am no longer with the cow."

"Don't worry! I can't die!" Leng Feng replied coldly.

"Extremely arrogant! After a while, you will know how to write the word dead!" Long Fei's disdainful eyes naturally fell into the eyes of the ghost king, who was so angry that he almost collapsed. Extreme speed.But just when her ten black nails were about to pierce Long Fei, Long Fei disappeared in a gust of wind.

"A turtle with a shrunken head! You have a certain arrogance, why don't you have the kind of hard resistance?" The ghost king who hit the air with one blow roared like thunder.

"Oh! I want to fight head-on! Sigh! Why didn't you say it earlier! Really." Long Fei flashed on the other side of the "Yuan Shield", shook his head and sighed, then ignored the existence of the ghost king, turned his head Looking at the monks, he lazily said: "Okay, don't look at the handsome guy! Let's fight."

All the monks couldn't stop laughing when they heard the words, and they didn't know whether they were speechless, adoring, or something else when they looked at Long Fei.But as soon as Long Fei's words fell, all the monks were ready to fight.

Niu Zhong, as soon as the "Shield of Yuan" entered his body, he stretched out his "Floating in the Void", his body turned into an afterimage, and instantly floated to Long Fei's side, looking at the King of Ghosts with a tightly bound face.

At this time, the overwhelming ghosts had already swarmed, and all kinds of attacks, such as ghost soldiers, ghost fire, ghost wind, etc., poured down like a waterfall, and fell on the heads of all the monks.

All the monks dispersed, each wielding the most powerful weapon, each displaying the strongest stunt, or fighting with the imperial treasure flying in the air, or standing close to the ground, or using secret techniques to mobilize the energy of the heaven and the earth to fight...

Tigers burn with fire, Xiong Lixue kills, eagles and owls cut their wings, killing ghosts is a large area; within the fire covering the ground, within the snow arrows covering the sky, under the wings of nearly a hundred feet, no ghost can escape, no ghost Those who can escape will be transformed into smoke and dissipated in the world.

Xu Lan, the nine-stringed phoenix-tailed qin is playing in the air, the sound of the qin is urgent and exciting, allowing the ghosts to attack from high altitude and attack from all around, all the ghosts can only set off firecrackers in circles Like "Bah! Bah!", the heart or consciousness exploded and died, and then fell like rain.

The most domineering attack is naturally the cold wind, the snow wind knife screams, cuts a line vertically, cuts a line horizontally, and the distance of destroying the enemy is more than a hundred feet. , This is slaughtering, harvesting life.

The other monks were not far behind, with swords rising and falling, swords chopping and stabbing, fists coming and going, hammers and axes slashing; In the number, they were killed in the world amidst the screams.Of course, there were also monks who spilled blood in the air and fell to the ground during the melee.

When the ghost and the monks were fighting fiercely, Long Fei and Niu Zhong had also fought the ghost king with more than a hundred moves.

Long Fei is the main attacker with the sword, and Niu Chong is the main defense with the shield.The dragon flies and changes the wind quickly, and the attack is like lightning; the cow is as steady as a mountain, and its defense is like a copper wall.When fighting the ghost king, the ghost king attacked Long Fei, and Niu Chong rushed forward to protect Long Fei; the ghost king attacked Niu Chong, and Long Fei blitzed the ghost king to restrain him.No matter how crazy the ghost king is, no matter how the ghost king attacks, he can't break through this perfect combination of attack and defense.

"Ah!" Unable to attack for a long time, and still restrained everywhere, the ghost king has gone completely crazy, screaming up to the sky, his red hair is no longer a lion's head, but an explosive head; there are traces of purple-black lines densely in his blood-red eyes, is it bruises? As a result, there is no way to verify it; his complexion is horrifyingly purple and black, and it is shockingly ferocious.

It's no wonder that the masters who have achieved great success in the Yuan Dynasty have nothing to do with the two masters in the early Yuan Dynasty, and they are gradually showing signs of ruin. Anyone who changes them will go crazy.

After the long roar, the ghost king's head slowly lowered, and then suddenly his body slammed into Long Fei with a cat waist. The impact of the speed made the air explode again and again, which can no longer be described as a startled rainbow. The ten black nails glistening with cold light were three feet away from Long Fei's face.

"Bang!" Long Fei disappeared in a flash, Niu Zhong held up his shield to resist, and the shield was not a sky-supporting shield, but a gossip shield.

"Chi!" The moment the fingernail hit the gossip shield, the moment the energy was about to explode, a sword shadow with dazzling yellow light pierced through the base of Ghost King's left arm. With a "bang", the ghost king's left arm was blown to pieces, his left shoulder was blown into pieces, almost hurting his heart.

The ghost king was horrified, and hurriedly used secret techniques to disappear strangely.

The yellow sword shadow floated slowly in the air, and landed beside Niu Zhong. Naturally, Long Fei used the Yuan Li sword to cast the "sword soaring to the sky".

The battle between Long Fei and the ghost king naturally affected the hearts of all the monks. While fighting the ghosts, they were always concerned about the battle situation here, because the key to survival was this battle.

At this time, after the shock of the monks, they cheered in surprise, the killing of the enemy became more vigorous, and the speed of killing the enemy also increased by a few points.

"Aww! Uli Bala!" After reappearing a hundred feet away, the ghost king raised his head to the sky and screamed regardless of the crippled arm, then lowered his head and kept chanting the spell.

"Uli Bala! Uli Bala!..." The speed of the ghost king's chanting became faster and faster, and then he couldn't distinguish the pronunciation of the words at all.At this moment, his red hair gradually turned into dead white, and it turned completely dead white in an instant, and his heart skipped a beat.Immediately afterwards, the ghost king's head slowly lifted up.

"Ah!" All the monks looked at the ghost king's face, trembled suddenly, and screamed in their hearts.

I saw Ghost King's face was deathly pale, his lips were purple and black, his eyes were no longer blood red, but pale, and scarlet blood flowed slowly from the corners of his eyes in a line.

"Huh!" The ghost king opened his mouth with protruding fangs, spewed out a mouthful of cold air, and then "Boom!", the whole body suddenly gushed out billowing white air and suddenly condensed, suddenly turning into a faint white glow The dead white armor is worn on the body, covering the whole body so that only two dead white eyes are exposed, revealing the cold light.

"Shua!" The ghost king's white hair suddenly grew to more than ten feet and fluttered in the air. With a sound of "Beep!", the white hair suddenly snapped off, followed by "Beep! Beep!" After dozens of rings, the broken hair also broke dozens of times, and finally countless broken hairs became Only inches long, like silver needles flying all over the sky.

"Forcing me to waste my life to attack by burning my soul body, you are so proud to die." As soon as the ghost king finished speaking, the densely packed inch-long hairs flying all over the sky stagnated suddenly in the air, and then shot towards the sky overwhelmingly. Long Fei and Niu Zhong.Afterwards, the ghost king leaped up, his body was like lightning, and shot towards Long Fei immediately, the ten sharp black nails were still pointing directly at Long Fei's throat.

Seeing this, Niu Zhong's face suddenly turned serious, and the "Yuan Zhishield" slammed into it to closely guard himself and Long Fei.

"Crash!" The densely packed broken hair hit the "Yuan Shield" instantly, and the "Yuan Shield" shook violently.But this time a strange thing happened, I saw that those broken hairs did not bounce out after hitting the "Yuan Shield", but stuck to the "Yuan Shield" and instantly melted into a white thick liquid, only blinking The viscous fluid from the broken hair completely covered the "Yuan Shield".

"Hiss!" These viscous liquids were actually highly corrosive, and the "Shield of Yuan" was corroded in an instant until white smoke was emitted everywhere and became thinner rapidly.

"Wow!" The last shot hit the "Yuan Zhishield", and the "Yuanzhishield" was smashed to pieces like broken paper.

At this moment, the ghost king had already attacked, and the ten sharp black armors snapped instantly and shot towards Long Fei's throat, and the pair of dead white palms followed the black armors and slapped Long Fei urgently. Face to face.

Long Fei retreated suddenly, Niu Zhong rushed forward in time, and the Bagua Shield instantly blocked the attack angle of the ten nails. "Dang! Dang! Dang!" There were ten beeps in a row, and the ten fingernails were blocked by the gossip shield and flew into the distance.

Seeing this, the ghost king turned his dead white palm into a fist, and roared towards the Bagua shield.But Niu Zhong let out a low cry, and as soon as the Eight Diagrams Shield entered his body, the "Yuan Zhi Shield" suddenly unfolded, with a sound of "Boom!", he had a head-on collision with the Ghost King.

The ghost king was stunned and his dead white palm and body slammed into the "Shield of Yuan" violently. The huge impact force hit the defenseless ghost king, and then he was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Niu Zhong bent down suddenly, Long Fei held the magnetized Yuanli sword tightly with both hands, and stretched out "One Strike Breaks the Sky", his body transformed into a golden light and passed over Niu Zhong, and with a "chi" sound, pierced through the ghost king's dead white sword. Armor pierced through his chest.

"How could the sword and shield be like this..." The ghost king looked shocked and unbelievable. Before he finished speaking, his body exploded with a "boom!", turning into a little bit of soul smoke and dissipating between the sky and the earth.

As soon as the ghost king died, all the ghost trees fell down and the monkeys scattered, and then scattered in a panic, all running away in a hurry.

The monks didn't chase them too much, because these ghosts couldn't be killed, and killing them didn't make much sense.

"Fellow Daoist! Thank you for your kindness!"

"Thank you buddy!"

"Thank you! Dare to ask Youzun's name? Tell me with a picture!"

All the monks rushed towards the dragon one after another, saluting and thanking the dragon.

"I'm here, Long Fei of the Seven Star School! It's just a matter of raising your hands, you don't need to worry about it!" Long Fei smiled and saluted respectfully.At this moment, Long Fei saw the cold wind in the distance in front of him, glanced at this side, then quickly turned around and left, and hurriedly shouted: "Ice Cube! Just leave like this?"

"It's over, don't worry about it!" Leng Feng stepped forward and replied blankly.

"Hey! You're not really heartless!" Long Fei said with a deep smile.

"I didn't take action to save people. The ghost king's divine sense has locked on me, and I'm just saving myself!" Leng Fengfeng replied lightly before flashing into a passage, and then disappeared.

"Really?" The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, a smile that was not a smile, and asked back as if he had something else to say.

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