Chaos fairy way

Chapter 148 Seizing Lingzhen

Afterwards, after saying goodbye to Long Fei and Niu Zhong, Xiong Lie, Ying Xiao and many other monks all flew out of the cave. It may be because of the powerful strength of Long Fei and Niu Zhong that they decided not to seize Lingzhen It may also be that in order to repay the kindness of Long Fei and Niu Zhong, he gave up competing with Long Fei for the treasure; it may also be that this place is too dangerous and life is precious after all.Huwei didn't leave because he said that he would assist Niu Zhong and Xiao Ling to capture Lingzhen.

After that, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Hu Wei, and Xiao Ling who was sleeping walked towards the passage leading to the heart of Lingyu.

Long Fei and other monks drifted and leaped all the way, and all the ghosts fled in panic when they saw it, as if they saw a fierce spirit.Seeing this, Long Fei and other monks smiled lightly and ignored it.Because ghosts are also a kind of living beings, they should also have their living space; although ghosts live in darkness, there are evil ones and good ones; The treacherous, treacherous, and vicious hearts of the evil human beings are better than the evil ghosts.The ghost sucks the living, that's straight forward.The wicked human beings regard all living beings as ants, and they can be wiped out with a single hand; killing living beings without blood, and eating living beings without spitting out bones.As for ordinary evil people, they sell others and ask them to count the money; they flatter others and make them grateful; and so on.

Three hours later, Long Fei and other monks were walking, and suddenly felt that the aura around them was getting stronger, and they couldn't help but feel happy, because this showed that the heart of Lingyu was not far away!Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, when the spiritual energy was as thick as a light blue mist, with the light of the fluorescent stone above Xu Lan's head, I saw a jade cave deep in front of me, and the spiritual energy like a dense fog slowly gushed out. It is the heart of Lingyu.

In order to prevent the jade spirit silkworm from sneaking in, Niu Zhong immediately propped up the "Shield of Yuan" to protect everyone, and mobilized the "Shield of Yuan" to take everyone to drift to the heart of Lingyu.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Yuan Zhishield" just entered the heart of Lingyu, and saw countless light yellow balls the size of thumbs smashing on the "Yuanzhishield" like a hailstorm, shaking the "Yuanzhishield" with ripples.Long Fei and other monks looked at the four walls of the Jade Heart through the densely packed beads, and saw that the cave walls were covered with two-finger-sized, light green, translucent silkworm demons. , the light yellow ball that came out came from the mouth of the jade silkworm.

"It's really extravagant! You actually use the pearl of vitality as an attack weapon. Sigh! Don't waste it." Although Long Fei's expression was a little dumbfounded, and he sighed again and again, he was extremely happy in his heart. The "Shield of Yuan" flew out from the se storage bag in a flash, and then those light yellow balls on the ground flew into the mouth of the black storage bag.

"Fellow Daoist Long, although these are vitality beads, their concentration is too thick and they have become weapons, so they cannot be absorbed. Otherwise, these jade spirit silkworms would have been captured by the monks to find a way to feed them." Hu Wei kindly reminded.

"Oh! That's it!" Long Fei showed a hint of bewilderment, paused for a while, and then said with a thoughtful look: "Then let's collect them and refer to them for details!"

Niu Zhong saw Long Fei's expression, although he was still tightly tied and didn't say anything, but he was speechless to Long Fei in his heart, and cursed secretly: This rascal, his acting skills are quite superb. After "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" reached the realm of breaking the yuan, it could obviously break the yuanqi beads and thus reach the point where they could be absorbed, but this guy pretended to be stupid, like a baby bird.hehe!It seems that I also need to practice "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" to the realm of breaking the yuan as soon as possible!

Niu Zhong knew Long Fei's heart well, so he deliberately slowed down the drifting speed of the "Yuan Shield" and let Long Fei collect those Yuan Qi beads as much as he wanted.

Although Xu Lan and Hu Wei were a little surprised, after thinking about it, they immediately attributed the slowdown to Niu Zhong's excessive pressure, so they didn't ask any more questions.

The heart of Lingyu is only a hundred miles square, but it took nearly two hours for the "Shield of Yuan" to float into its core area from entering it.Although Xu Lan and Hu Wei looked gloomy, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were full of excitement, because Long Fei's [-]-foot-square storage bag was already filled with vitality beads.

At this moment, Jade Lingcan saw that the Yuan Qi Pearl could not attack the "Yuan Shield" for a long time, and then changed the attack method, turning the attack into a trap.The countless jade silkworms all opened their mouths to spit out, and the silver silk that was as thick as an embroidery needle shot towards the "Yuan Shield" extremely densely, and quickly intersected on the surface of the "Yuan Shield" like weaving cloth.After only a moment, the "Yuan Zhishield" was completely sealed by the silk, like a silvery white silkworm cocoon with a diameter of five feet.

Seeing this, Huwei opened his mouth to the sky and spewed out, a mass of red flames flashed out, then exploded violently and scattered in all directions, instantly condensing into a shield of flames with a diameter of two feet covering everyone, and then suddenly exploded, and the surging flames immediately appeared in the " On the surface of Yuan Zhishield, the silk was burning with a "huhu".However, no matter how hot and violent the red flame was, the silk remained intact, and even its color did not change.

Even the fire couldn't burn the silk, and everyone was amazed.

Long Fei thought for a while, and seemed to have some understanding in his heart, and then the "Magnetized Yuan Wave" was running all over his body, and all the Yuan Force in his body was magnetized, and then suddenly rushed out of his body, and instantly burst out the "Shield of Yuan" . "Crack! Crash!", the encircling circle of silkworm cocoons cracked in an instant, and then they were smashed to pieces by the impact.

Seeing this, Niu Chong instantly accelerated his drifting speed in an extremely tacit understanding, rushing towards the center of Yuanling's heart.

At this time, the aura has become so thick that the visibility is extremely low, only three feet away.Long Fei and other monks could only use their spiritual thoughts to explore the way, and suddenly found a huge stone platform in front of them.This stone platform is round, dark green, and naturally formed.And the roof of the cave above the stone platform suddenly protruded, like a giant rut, the head of the rut was only a foot away from the stone platform below.On the surface of the giant *ruru* head, a layer of ruru white liquid is slightly dripping, just like real ruru juice.The stone platform facing the giant *ruru* head is a circular groove formed by natural dripping. This groove is a large wooden basin, about three feet deep, and the ruru white milk juice in the groove slightly covers the bottom, which is exactly the soul. Yu Ling Ru.



Long Fei and other monks suddenly realized that their spiritual thoughts that had protruded were instantly pierced by countless hair-like dark yellow needle-like substances, and then they felt a splitting headache and their souls were wounded.

The monks were horrified, and hurriedly withdrew their spiritual thoughts, immediately swallowed various pills to restore the primordial spirit, then meditated to adjust their breath, and tried their best to run the basic skills to restore the damaged primordial spirit.

At this moment, the densely packed jade silkworms shot towards them like sharp arrows, and the jade silkworms attacked with their own bodies.At the same time, hair-like dark yellow needle-like substances densely covered the entire space, flying and swimming.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound was continuous, like setting off firecrackers, and the "Shield of Yuan" rippled.But there is no doubt about the strong defense of the "Yuan Shield". No matter how fierce the Jade Spirit Silkworm's attack is, or how domineering the needle's attack on the divine sense, it will not be able to break through the "Yuan Shield".

Half an hour later, Long Fei, Xu Lan, and Hu Wei opened their eyes one after another, exhaled a breath of foul air, obviously all the primordial spirits had recovered, and Niu Zhong was still recovering at this time.Because Niu Zhong is supporting the "Shield of Yuan" to resist the enemy while recovering his Yuanshen.

Long Fei threw his right hand towards the sky, and the Qingshuang sword immediately flew out of his body and into the air, instantly transforming [-] flying swords, and instantly blasted all directions, "Chi! Chi!" Spirit silkworms were struck by swords and fell to the ground like rain.

Xu Lan played the piano with his left hand and played it with his right hand. A rapid and passionate sound broke out immediately, and the dense jade silkworms were cut to death in circles by the sound waves like water waves.

The might of the tiger, between opening and closing the bloody tiger's mouth, clusters of red flames sprayed away, and suddenly exploded as soon as they entered the air, suddenly disintegrating into the sky full of red flames with a width of hundreds of feet, burning the ant-like chao From the jade silkworm, a burnt smell permeated the entire jade cave.

The attack of Long Fei and the others greatly relieved Niu Zhong's pressure, and indirectly helped Niu Zhong speed up the recovery of his spiritual sense.

A quarter of an hour later, Niu Zhong slowly opened his eyes, then jumped up, then mobilized the "Shield of Yuan" and drifted rapidly towards the groove of the stone platform.

At this time, the Jade Spirit Silkworm's attack became more rapid and fierce, but it still couldn't do anything to the "Shield of Yuan".

"By the way! This place is full of Jade Spirit Silkworms from the Consciousness Stage, why are there no jade spirit silkworms from the Yuan Dynasty?" Xu Lan suddenly asked curiously while playing the piano to destroy the enemy.

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