Chaos fairy way

Chapter 149 I'm a Boy

"Jade Lingworm, the speed of cultivation is astonishingly fast. It only takes one year to advance from the body training stage to the fusion knowledge stage. Big card." Huwei explained with some emotion.

"Oh!" Xu Lan burst into a sudden look, and then "Buried the Sky" stopped, and then "Pingsha Luoyan" was played, and a soothing, leisurely sound of the piano spread lightly to the four directions like microwave waves.

After the jade silkworms heard the sound of the zither, their furious and anxious emotions gradually calmed down, and their original ferocious attacks gradually slowed down or even stopped completely.

Long Fei and Hu Wei were greatly surprised, and immediately stopped attacking.

At this time, Niu Zhong carried the "Shield of Yuan" and all the monks had drifted to the edge of the groove, and then covered the groove within the range of the "Shield of Yuan".Afterwards, the four monks Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, and Hu Wei only took a small half of the soul jade spirit rui in the groove as needed.Because the rare treasures of heaven and earth are hard to come by, it is always necessary to keep a thread for those who come later, and the soul jade spirit is the ration of many jade spirit silkworms, if they are all taken away, many jade spirit silkworms will die.

After Long Fei and other monks obtained the soul jade spirit root, they quickly drifted to the depths of the soul jade heart under the load of the "Yuan Shield", because the transformation spirit grass grew in the depths of the soul jade heart for ten thousand years. On the Soul Jade.Because all the Jade Spirit Silkworms were immersed in Xu Lan's beautiful rhythm along the way, the drifting speed of the "Yuan Shield" was extremely fast.After a while, the bottom of the soul jade heart cave came into the eyes of all the monks, and they saw a piece of soul jade with a diameter of ten feet, dark green, and oval half buried in the ground, and only a part of a foot high was exposed. Ten Thousand Years Soul Jade.On the surface of the Wannian Soul Jade, there are more than a dozen strange grasses with different colors and leaves, such as one leaf and one color, or two leaves and two colors, but the seven leaves and seven colors are like rainbow colors. But there is only one grass, and these are the shape-changing grasses.

"There is only one mature Transformation Spirit Grass, so give it to Xiaoling!" Although Huwei was a little disappointed, he said without hesitation.

"Then I will thank Brother Hu for Xiaoling's generosity!" Long Fei said with a respectful smile.

"Ashamed! Ashamed! It's true to repay the favor." Hu Wei respectfully returned the salute, his expression was very sincere.

"By the way, Xiao Ling was busy killing enemies along the way. Why is Xiao Ling still sleeping? Now facing Ling Zhen, she has no reason not to wake up! What will happen?" Xu Lan was surprised, and a little worried The ground wanted to call Xiaoling.

"Don't worry! She has eaten a lot of rare treasures recently, so she must be hitting the stage of reaching the stage of Consciousness." Long Fei glanced dotingly at the spirit beast bracelet in Xu Lan's hand, and hurriedly stopped Xu Lan from urging Xiao Ling.Then, Long Fei personally picked the transformation spirit grass carefully with the Qingshuang sword, put it into a small white jade bottle, and put it in a purple storage bag.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong mobilized the "Yuan Zhishield" and led the monks to drift away from the heart of Lingyu.

Going back the same way and being invincible is naturally fast. It took Long Fei and others just over two hours to drift out of the range of the soul jade layer and reach a karst cave with a square meter of one hundred miles.

At this moment, Long Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly took out the small white jade bottle containing the soul jade spirit from the purple storage bag at his waist and handed it to Xu Lan, saying quickly: "I have enemies!" Incoming attack, you take the first step, don't worry!"

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, his body quickly changed into the wind, and instantly drifted into a cave passage.

"You have no guts, don't run away, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

A moment later, with a roar like thunder, two demon cultivators with snake heads and human bodies suddenly came from another passage in the cave.One demon cultivator is wearing a green robe and has a thin figure; the other demon cultivator is wearing a white robe and has a round body; both of them have a cold light shining in their eyes, and they exude a dangerous and mysterious atmosphere.

"They'll leave it to you! I'll go after that rat." The white-robed snake cultivator turned his head and glanced at the green-robed snake cultivator while walking, and then the direction of the shuttle suddenly changed, and his body shot into the passage that Long Fei entered in the blink of an eye.

"Taking Yuan Dacheng period!" Xu Lan gasped, couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked worriedly at the passage where Long Fei entered.

Niu Zhong looked at the green-robed snake cultivator solemnly.


"Hiss! Hiss!"

At this moment, tens of thousands of monster snakes spitting out their letters, crawled from the entrance of the two demon cultivators with human heads and snake bodies, scrambling to enter the cave, and instantly surrounded Niu Zhong and other three monks.

"Are you his accomplices?" The green-robed snake cultivator said with a chilly gaze and a cold tone.

"Elder Green Snake, you are so angry, I don't know what's the matter?" Hu Wei hurriedly took a step forward with his right foot, passed Niu Zhong half a body, and asked respectfully with a smile on his face.

"This matter has nothing to do with you kid, get out of here!" The green-robed snake cultivator glanced at Hu Wei indifferently, and let out a deep drink. After that, a dangerous aura erupted from his whole body, and then his eyes flashed fiercely. Stare straight at Niu Zhong.

"Yes, so what?" Niu Zhong fixed his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and said slowly, ignoring the oppression of the green-robed snake cultivator.

"It seems that you chose to die!" The green-robed snake cultivator shrank his pupils, gritted his teeth, and there was awe-inspiring killing intent in his tone.Then he clenched his palms suddenly, pieces of green scales burst out on the surface of both hands in an instant, a strong green energy surged out from both hands, and then he threw his fist like a green shuttle, shooting out like a green shuttle. Qing Lin's right fist hit Niu Zhong's face.

Niu Zhong was about to open the "Shield of Yuan" and shook the green-robed snake cultivator, suddenly a slender figure in a white Taoist robe flashed a foot away in front of Niu Zhong, and raised his hand to catch the fierce attack of the green-robed snake cultivator. Come right fist.


The sound was deafening, and there was even louder buzzing in the cave; the violent energy fluctuations instantly transformed into a hurricane from the contact between the fist and the palm, sweeping all directions, and the stone pillars and stalagmites on the ground of the cave were instantly cut flat, and the cave walls and caves The rock formations on the top fell off in chunks, and for a while, sand and rocks flew in the entire space, and dust and mist billowed.

Niu Zhong had no choice but to activate the "Yuan Shield" to cover himself, Xu Lan and Hu Wei, in order to resist the violent energy impact.

After a while, the wind scattered and the dust fell, and the figures of the two monks in the force resistance were revealed immediately.

"Auntie!" Xu Lan couldn't help calling out in surprise.It was Xu Zixuan who came.

"Elder Green Snake, you are so majestic! If you don't agree with each other, you will kill the junior." Xu Zixuan didn't answer Xu Lan's call, and looked at the green-robed snake cultivator with a dull expression. She spoke slowly, but in her tone With sarcasm and anger.

"Three Heroes of Piao Miao, Xu Zixuan of Liuyun Sword." The green-robed snake cultivator's eyes darkened slightly, his face was a little dignified, and then he said in a deep voice: "This matter has a lot to do with our clan, please don't meddle in my own business!"

"Meddling your own business? The Snake Clan is domineering enough! My Piaomiao Pavilion doesn't seem to have fallen to the point where I allow my disciples to be bullied!" Seeing that the green-robed Snake Cultivator still wanted to embarrass Niu Zhong and Xu Lan, Xu Zixuan's expression followed Yihan said in a cold voice.

"You... Good! Good! I'll go and kill that kid first. I hope this matter is really related to the two of them. Even though they are disciples of Piaomiao Pavilion, my snake clan must kill them! Hmph!" As soon as he clenched his fists tightly, he clenched his teeth, his eyes narrowed again, and his clenched fists were loosened. After a sharp shout, he jumped like a shuttle into the passage that Yuan Longfei had entered.

The tens of thousands of densely packed snake demons also "swish" followed closely.

"Auntie! Let's go and save my cousin!" Seeing this, Xu Lan shouted anxiously.

"Hehe! With the speed and methods of Long Fei, the two snake repairs can't do anything to him! So don't worry! Well, this place is the land of the Wood Spirit Clan after all, we should leave here as soon as possible!" Xu Zilan chuckled lightly, With a flick of his left hand, he whisked the dust away, and then stepped on lotus steps, drifting away from the cave.


Xu Lan felt less worried, pouted, and followed closely behind with Niu Zhong and Hu Wei.

"By the way, aunt, why did you come here? Why didn't we find you?"

"Hmph! With your current cultivation, you still can't get rid of me, an old woman! However, that boy Long Fei is an exception!"

"Since you have been following us, why didn't you help when the ghost king killed us?"

"What is experience? As long as you don't lose your life, I don't care about the rest."

"Then why did you make the move this time?"

"Do you want to trigger a big conflict between Piaomiao Pavilion and Snake Clan?"

"What about my cousin?"

"Don't worry! With Long Fei's current means, in this world, except for those old monsters, almost no one can catch him."


In the passageway, Xu Zixuan and Xu Lan's conversation could be heard.

"Evil thief! Don't run away if you have the guts!"

"Don't chase after you if you have the guts!"

"Are you a man?"

"No, I'm a boy!"


From another passage came the white-robed snake cultivator's angry shouts and Long Fei's righteous words.

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