Chaos fairy way

Chapter 153 Yuanli Quenching Body

The word "all living beings" flashed in his mind, and Long Fei immediately returned to sobriety from the ethereal state. He opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and then he closed his eyes, returning to normal. With a determined face, he blurted out: "Cultivation for all living beings."

"Okay! Good one who is cultivating for all living beings. I hope you will stick to this path and finally get the Dao. The first level is to ask the heart to pass, and the second level is to temper the body." The voice of Cangsang came from all directions, and it was impossible to distinguish the direction.

As soon as the sound of Cangsang came to an end, the cylindrical stone platform on which Long Fei sat cross-legged sounded "Boom!", and then started to rotate.For a moment, Long Fei, who was in astonishment, blurred and disappeared along with the sharply turning stone platform.

With a flash in front of his eyes, Long Fei was surprised to find that he was already in a circular stone room with a diameter of only ten feet, and the position he was sitting cross-legged was exactly the center of the circular ground.

I saw that the four walls and the top of the stone chamber were smooth and shining like a mirror, and the ground was engraved with strange golden runes, with a slight golden glow.

"The second step is to temper the body, which is divided into two steps, that is, tempering the body and refining the soul. First adjust the body state, relax the body and soul completely, stop the power, and the power of the mind is as if there is no power, until the heart is like still water, the spirit returns to the void, and the body is transformed. If nothing." A cang sang, but crisp voice rang in Long Fei's ears.The owner of this voice is obviously no longer a person on the first floor.

Hearing the sound, Long Fei immediately put away his surprise, calmed his mind, relaxed his breath, relaxed his whole body, transformed his energy into his body, and dispersed his mind into the sea of ​​thoughts.An hour later, Long Fei's breath seemed to be gone, his heart was like a mirror, his body and spirit were empty, everything seemed to be non-existent.

"That's right, it only takes one hour to reach the realm of ethereal and nothingness! The first step in tempering the body is to temper the flesh." The Cang Sang and crisp voice came again, and the tone was full of appreciation.

At this moment, those golden runes on the ground suddenly shone with dazzling golden light, followed by one after another golden rune-shaped elemental forces suddenly shot from the golden runes on the ground to the walls and ceiling, which was surprising What is amazing is that these elemental forces can continuously reflect between the four walls and the ceiling like light.In the blink of an eye, the entire stone chamber was filled with ray-like energy.

At this time, Long Fei's eyes were tightly closed, his heart was like still water, his body and spirit were empty, and his perception of external changes was in a state of being in a state of unconsciousness; but for his physical body, the primordial force that shot into his body like rays of light His physical body was being tempered slowly, but he was totally unaware of it.

Time was passing by slowly, and those golden runes on the ground continuously shot out streams of energy, which penetrated into Long Fei's body through the folds of the four walls and the roof, tempering Long Fei all the time. body.Originally, Long Fei's physical body reached the Tuoyuan period, which was rapidly strengthened by taking the essence blood of Jinlong carp and the flesh and blood of golden shark, so its foundation was not solid, and it was a bit vain.This time, Long Fei's body was tempered by the continuous energy. Not only are these bad after-effects being gradually eliminated, but the density, hardness, and toughness of his body are also increasing every moment.

One month later, Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, opened his eyes, and clenched his fists with both hands with joy on his face. Suddenly, he felt that his whole body was full of explosive power.At this moment, the skin, blood vessels, bones, and bone marrow of the whole body are not only at least [-]% more solid than before the body quenching, but their strength is more than three times stronger than before. Physically equivalent.This is a joy, and there is another unexpected joy, that is, before Long Fei quenched his body, he had touched the barrier in the mid-stage of metamorphosis, so the energy that his body could hold had reached saturation, so that his own energy was in the process of breaking through to the stage of metamorphosis. Before the mid-Yuan period, it could no longer be strengthened; at this moment, due to the strengthening of the physical body to the strength of the Dacheng period of the Yuan Dynasty, there is room for strengthening the Yuanli.That is to say, Long Fei in the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty has now begun to accumulate Yuan Power for the middle stage of the Yuan Dynasty.

"It's not easy! It's only a month, and it's perfect for the body of the Dacheng period. Alright, let's go to the second step of tempering the body, refining the gods. Refining the gods, that is, tempering the primordial spirit; the process of tempering the spirit , must be painful, you need to remember to completely relax your body and soul, and don't make any resistance." Although the voice is still vicissitudes and crisp, the meaning of praise is undoubtedly revealed.

As soon as the Cangsang and crisp sound fell, the golden runes on the ground suddenly burst into light, dazzling and dazzling, and then shot out one after another energy that was more than twice as strong as before.As soon as these elemental forces shot at the roof of the room, they immediately reflected and condensed suddenly, and instantly condensed into a three-foot-thick yellow elemental force beam, which poured straight down towards the top of Long Fei's head.


Long Fei couldn't help screaming, and then his face was ferocious and terrified, his veins protruded all over his body, his clothes were drenched in cold sweat, and his whole body was shaking violently.At this time, Long Fei's soul sometimes seemed to be burned by a raging fire, sometimes it seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and sometimes it seemed to be soaked in boiling water... The pain suffered by ordinary people was no longer unbearable for ordinary people, but Long Fei was indifferent from the beginning to the end. Relax the physical body and the primordial spirit, and do not mobilize the slightest primordial force and spiritual power to resist the tempering of the majestic primordial force.

The process is painful and the time is slow, but the primordial spirit is concentrating all the time, blending more closely with the physical body.After Long Fei reached the Yuan Dynasty, a powerful primordial spirit surged out from the sword pattern on his right wrist and merged with his own primordial spirit. Although the fusion was extremely perfect, as if it was originally one, the fused primordial spirit was not. There is an extremely subtle discrepancy with the physical body.At this moment, this disagreement is gradually disappearing as the primordial spirit continues to condense.

Another month passed, Long Fei didn't know if he was numb from the pain, or he was used to it, although his body was still trembling at this time, his expression was much more relaxed.But at this moment, the dazzling golden runes suddenly dimmed, and the beams of energy suddenly disappeared.The refinement stopped abruptly, and the pain disappeared immediately. Long Fei didn't open his eyes and get up, but collapsed to the ground with a "pop!"A month of pain, a month of persistence, only relying on a will to hold on; at this time, Long Fei was exhausted both mentally and physically; now that the pain disappeared, his will relaxed, Feeling exhausted, he naturally fainted to the ground.

Three days later, Long Fei slowly opened his eyes, and joy appeared at the corner of his mouth. Although he still had lingering fears, the result was exciting.At this moment, Long Fei suddenly felt that his soul truly belonged to his own body at this moment, and there was no gap or incompatibility between the soul and the body; and the power of his divine sense had increased by as much as [-]% compared to before.

"Turning the body to pass the level, enter the third level, and practice forging skills! What a pervert!" Cang Sang's crisp voice seemed to reveal a trace of jealousy, probably because Long Fei was not a monk of the Diao clan!

There was another roar, and the ground where Long Fei was sitting turned sharply, and Long Fei's figure disappeared indistinctly.When he reappeared, Long Fei found himself sitting in a square hall with a width of hundreds of feet.

I have had a severe toothache for the past two days. I heard from the doctor that I need to drill the tooth for treatment, so the number of words has been reduced in the past two days. Please forgive me!But it will never be updated, and you must guarantee 5000 words a day during the recommendation period.

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