Chaos fairy way

Chapter 154 Crazy Forging Technique

There is nothing in the hall, but the walls, roof, and ground of the hall are densely engraved with golden runes, which are somewhat similar to those runes on the ground of the second level, but different. "The third level, forging skills, practice your skills one by one. There is no skill at all, practice makes perfect, start practicing!" After Long Fei appeared, a hoarse voice echoed from all directions.

At this moment, golden light flashed from the densely packed golden runes on the ground, and then shot out beams of yellow elemental force.As soon as the Yuanli beam is shot out, it instantly condenses into a handle or a knife, or a sword, or a fork, etc. All kinds of weapons.As soon as the countless Yuanli weapons were condensed, they "swish" and shot towards Longfei.

Long Fei flicked his right wrist, and the Qingshuang sword immediately flew out of his hand into the air, suddenly transformed into [-] Qingshuang flying swords, and [-] condensed into a hemispherical sword array with a yellow glow, covering a range of one foot , Strictly guard your own safety; Ten thousand weapons are scattered on all sides like the sun shining, and critically attack the tens of thousands of powerful weapons that attack. "Dang! Crack! Dang! Crack!" The sound of metal impacts rang out incessantly.Although the Yuanli weapons within three feet outside the shield of the sword array were cleared out for a short time, more Yuanli weapons attacked from all sides and the top of the head more densely and swiftly in just the blink of an eye.Long Fei hastily mobilized the Qingshuang Sword and then turned into the Feijian ten thousand Yuanli weapons that were fiercely shot towards all sides, "Dang! Crack! Dang! Crack!" The sound of metal impacts was more rapid and dense than before, and it was already inaudible. Make a single impact sound.But this time, only the Yuanli weapons within two feet outside the shield of the sword array were cleared.

As soon as the Yuanli weapons within two feet were emptied, more, denser, and fiercer Yuanli weapons attacked one after another.At this moment, it was already too late to turn the Flying Sword back into blue frost, Long Fei's face suddenly became dignified, and the Chixiao Sword immediately melted into his body, and waves of power surged all over his body; The ground suddenly exploded and fired towards all weapons of Yuanli.The Yuanli weapons within one zhang outside the shield of the sword formation were emptied again, and the crisis was temporarily lifted, but at this time, the Yuanli weapons were pouring down like a torrential rain, rushing madly like a tidal wave.

Long Fei, the Qingshuang sword once again turned into [-] flying swords, no longer shielding himself with a sword array, but firing all of them at all sides.The sound of metal crashing has changed to "crash!", but the attack of the Yuanli weapon, like a waterfall of rain, increased again.The Huafei sword was no longer effective against the attacking Yuanli weapon, so Long Fei stopped using the flying sword to resist the attack, and used his body as firm as the Scarlet Sky Sword to resist the attack of the Yuanli weapon.The Yuanli weapon hit Long Fei's body like a waterfall like a torrent, "Bang! Bang!" Although the sound kept ringing, how could the Yuanli weapon resist the high-level treasure Chixiao Sword.No matter how fierce and intensive the weapon attack was, it couldn't hurt Long Fei's body at all, it just made Long Fei's body sway non-stop.Long Fei was showered in the rain of waves and blades of soldiers. Although he was tense and depressed due to the crazy attack of weapons, he felt a sense of pride in the world.

"Hehe, you really are a pervert! The first step of forging skills is to pass the test, and the next step is the second step!" The Cang Sang and hoarse voices sounded again, and the dense golden runes followed by the golden glow, like a waterfall of rain, The Yuanli weapon attack that was like a tide suddenly died due to the exhaustion of Yuanli.

But as soon as the Cangsang and hoarse voices fell, the densely packed golden runes suddenly glowed yellow, and then they gathered together in an instant, condensing into a sable pattern with an area of ​​ten feet square.Suddenly, with a sound of "Boom!", the mink-shaped pattern suddenly shot out a majestic mink-shaped Yuanli, and the mink-shaped Yuanli shot into the void and turned into a ferocious Yuanli mink.This Yuanli mink, like a real body, gritted its teeth and cracked its mouth, its eyes gleamed with bloodthirsty red light, it raised its head to the sky and let out a howl, then leaped aggressively towards Long Fei.

Facing Yuanli Diao's swift and fierce attack, Long Fei hadn't figured out the details of Yuanli Diao's, so just to be careful, when "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he wanted to drift to avoid it.But Yuan Li Diao seemed to be able to catch wind and shadows, and he leaped right after Long Fei's body.Long Fei was startled, but after thinking about it, he immediately cleared up his doubts, Diao's body skills are the best in the entire monster clan, and moving in close range with Diao Bi is seeking abuse.But Long Fei didn't believe in this, so he immediately used "Wind Shadow Jue" with all his strength, and his body quickly turned into a gale, trying to compete with Yuanli Diao.Long Fei's body swept across the entire hundred-foot-wide room like a gust of wind, but there was always a gust of wind behind him. Although he couldn't get closer to Long Fei's body by one foot, he still didn't fall an inch.Yuan Li Diao was tireless and chased after him endlessly; Long Fei tried his best to run away, drifting wildly.For a while, there were no people or minks in the room, only the wind whistling.

After a long time, although Long Fei had the Yuanli Pearl to supplement his Yuanli, he was still a body of flesh and blood and would eventually get tired.Half a month later, Long Fei was physically and mentally exhausted, and when he was about to find another way to fight Yuanli Diao, he suddenly felt that his light and fluffy body seemed to be able to walk against the wind.Long Fei was overjoyed immediately, this was the state of the fourth level "King of Wind" in "Wind Shadow Judgment": the king stands in the wind, walks against the wind, the wind of the king, who will fight for the front.But this state of walking against the wind lasted only for a moment, and then disappeared with the exhaustion of the body.Long Fei's joy was not annoyed by the disappearance of the state of walking against the wind, because the state of "King in the Wind" can only be achieved during the Catastrophe Period, and it can be grasped at this moment, but it can pave the way for future generations. Comprehension and mastery build the cornerstone.Long Fei was physically and mentally exhausted, and if he competed with the never-tiring Yuan Li Diao for speed, he would really be looking for abuse, so he turned around abruptly, and "One Strike Breaks the Sky" was displayed immediately, turning into a golden light to face Yuan Li. Li Mino rushed away. "Wow!" With a loud sound, Yuanli Diao exploded in response, regenerating Yuanli and stirring all directions.

"The speed is slightly faster than the speed of the same level of Diao, which is the first human case I have seen. Good! It is worthy of being recommended by Diao Wang. I will give you two hours to recover, and you can continue to forge skills after two hours." Cang Sang and Hoarse The sound was filled with admiration.

At this time, Long Fei stood in a corner of the room, heard the sound and looked up to the front as a salute, then meditated and adjusted his breath.

Two hours later, Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, opened his eyes, his expression was peaceful, it was obvious that his exhausted body and mind had recovered.

At this moment, the mink-shaped pattern on the ground in front of it suddenly scattered, and then condensed, and an ape-shaped pattern was formed.There was another "boom!", and the ape-shaped pattern suddenly shot out a majestic ape-shaped elemental force. As soon as this elemental force entered the void, it transformed into a heavy elemental force ape and smashed to the ground, shaking the entire room. buzzing.As soon as Yuanli Yuan landed on the ground, it suddenly exploded, and instantly rose to a height of more than ten feet, nearly three feet thick. With a rough breath, his teeth cracked and his mouth cracked, he approached Long Fei step by step.

Long Fei, the sky-breaking seal of "Three Unique Seals of Tiangang" was immediately displayed, prostrate on the ground, support the sky, open mountains, accept seas, and break through the sky, all in one go, two dark gray palm prints rushed towards the chest of Yuanli giant ape. "Bang!" The Potian Seal hit the Yuanli Giant Ape, but the Yuanli Giant Ape did not fly as expected, but only shook its body violently, and then continued to come forward step by step.Long Fei was quite surprised, and then he fell to the ground again, supported the sky, opened the mountain, took in the sea, pierced the sky, all in one go, and attacked again with the Potian Seal.The result was exactly the same as the previous attack, the Yuanli Giant Ape still swayed violently.Although Long Fei was surprised in his heart, he was not discouraged at all. He thought to himself: Isn't this just a good way to continuously exercise his "Breaking Heaven Seal"?Practice makes perfect, yes, if you keep using the Heaven Breaking Seal to attack, there will definitely be surprises.

Next, Long Fei retreated while drifting, and at the same time cast the sky breaking seal to bombard the Yuanli giant ape.But after only a moment, Yuanli Giant Ape saw that he could not catch up with Long Fei and was always being bombarded by Long Fei. He gradually became angry, and then jumped into a rage, roaring and shaking the ground. While whistling, his giant palm slapped furiously at Long Fei.For a moment, the room that was only a hundred feet wide was full of palm prints and shadows, the air and energy were violently chaotic, buzzing, wind, and bangs were everywhere, and the whole scene was extremely chaotic.

At this time, Long Fei had no choice but to use his "Wind Shadow Jue" as hard as he could, and tried his best to speed up the casting speed of Breaking the Sky Seal.

Pushing to the ground, supporting the sky, opening a mountain, accepting the sea, piercing the sky, boom!

Pushing to the ground, supporting the sky, opening a mountain, accepting the sea, piercing the sky, boom!


The sky-breaking seal was cast again and again, faster and faster each time. In the end, Long Fei's attacking the sky-breaking seal turned from conscious to unconscious, and the five pre-order moves became as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.But at this time, Yuanli Giant Ape's giant palm attack became faster and more ferocious, and the pursuit speed also accelerated to the extreme.

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