Chaos fairy way

Chapter 155 Crazy Forging Technique

The room space here is small, only a hundred feet wide.The Yuanli giant ape is about three feet wide, more than ten feet high, and its giant palm is nearly one foot wide.It is conceivable that Yuanli Giant Ape's pursuit speed is extremely fast, the frequency of waving palms is extremely high, and the attack strength is extremely strong. How much pressure should Long Fei bear?

Although Long Fei's Sky Breaking Seal attack was extremely smooth, it was still slow at the moment.Yuanli giant ape's giant palm attack was getting closer and closer to Long Fei's body, the wind of the palm had cut his face, the palm force had touched his body, and the giant palm had already torn his robe.

At this moment, Long Fei's face was pale, sweating profusely, and his breathing was rapid, but he gritted his teeth tightly and refused to admit defeat. He resolutely refused to switch to other techniques. He must use the Heaven Breaking Seal to defeat the Yuanli Giant Ape, so he shouted loudly, regardless of the consequences Consuming the energy and spiritual power in the body, desperately cast the seal of breaking the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The Yuanli giant ape's voices followed one after another, and the interval between the two voices became shorter and shorter.

He broke the boat and put his life on display, with disastrous consequences, but the result was surprising.As Long Fei frantically performed the Potian Seal, the five preface movements of Potian Yin, such as prodding the ground, supporting the sky, opening the mountain, accepting the sea, and breaking the sky, gradually became blurred and inseparable from flowing clouds and flowing water. Think about it to the point where it comes at your fingertips.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Long Fei thought about the five pre-order movements in his mind, and pushed his palms towards his chest, and immediately swung a pair of "Breaking Heaven Seals"; Come out again; again and again, a pair of "Breaking Heaven Seals" rushed towards the Yuanli Giant Ape, and the Yuanli Giant Ape retreated again and again after being bombarded.After only a moment, the Yuanli giant ape was bombarded against the wall with the rapid sound.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The bombardment continued. One day later, Yuanli Giant Ape was bombarded with countless palms. Finally, it exploded with a "Boom!", and the scattered Yuanli faded away and disappeared into the world.

Next, Long Fei used "Magnetization Yuanbo" to attack a mysterious tortoise of Yuanli. Although the result of forging skills did not reach the realm of breaking the mind, the realm of breaking the yuan has been perfected, and even vaguely touched the wall of the realm of breaking the mind After thinking about it, it only takes one opportunity to realize the true meaning of broken thoughts.However, when he practiced "breaking the sky with one blow", he was not very interesting, because no matter what kind of beast the origin force of the golden rune turned into, he couldn't resist Long Fei's "breaking the sky with one blow" attack.

In the end, Long Fei ended his training of forging skills amidst the vicissitudes of life and hoarse laughter and cursing, and also ended the training of the entire Huan Dou Zhen Pavilion.

Long Fei, who was standing in the middle of the room, followed the vision before his eyes, and when he reappeared, he was already in the ordinary secret room of Diao Wang Dao Palace.


As soon as Long Feiyu stepped out of the secret room, a teleportation sound came to his ears immediately. When he turned his head, he saw that it was Niu Zhong who had also finished his training.I saw that Niu's recultivation had broken through to the middle stage of the metamorphosis, and the aura emanating from his whole body was obviously nearly twice as strong as before, and his body as strong as an iron tower gave people a great sense of pressure.Long Fei was not surprised by Niu Chong's breakthrough, because Niu Zhong had already reached the point where he could make a breakthrough just like himself, and with his soul jade and spiritual rut, it was a matter of course for him to reach the middle of the metamorphosis.

"How?" Long Fei squeezed his left eye at Niu Zhong, and asked casually.

"It's okay!" Although Niu Zhong's face was still tense, his tone was quite excited.

"Hehe! Be a dead man!" Long Fei nodded his head, and then walked towards the exit of the secret room.

At this time, the secret room was not closed for the convenience of practitioners to go out, but was guarded outside the secret room by two demon cultivators of the Diao clan whose cultivation had reached the Tuoyuan period.

As soon as Long Fei and Niu Zhong came out of the secret room, they bowed their hands to the two guardian demon cultivators who were in the body of Diao Shou, and then went to the living room of Diao Wang Dao Palace.

After a while, Long Fei and Niu Zhong had reached the entrance of the living room by the side door, just as Yu stepped into the living room.

"Hey! The handsome boss! You are lagging behind!" A sweet, immature voice of a little girl came from the living room.

Hearing the voice, Long Fei naturally knew that Xiao Ling was calling him, and then he stepped into the living room, followed the sound, and saw a seven or eight year old girl looking at him kindly.This little girl is wearing a golden dress, her blond hair is tied in small braids, her pink face is paired with big watery eyes, she looks very beautiful and cute, no need for Long Fei to guess, she is Xiaoling .

"Oh! Xiao Ling, that's great! It turned into a success." Long Fei looked at Xiao Ling happily, his eyes full of doting, and then he looked at Xiao Ling with his divine sense, and the surprise on his face suddenly became stronger. He couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and said with a smile on his face: "Strong! It's reached the Yuan Dynasty."

"Hey! I know I'm hurt!" Xiao Ling raised his head, raised his eyes high, and said proudly.

"Hehe! Li harm." Long Fei smiled comfortably.

"Two fellow daoists, please sit down! It is the work of the three fellow daoists that Xiaoling can achieve such success." Diao Wang, who was sitting in the main seat on the upper stage of the living room, was looking at Long Fei and Long Fei with a smile on his face. Hastily moved forward to make a gesture of invitation.

At this time, besides Xiao Ling and Diao Wang, Xu Lan and Lightning, who had completed their training first, were also seated in the living room.As for Xu Zixuan, since it takes several months for Xu Lan to enter the Illusory Douzhen Pavilion, she left as soon as Xu Lan and others entered the pavilion, but they will meet again when the Demon King is selected.

"There! There!" Long Fei said, and he and Niu Zhong saluted Diao Wang respectfully, and then sat next to Lightning in the lower left row of seats in the living room.Xiao Ling and Xu Lan sat in the lower right row of seats.

"The practice is successfully completed, and I would like to congratulate you for your great achievements!" King Diao said with a smile on his face, taking Baixu away.

"Thank you senior for your love!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

"Hey! Thank you, father."

Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Lightning, and Xiao Ling thanked each other.

"Entering the Huan Dou Zhen Pavilion to cultivate, you deserve it, so there is no need to be polite!" Diao Wang waved his right hand to signal everyone not to be too polite, but he looked at the practitioners with a look of relief, and continued He said again: "Now Xiaoling has reached the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty, and Fellow Daoist Long's cultivation is also suppressed at the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty. Then we just have to wait for the battle of the demon king in nine days. Friends Long Daoist, if you need anything, just ask !"

"Thank you, Senior Diao Wang! I don't need anything else, but this junior is still a little worried that the feud with the Snake Clan will affect Xiaoling's battle for the Demon King!" Long Fei frowned slightly, with a hint of worry on his face, Thoughtful and authentic.

"Hehe! Regarding this point, I have already said it before. The two words do not matter. The mink and the snake are natural enemies. The greater the hatred you have with the snake clan, the more you can represent our mink clan. Not to mention that you, as a human being, have no objection to your purpose of acting as a dead little spirit. In addition, after entering the Demon King's Cave, with your speed and the method of concealing your breath, it shouldn't be a problem to take the little spirit to temporarily avoid the snake king's edge " Diao Wang smiled lightly, with a look of disapproval, and said lightly.

"Oh! That junior is worrying too much!" Long Fei was overjoyed when he heard this, although his appearance remained unchanged.Because when he told Diao Wang and other monks about his enmity with the snake clan, he didn't mention the strange bottle of golden blood he took from the snake cultivator.But this bottle of blood can cause the Snake King's superficial complacency, and also force the Snake King to send two out-of-yuan masters to hunt down and snatch it, it must be extraordinary after all.Since it is extraordinary, it is naturally impossible to return it to the Snake Clan. Although I don't know what it is now, there will always be a day when I know it, and there will always be a day when it will be useful.Based on this, although Long Fei had heard Diao Wang say that his enmity with the Snake King would not hinder the selection of the Demon King, he was still a little worried that when he participated in the selection of the Demon King, the Snake King would force him to hand over the bottle of blood and make things difficult for him. As a result, the Diao clan was in a dilemma, so he asked the Diao King again whether the feud he had made would affect the Yao King selection contest.Now knowing that the two tribes are natural enemies, it is not a problem for him not to return the bottle of blood of the Snake tribe. On the contrary, it has become an advantage to represent the Mink tribe in the battle.

"Fellow Daoist Long, there is really no need to worry about this matter! You just need to concentrate on the selection, and leave all other matters to the old man." Diao Wang saw that although Long Fei's expression had not changed, his eyes were dull and he remained silent for a long time, so he He mistakenly thought that Long Fei was weighing gains and losses, so he hesitated to act as a dead soldier, so he expressed his stance again seriously, with a resounding voice.

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