Chaos fairy way

Chapter 156 Flying to Zufeng

Hearing the words, Long Fei suddenly came to his senses, and then smiled and said: "Oh! Hehe! Senior misunderstood, I lost my mind just now, I was just thinking about how to fight against the Snake King during the selection!"

"Oh! That's good! That's good! This old man is really afraid that Fellow Daoist will retreat." Hearing what Long Fei said, King Diao's worry eased, he paused for a while, and then his face became pale again. A trace of worry sighed: "Oh! My mink clan and the snake clan are natural enemies. If the snake king wins the position of the demon king, our clan will definitely be suppressed and persecuted by the snake king's cruel, vicious, and treacherous nature. According to the prohibition of the Yaozu: the elders of the Yaozu are detached from the race, and they have the duty of guarding the soil of the tribe. It is strictly forbidden to interfere with the internal affairs of the Yaozu and other races. In the catastrophe of shape, life and death are unpredictable, and even if you are lucky enough to reach the catastrophe period, you have already become the elder of the clan, so naturally you can no longer take care of the affairs of the Diao clan. But my Diao clan has not yet found a clan member who can take on the important task of the Diao king .Then how will my Diao Clan respond? That's why I care so much about the selection of the Demon King!"

"Father!" Xiao Ling cried out with some sobs, tears flashed in his big black eyes, and the previous dissatisfaction with his father's indisputable desire to participate in the battle of the demon king disappeared instantly.

"Oh! I'm getting old, and I'm a little sentimental. Hehe! Alright, I've already prepared the soul wooden sign that records the selection of the Demon King and the situation related to the Demon King's Cave. Please take it!" Diao Wang smiled awkwardly, Then his right hand took out two yellow soul wooden sticks from the golden storage bag at his waist, twisted his wrist and threw them lightly, and then the two soul wooden sticks flew towards Long Fei and Xiao Ling respectively.

Long Feixin copied it with his hand, grabbed the soul wood soul, took a look at it, and then put it in the purple storage bag on his waist.

Then Diao Wang told Long Fei and Xiao Ling some precautions about the selection of the demon king, and Long Fei and other monks asked Diao Wang some experience and insights in the cultivation of monks in the Yuan Dynasty.

Afterwards, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Xu Lan returned to the VIP Pavilion where they lived, and waited quietly for the time to select the Demon King.

The Demon King's Cave, since the demon clan took control of the Demon Realm Paradise (Ten Thousand Demon Forest), has become the place where candidates for the Demon King of all ages compete for the throne.Why it was chosen as the selection site for the demon king in the first place has not been verified.However, the Yaozu people speculate that it may be based on three points.

First, the Demon King’s Cave, with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters, is called the Cave, but it is actually a small du li interface. It is said that it connects the cultivation world and another larger interface, but this legend has never been accepted. confirmed.Therefore, the Demon King Cave has enough space for many candidates to show their strengths and compete for the throne of the Demon King.

Second, there is only one entrance and exit to the Demon King's Cave, and this entrance and exit is controlled by a peerless formation.If you want to enter and exit the Demon King's Cave, you must join hands with five guarding elders from the Demon Race who have reached the catastrophe period, and you need to spend a lot of spirit stones, crystals, and some special rare treasures that are extremely difficult to find. Form a large array to open the entrance and exit.Based on this point, the Demon King Dongtian, as the selection place of the Demon King, can naturally guarantee the fairness of the selection, so as to prevent the influence of the big clans or the elders of the Yao clan who have reached the catastrophe period from interfering in the selection.

Third, within the Demon King's Cave, there are many dangers and dangers, poison barriers, strong winds, natural traps, etc. are densely distributed throughout the entire interface; what is even more frightening is that there are countless savage and strange creatures growing in it, which is a real law of the jungle. The world in which the survivors live.If the demon king can walk out of the demon king's cave, then it will be able to subdue the public even more in the demon clan where the strong are respected.

In addition, there are abundant demon pills and various rare treasures in the Demon King's Cave.These demon pills and rare treasures are of great benefit to the cultivation of the demon clansmen, for example: the ground essence grass is the holy medicine for monster beasts who major in earth-type kung fu to open up spiritual wisdom; Jade; Xue Huanzhi is the spiritual treasure of the pure blood of the demon clan.Demon cultivators generally improve their cultivation through some gradual methods such as watching the moon, breathing out, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, but there is also a faster way to improve their cultivation, which is to swallow and refine demon pills.However, killing a demon within the Yao clan and taking its inner alchemy is a taboo of the Yao clan, and in serious cases, it is directly executed, but killing a monster within the Yaowangdongtian to obtain the alchemy is not restricted by the clan rules.It is precisely because of the above reasons that although the previous demon kings were all born in the five royal families, and it is almost impossible for the demon cultivators of other races to win the throne of the demon king, other races of the demon clan are still enthusiastic about participating in the selection of the demon king. If you drink it.

There are tens of thousands of races in the demon clan, how many are there? After all, it is impossible to count each demon king, and all races of the demon clan can send people to participate in the selection of the demon king, so one can imagine how many contestants participate in the selection of the demon king?Therefore, in order to make it easier for the clansmen to take pills and materials, the selection time for the demon king is set at three months, but in order to reduce casualties, the contestants must reach the metamorphosis stage.Of course, the cultivation base of the contestants cannot reach or exceed the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty.

As for the rules of the Demon King Selection Competition, there are roughly the following points.

First, each race of the Yaozu can recommend a contestant to participate, and this contestant can also bring a dead man whose cultivation base is not higher than his own to participate in the competition.In the final decisive battle, the dead can also play for the players.

Second, once a player enters the Demon King's Cave, unless they give up the game, they are not allowed to leave the Demon King's Cave until the end of the game.

Thirdly, all contestants will live and die as soon as they enter the Demon King's Cave, and each race will not use the hatred of the Demon King's Cave to seek revenge, otherwise the Yaozu elders will severely punish the offending races.

Fourth, the selection of the demon king is carried out in two steps, namely screening and decisive battle.

In the screening, ten candidates for the demon king were selected from among the many contestants.The selection of candidate demon kings is based on the number of demon king tokens in the hands of all contestants.All players can receive a Demon King Token before entering the Demon King's Cave.Once entering the Demon King's Cave, the contestants can compete for the Demon King's Token.Two and a half months later, the top ten players with the number of Demon King Tokens in their hands will become candidates for Demon King.

The decisive battle is the final decisive battle of the demon king.In the last half month of the selection competition, the Yao Clan Elders will send five elders as referees into the Demon Realm Cave to determine the final ten candidates for the Demon King, and open a battlefield in the central Yang area of ​​the Demon Realm Cave as the place for the final battle of the Demon King.And the last ten days of the trials is the final battle time.

Nine days later in the early morning, the distant peak was clear and the clouds were wearing cotton hats, and the first day in the sky was hung with copper gongs. Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Xu Lan, Xiao Ling, Diao Wang, and Lightning gathered in the Diao Wangdao Palace Square on Yunfu Peak, and set off for the demon. Zufeng, the sacred place of the clan, participated in the demon king selection contest.Xu Zixuan did not rush to Yunfu Peak according to the agreed time limit.

Wearing a golden robe, King Diao stood in front of all the monks with a smile on his face.At this time, with his right hand, he took out a glittering golden luxury boat from the golden storage bag on his waist, and then threw it into the air. The luxury boat swelled to a length of about a hundred feet and a width of thirty feet in the wind as soon as it swept into the air.Afterwards, the luxurious boat slowly landed on the ground and stopped in front of the monks.

"Cloud Shuttle!" Xu Lan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she shouted in surprise.

Long Fei was quite surprised when he saw this ship, because Shuan Yunshuo was recorded in the relevant classics of the sect.It is an ancient treasure, worthy of being a top-grade treasure, and is the fastest flying manned aircraft in the current cultivation world. It can travel more than a million miles, and it is slightly better than Jiao's galloping technique. It is said that there are no more than three ships in the entire cultivation world. , I didn't expect one of them to be in the Mink family.

"Hehe! The three fellow Taoists are really well-informed, knowledgeable and talented people!" Diao Wang turned his head and praised, then made a gesture of invitation to Chuanyunshuo with his right hand, and said: "Everyone, please!"

Afterwards, under the leadership of Diao Wang, Long Fei and other monks slowly boarded the shuttle.Diao Wang pinched the spell with his right hand, and the cloud shuttle flew straight up into the sky, and then "嗖!" It turned into a golden rainbow and disappeared into the sky instantly.

Zufeng, the holy land of the demon clan, is the place where the demon kings of all ages lived and practiced, and it is also the place where the elders of the demon clan are located.

Zu Feng is located in the middle of the Ten Thousand Monster Forest, surrounded by the area ruled by the Tiger Clan.

Zufeng is tens of thousands of feet high and more than [-] miles in diameter. It is the tallest and largest mountain in the Ten Thousand Monsters Forest.Although Zu Feng does not have the fairy charm of Greedy Wolf Fairy Peak, it is more primitive and simple. It is one of the few holy places for cultivation in Huahuang Continent.

In just one hour, the team of the Mink race was flying over the Zufeng Zumiao Square under the extremely fast flight of the shuttle.Diao Wang pinched his right hand, and the cloud shuttle landed vertically and slowly landed on the east side of the square. What is amazing is that the huge cloud shuttle landed on the ground without a whirlwind as imagined.

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