Chaos fairy way

Chapter 160 Handsome Ass

At this moment, other monsters suddenly roared again and again, with red eyes, teeth and mouths, and rushed towards Long Fei crazily.

Long Fei looked at the monsters that were all in a berserk state, and became happy instead of panic.Because one of the dozens of monsters died, the formation formed by them was naturally broken, and all the remaining monsters suddenly went crazy, obviously the monster killed must be their leader.

"Hehe! What a great gift! Little Ling is really lucky." Long Fei laughed lightly and whispered, deciding in his heart to kill all these monsters and take pills for Xiaoling to eat and refine.

As soon as Long Fei had a plan in mind, he immediately displayed the "Wind and Shadow Jue", his body quickly changed into the wind, and he drifted among the monsters at a very high speed.At the same time, he took out a handful of vitality beads from the storage bag, shattered them with magnetized energy, and tried his best to absorb the energy in them, in order to quickly recover the energy consumed in the body. "One Strike to Break the Sky" consumes a lot of energy, and each time it is used, it consumes more than half of the energy in the body, so it cannot be used continuously, and can only be used again after the energy in the body recovers.

Yuan Qi beads are crystallized from extremely pure Yuan Qi, one can imagine how strong the Yuan Qi contained in it is.As a handful of vitality beads were sucked out, the vitality in Long Fei's body also recovered to a large extent, and then another monster was about to suffer the fate of exploding and dying. "One strike breaks the sky" is worthy of being the strongest blow, one of the craziest monsters was killed on the spot by Long Fei in one breath.

Next, Long Fei used "Wind and Shadow Jue" to drag and avoid the enemy, used the Yuanli Pearl to restore the Yuanli in his body, and used "One Hit to Break the Sky" to instantly kill monsters. Also very comfortable.Killing and killing, after killing five or six monsters in a row, Long Fei gradually discovered that although these monsters had reached the Yuan stage, their attack methods were only icicle attacks and rampage attacks.Moreover, they knew that if they stayed and resisted, they would definitely die, but they still had no intention of retreating at all, and it didn't look like they were fearless of death purely for revenge, because just now Long Fei saw a monster stepping on the head of the leader monster. Smasher makes a dash attack.

"What a strange thing!" After Long Fei pondered, he immediately accelerated the speed of killing the enemy.

Two hours later, more than a dozen monsters were killed, leaving only one monster whose cultivation was only at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.At this time, Long Fei's "Breaking Heaven Seal" only used [-]% of his attack power to hit the monster, and the monster lost his mind in the berserk, and he used his right foreleg to forcefully connect to the "Breaking Heaven Seal".Then its fate can be imagined, with two sounds of "bang! bang!", the monster's left foreleg shattered in response, and its body fell to the ground.

As soon as Long Fei floated to the side of the monster, he touched the center of his eyebrows with his right index finger, and then searched for him. Long Fei's face suddenly revealed a look of comprehension, but after only a moment, he became confused again.

"Although the bone age is more than 1000 years old, their intelligence is only equivalent to that of a one or two-year-old child. This can explain the reason why they only know how to attack naturally even though their cultivation has reached the metamorphosis stage. But the memory in their brains is almost none. Why is this? And since they are not very intelligent, why did they use such a powerful formation, and it was a joint attack formation? What a strange thing!" Long Fei stood quietly on the grass, thinking hard.

"Handsome boss, have you finished killing the monsters? Let me out quickly. I'm alone now! I don't want to stay in the spirit beast bracelet." Xiao Ling's dissatisfied sound transmission instantly awakened Long Fei from his contemplation.

"Oh! Heh! You little guy, I'm preparing a big tonic for you! You're so angry." Long Fei laughed lightly, and then with a movement of his mind, Xiao Ling flashed out of the spirit beast bracelet .

"Oh! Really? Thank you, Boss." Xiao Ling exclaimed in surprise after hearing the words.

"Okay, let's take care of the matter of getting the pills yourself." Long Fei said, whimpering at the corpses of those monsters.

"Okay! Boss, I found that you are really handsome!" Xiao Ling blinked her big dark eyes, pretending to look adored, and said sweetly.

"Handsome ass! I'm suffocated to death, and I'll be locked up in the spirit beast bracelet for a few months, let me out!" Xiao Jin roared from the spirit beast bracelet. Although the sound was extremely weak outside, Long Fei and Xiaoling can hear it.

"Hey! I'll let you out now. There's no way! Your background is extremely special. I'm really afraid of causing a stir in the monster clan, so I didn't let you show it to the public." Long Fei smiled a little embarrassedly. release.

"Oh! The air outside is so fresh! It's a pity that the sun is not as beautiful as it was a few months ago." Xiao Jin flew out of the spirit beast bracelet, flapped his wings, and flew to the crown of a towering ancient tree with a whirring sound, looking up to the sky Taking a breath of fresh air, he couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Xiao Jin was more than three feet long and nearly ten feet wide. His huge body made the crown of the ancient tree bend nearly ninety degrees; his golden feathers were nearly full, and his whole body was shining golden under the sunlight. , like a divine splendor; mouth like a golden hook, claws sharper than a sword, coupled with eyes that are as sharp as a god's arrow, all show Xiaojin's extraordinary and nobility.

Before Long Fei was all focused on killing monsters, so he didn't pay much attention to the environment of the Demon King's Cave. At this time, he heard Xiao Jin's words, and suddenly found that the environment of the Demon King's Cave was quite different from the environment of the cultivation world. .

In the Demon King's Cave, the flowers, plants and trees in the surrounding fields seem to be much taller and greener than those in the cultivation world; the concentration of aura is at least [-]% higher than that in the cultivation world, and the air is filled with a thick earthy smell; the sun in the sky is actually a bit yellowish, So it feels like it's a bit hazy.

According to the record on the soul wooden stick given by Elder Monkey, the concentration of aura in Yaowangdongtian is not as good as that in the cultivation world, but why is the concentration of aura in Yaowangdongtian better than that in the cultivation world after only a thousand years?And why does the sun turn yellow?The monster just now is old, has a high level of cultivation, but extremely low intelligence, why is that?Questions hung in Long Fei's mind, and Long Fei couldn't help sighing: "This place is really mysterious, it's incredible!"

Long Fei pondered for a moment, unable to understand, then put away his messy thoughts, looked at Xiao Ling who was looking for pills among piles of broken monster corpses, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.Because there are so many metamorphosis monsters here, the main ingredients needed to refine the ascending god pill and the returning yuan pill can be found after all.

"Mom! What's the use of the little balls you're looking for? Can you eat them?" After Xiaojin sighed, seeing Xiaoling always looking for inner alchemy, he was curious and asked in a coquettish tone road.

"Xiao Jin, why do you still call me mom? You've seen it now, I'm a child too!" Xiao Ling frowned when she heard Xiao Jin calling her mom again, and said with a pouted mouth.

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Xiao Jin looked at Xiao Ling, then at Long Fei, after comparing the two, they slightly agreed that Xiao Ling was a child, but still asked in confusion: "Does it have to be an adult to be a mother? Why have I never heard of it?"

"You haven't heard of it because you have seen few people! No matter whether humans or beasts, they can only have children when they grow up. It is impossible for children to have children. So I am really not your mother." Xiaoling saw that Xiaojin thought he was His mother's mind had changed, and she hurriedly took advantage of the fire to explain further.

"Oh! Then why can't children have children?" Xiao Jin seemed to understand a little bit, tilted his head and thought for a while, then looked at Xiao Ling with puzzled eyes and asked.

"Because of which..." Xiaoling said this, and suddenly realized that he didn't understand this question, so he cast his eyes on Long Fei for help.

"Cough! This, that..." Long Fei coughed dryly, his head suddenly went numb.Adults know about this problem, but children don't understand it. After all, every adult doesn't know how to tell children, and Long Fei is naturally the same.Long Fei was just looking at the cute appearance of the two little guys with a smile, listening to their childish questions and answers, and found that Xiaoling suddenly looked at him pitifully, asking for help, how should he answer her?Long Fei got more and more numb as he thought about it. After a long time, he still couldn't speak. Finally, he smiled wryly, with a helpless expression on his face, but he seemed to say seriously: "Well, Xiao Ling, you should still be Xiao Jin's mother!"

"What? Boss, how can you do this? You bully the child! Woo..." Xiao Lingben looked at Long Fei hopefully, but instead of explaining, Long Fei called himself Xiao Jin's mother, feeling anxious in his heart. Then he burst into tears.

Seeing that Xiao Ling was crying, Xiao Jin gave Long Fei a hard look, then quickly flapped his wide wings, and flew to Xiao Ling's side with a whistling sound, his wings immediately hugged Xiao Ling, looking angrily, nai She comforted her in a nai voice: "Mom, don't cry, don't cry! Be good! When I get better, I will beat the ugly boss."

"Cough! Cough!" Seeing this, Long Fei's black line rose again on the back of his head. He coughed a few times, and changed the topic speechlessly: "That little Jin! You haven't tasted fresh snake meat for a long time. Let's go, let's go!" Go catch the snake, you are responsible for supporting the little spirit to fly."

"I..." Xiao Jin was angry because Long Fei was crying Xiao Ling, so he blurted out and wanted to reject Long Fei's invitation, but delicious food is still better than loyalty and fake family affection for a child, he hesitated a little, and said hastily: "Okay! It must be the one I like!"

"Okay, no problem!" Long Fei said boldly, with a hint of a smile on the corners of his mouth, then he turned his eyes full of doting to Xiao Ling, and said in a very friendly tone: "Xiao Ling, what delicacy do you want to eat?"

After all, Xiao Ling is a child, so naturally he can't stand the temptation of delicious food. He just bowed his head and said nothing for a moment, and burst into tears, but he still replied softly with a little embarrassment: "I want to eat roast venison!"

"Okay! Let's go!" As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, "Wind and Shadow Art" was displayed immediately, and his body quickly changed into the wind, drifting to the central area of ​​the Demon King's Cave according to the map attached to the soul stick (given by the monkey elder); At the same time, the divine sense expanded to a radius of a hundred miles, trying to search for snakes and deer.

Xiao Jin squatted on the ground, Xiao Ling swept up Xiao Jin's back and hugged Xiao Jin's neck with a pair of small hands.Xiao Jin's powerful golden claws stomped on the ground, spread his wings, and chased Long Fei with a whistling sound.

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