Chaos fairy way

Chapter 161

The demon king cave has a strong aura, and there are naturally a lot of monsters.The detection distance of Long Fei's divine sense was as far as a hundred miles away and drifted like a hurricane, so it was no problem to find a few demon deer and a decent snake.However, while Long Fei was wandering and searching, he was surprised to find that the monsters he met were generally high in cultivation and age, but their intelligence was extremely low, and even the monsters that had reached the Yuan Dynasty did not turn into beast heads.

A day later, with the cooperation of Xiao Jin, Long Fei successfully caught three monster deer from the Consciousness Stage and a monster snake from the Yuan Dynasty.The monster snake, which is extremely surprising because it has two small feet, was naturally eaten up by Xiao Jin on the spot in the end, and of course the result was that Long Fei and Xiao Ling were stunned.As for the demon deer, it is natural to save it and choose another place to deal with, because the venison is still delicious roasted.Roast venison, the meat is fine and smooth, not greasy, not rough, and has an excellent taste.Naturally, delicious food must be accompanied by beautiful scenery and good wine to eat comfortably and comfortably.Long Fei studied under Di Xuanzi, who is famous for tasting all kinds of delicacies in the world, so he will be quite particular about this aspect.

The bright moon was in the sky, the night was hazy, beside the green pool, on top of the white stone, a bonfire was lit, and the wine and meat were fragrant. Long Fei, Xiao Ling, and Xiao Jin ate happily.But good things are usually disturbed by villains. When the three foodies of Long Fei were enjoying their food, suddenly there were more than a dozen sounds of "swoosh!", and more than a dozen demon cultivators flashed to the boulder where Long Fei was sitting.

"Three little guys, you will enjoy it! We are loyal to the noble snake king, and hand over your demon king order honestly! According to the rules of the selection competition, we will not make things difficult for you, otherwise...hehe!" A fox head who seemed to be the leader Shaking his shoulders and head, the human body demon cultivator walked to the fire, shook his right sleeve, and then proudly picked up a deer leg that was roasted shiny from the grill and ate it.

"Old fox, do you want to exterminate the clan?" Xiao Lingjiao shouted.

Long Fei ate the venison silently, glanced at the group of demon cultivators with playful eyes, lamenting that his cultivation in the early Yuan Dynasty was despised again, and even more lamented why the historical scene had to repeat itself.

Xiao Jin, the coercion had been restrained according to Long Fei's request when he flew out of the spirit beast bracelet. At this time, he seemed to be trembling with fright, and his expression was extremely frightened, but he was giggling in his heart. Bad luck.

"Hey! Diao Ling, although you are the daughter of the Diao King, you should be clear about the rules of the competition. No one dares to retaliate against what happened in the Demon King's Cave. Otherwise, it will be the revengeful clan, the former wolf The family is a good example." The fox demon sneered, shook his head, glanced at Xiao Ling disdainfully, and said disapprovingly, after eating the venison in his hand, he threw the deer leg bone away, his eyes suddenly turned cold , showing his fierce face, and sternly shouted: "Enough nonsense, quickly hand in the demon king's order, or you will be killed."

"Deer meat is delicious? Hehe! It's quite angry." Long Fei patted the crumbs of meat on his palm, stood up slowly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, looked at the fox demon with a smile, and then said: "Okay , Exchange the venison for the Demon King’s Token, you’re not at a loss. Leave the Demon King’s Token and give it to me, bastard!”

"What?" Hearing the words, the fox demon stared wide-eyed, as if she couldn't believe her ears, she couldn't help but blurted out a question, but after being stunned for a moment, she was instantly annoyed, murderous aura gushed out of her body, and her eyes stabbed Feeling awe-inspiring, he said again in a harsh voice: "Then you all go to die! Brothers, go!"



Just as the fox demon swung the stabbing knife in his hand to slash at Long Fei, suddenly two dark gray palm prints hit his chest swiftly, and his body fell into the green pool like a kite with a broken string. Did not surface and was apparently dead.

The other demon cultivators looked at this scene in horror and were stunned for a while, then knelt down on the white stone one after another in a "plop plop", kowtowing their heads in fear and begging for Long Fei's life.Just kidding, just now the fox demon was at the late stage of the metamorphosis, but was killed by Long Fei with one blow. If they were in the middle or early stage of the metamorphosis, if they fought with Long Fei, wouldn't it be pure courting death?The real purpose of these demon cultivators coming to the Demon King's Cave is to hunt for treasures and make a fortune, and they know how to cherish life. Therefore, seeing Long Fei showing his domineering strength by killing the enemy with a single strike with "Breaking the Sky Seal", their first thought was naturally to beg for mercy.As for the death of the fox demon, it was naturally thrown out of the sky. To them at this time, revenge, dignity, etc., were things that idiots would do.

"Okay, you are all elites of various races, I don't want to kill you, leave your demon king's order behind, and go!" Long Fei glanced at Bitan, whose ripples had disappeared, and then moved his eyes to the man who was kneeling. The demon cultivators who kowtowed, said slowly.

"Thank you for your mercy, my lord! Young Master Diao, please take it well." All the demon cultivators got up one after another, took out the demon king's token, and walked to Xiaoling with a big bend, holding the demon king's token in both hands and presenting it to him .After the little spirits were finished, they bowed three times to Long Fei one by one, and then rushed to the distance in a panic.

"Ugly Boss! This beast's acting skills are good!" Xiao Jin flapped his wide wings and tilted his head, quite proudly.

"Hey! Not bad! With your exaggerated body shape, I was really worried that I would arouse the vigilance of these demon cultivators. However, your performance is very good, so that they mistakenly think that you are a monster from the demon king's cave, so I didn't pay too much attention to you. And I killed the fox demon instantly and it was surprisingly smooth, otherwise it would take some trouble to kill a monk in the late stage of metamorphosis." Long Fei smiled comfortably and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Xiao Ling had already received the demon king's order, blinked his big eyes, looked at Long Fei with admiration and asked: "Handsome boss! Do you want to continue eating venison?"

"Hehe! Eat! Even dinner can attract big fish, why don't you eat it?" Long Fei sat down on the ground as soon as he finished speaking, picked up a bag of wine on the ground, and drank it leisurely, just like what happened just now Nothing happened.

"Yes! Yes! I found that although the boss is ugly, he is indeed a role model for us!" Xiao Jin also prostrated himself on the ground, and with a move of consciousness, a piece of venison the size of a palm flew into his mouth, his expression paused intoxicated. For a moment, then swallowed.

Hearing these words that seemed to be both positive and negative, black lines formed in the back of Long Fei's head, but facing these two cute little guys, he could only shake his head wordlessly.

The moon and stars are sparse, and the cool breeze hits, which makes people feel refreshed.

Food and wine, tasting near the lake, drinking while looking at the moon, makes people linger intoxicated.

After Long Fei, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Ling feasted on one person and two demons, Xiao Ling went into the tent to rest, and Xiao Jin fell asleep on the ground. Long Fei naturally meditated and practiced through the night. Xiu or monsters came to disturb, this may be caused by the deterrence of the fox-killing demon!

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