Chaos fairy way

Chapter 165

Long Fei glanced at the brown storage bag and the silver spirit beast bracelet in his hand, his divine sense immediately penetrated into the two items, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth for a while, and then he put the brown storage bag in his waist. The storage bag, while the silver spirit beast bracelet is worn on the left wrist.At this time, Long Fei already had two spirit beast bracelets on his left wrist, one gold and one silver, and the gold spirit beast bracelet was naturally the spirit beast bracelet that Xiao Jin lived on.Afterwards, Long Fei's left eye flashed yellow, and a sword-shaped divine sense shot into the silver spirit beast bracelet on his left wrist, and a "squeak!" came from the Qingke spirit beast bracelet, followed by two A small bug the size of a grain of rice flew out in a flash, circled in the air and then flew back to the silver spirit beast bracelet. It was obviously caused by the imprint of spiritual thoughts that Long Fei planted in its brain just now.This insect, beige all over, looks a bit like a flea, and it is the soul-searching insect that ranks second among the three major tracking strange monsters.

Afterwards, Long Fei raised his head to look at the little spirit flying in the air, and praised: "Inheriting the skill is really powerful, what's the name of the skill you used just now?"

"Hehe! I finally know that I am also very strong? This is called 'Spirit Control'! It can control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to attack and trap enemies." Xiaoling smiled slightly, shaking his little head, with a proud expression on his face, and then seemed to think about when Yes, he sighed, and said in a slightly depressed voice, "Oh! There should be more powerful follow-up skills behind the 'Spirit Control Technique', but unfortunately I can't decipher it from the inheritance imprint yet. I don't know if the cultivation base will reach At what stage can the subsequent techniques be deciphered?"

"Don't worry! You'll get it naturally when you cultivate yourself. By the way, since your inheritance imprint has been partially deciphered, do you now know what the taboo law means? Also, is there a way to dissolve the 'God Devouring Magical Sky'?" Long When Fei heard Xiao Ling talk about the imprint of inheritance, he suddenly remembered the taboo method "Devouring God and Magic Sky" performed by Shatian in the underground palace of Shatang in Zhongyan Continent, so he hurriedly asked.

Xiao Ling gave a wry smile, shook his head, and said helplessly, "This decryption contains nothing about the taboo law and 'Devouring the Magical Sky'."

"Oh! It's okay, we will know later. Well, we should go, the time agreed with Xiao Jin is coming soon." Long Fei comforted Xiao Ling, then put Xiao Ling in the spirit beast bracelet, and then "Little Ben Lei" As soon as the technique is displayed, the person disappears in a flash.

Ten thousand zhang high in the sky, a golden rainbow streaked across the sky, and a phantom flashed and disappeared. This scene has been staged for more than an hour.

Shou Yaoxiu and the raptor chased and fled, flying between the sky and the earth, and they had already flown countless thousands of miles.At first, Shou Yaoxiu wanted to consume the raptor, so he chased the raptor without any haste.After a long time, seeing that the raptor showed no sign of exhaustion, I was surprised but more excited, because the more amazing the raptor, the more valuable it is.Shou Yaoxiu immediately speeded up his pursuit and gradually shortened the distance between him and the raptor.But the birds of prey saw that the distance between each other had gradually shortened, and their expressions seemed extremely anxious, but their eyes were sly and sly, and they raised their heads to the sky and screamed, a pair of golden wings suddenly spread out twice, and their bodies "" "Wow" sound and disappeared without a trace, and when it reappeared, the distance between him and the thin demon cultivator had been extended to the original distance.

"Jie Jie! The little guy still has unique skills. Yes, you must be mine." The thin monster repair monster laughed, and although he was quite surprised to see the distance being opened, he was not angry but happy, and then teleported far away at a high speed Speaking of the ultimate, Qingji narrowed the distance with the raptor again.

The bird of prey screamed, its wings shone brightly again, and it spread out twice suddenly, and the distance between it and the thin demon cultivator was opened again, but it seemed that the unique skill could not be used continuously.As soon as Shou Yaoxiu narrowed the distance between them, the raptor quickly performed a stunt, thus keeping the distance between them at a certain length.

"Interesting! Let me see how long you have spent on energy consumption?" Shou Yaoxiu teleported, took out a yellow pill from the waist storage bag and stuffed it into the mouth, used to restore all the consumed energy, and chased In the past two hours, the energy in his body has also been consumed enormously.

After another hour, the flying distance of the bird of prey was getting closer and closer every time it performed its special skills, which showed that the bird of prey was getting weaker and weaker. .

Seeing this, Shou Yaoxiu was overjoyed, so regardless of the predicament that his own energy was running low, he forced his energy to chase after him.

The distance between the two got closer, and just as they were about to catch up, the pair of golden wings of the raptor suddenly tightened, and its body shot towards the foggy valley on the ground like a golden shuttle.

"Jie Jie! Are you exhausted? Want to rely on poisonous miasma to get out of trouble? That's a good idea! But it's an idea I like." The thin demon cultivator smiled strangely, a brown scale armor suddenly floated on the body surface, and a brown circle The shape mask suddenly opened up and shrouded the thin demon cultivator inside.Afterwards, Shou Yaoxiu twisted his body, stood upside down and darted towards the raptor.

The cliffs around the valley are steep and towering, and the poisonous mist inside it is thick and extremely poisonous, so that the eyes cannot see the scene inside it, and the spiritual sense dare not explore everything inside it.

The bird of prey seemed to be in a desperate situation and fought desperately, so it resolutely shot into the valley, disappearing into the poisonous fog.

The thin demon cultivator held a treasure armor to protect himself, and followed the raptor without hesitation into the poisonous mist.At this moment, within the poisonous mist, a golden glow shot towards the Slender Yaoxiu who was rushing down violently.With the addition of two extreme speeds, it is naturally impossible to dodge, but Shou Yaoxiu is worthy of being a master who has been immersed in the Dacheng period for many years, and his body is strangely blurred at the moment when he is about to be shot by the golden light.

"Shua!" Jin Mang shot wearing a brown circular mask, took away the left arm of Shou Yaoxiu and passed by, forcing Shou Yaoxiu's body to become more substantial again.

Thin Yaoxiu ignored the bleeding left arm, rushed out of the poisonous mist valley in a flash, drifted in the air, and shouted angrily: "Damn thief..."

It's a pity that Shou Yaoxiu hadn't seen Jin Mang's true face clearly, before he finished speaking, his expression froze, and his body fell sharply.

As soon as the golden glow rushed into the air, a white shadow suddenly appeared, which was exactly Long Fei.

Long Fei, the Qingshuang sword appeared on the soles of his feet in a flash, and was suspended in the air. With his right hand, he made a move towards the falling Shou Yaoxiu, and the Shou Yaoxiu suddenly stopped falling and flew to the Qingshuang, which had grown to a width of ten feet. on the sword.

"It's worthy of being a master who is close to the peak of the Yuan Dacheng period. He was able to lie down and beat me. Hehe! I am not disappointed. I am really afraid that you will not be able to hide, so that I will not be able to capture you alive." Long Fei looked at the consciousness. Lost and paralyzed by the sword, the thin demon cultivator smiled slightly, then whistled towards the poisonous mist valley, and then flew to the top of a relatively gentle mountain peak with Yujian.

"Huh!" The raptor came out through the fog, raised its wings soaring into the sky, followed Long Fei and landed on the top of the peak. The raptor was naturally Xiao Jin, who claimed to be a noble beast.

"Xiao Jin did a good job! I will reward you with a monster snake from the Yuan Dynasty later." Long Fei glanced at Xiao Jin with a look of doting on his face, and then asked curiously: "By the way, noble beast, your What's the name of the stunt?"

"It's so-so! As for the special skill! It's called Nine Wings, obtained by deciphering the imprint of inheritance, but I can only use two wings now." Xiao Jin raised Subaru's head and flapped his wings, speaking in a rather smug tone.

"With only two wings, you can compare the speed with the masters of Tuoyuan Dacheng. It seems that you are like a beast!" Long Fei glanced at Xiaojin's cute and triumphant appearance, and couldn't help but tease him.

"What is resemblance? I am, but you are a little disrespectful to the noble beast again!" Xiao Jin rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction and said solemnly.

"Oh! Don't dare!" Seeing this, Long Fei secretly laughed, but he didn't even dare to say it.

Afterwards, Long Fei raised his palm with his right hand to the Shou Yaoxiu who was lying on the ground, and the Shou Yaoxiu stood up immediately, with his head and shoulders drooping, like a walking corpse.Then Long Fei pointed his right index finger to the center of Shou Yaoxiu's eyebrows, and a divine thought flashed from his fingertips into Shou Yaoxiu's brain, wanting to search for him.At this moment, Long Fei's complexion changed suddenly, he hastily withdrew his index finger, and instantly put Xiao Jin into the spirit beast bracelet, and then the "Little Ben Lei Shu" developed rapidly, and he disappeared in a flash.

"Boom!" As soon as Long Fei fled away, Shou Yaoxiu's head exploded suddenly. The sound was earth-shattering. , or stones are all reduced to debris, and for a while the dust waves are rolling and rolling.

In the sky, Long Fei appeared staggeringly, spurting blood from his mouth, and his body plummeted down.At this moment, a golden glow flashed on Long Fei's left wrist spirit beast bracelet, and Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling flew out.Xiao Jin glided in the air, and then put Long Fei and Xiao Ling on his back.

"Handsome Boss! Handsome Boss!"

"Ugly boss, are you alright?"

Xiao Ling and Xiao Jin exclaimed anxiously.

"I can't die! There's too much movement, get out of here quickly." Long Fei's face was ferocious, his seven orifices were bleeding; his soul and body were severely injured, and he was on the verge of collapse. fainted.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling felt a little relieved when they heard the words, and their worries eased a little.Xiao Ling held Long Fei's head with his right hand, and hurriedly took out a red pill from the storage bag on Long Fei's waist with his left hand, stuffed it into Long Fei's mouth, and smashed it into Long Fei's abdomen with Yuan force.Xiao Jin flapped his wings violently, and his body shot into the distance like a startled rainbow.

Just now when Long Fei probed into the skinny demon's sea of ​​thoughts with his spiritual thoughts, he found that his sea of ​​thoughts was sealed by a thin layer of strange spiritual chromium seal.This spiritual imprint is extremely powerful and exudes a terrifying and dangerous atmosphere. It should be a spiritual imprint laid down by an extremely strong man.Long Fei immediately realized that this divine sense not only has the function of sealing, but also may cause the self-destruction of those imprinted by the divine sense, the purpose must be to prevent his subordinates from being searched for by others.Long Fei knew in his heart that his magnetized energy could break a simple lock-on imprint of spiritual thoughts, but he couldn't destroy even half of this powerful imprint of spiritual thoughts, so he quickly put Xiao Jin in the spirit beast bracelet, and teleported away quickly.It's a pity that he was still a little late, and was hit by the violent explosive force during the teleportation. It was also fortunate that Long Fei had already fused the Scarlet Firmament Sword into his body, and his body was as strong as the Scarlet Firmament Sword, otherwise he would surely die.

More than an hour later, in a cave at the waist of a cliff, Long Fei was lying on his back on a piece of monster fur on the ground, his eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he was still in a coma.Xiao Ling sat on a piece of bluestone, bit his lips tightly, frowned, looked sad, and looked at Long Fei without blinking.Xiao Jin is not in the cave, he has gone out to hunt and gather firewood.

After a while, Xiao Jinzui picked up a beast with the head of a leopard and the body of a lion, carrying a large pile of dry firewood on its back, and slowly flew into the cave.

After that, Xiao Ling built a small stove with stones, filled the stove with firewood, and then lit the firewood.Then set up a grill from the dragonfly storage bag on top of the fire.Then, use a dagger to cut off pieces of meat from the leopard-headed lion-body beast's body and put them on the grill.

Xiao Jin looked at Xiao Ling's barbecue, without saying a word, just glanced at Long Fei from time to time.

After Long Fei was injured, the two little guys seemed to be much more sensible, and they were no longer as mischievous as usual.

As the sky gradually darkened, the barbecue on the grill also released a strong aroma, of course, mixed with the smell of burnt burnt.

Although the roast meat was half-cooked, Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling still ate with gusto; moreover, the two little guys even picked out the best grilled meat from among the many roast meats, tore them into pieces and stuffed them into Long Fei's mouth , smashed the meat into Long Fei's belly with Yuanli.

At night, the two little guys took turns to keep watch in case an enemy came.

Hunting, burning fire, barbecue, vigilance, etc. These are usually trivial things, but after the two little guys did it once, they really realized how meticulous Long Fei usually takes care of them, and only then did they truly understand Long Fei The deep love that is condensed in the process of taking care of them.

It was already dawn, the sky turned fish-belly white, and the morning breeze kept the face cool.

"Cough! Cough!" Two coughing sounds came from the cave.

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