Chaos fairy way

Chapter 166 Desperate Information

"Boss? Hehe! Boss! You finally woke up."

Xiao Jin who was guarding the entrance of the cave suddenly turned his head when he heard the coughing sound, his heart bursting with joy, his wings fluttered and glided to Long Fei who was struggling to sit up.

"Handsome boss! Hee hee! You scared me to death." Xiao Ling got up from the animal fur blanket beside the fire and quickly ran to Long Fei's side, regardless of Long Fei's dirty clothes. Rubbing Long Fei's neck, he kissed and rubbed non-stop.

"Cough! Cough! I didn't die yesterday, but after being shaken by Xiaoling, I'm afraid I won't be able to die!" Looking at the happy and friendly expressions of the two little guys, Long Fei coughed twice. My whole body was in unbearable pain, and my voice was weak, but I still didn't forget to laugh and tease.

"Oh! Hee hee!" Xiao Ling quickly let go of Long Fei with both hands, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Boss! You should be fine!" Xiao Jin asked with concern.

"Alas! How could he heal so quickly after being injured by the explosion of the Dacheng cultivator's divine sense in the Yuan Dynasty! It takes five days for a small one, and ten days for a maximum recovery!" Long Fei sighed.

"Ah! It's been so long!" Xiao Ling exclaimed.

"Hey! This is because there are a lot of healing spirit medicines that can heal so quickly, otherwise, it will be impossible to recover in two or three months." Long Fei smiled wryly, and slowly reached into his waist with a trembling right hand. bag, took out a red pill and a crystal-clear, flesh-red, thumb-sized strange fruit, and then said: "During my healing period, please remember not to run around, and Xiaojin must go back quickly. Because this place The situation is extremely complicated, not only monsters and cultivators from the cultivation world, but also mysterious demon cultivators with extremely powerful cultivation bases."

"Oh! Good." Xiao Ling and Xiao Jin replied in unison.

"Huh! It stinks!" Xiao Ling pinched his nose with his right hand and looked around with a slight frown.

"That's right! Who spanked?" Xiao Jin looked serious, his eyes moving on Long Fei and Xiao Ling.

"What a fart! It's the boss who stinks!" Xiao Ling quickly backed away from Long Fei as he said.

"Ahem! That little Jin! Xiaoling is bored after staying in this cave for too long, you take her outside to play." Long Fei looked awkwardly at his blood-stained clothes, coughed dryly twice, and quickly Instruct Xiao Jin to take Xiao Ling out.

"Hee hee! Boss, if you are shy, be ashamed! Why am I bored?" Xiao Ling tapped the little index finger of his right hand towards Long Fei's forehead, as if you couldn't fool me, as soon as he finished speaking, He jumped onto Xiao Jin's back.

"That's right! I didn't expect the ugly boss to be afraid of others watching him change clothes!" After Xiao Jin cast a contemptuous glance at Long Fei, he spread his giant wings and rushed out of the cave like a shuttle with a "swish".

Long Fei looked at the two little guys who were as big as little ghosts, with black lines densely covering the back of their heads, and shook his head wordlessly, then took out a facekerchief, water, etc. from the storage bag, washed his body briefly, and changed into a clean suit. clothes.

After packing up the cleaning supplies, Long Fei sat on the animal skin blanket, stuffed the small fleshy red fruit that he had just taken out into his mouth, then closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, refining and absorbing the medicinal power of the small fleshy red fruit to heal his injuries.

Six days later, Long Fei breathed out a foul breath, opened his eyes, his face was rosy, his eyes were piercing, it was obvious that his body had recovered.At this time, Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling were not in the cave, they were obviously out hunting and collecting firewood.The injury was already healed, but Long Fei didn't get up, but reached into the purple storage bag at his waist with his left hand, then took out a piece of soul wood stick, stuck it on his forehead, showed a dignified look on his face, and thought to himself: Although I don't know the details of the two pangolin demon cultivators, judging from the task information rubbed by the soul stick, there must be a mysterious organization in the Demon King's Cave that is doing some kind of mysterious experiment.And the task is to find and capture the strange beasts and raptors in the Demon King's Cave alive, so the dozen or so monsters that besieged me when I first entered the Demon King's Cave have reached the metamorphosis stage, but their intelligence is extremely low. What about the experiments of this mysterious organization?In addition, could the master who sealed the skinny demon Xiu Nianhai with the chromium seal of divine thoughts be the leader of this mysterious organization?well!I don't know if these demon cultivators are harmful to the cultivation world of Huahuang Continent!It seems that the "Magnetized Yuanbo" should be cultivated to the realm of breaking thoughts as soon as possible. After thinking about it, it should be possible to use the magnetized yuan power to break the spiritual mark of that master, so as to capture a member of a mysterious organization and search for him. to obtain relevant information.

Afterwards, Long Fei took out an egg-sized green strange fruit that was shaped like a human head from the purple storage bag at his waist, put it in his mouth and took a bite, then closed his eyes to refine the medicinal power, and practiced "Magnetized Yuanbo" Break through to the realm of broken thoughts as soon as possible.

This strange green fruit is called the Soul Head Spirit Fruit, and it is a treasure that strengthens the mind.The soul head spirit fruit, the fleshy red fruit used to heal wounds, and the soul stick just now were all obtained from the storage bag of the fat pangolin demon cultivator.

Half a month later, Long Fei finally woke up from his cultivation, with a look of joy on his face, it was obvious that "Magnetized Yuanbo" had reached the state of mind breaking.Reaching the realm of breaking thoughts this time is also a matter of course, because Long Fei has already touched the barrier of breaking thoughts when he was in the Huanzhen Douge, and was triggered by the power of the spiritual medicine, so he naturally broke through smoothly.

"Hmph! Two little guys! You can't escape, we've been following you for a long time." A cold shout suddenly came from outside the cave. Judging by the sound, this person must be strong.

"King Leopard, my father wants to know that if you hunt me down, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" Xiaoling's voice of scolding followed, and the tone of his voice showed Xiaoling's lack of confidence.

Hearing the sound, Long Fei jumped up, "All Things Transformed into Wujue" was running at full capacity, and his breath was as if there was no breath; when "Wind Shadow Jue" was unfolded, his body quickly changed into the wind, and he drifted out of the cave in an instant.

Outside the cave, a group of demon cultivators confront Xiao Ling and Xiao Jin. The demon cultivators are headed by a leopard demon with the head of a leopard.This leopard demon was flying in the air with a black hammer, with a fierce look on his face, and his eyes were fiercely staring at Xiao Ling.

Sitting on Xiao Jin's body, Xiao Ling showed no sign of weakness, but there was fear in his eyes.

Although Xiao Jin's eyes were full of anger, but his flapping wings were a bit aggressive, and he was not injured on the outside, so he might have been poisoned.

"Hmph! Come on! I'll kill you here, who would know? Besides, even if Diao Wang knew about it, he wouldn't dare to retaliate!" When the leopard demon heard the word Diao Wang, his eyes darkened slightly, but his expression was still extremely fierce. With a slightly slower tone, he continued: "However, for the sake of King Diao, as long as you hand over the golden eagle to me, I can let you go."

"Dream!" Xiao Ling angrily shouted without waiting for the Leopard King to finish speaking.

"Okay! Okay! Since you choose to die, then I will fulfill you." As soon as Leopard King finished speaking, the black hammer under his feet plunged into his body, and his body disappeared strangely. The black hammer slammed down fiercely.

But at this moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared one zhang away behind the Leopard King, and then two dark gray palm prints flashed and rushed towards the back of the Leopard Demon.

The Leopard King suddenly felt the murderous aura on his back, and was trying to avoid it, but with a "bang!", the palm print on his body fell to the ground, and then fell to the ground with a "bang!", his body was smashed to pieces and died.

"It's just so arrogant and domineering in the late Yuan Dynasty!" The white shadow is naturally Long Fei. Long Fei looked down at the body of the Leopard King coldly, then looked at the group of demon cultivators who were still in a daze, and said coldly: "What do you want?" Don't want to go with him?"

When all the demon cultivators heard the sound, they suddenly woke up from their daze. Most of them knelt on top of the treasure and begged for mercy, but there were also three demon cultivators who had reached the early Tuoyuan period and ran away immediately.

Long Fei sneered, his figure disappeared in a flash, and then three voices of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" came from the sky in the distance, followed by three voices of "Boom! Boom! Boom!" sound.

After a while, Long Fei flashed in front of Xiao Jin, and then took out a poison elixir from the storage bag on his waist and fed it into Xiao Jin's mouth. Xiao Ling asked softly, "Xiao Ling, what's going on?"

"These villains have been following us for several days. Today, Xiaojin and I went hunting, but they sprinkled poisonous powder on the places we often haunt. As a result, Xiaojin was poisoned, and they thought it was based on the smell of poisonous powder. Come." Xiao Ling said angrily with a dark face.

"Speak! Your purpose of entering the Demon King's Cave should be spiritual treasures, not to capture birds of prey, but why dare you ignore Xiaoling's identity as the young master of the mink clan, and plan to capture Xiaojin and murder Xiaoling?" Long Feiqingshuang The sword melted into his body, he turned around, his cold eyes shot straight at the demon cultivators, and he said coldly.

"My lord, spare me! It was all forced by the Leopard King!"

"That's... the villain was deceived by the Leopard King!"

"Me! Then..."

When all the demon cultivators looked at Long Fei's cold eyes, they trembled all of a sudden, but after all, they were all elites of various races, so they returned to normal after a while, and shifted the responsibility to the Leopard King one after another.But the eyes of a few young demon cultivators flickered, and they hesitated in their answers.

"Oh! Really? Since you guys are not willing to tell the truth, I will do it myself." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, "Wind Shadow Jue" was displayed, and instantly drifted to a young demon whose eyes flickered when he spoke just now. Beside Xiu, a spirit of confinement flashed from the left eye into the right eye of the young demon cultivator, and then pointed the index finger of his right hand between the young demon cultivator's eyebrows, and then searched for him.

"Hmph! Sure enough." After a while, Long Fei slowly put down his right hand, turned to look at the demon cultivators, and said indifferently: "Are you treating me honestly? Or let me search for God."

"My lord, I'm recruiting! I'm recruiting!" When the demon cultivators saw the sluggish expression on the young demon cultivator's face that Long Fei had searched for, they knew that the young demon cultivator's spiritual sense must have suffered a lot of damage, so they all looked blank. Panicked, said scramblingly.

Next, the receptions of the demon cultivators proceeded one after another. Although Long Fei had already learned a lot about the situation through the search of gods just now, the more he listened, the more frightened he became.Because these demon cultivators were all captured alive by members of the mysterious organization, and all of them were sealed by other people's sealing spirit within Nian Hai.But they don't know anything about the mysterious organization, and each demon cultivator has received a task order with the same content, which is to find powerful or strange monsters and birds of prey.Although these demon cultivators don't know the relevant situation of the mysterious organization, they all know a place to deliver the monsters and birds of prey they have captured.In addition, there is another piece of news that shocked and despaired all the demon cultivators, and made Long Fei's complexion extremely dignified. That is, the demon king's cave has been blocked by a large formation set up by a mysterious organization, so that the monks participating in the selection of the demon king can't find it. Use the spirit disc to teleport out of the Demon King's Cave.

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