Chaos fairy way

Chapter 170 Fierce Battle

Seeing the ferocious attack of the diamond-like red-clothed centipede monster, Long Fei gave a cold drink, his expression became solemn, he swung his right hand forward, and a magnetized Yuanli sword "swish!" shot out from the white glove As soon as it entered the air, it turned into a ten thousand-handle magnetized Yuanli flying sword, and then suddenly froze and turned into a three-foot-three magnetized Yuanli sword with dazzling yellow lights.Afterwards, Long Fei leaped into the air, grasped the magnetized Yuanli sword with both palms together, and then stretched out "One Strike Breaks the Sky", turning into a golden glow and shooting towards the red-clothed centipede demon head-on.


The golden light slammed into the diamond, the sound was earth-shattering, and the violent energy wave surged from the contact point and swept in all directions, whether it was vegetation, rocks, or soil slopes, it instantly turned into powder when touched.

There was a momentary pause after the golden light collided, followed by a "chi!" The right fist of the diamond drill pierced through the Yuanli defense, and with a "wow", it shot through the rapidly spinning diamond and rushed out more than ten times. Zhang then slowed down, and with a "cough", a large mouthful of blood spurted out from the exposed Long Fei's mouth, obviously seriously injured.

And the diamond, after being shot through, stopped spinning instantly, and the red-clothed centipede demon also revealed its real body, only the smaller half of its body on the right was nowhere to be seen, and blood gushed out from the cut.

"What a domineering blow! It caused my body and spirit to be severely injured so that I could no longer fight, but you also hit me with a punch. Now I have no strength to resist, and I will die in my prison." The red-clothed centipede demon His complexion was dim, his eyes were dull, he forced his strength to seal the wound and stop the gushing blood, and said in a trembling voice.

"Cough! Is that so?" Long Fei coughed out another mouthful of blood, his face seemed to be a little paler, he swayed and stood up, and then forcibly mobilized his divine sense, and the little spirit came out of the spirit beast bracelet in a flash.

As soon as Xiaoling took out the spirit beast bracelet and pinched the spell with both hands, the spiritual energy of Siye rushed towards the red-clothed centipede demon.

Seeing this, the red centipede demon was terrified, and wanted to desperately activate the strange magic weapon to imprison the fairy prison. Suddenly, the rich and dripping spiritual energy around it suddenly condensed, and instantly crystallized the red centipede demon in a tens of feet square area. Within the Lingshi.

The red-clothed centipede demon in the spirit stone gritted his teeth, and his eyes suddenly became darker. He was obviously performing some kind of secret method, and then a majestic black air suddenly rushed out of his body.The huge spirit stone was shaken violently by the impact, and cracks were cracked with a cracking sound.

Seeing this, the little spirit quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and more and more spiritual energy rushed towards the red-clothed centipede monster from all directions. When it touched the huge spirit stone, it instantly condensed into a dense fog and suddenly crystallized, sealing those cracks .But the black energy in the red-clothed centipede monster's body became more and more violent, and the impact became more and more violent. "Crack!" Not only did the vertical and horizontal fissures remain unsealed, but they also widened a bit.

The situation is very critical, at this moment, a dark green jade bottle flashed out from the purple storage bag on Long Fei's waist, the bottle stopper popped open with a "boo!" out of the mouth.Long Fei forcibly operated the "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave", his slightly trembling right hand suddenly pointed towards the light black smoke, and a burst of magnetized Yuan force immediately shot into the light black smoke and enveloped a trace, and then shot towards the huge spirit stone, "Porf" With a sound, it pierced through the spirit stone and shot into the head of the red-clothed centipede demon.

The red-clothed centipede demon suddenly looked dull, and the violent black energy immediately gathered into his body.

"Oh! I was scared to death. Fortunately, there is a mysterious poison, otherwise he would not be able to subdue him." Xiao Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead with his right hand, let out a sigh of relief, and said with some fear.

"Cough! I'll adjust my breathing for a while, and I'll deal with this centipede later. You protect me." Long Feiqiang raised his right hand and took out a red pill from his waist storage bag, stuffed it into his mouth, and then meditated on the spot , Close your eyes and adjust your breath, refining the power of medicine to heal your wounds.

The battle on Long Fei's side was over, but the battle of Tiger King and other monks hundreds of miles away has entered a tragic stage.

Tiger King was seriously injured and poisoned. Although he was detoxified by Longfei Pidu Pill, his mouth was still black, obviously the toxin had not been completely removed.In addition, the previous battle with the two centipedes almost exhausted the vitality and spiritual power in the body. Although he took a lot of pills during the brief truce, it was just a drop in the bucket.As for Xiong Lie and Fat Yaoxiu, their cultivation bases are in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty after all.On the other hand, although the black-cloaked centipede demon is weaker than the red-clothed centipede demon, he is still a master who has been immersed in the metamorphosis for many years, and he is in his prime to meet the enemy.Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, it was a one-sided situation. Thanks to the help of Xiong Lie's divine treasure and the obese bear demon's judge strokes and runes, the tiger king's side was able to barely hold on.But over time, as the number of times the Shenbao was used increased, its attack power became weaker and weaker, and as the energy in the obese bear demon continued to be consumed, it became more and more difficult to maintain the Tiger King's side, and it became more and more dangerous.

At this time, Tiger King, Xiong Lie, and the fat Xiong Yao stood opposite the black-robed centipede with horns.

The black-robed centipede demon twisted his right wrist and threw thousands of black poisonous needles towards Tiger King and the three demon cultivators like an overwhelming sea. In the air, he rushed to the sky above the heads of the three demon cultivators including Tiger King, and suddenly exploded, and the thick poisonous mist suddenly rolled down; In the middle of the sheath, he swung his right fist fiercely at the fat bear demon on the left side of the horn.

The judge pen in the hand of the fat bear demon on the left side of the horn is connected to the void, and the chilly light yellow runes rushed forward ten feet away as soon as they were formed, and suddenly exploded, instantly forming layers of ice walls to seal the black The attack angle of the poisonous arrow of the robed centipede demon.

Standing in the middle of the horns, the Tiger King raised his head and opened his tiger's mouth, spewing out a ball of flames, which rushed straight into the sky, and suddenly exploded, turning into sparks all over the sky. One piece, like a wall of fire suspended ten feet high above the heads of Tiger King's three demon cultivators, to block the rushing poisonous mist.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The poisonous needle attacked, and the ice wall was broken layer by layer.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!" The poisonous mist surged, and the flames burned so that the poisonous gas smoke rose, and the sound was continuous.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The black-robed centipede monster that was raging, its right fist pierced through layers of ice walls, and the attack was still swift and fierce to smash the fat bear monster.

While the fat bear demon retreated, he drew the judge pen in his hand hurriedly, and light yellow runes rushed out one by one, bursting out instantly and condensing layers of ice walls, constantly blocking the black-robed centipede demon's right fist attack.

But the attack of the black-robed centipede demon was too fierce, breaking through all the ice walls in an instant, and when the right fist with the wind of the wind was about to hit the fat bear demon's judge pen, suddenly the black-robed centipede demon flew across Kong's body twisted suddenly, spun rapidly and changed direction instantly, his body and his right fist formed a line and violently shot towards Tiger King's back.

The incident happened suddenly, and the fat bear demon put all his heart on fighting the enemy, so he couldn't help the tiger king; and Xiong Lie was all about helping the fat bear demon before, so he didn't have time to help the tiger king.

The Tiger King was shocked, and in a hurry, it was too late to lie down, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face became serious, he shouted "Xiong Lie!", then turned around suddenly, with one hand, he used his left chest to resist the black clothes The right fist of the centipede demon.

"Bang!" The black-clothed centipede demon's right fist hit Tiger King's right chest and pierced through, but Tiger King's palms like iron pincers clasped his neck firmly.

"Chi!" A three-foot-three-long purple sword shot through the head from the temple of the black-clothed centipede demon.

"Boom!" The Tiger King and the black-clothed centipede fell sideways to the ground at the same time.

The judge pen in the fat bear demon's right hand hurriedly cut off the black-clothed centipede demon's right hand that pierced the tiger king's left chest with a sound of "crack!" Dead Tiger King's wound stopped the gushing blood.

"Senior Tiger King!"

"Senior Tiger King!"

Xiong Lie and the fat bear demon rushed to Tiger King's side in a hurry, and his spiritual sense immediately penetrated into Tiger King's body, he let out a long breath, and his anxious expression eased a little.

At this time, the black-clothed centipede demon had died, and although Tiger King was completely fainted and angry, he still had a glimmer of life.

Xiong Lie hurriedly bent down, grabbed the severed hand that pierced through Tiger King's right chest and was still clenched in his fist with his right hand, and pulled it out.Then he quickly took out two pills, one red and one purple, from the storage bag at his waist. The red pill was stuffed into the tiger king's mouth, smashed up with Yuan force and rushed into the tiger king's belly; At Tiger King's wound.

At this time, the fat bear demon rushed to help other battle groups.

Two hours later, all the battles ended, and the monks in the cultivation world wiped out the demon cultivators of the mysterious organization at the cost of the death of three monks.

Not long after the battle here ended, Long Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, opened his eyes, his complexion improved a little, and the depleted energy and spiritual power on his body also recovered a lot.

"Handsome boss! Are you alright?" Xiao Ling hurriedly asked when he saw Long Fei open his eyes.

"No problem!" Long Fei stood up slowly, then slowly walked to the side of the spirit stone that sealed the red-clothed centipede demon, and then said: "Xiao Ling, melt this spirit stone!"

"Oh! Alright!" Little Ling saw that Long Fei was able to walk, and all the worries in his heart finally dissipated. As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly pinched a few spells with both hands.

The Lingshi with an area of ​​several tens of feet square meters was pinched by the little spirit, and then it melted instantly like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, and turned into spiritual energy and dispersed between the sky and the earth.The red-clothed centipede demon naturally collapsed to the ground, with a dull expression on his face, unconscious.

Long Fei walked to the side of the red-clothed centipede demon, bent down and squatted down, and pointed his right index finger straight between the red-clothed centipede's eyebrows, a ray of magnetized energy wrapped in a trace of divine thought, then rushed into the red-clothed centipede's brain from his index finger .

A moment later, there was a muffled sound of "Pow!" in the brain of the red-clothed centipede demon, obviously the sealing spirit in the red-clothed centipede demon's brain had been broken by Long Fei's magnetized energy.

Afterwards, Long Fei suddenly showed a look of astonishment, then he was startled, and then he frowned tightly, with a serious expression on his face.

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