Chaos fairy way

Chapter 171 The Poison of the Snake King

Long Fei was amazed by the red-clothed centipede demon searcher, because he finally solved the mystery that many monsters in the Demon King's Cave had high levels of cultivation and age, but extremely low intelligence.This is because many monsters in the Demon King's Cave are ancient species, and their evolution is extremely slow. The two-legged monster snake from the Yuan Dynasty that Xiao Jin ate was an ancient snake.

Then Long Fei was startled again. It was because Long Fei searched for a piece of shocking information, that is, the legend that the Demon King Dongtian was connected to a big interface was actually true, and the mysterious organization came from this big interface. More than 1000 years ago, the concentration of aura in the Yaowangdongtian was not as high as that of the cultivation world, but now it surpasses that of the cultivation world. It is because the big interface is connected with the Yaowangdongtian, and a strange aura flows continuously from the big interface. Earthy yellow aura and vitality.This kind of aura and vitality is extremely beneficial to the reproduction and growth of all living beings, especially plants, and all kinds of rare and rare medicines will naturally reproduce and grow faster.Therefore, after more than a thousand years of gradual improvement of the environment of the Demon King's Cave, the concentration of aura in it has continued to increase, and finally surpassed that of the realm of self-cultivation.As for the strong earthy smell in the air, and the yellowish sun in the sky, it is also because the air is rich in earthy aura and vitality.

In the end, Long Fei's eyebrows were frowned, and his face was serious. This was because the passage between the Demon King Dongtian and the big interface was connected, and it was because a mysterious organization broke the seal of this passage.This mysterious organization set up a main hall and four branch halls in Yaowangdongtian.And the leader of this mysterious organization is actually a poisonous scorpion demon with a cultivation base of four calamities, and it is this leader who sealed Nian Hai, a member of many mysterious organizations, with the spiritual seal.After this mysterious organization learned that some cultivators from the cultivation world had entered the Yaotian Cave, they activated a closed formation that had been arranged before, sealing off the connection between the Demon King's Cave and the cultivation world, and the cultivators who entered the Yaowang's Cave were naturally It is impossible to leave the Demon King's Cave with the Spirit Disk of Recruitment.And as soon as this mysterious organization entered the Demon King's Cave, it went around capturing powerful monsters in the Demon King's Cave and conducting puppet-making experiments.The dozen or so monsters that Long Fei encountered when he first entered the Demon King's Cave had almost no memory in their brains, which was caused by the experiment of the mysterious organization.And these monsters will make such a powerful formation, and it is a combined attack formation, which is also part of the mysterious organization's experiment content.

As for how these khaki aura and vitality are formed, what are they called?What is that big interface called?What is the purpose of the mysterious organization conducting such a large-scale puppet experiment?However, there is no relevant information in the divine sense of the red-clothed centipede demon.

Afterwards, Long Fei slowly lowered his right index finger that was on the center of the red-clothed centipede demon's eyebrows, and at this time the red-clothed centipede demon's pupils also gradually dilated.

Long Fei put away the messy thoughts in his head, turned his head to glance at Xiao Ling who was looking at him curiously, frowned slightly, and said softly: "Xiao Ling, take the pill!"

"Oh! Okay!" Xiao Ling happily agreed.

Although Xiao Ling was quite curious about the instant change of Long Fei's expression, seeing that Long Fei didn't seem to want to say anything more, and the attraction of curiosity was far inferior to the demon pill in the brain of the red-clothed centipede, so Xiao Ling didn't go there either. Ask Long Fei what information he found.The red-clothed centipede demon is a demon cultivator who has been immersed in the Dacheng period for many years, and his demon pill is definitely a great supplement to Xiao Ling, far from being comparable to any demon pill that Xiao Ling has obtained before.Therefore, Xiao Ling has been coveting it for a long time, and now that he has Long Fei's permission, he can't wait to start taking the pill.

Long Fei watched Xiao Ling take the demon pill, and then the Chixiao sword melted into his body, and waved his left hand at the corpse of the red-clothed centipede demon. On top of the demon's corpse, he burned it to ashes at once, and then said: "Okay! Xiaoling, since your kung fu is good at controlling and trapping enemies, then this trap is for you. It is now Become a thing without an owner, you go and recognize the owner with blood dripping from it!"

"Oh! Thank you boss! I found that it is good to follow the boss! There are delicious food, spicy food, and good things, hee hee!" Xiao Ling giggled, and then teleported to the thick and sturdy cage of the Sleeping Immortal Prison side.After hesitating for a long time, he frowned and pierced his left little finger with a small silver needle as if he was going to the execution ground. With his eyes closed, a drop of blood fell on the black cage post.As soon as the blood touched the black cage column, it was sucked into the cage column, and then the black cage column disappeared as soon as it blurred, and in an instant, an inch-high, square, black mesh metal cage flashed in Xiaoling's eyes within the left palm.Xiao Ling looked at the small metal cage very excitedly. He grasped it with his left hand, and the metal cage sank into his palm; "Hehe..." Xiao Ling played with the metal cage fondly, laughing constantly.

Long Fei looked at Xiao Ling's happy and lovely appearance, his frown spread out, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "Xiao Ling, we should go!" The spirit was collected in the spirit beast bracelet, and disappeared in a flash.

At this time on another battlefield, Tiger King was still seriously injured, and Xiong Lie was healing him with the secret method of the bear clan.I saw Xiong Lie's solemn face, his forehead covered with beads of sweat, but the palms of his hands were covered with frost, forming various seals non-stop, injecting icy and bone-chilling energy into the various acupuncture points of Tiger King's body .About an hour later, Xiong Lie let out a long breath, his dignified expression finally eased, and then he stopped injecting energy into Tiger King's body, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his right hand, and sighed: "Finally saved my life, Tiger King!" Senior Wang locked the enemy with his body and desperately exchanged life for us, if you can't save him, you will feel guilty for the rest of your life!"

"Yes! Tiger King Dayi!"

"Yes! The Snake King is despicable and vicious, and the Tiger King is the Demon King in our hearts!"

"The Snake King is too sinister! Not only did he not join forces to fight against the powerful enemy, but he also poisoned the Tiger King while the Tiger King was in deep danger."

The other demon cultivators said one after another.

"What's going on? Did the Snake King appear just now?" Long Fei suddenly appeared next to the crowd and asked hastily.

"Fellow Daoist Long, your mood is not very good. How is your injury? Let me treat you with secret methods." Xiong Lie suddenly saw Long Fei appearing, with a look of surprise on his face. Yuanli for treatment.

"Fellow Daoist Long! Are you alright?"

"Fellow Daoist Long! Does the injury matter?"

"Fellow Daoist Long! You are truly a god! You actually managed to throw away the more powerful red-clothed centipede demon."

Fat Bear Demon and other monks saluted as if welcoming a triumphant hero, and said with concern.The monks were able to kill the powerful enemy and everyone survived. Long Fei contributed a lot, so the monks were full of respect and gratitude to Long Fei. .Because the red-clothed centipede monster is stronger than the black-robed centipede monster, and it is estimated that he has reached the peak barrier of the Yuan Dynasty, while Long Fei's cultivation is only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, so all the monks agree that Long Fei relies on his speed The red-clothed centipede was thrown away, or at most some secret method was used to trap the red-clothed centipede.As for Xiong Lie, although Long Fei had heard that he had killed a master of the Yuan Dynasty before, but he had never seen it with his own eyes, so while admiring him in his heart, he only thought that Long Fei must use luck to kill the enemy It must be a master who has just stepped into the stage of getting rid of Yuan Dynasty.Therefore, now that Long Fei came back safely, he also thought that Long Fei must have used some secret method to trap the red-clothed centipede demon.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Xiong! The injury is no longer serious, and thanks for the secret treatment." Long Fei respectfully returned the salute to Xiong Lie, and then moved his arms to salute the other demon cultivators one by one, saying repeatedly: "Thank you, everyone! Friends care! Thank you fellow Taoists for your concern!"

"Fellow Daoist Long, I don't know what method you used to trap the red-clothed centipede demon?" Xiong Lie stopped making seals with his hands immediately after hearing this, and asked curiously and worriedly.Although Xiong Lie estimated the strength of his party, even if the red-clothed centipede could arrive, he would have the strength to fight, but he couldn't help but feel worried.

"Don't worry everyone, he will never come here! I have already killed him." Long Fei said lightly, without showing too much pride, because after all, he still relied on Xiao Ling to kill the centipede monster in red. A secret poison was used.

"What? How did you do it?" Xiong Lie was startled suddenly, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

The other monks also stared at Long Fei dumbfounded.

Just kidding, the red-clothed centipede demon, who had been immersed in the great success of the Yuan Dynasty for many years, was killed by Long Fei, a monk in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. The monks couldn't believe it.

"Oh! This is also his bad luck. He chased me to the depths of a poisonous miasma, and he was poisoned immediately. But I have a poison-proof spirit armor, so I was able to kill it." Long Fei considered Xiaoling's miraculous skills. He couldn't say it because it would reveal Xiaoling's special identity, so he made a nonsense reason.

"So that's how it is! But Fellow Daoist Long's ability to slay the red-clothed centipede monster is a testament to his strength. It's also our luck to be able to completely wipe out this great enemy!" Xiong Lie praised.

"Yes! Yes! Fellow Daoist Long, you can walk sideways in the territory of the horse tribe from now on!"

"Yes! Fellow Daoist Long, if there is anything you need to do in the future, just let me know!"


The other demon cultivators solemnly expressed their views.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Long Fei thanked all the monster cultivators respectfully.

The sky is getting darker, night falls, and the orange sunset glow has already gathered the horizon.Long Fei, Xiong Lie and other monks took the unconscious Tiger King away from the fierce battle and came to an extremely hidden valley, where they found a cave as a temporary shelter for the monks.In the evening, all the monks sat around the bonfire, drinking wine and eating barbecue, discussing how to go next.

Long Fei and Xiong Lie first learned in detail about the whole process of Tiger King being poisoned by Snake King and the related situation after Snake King entered the Demon King's Cave from the demon cultivators who knew about it.It turned out that the Snake King had controlled many contestants in various ways before entering the Demon King's Cave.After entering the Demon King's Cave, the first target of the Snake King was not Long Fei, but the Tiger King.The Snake King has a lot of people in his hands, so he soon found out the whereabouts of the Tiger King, so he has been following secretly, waiting for the opportunity to kill the Tiger King.A few days ago, the Tiger King was suddenly attacked by the mysterious demon cultivator. Not only did the Snake King not join forces to fight against the enemy, but he also took advantage of the Tiger King's strength to resist the attack of the red centipede, and suddenly launched the strongest poison attack on the Tiger King.As a result, in order to save the Tiger King, the tiger king's dead man blocked the snake king's strongest blow and died, and the tiger king was also deeply poisoned.After the King Snake hit, he immediately teleported away.The Tiger King was deeply poisoned by the Snake King and was besieged by the red-clothed centipede demon and the ant demon who had escaped from the Yuan Dynasty, so he was unable to escape and was trapped to death.Not long after, while the Tiger King was fighting the red-clothed centipede demon and the ant demon, he encountered a fat bear demon and other demon cultivators who wanted to ask for help.

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