Chaos fairy way

Chapter 185

"Hey! It's too late now!" The Snake King sneered, and twisted his wrists forward with his crossed hands. A ten-foot-long green giant snake.The giant snake was like a real entity, with bloodthirsty eyes, a mouth, a red letter protruding out, fangs flashing, it flew into the sky, then fell upside down, and swallowed the bloody tiger king.

At the same time, the overwhelming poisonous bees, butterflies and other flying poisonous insects in the sky have released their strongest poisonous skills, and the poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, poisonous centipedes and other poisonous creatures all over the mountains and plains on the ground are scrambling to display their special poisonous attack, For a moment, the poisonous juice poured down like rain, the poisonous needles shot densely like arrows, the poisonous gas gathered mist and billowed, and all the attacks pointed at one target, that is Tiger King.

The Tiger King raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, the fiery flame rushed out of the body for more than three feet, burning the poisonous juice, poisonous needles, and poisonous gas so that they could not get close to him, and a strong smell of burnt smell permeated.

"Phew!" The green giant snake had already attacked, and a thick stench spewed out from the big bloody mouth, choking the Tiger King to frown.

The tiger king's right mace shook violently, and with a single stroke towards the sky, a majestic murderous aura rushed from the mace to the green snake's bloody mouth that swallowed straight down.

"Boom!" The murderous aura violently collided with the giant snake, and both of them exploded loudly, turning into billowing air waves that churned and rushed in all directions from the contact point, "Wow!" The layer of poisonous insects covering the sky like a cloud in the sky instantly Being pierced through, a ray of sunlight several tens of feet thick poured down, illuminating the surrounding fields that were like night because of the poisonous insects blocking the sky.

"Jie Jie! I'm not disappointed, you have to pay attention next time!" The Snake King grinned grinningly, and raised his palms lightly to the sky with his hands pinching the orchid fingering formula.

A shocking scene appeared in an instant. I saw the air wave rolling in all directions above Tiger King's head suddenly converge, and then condense again, and together with the majestic evil energy, it condensed into a [-]-foot-thick, hundreds of The ten-foot-long giant snake is like an enlarged version of the green giant snake just now.

"Ow!" The giant snake raised its head and howled, hovering in the sky like a dragon, its lantern-like eyes glowed faintly red, and then lowered its head to look down, its bloodthirsty eyes shot at the Tiger King, and its blood-thirsty mouth suddenly opened , the forked red letter retracted and stretched out, and the protruding fangs shone with a frightening cold light.

The tiger king narrowed his eyes, and looked at the giant snake solemnly. At the same time, he was highly alert to the snake king's attack again, and of course the charming woman who hadn't made a move yet.

Suddenly, the head of the giant snake raised and shrunk back, and the scarlet snake said "Hiss!" To Tiger King.At this moment, the charming woman's winking eyes suddenly brightened, and her right palm gracefully and powerfully pushed towards the Tiger King, and a gray-white flame palm print radiated frightening energy fluctuations and rushed towards him. Tiger King Throat.As for the Snake King, who was concentrating on controlling the giant snake to rush down with his divine sense, he gritted his teeth, and crossed his wrists again with his hands pinching the orchid fingering formula, trying his best to direct those poisonous bees, poisonous snakes and other highly poisonous monsters to increase their attack power again. Disperse Tiger King's energy and spiritual power to the maximum extent.

Tiger King has been enveloped by the range attack of "Thousands of Gus", and all kinds of poisons are densely covered all around, so that he can't use the teleportation technique to escape.Looking at the rapid attack of many attack methods, Tiger King had a bitter look on his face.The Snake King's "Thousand Gu Secret" used to be able to fight against the kings of the older generation such as the Diao King at only nine levels. Now that the Snake King is attacking with all his strength at ten levels, it must be very dangerous for the Tiger King to resist head-on!But what the Tiger King was really afraid of was the gray-white flame palm of the charming woman, this palm was by no means inferior to the strongest blow of the Snake King, and it was even more difficult to resist.

Facing the two great killing techniques, the Tiger King knew that this catastrophe was inevitable, he gritted his teeth, and immediately performed the secret method of the tiger clan, using the power of burning the original source to stimulate the power of the white tiger blood in his body, and the breath of the whole body Then it suddenly rose, and the surging flames outside his body suddenly condensed and condensed, and instantly condensed into a crimson flame armor to wear on his body.Afterwards, ignoring the attack of the giant snake and the flame palm, he jumped up suddenly, shooting towards the King Snake like a rainbow, and at the same time swung the mace in his hand and smashed it on the head of the King Snake angrily.Looking at the situation of the Tiger King, he must want to die with the Snake King.

The Tiger King is in danger!The fast-changing Long Fei exclaimed in his heart, not daring to stay on the sidelines to watch the snake king's unique skills, "One Strike Breaks the Sky" hastily showed off, transformed into a golden rainbow and shot towards the charming woman, encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

At this time, the charming woman gathered almost all her spiritual power and Yuan power to control the palm of flames to kill the Tiger King. She suddenly felt a piercing murderous aura rushing to the top of her head, and her scalp felt extremely painful. Xia could only immediately give up the control of the flame palm, and his body suddenly floated sideways. At the same time, he quickly mobilized the whole body's energy to concentrate in the right palm, and then violently raised his right palm to the sky above his head.A hotter and more dazzling gray-white flame palm print rushed from the palm of the charming woman to the sky, burning the air so loudly that it exploded.

"Bang!" Jin Hong slammed the flaming palm, and the flaming palm was scattered in response, bursting out countless sparks and blasting in all directions; Jin Hong paused for a while, although the light dimmed Xiao Xu, she still rushed towards the top of the charming woman's head.At this moment, a ring-shaped jade pendant with dazzling green light suddenly rushed out of the charming woman's head, and when it entered the air, it suddenly expanded to a diameter of more than ten feet, instantly sealing the attack angle of the golden light.

"Zheng!" With a loud bang, Jinmang hit the ring-shaped jade pendant, and immediately broke into the air, and then slowly revealed Long Fei who was holding the sword in his right hand; Several fragments shot towards the distance.

"What? Wearing the Yin and Fire of Nine Nethers without being hurt, and breaking through a master's treasure without dying. In terms of strength, she has not been humiliated! It is a pity that it is a dream after all." The charming woman quickly drifted to the crown of a towering ancient tree. Above, after the shock, he sighed quietly.

When Long Fei was surprised by the charming woman's words, suddenly "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang" came from the battlefield of Tiger King and Snake King.Long Fei followed the sound and saw that the bodies of Tiger King and Snake King had been smashed into the ground several feet deep, and they were forced to turn into beast bodies due to serious injuries.

Just now the tiger king vowed to die with the snake king, regardless of the powerful attack of the flame palm, ignoring the green giant snake to swallow it down, and swung the mace fiercely at the snake king.The snake king wanted to kill the tiger king with all his heart, so he ignored the smashing mace and tried his best to control the green giant snake to devour the tiger king.Result: The mace hit the Snake King's shoulder, and then smashed the Snake King into the ground to a depth of more than two feet.Although the Tiger King hit the Snake King desperately, he was first brushed by the uncontrolled flame palm, and his back was burned to a bloody mess. The poisonous erosion of evil spirit.When his life was in danger, the tiger king suddenly exploded the flame armor on his body, and instantly burst the belly of the green giant snake.The green giant snake's abdomen was blown up, and it exploded suddenly, regenerating the green evil spirit and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.Although the tiger king blasted through the belly of the green giant snake, he was hit by the huge explosive force of the green giant snake, and was immediately rushed into the ground nearly three feet deep.The tiger king was first poisoned by the green evil spirit, and then violently injured. He almost died on the spot, and was forced to turn into a golden-haired tiger in order to delay the loss of the source of life and retain a trace of life.As for the many highly poisonous monsters that besieged the Tiger King, because the Snake King was seriously injured and no one could control them, they recovered their sanity after only a moment. After seeing Long Fei and other monks from the Yuan Dynasty, they naturally fled in panic. Qingming was restored.

At this time, Long Fei held a handful of Yuanli beads in each palm, and quickly recovered the Yuanli in his body.The sneak attack on the charming woman with "One Strike to Break the Sky" just now has consumed most of the energy in the body, so that it is impossible to perform "One Strike to Break the Sky" again, but in order to seriously injure the charming woman, a master who is stronger than the Snake King must use it. "One blow breaks the sky", so it is imminent to restore Yuanli now.

But the charming woman naturally wouldn't give Long Fei and the Tiger King a chance to breathe. She stepped on the lotus step with her right foot and shot towards the Tiger King like a green shuttle, obviously wanting to kill the Tiger King completely.

Seeing this, Long Fei knew that it was too late to rescue the Tiger King, so in desperation he resorted to the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

Although the Snake King was seriously injured and did not lose consciousness, he couldn't mobilize the Yuan power and spiritual power in his body. Now facing Long Fei's attack, he struggled to move the nearly [-]-foot-long snake body in panic.

Long Fei's actions naturally fell within the detection of the charming woman's divine sense. The charming woman suddenly turned her head and gave Long Fei a hard look. In desperation, she turned sharply on the way to the Tiger King, and turned to violently shoot at the Snake King, yu He rushed to the front of the Snake King first.Seeing this, Long Fei smiled and closed the corner of his slightly raised mouth. He threw the Yuanli Pearl in his right palm, and the white glove floated in his right palm. A magnetized Yuanli sword shot out and he held it tightly. In the palm; then suddenly changed the direction of the forward rush, and shot at the charming woman like an arrow off the string, and at the same time swung the sword and stabbed at the throat of the charming woman.

While the charming woman was startled, she was very annoyed at Long Fei's unreasonable moves. She immediately stopped her forward body and stood on the ground, raised her mouth to the sky, and a hot gray-white flame flashed out. After entering the air, it suddenly expanded to several acres, and then swept towards Long Fei.

Long Fei looked at the flames that were so hot that the air was constantly exploding, his brows trembled, his face was full of seriousness, but he was suddenly taken aback in his heart.Because Long Fei had a feeling that he had seen the gray-white flame palm of the charming woman before, and now he suddenly saw this gray-white flame, and his heart suddenly awakened.This flame is the mysterious flame that cold wind killed Wu Yunliang, and it is also the overbearing flame that the mysterious woman in Tianjing City attacked him.In other words, the charming woman is very likely to be with Leng Feng and the mysterious woman of Sky Crystal City.Long Fei's thoughts flowed rapidly, but he couldn't allow him to think too much at this moment, because the gray flames had already attacked.Long Fei's white fists immediately merged into his body, trying to resist the gray and white flames.

But at this moment, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth suddenly surged towards the gray flame from all directions, and the gray flame gradually weakened as the surrounding spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, and the speed of the plundering also slowed down rapidly.In the end, the aura around the flame became dense and turned into water mist. Although it was sizzled by the flame, it instantly trapped the flame so tightly that it was impossible to see the current situation of the gray flame from the outside through the thick aura mist.

"Original Sacrifice Immortal Art!" The charming woman exclaimed, her beautiful eyes lit up, and there was a gleam of joy in the complicated eyes she cast on Long Fei.

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