Chaos fairy way

Chapter 186

"Immortal art!" Long Fei couldn't help muttering, thinking in his heart: Xiao Ling knows immortal art, so is she a beast in the fairy world?

The one who mobilized the aura of heaven and earth to besiege the gray and white flames just now was naturally the little spirit. Because the little spirit was hiding in the spirit beast bracelet, the charming woman mistakenly thought it was Long Fei who cast the spell.

"Hehe! Since you know how to perform this fairy art, then there may be a possibility with her! Forget it! You can see the source of sacrifice fairy art on this trip, which is enough for a job." The charming woman chuckled lightly, her expression as if a heavy burden had been lifted Relaxed, and then stepped on lotus steps and wanted to flash away from this place.

"Wait a minute! You keep talking about that her! What do you mean?" Long Fei saw that the charming woman's expression changed so much before and after, and she was always mentioned for no reason, and now she was no longer an enemy of him, so he suddenly Feeling confused, he hurriedly asked.

"Don't ask too many questions, you will know the fate yourself! Alas! Damn fate!" The charming woman had already flashed away, and a sigh echoed in the sky.

"Evil fate? What kind of fate? I don't know what to say!" After hearing the sigh of the charming woman who answered the wrong question, Long Fei felt even more incomprehensible. Then he thought that there were too many questions that he didn't understand. This matter was thrown to the back of his mind, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked at the Snake King who was seriously injured and unable to move with a half-smile.

"What do you want to do? If you kill me, you will become the enemy of the entire snake clan!" The Snake King's breath was extremely weak, and his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

"Hehe! Don't worry! I won't kill you." Long Fei smiled strangely, then with a move of his divine sense, he immediately released Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling's spirit beast bracelets, then snarled at Xiao Jin, and said, "You should leave it to this little Handsome guy handles it."

"Ah! You..." The Snake King yelled in shock, then fainted.

"Boss! Why am I so strong! Just now I wanted to release pressure to scare him, but he fainted. Wow! The beast is the beast!" Xiao Jin looked at the Snake King in surprise, and then turned his head to look at Long Fei happily Said.

"Okay, let's have a big meal! I'm a person who dies frequently." Seeing that Xiao Jin was becoming narcissistic again, Long Fei said angrily. Take out a Nine Dead Resurrection Grass from the waist storage bag, stuff it into Tiger King's mouth, and smash it into the tiger king's belly with Yuan force.Since the battle lasted so long and caused such a big commotion, no mysterious organization of demon cultivators came to investigate the news, so after thinking about it, there should be no mysterious organization of demon cultivators nearby, so Long Fei decided to wait until the Tiger King woke up. get out of here.

Suddenly there was an urgent sound of "Crack! Crack! Crack!", and Long Fei knew in his heart that it was Xiao Jin behind him who was pecking at the snake king, so he didn't pay attention to Xiao Jin, but turned his head to Xiao Ling who was following him and said : "Little Ling, just now that woman called your "Spirit Controlling Art" "Jiyuan Xianshu". Is there any relevant content about "Jieyuan Xianshu" in the information you obtained by deciphering the inheritance imprint?"

"No! The only information I have deciphered from the inheritance imprint is "Spirit Controlling Art", and there is no information about "Jiyuan Xianshu". I don't know why the woman just called it "Jiyuanxianshu" "Xiao Ling blinked his big black and white eyes, and then seemed to think of something again, and said quickly: "Oh! By the way, there should be follow-up spells after "Spirit Controlling Art", and "Sacred Source Immortal Art" will Could it be the follow-up spell of "Spirit Controlling Art"? Generally, the follow-up spells have the prototype of the earlier spells, so that woman thinks that I am using "Jieyuan Immortal Art"?"

"There is such a possibility! By the way, is there any description of the origin of "Spirit Controlling Art" in the information you deciphered from the inheritance imprint?" Long Fei nodded, and then asked again.

"No! When I broke through to the Yuan Dynasty, the imprint of inheritance was automatically released, and then a stream of information was released into my mind. Among them was the cultivation method of "Spiritual Control", and the cultivation method It was faintly revealed that there is a follow-up spell behind "Spirit Controlling Art". Therefore, I don't know the origin of "Spirit Controlling Art", let alone what the follow-up spell is called!" Xiao Ling shook his head and said helplessly.

"Oh! Don't worry, I'll find out later." Long Fei asked Xiao Ling these questions just now, the purpose was to confirm whether Xiao Ling was a beast from the fairy world.At this time, although Long Fei was comforting Xiao Ling, his mind was full of reverie.

Controlling the energy of the world and using it to trap and destroy the enemy can only be done by masters in the Catastrophe Period.The masters of Yingjie period walk in the void, in fact, they are walking with the energy of heaven and earth such as aura and vitality.Xiaoling's cultivation base is only in the early Yuan Dynasty, but he can control the aura of heaven and earth by using "Spirit Controlling Art", and "Spiritual Controlling Art" is Xiaoling's inherited spell, so only Xiaoling is a beast in the fairy world can explain it s reason.But nothing is absolute, and there may be other reasons, but Xiao Ling doesn't know anything about it. It seems that if we want to solve this mystery, we still have to wait for Xiao Ling to unlock the inheritance mark at that time.

"Boss, why are you in a daze! You see, that guy is really a foodie. Just now I asked him to give me the snake-cultivating demon pill, but he turned a deaf ear to it and instantly pecked the snake's head several feet in size until only a skull was left. I don't know how his belly looks like?" Xiaoling pouted and said dissatisfiedly, at this time she had forgotten that Xiaojin still called her mother!

It seems that in the eyes of children, delicious food is always ranked first!Looking at Xiao Ling's angry appearance, Long Fei shook his head amusingly, and sighed in his heart.Then he turned to look at Xiao Jin, and was shocked in his heart, why does this guy eat so much?It's only been a quarter of an hour!A snake that is nearly a hundred feet long and several feet thick has been pecked by him until it is almost left with a bloodshot skeleton, which is too unreasonable!

"Hey! Ah! It's comfortable! Boss, I'm sleepy, let me get into the spirit beast bracelet." After a while, Xiao Jin ate up the whole snake repairing snake, leaving only a pair of snake bones and a snake repairing snake. Skin.Xiao Jin burped, spread out his huge golden wings, and then yawned profusely.

"What a slob, sleep after eating!" Xiao Ling reprimanded in an adult tone, as if his anger had not yet subsided.

"Little mother! I'm going to bed, I won't be with you anymore!" As soon as Xiao Jin finished speaking, he turned into a golden shadow and shot into the Long Fei Spirit Beast Bracelet.During the period of being imprisoned and getting along with the demon cultivators of the mysterious organization, Xiaojin has realized that he is a bird of prey, not a beast, and he is not the same kind as Xiaoling who is a beast. Changed to little mother.At this time, although Xiaojin has broken through to the Yuan Dynasty, and has decrypted a lot of information from the inheritance imprint, he still doesn't know what race he is.

"I..." When Xiao Ling heard Xiao Jin call her mother, black lines appeared in the back of his head, and then he suddenly remembered that Xiao Jin had changed his name. He was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Hehe! Handsome boss, Xiao Jin seems to know that he is a It's just a bird of prey!"

Long Fei nodded slightly, didn't say much, and then moved his right hand towards the huge snake repair skin, and the snake repair skin slipped into the storage bag on Long Fei's waist.

An hour later, Tiger King's golden-haired tiger suddenly transformed back into a human form, then let out a breath of foul air, and opened its eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Long! Hehe! I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Long to save my life at the critical moment. You are really my noble man!" Although the Tiger King was still pale, he had a look of surprise on his face, and then stood up with difficulty. Get up, and want to bow to the dragon flying.

Seeing this, Long Fei hurriedly helped the Tiger King, prevented the Tiger King from making such a great gift, and said: "Your fellow Taoist Tiger King is too polite! Brothers are in trouble, so they should help them."

"Okay! We are brothers!" Hearing Long Fei's words, the Tiger King was deeply touched, and his eyes became moist.Long Fei saved his son Hu Wei's life before, and saved his life twice after entering the Demon King's Cave. It is not an exaggeration to say that this kindness is greater than the sky.But Long Fei not only didn't have the slightest expression of taking credit for himself, but he was also afraid that he would make an act of gratitude.Tiger King was originally a person who valued love and righteousness, so he was naturally moved by Long Fei's actions at this time, and his respect for Long Fei was naturally extremely heavy.

"Brother Tiger! I don't know why you were plotted against by the Snake King here?" What Long Fei said just now, "Brothers should help if they are in trouble" was a polite word, but the Tiger King actually recognized the truth, and the Tiger King really He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, so Long Fei immediately recognized the Tiger King as a brother in his heart, so he naturally changed the name of the Tiger King.

"Ah! It's a long story..." The Tiger King sighed softly, and then slowly narrated what happened to him in the past ten days.

Ten days ago, the Tiger King followed Long Fei's strategy to lure the enemy outside, leaving the headquarters of the desert branch empty of defenses, allowing Long Fei to take advantage of the gap to rescue Xiao Jin and send Xiong Lie out of the Demon King's Cave.As a result, the Tiger King managed to kill the Elder Qian of the desert branch hall, and then killed more than ten earth venerables in a row, and finally forced Hua Xie, the master of the desert branch hall, to chase and kill him, thus perfectly helping Long Fei successfully rescue Xiao Jin And send Xiong Lie out of the Demon King's Cave.Afterwards, Tiger King learned that Long Fei had succeeded, so he stopped entangled with Huaxie, and led many monks from the cultivation world to choose a hidden place to hide.Two days ago, Tiger King estimated that the monster clan in the cultivation world had almost finished attacking the mysterious organization, so he came out alone to check for news.Hundreds of demon cultivators from the cultivation world gathered around the Tiger King, and it was inevitable that there would be the Snake King's eyeliner among them, so the news that the Tiger King came out alone would naturally be known to the Snake King. As a result, the Tiger King was surrounded and killed by the Snake King and the charming woman.

"Brother Tiger! I haven't seen a demon cultivator from the mysterious organization all the way, so I guess the battle between the demon clan and the mysterious organization in the cultivation world must have entered a fierce state. And the enemy must have many masters in the catastrophe period, so we also It is inappropriate to take action without authorization, I wonder if Brother Hu can contact the Yaozu Presbyterian Council?" After listening to Tiger King's narration, Long Fei thought for a while, and then asked.

"I came here to get in touch with the Elders of the Monster Clan! My Tiger Clan has secret techniques to communicate with each other within ten thousand miles. The leader of the Monster Clan, Tiger Kamikaze, is my uncle. I can contact him." Tiger Wang said without hesitation.

"Okay! That's great! Now let's choose a place to help Brother Hu heal his injuries, and then we'll go to the headquarters of the mysterious organization together. I think that's where the demon clan in the cultivation world should attack the mysterious organization." Long Fei said immediately.

Afterwards, Long Fei flew northward with the Qingshuang Sword carrying the seriously injured Tiger King and Xiao Ling.

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