Chaos fairy way

Chapter 199 Killing the silkworm head

The overwhelming ice silk penetrated the air, making a "howling! Howling!" sound, rushing down like a rainstorm.

All the monks had lost the protection of the Qingshuang Flying Sword and the Qingfeng Giant Sword, and were completely exposed to the intensive siege of ice silk, and the patron saint's light curtains around them were broken layer by layer.All the monks were bitter in their hearts, and they all had to mobilize their energy to use magic skills to kill the enemy, thereby slowing down the attack of the black ice silkworm, and thus speeding up their movement towards the exit; Send out a series of guardian spirits to form a light curtain to protect the safety of the whole body.As a result of doing so, the primordial power and spiritual power of all the monks are consumed at the same time. After a long time, they will be physically and mentally exhausted, and even truly collapsed.

"Ah!" Xuan Zhen yelled loudly, violently rushing out the billowing cyan elemental force all over his body, and then the cyan elemental force suddenly expanded, instantly propping up a spherical elemental force barrier with a diameter of more than ten feet.

Seeing this, the monks quickly jumped into the barrier.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ice silk that covered the sky and the earth poured down like a waterfall, like the Milky Way, and hit the sphere's Yuanli Barrier unstoppably.But no matter how fierce the ice silk attack is, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to break through the barrier, it will only cause the barrier to vibrate violently.

"Hiss!" A Xuanbing silkworm that looked like a leader and had reached the stage of metamorphosis suddenly screamed, the sound was so sharp that it seemed to be cutting people's souls.

Fortunately, the monks blocked their hearing at this time, but the sound wave was still extremely domineering, penetrating through the sphere of Yuanli barrier, directly hitting the souls of the monks, and cutting the nerves of the monks.

"Ah!" Yang Chonghua screamed, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and Yuanshen was severely injured.The primordial spirits of other monks were also more or less damaged.

But the scream of the leader Xuanbingcan is not a real attack, but an order to launch the strongest attack.The densely packed black ice silkworms on the top of the cave suddenly shrank and stretched their bodies when they heard the order, "Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!" A group of black ice silkworms shot towards the sphere of Yuanli like swift arrows. Enchantment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Batch after batch of Xuanbing silkworms exploded as soon as they hit the barrier. No matter how strong the barrier is, how can it withstand the explosive force of so many Xuanbing silkworms?What's more, there are many Xuanbing silkworms from the Yuan Dynasty in it.

"Boom! Crash!" The enchantment burst suddenly, and the regenerating energy gradually dissipated in the world.

"Puchi!" Xuanzhen spat out a big mouthful of blood, collapsed to the ground, deeply injured, exhausted of energy.

At the moment of crisis, Long Fei gave a loud shout, and as soon as the Qingshuang sword flew into his body, he swung his right hand up into the sky suddenly, and a magnetized Yuanli sword shot into the air from his palm. Quartet.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!" All the Xuanbing silkworms that came rushing within a hundred feet were instantly smashed to pieces, and the tens of thousands of magnetized Yuanli swords also exploded like fireworks, gradually fading and disappearing.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!" Long Fei waved his right hand again, and another magnetized Yuanli sword flew into the air, turning into tens of thousands of magnetized Yuanli flying swords and blasting them in all directions. And empty.

Next, Long Fei shot the magnetized Yuanli flying swords into the air one after the other, and turned into thousands of swords and shot the Xuanbing silkworm who was rushing to attack.

In an instant, the broken corpses of Xuanbing silkworms fell like rain, the light red blood filled the air, and the air was filled with the choking smell of blood; the ground was covered with broken corpses, full of blood.

"Is there a mistake? Junior brother Long, you didn't use such a unique skill early, which caused me to be severely injured." Yang Chonghua was stunned for a while, and then he yelled dissatisfied.

"It's really monstrous!" Xuan Zhen had a look of surprise on his face, even though he had taken two pills just now, his voice was still quite weak.

The other monks were also shocked on the spot one by one, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.These black ice silkworms, they had to chop several times in a row to kill them, and the several attacks were only to kill the black ice silkworms in the key attack area, the range was only a few feet wide.That is like a single attack by Long Fei, which completely wiped out all the Xuanbing silkworms within a radius of a hundred feet, no matter it was in the Consciousness Convergence Stage or the Metamorphosis Stage.In fact, the reason for such a sensational effect, Long Fei himself knows, is not that his combat power is many times better than Xuanzhen and other monks, but because of the effect of magnetizing Yuanli to break thoughts and Yuan, and of course the top-grade treasure Bai Se The reason for the glove.The Xuanbing silkworm is not because its body is extremely hard, but because its epidermis has a layer of cornified perfect fusion of divine power and elemental power.This layer of horny fusion is the reason why it is difficult for monks to kill the black ice silkworm.At the beginning, Long Fei had difficulty in killing the Xuanbing silkworm without using the magnetized energy. Then, in a rage, he released the magnetized elemental sword with the white glove integrated into his body to kill the enemy, and gradually discovered this secret.

"Everyone misunderstood! It's not that my attack is stronger than everyone else's, but that my technique is specially designed to defeat this mysterious ice silkworm. At first I didn't know about this situation, but just now I used it out of a hurry, but the effect is so good! Haha! It's just a coincidence! It's just a coincidence!" Everyone belongs to the same family, so Long Fei didn't want to play tricks, and Ou Qingxue wasn't there, so there was no need to show off, so he told the truth.

"Hiss!" The leader Xuanbingcan not only couldn't enter the range of hundreds of feet of human monks, but also was easily killed by Long Fei in large numbers. Under anxiety and rage, he once again made a sharper attack. Screaming.

"Ah! Did you do it..." Before Yang Chonghua finished speaking, another mouthful of blood spewed out, and he fell to the ground, Yuanshen's injury further aggravated.

Those cultivators who have not yet reached the peak of Yuan Dacheng also paled one by one, with a sweetness in their throats, and when they wanted to spurt blood, they forcibly suppressed the blood pressure with their strength.Obviously under the sonic attack of this sound, their primordial spirits have all suffered considerable damage.

Long Fei's divine sense was much stronger than that of ordinary masters who had reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, so the damage from this sound was quite weak.

"Whoosh!" After the leader Xuanbingcan screamed, his body suddenly shrank and stretched, and he personally led many Yuanxuanxuanbingcans to shoot towards Long Fei and other monks. Judging from his posture, he seemed to want to die with Long Fei and other monks.

Long Fei, another magnetized Yuanli flying sword flashed out from his right hand, blasted into the air, and turned into ten thousand magnetized Yuanli flying swords.But this time, the ten thousand flying swords were divided into two, five thousand flying swords were scattered in all directions, and the five thousand flying swords suddenly gathered together, and immediately condensed into a three-foot three-treasure sword shining with dazzling yellow light, and shot it head-on. The leader of the mysterious ice silkworm who came in a hurry.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!" Although many Xuanbing silkworms entered within a hundred feet of Long Fei, they still did not escape the fate of being hit by the sword.

But the leader, Xuan Bingcan, dodged the scattered Yuanli flying sword, and when he was about to collide with the three-foot three-treasure sword that was shot at him, he suddenly shifted strangely and rubbed against the three-foot three-treasure sword pass by.Immediately afterwards, the body of the leader Xuanbingcan suddenly shrank and stretched amidst the shock, "Wow!" a sound pierced the air, almost a flash shot within fifty feet of Longfei.

Long Fei was taken aback, he grasped his right palm immediately, and a magnetized Yuanli sword flashed in his hand, and then "One Strike Breaks the Sky" was displayed, and he turned into a yellow glow and shot towards the leader Xuanbingcan.

"Chi! Boom!" The sound made the entire hole hum, and violent energy ripples surged from the impact to all directions.Long Fei actually hit the leader, Xuanbing Silkworm, and shattered its body before it exploded.

"Let's go! While the leader of the enemy is dead and the enemies are in chaos for a while, rush out and stay away from this cave!" Long Fei displayed the "Wind Shadow Jue" in the air, and landed beside Xuanzhen, clasping Xuanzhen's left shoulder tightly with his right hand, Immediately, he took Xuanzhen and quickly drifted away from the big hole; at the same time, he waved his left hand in the air, and threw out a magnetized Yuanli sword, which turned into ten thousand swords and scattered in all directions.

Wang Peng grabbed Yang Chonghua from his back with his right hand, and followed Long Fei to the exit with the other monks.

As soon as the leader of the Xuanbing silkworm died, all the Xuanbing silkworms were taken aback for a moment, and then crazily shot Long Fei and other monks with ice silk, but all the ice silk was destroyed by Long Fei's ten thousand swords again and again.

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei and other monks finally rushed out of the big hole, but when everyone planned to stay away from this place, they were surprised to find that those black iceworms could not leave the big hole just like the ice monster.

"Since the Xuanbing silkworm can't leave the big hole, and its ice silk can't shoot out of the big hole, then we'll restore our strength or heal our injuries here, so as not to encounter any danger ahead." Long Fei turned his head and glanced at the big hole behind him, Immediately put down Xuanzhen, then took out a handful of vitality beads from the storage bag on his waist, and began to recover his vitality.

When the monks heard the words, they didn't say anything, they took out colorful pills and stuffed them into their mouths.Afterwards, he closed his eyes and meditated, refining the power of the medicine in order to restore his original strength or injury as soon as possible.

Two hours later, all the monks opened their eyes one after another, obviously their vitality had recovered.However, Xuanzhen and Yang Chonghua are still healing.

"Junior Brother Long! You have killed the enemy so quickly, but you have never seen your strength weakened. Is this related to the bead in your hand?" Wang Peng asked curiously.Ordinary monks would not reveal their secret skills, miraculous pills, and other secret questions to others, and they were even more disgusted by others asking these questions.Because the journey of cultivation is extremely cruel, more secrets will lead to more life, and many monks died because of their unique skills or spiritual treasures being missed by others.At this time, Wang Peng asked rashly, and it was also because everyone had built feelings and trust with each other through the past few days of sharing adversity, so he asked curiously.

"Hehe! It is this vitality bead that I got from the Myriad Demon Cave in the Muling Mountain Range. You can try it too. If anyone can use it, I can give some of it to you." Long Fei didn't respond to Wang Peng's abrupt question. Feeling a little unhappy, he immediately took out a handful of vitality beads from the storage bag on his waist, and threw them casually, and the eight vitality beads flew slowly towards Wang Peng and other eight monks.

Wang Peng and other monks were overjoyed when they saw this, and quickly caught the vitality beads.But after only a while, one by one smiled wryly, or had uncertain faces, or sighed again and again, and they respected Long Fei even more in their hearts.

"Hey! This bead is made of vitality crystallization, and it has turned into a weapon. I can't absorb it. Brother Long, I have to obey you!" Wang Peng sighed with an embarrassing smile.

"Yes! Junior Brother Long is worthy of being No.1 among the new generation of disciples."

"Junior Brother Long has such strength at such a young age, his future achievements must be hard to predict!"

The other monks also sighed one after another, and returned the vitality beads in their hands to Long Fei.

"Senior Brothers, you praise me too much! I just happened to have a secret method to dissolve this vitality bead." Long Fei said humbly quickly, and then "Wind Shadow Jue" suddenly unfolded, and his body quickly turned into a gust of wind, "Huh!" With a sound, it scraped into the big hole of the Xuanbing silkworm.

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