Chaos fairy way

Chapter 200 Mysterious Stone Statue

Long Fei felt as if he had no breath, his body quickly turned into a gust of wind, and he floated into the big cave.

Suddenly, the sound of "Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" sounded suddenly, and the dense black ice silkworms on the cave roof and the nearby cave walls actually noticed Long Fei at the first time, and almost at the same time spit out ice silkworms one after another like a torrential rain. Zhonglongfei.

Long Fei, the white glove was integrated into his body, although he ignored the ice silk's attack, he was shocked in his heart.Because once my "All Things Are Unsolved" is used, monks below the catastrophe period can't detect their own breath, and combined with "Wind Shadow Jue", they can basically drift past under the noses of monks below the catastrophe period, without Be aware of it.However, these Xuanbing silkworms whose highest cultivation base is only in the Yuan Dynasty can detect their tracks immediately, which is too amazing!But Long Fei thought about it again, and guessed a general reason in his mind, that is, the reason why Xuanbingcan immediately realized that it was not its own magic, but the reason why it trapped the formation of Xuanbingcan.Because the large formation in Tongtian Town can detect the intruder's whereabouts in time.So will this formation have some kind of origin with the big formation in Tongtian Town?

At this time, the attacks of the black ice silkworm became more and more crazy, Long Fei let the ice silk attack him like a torrential rain, he raised his head while his thoughts were circulating quickly, a yellow light flashed in his left eye, and a light yellow streak imprisoned the god The thought shot out immediately, a flash across the space and landed on a Xuanbing silkworm on the top of the cave, and instantly wrapped the Xuanbing silkworm tightly, and then condensed into a light yellow, transparent ball and flew towards the dragon Fly within the right palm.Then, Long Fei clenched his right palm, and the ball was squeezed into the Xuanbing Silkworm's body.Xuanbingcan immediately stopped struggling and collapsed in Long Fei's palm.

Looking at the Xuanbing silkworm in his palm, Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and pointed the index finger of his left hand between the eyes of the Xuanbing silkworm, and began to search for the mysterious ice silkworm.But after only a moment, Long Fei's smiling expression showed a hint of disappointment.Afterwards, Long Fei threw the Xuanbing silkworm in his hand casually, and unfolded "Wind Shadow Art", he transformed into a gust of wind and drifted out of the big hole, reaching in front of the monks.

At this time, all the monks were shocked, looking at Long Fei like a monster.This is because Long Fei resisted the crazy attack of the ice silk with his physical body just now, as if walking in the wind and drizzle, he was as leisurely and contented as he was. This perverted behavior really shocked the hearts of all the monks.Is this guy still alone?Many monks had this question floating in their minds.

"Junior Brother Long! How did you refine your body?" A monk couldn't help asking.

"Oh! Everyone may have misunderstood. I am not so strong physically, but because I have a secret method that can greatly increase the strength of my physical body for a short time." Looking at the strange eyes of the monks, Long Fei explained frankly .

"I see!"

"No wonder! Otherwise it would be too shocking."

All the monks suddenly realized, and their loss and heavy mood eased a lot.

"Did Junior Brother Long just conduct a spiritual investigation on Xuanbingcan?" Wang Peng asked with some uncertainty.

"Not bad!" Long Fei nodded and said.

"Is there any gain?" Wang Peng asked quickly after hearing the words.

"Hey! These Xuanbing silkworms only have some memories of life scenes in their spiritual thoughts, and there is no information about this formation and how they were trapped in this hole. However, what is extremely surprising is that these Xuanbing silkworms are really not Whether they eat or drink, they stay in this cave all the time. As for how long they have been trapped here, there is no way to find out, but judging from the number of life scenes, it must have been quite a long time." Long Fei smiled helplessly.

"Don't eat or drink? This is too unreasonable! Although monks can fast after reaching the Yuan Dynasty, there is also a time limit for bigu. Most of these black iceworms have not even reached the Yuan Dynasty. They are How do you not eat or drink?" A monk couldn't help but opened his mouth wide in shock.

Wang Peng and other monks were also shocked, and there was a deep unbelievable look in their eyes.

"As for why they can't eat or drink, I didn't find out in the search of God." Long Fei said lightly, he had some guesses about the reason why these Xuanbing silkworms didn't eat or drink, but he couldn't be sure.

About three hours later, Xuanzhen breathed out a breath of foul air, opened his eyes, and finally healed his injuries to a point.

"Aren't you mistaken! The strength of this Xuanbing silkworm is far beyond the level recorded in the sect's classics." Another half an hour later, before Yang Chonghua opened his eyes, he uttered a complaint, listening to the voice The injury must be all right.

"That's true! The ancient monks are really powerful enough to detain such difficult ice monsters and black ice silkworms with formations to guard the passage. I really can't imagine how they did it!" The monk sighed.

"The world of self-cultivation in ancient times was much more powerful than it is now, and some spells, skills, and formations are naturally beyond our comprehension." Xuanzhen turned his head to look at Long Fei as he spoke, as if he was asking for his opinion. Di said again: "Since everyone has recovered, we should go!"

"Okay!" Long Fei was not surprised by Xuan Zhen's gaze, because the world of comprehension is a world where the strong are respected, and Long Fei's performance before was enough for Xuan Zhen to take seriously.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Long Fei and Xuan Zhen, the monks continued to advance deep into the tunnel.

There are more than a thousand passages in the small caves, and there are ice monsters and black ice silkworms in all the passages of the small caves, and no one knows what is behind them.In each small cave, the number of monks of each faction varies, and the strength of the monks varies, so the battle situation in each small cave is naturally different.So far, the forces that have entered the small cave passages have been wiped out everywhere, and there are not thousands of monks who fell in the caves, but hundreds.But the monks outside still poured into each small hole one after another, so that the same tragedy was repeated.However, there were some strange teams that easily broke through the big hole guarded by the ice monster and the black ice silkworm. These teams were not composed of monster races or monks from the four major cultivation sects.Of course, among all the teams, Ou Qingxue's team is naturally the most relaxed, because there is a perverted Niu Zhong here.As soon as Niu Zhong opened the "Yuan Zhishield", he ignored the attacks of the ice monster and the black ice silkworm and went straight through the big hole.

As it gradually went deeper into the ground, the temperature in the small cave channel gradually increased, and the ice layer on the walls of the channel and on the ground became thinner and thinner, and finally disappeared completely.At the same time, the vicissitudes of life and the smell of ancient soil became stronger and stronger, constantly arousing the excitement of the surviving monks.

Long Fei's team still opened the way in front of Xuanzhen, Long Fei was in charge of backing up, and the other monks moved forward consciously.

"I've traveled nearly a hundred miles, and I haven't encountered any danger. After all, there is no danger." Seeing that he has not encountered danger for a long time, Yang Chonghua naturally thought of the good in his heart.

"You're such a big mouth! If you speak, you're bound to get no good. After more than thirty miles, there's a big hole in front." Long Fei cursed, and then said a piece of news that made Yang Zhonghua's expression change instantly.After Long Fei figured out that only the big hole in the passage is dangerous, the detection range of his spiritual sense has expanded to a distance of fifty miles.

"Is there a mistake? There is still a big hole!" Yang Chonghua yelled, took a deep breath, and strengthened his courage.

Having been with Yang Chonghua for so many days, the monks gradually understood why Yi Yang Chonghua's restless temperament was an ascetic. Because he was too timid to go out for dangerous experiences, he could only use Penance to improve cultivation.

Thirty miles away, it took only a moment, and the big hole was already in front of everyone's eyes.

"Except for a dozen stone statues, there is nothing in the big cave! That's great." Yang Chonghua's tense heart suddenly eased, and he said happily.

"Can you talk less with your big mouth? Are you sure that the stone statue is not dangerous?" a monk said angrily.

"Oh! That's right!" Yang Chonghua's expression of joy disappeared suddenly, and his expression of solemnity suddenly appeared.

"Okay! I'll go in first and see if there's any danger. If nothing happens, you can come in again." Long Fei glanced at Yang Chonghua, a timid creature, feeling speechless for a while, and after finishing speaking, Drift into the big hole.

The big cave covers an area of ​​more than forty miles square, and everything in the cave is known with a sweep of spiritual thoughts.Inside the big cave, the ground is dry and dusty, and the walls and ceiling are made of soil. Eleven stone statues stand in the central position.

Long Fei cautiously drifted to a short distance in front of the stone statues, observing the stone statues by the soft light of the night pearl above his head.

There are only eleven stone statues, all of which are more than one foot high, very majestic.One of them is obviously taller than the other ten statues, and stands in front of the other ten stone statues, holding a long-handled sword. His clothes and position indicate that he should be the leader; the other ten statues stand side by side, all holding spears.

Xuan Zhen and other monks saw that Long Fei went deep into the big cave without any abnormal phenomenon for a long time, so they all entered the big cave with peace of mind and drifted to Long Fei's side.

But just when everyone was overwhelmed by the shadow of a bow and a snake, there was a sudden sound of "Kach! Bang!", and there were eleven beeps in succession.

The skins of the eleven stone statues cracked suddenly, and the fragments fell to the ground, revealing a purple-black metal statue.Immediately afterwards, the tightly closed eyes of the metal statue opened suddenly, and two beams of white light shot out from the hollow eye sockets.

"Go! Get out of this cave quickly." Long Fei shouted, and then drifted towards the exit of the big cave at top speed.

The expressions of Xuanzhen and other monks changed instantly, and they used the drifting technique one after another, and followed Long Fei away.

"Bang!" As soon as Long Fei reached the exit, a layer of enchantment suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. Since the drifting speed was too fast and the time was only in an instant, he couldn't stop the castration, so he could only allow himself to hit the barrier hard. Up, it bounced nearly three feet away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Although the monks saw the scene of Long Fei colliding with the barrier, they still couldn't catch up and crashed into the barrier one after another. They bounced into a ball, and most of the monks fell to the ground immediately.

"Aren't you mistaken! There is an enchantment here, so you can't die?" Yang Chonghua fell to the ground, crying with a mournful face.

"You are endless! You are always yelling." Xuan Zhen slapped Yang Chonghua's head hard, then stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said angrily.Just now he was running at the front, and when he saw Long Fei hit the barrier, he quickly retreated. He could have avoided hitting the barrier.But he was hit on the body by the monks who followed closely, and then he hit the barrier with all the monks.Later, among the monks, he fell to the ground with most of the monks in a daze.

At this moment, the footsteps of "Bang! Bang! Bang!" suddenly sounded, and I saw the eleven metal statues walking towards Long Fei and other monks with extremely heavy steps, making the ground dusty.

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