When Long Fei and the three were having fun shopping for treasures, the Xu Mansion ushered in a distinguished guest.In the living room of Xu Mansion, Xu Peng and his wife were enthusiastically talking with a middle-aged woman.The woman's name is Xu Zixuan. If Xu Lan is here, she will find that this woman is the person asking for directions on the street.

"Auntie, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. This time you can stay for a few more days!" Xu Peng showed a respectful look, and then asked very carefully: "You came all the way to Gemini. There must be something important in such a small place like the city?"

Xu Zixuan took a sip of fairy tea gracefully, covered the cup gently, put the cup on the tea table slowly, and replied softly: "I am ordered by the Pavilion Master to come to Twin Cities to learn about the ant-beast disaster. At the same time, I stopped by to see you, alas! You are also my only mortal relatives."

"It's a pity that my nephew's aptitude is dull, and he has never been able to break through the concentration period, so that he is not very focused on the journey of cultivation. Now he only wants to do a little bit for the country and the people. Therefore, I can't always be with my aunt to fulfill my filial piety. Wan Wang Auntie, forgive me!" Xu Peng said with guilt.

"Peng'er said that! The journey of cultivation is lonely and cruel. I am lucky to have a nephew like you." Xu Zixuan paused for a while, and then said with a smile on her face: "Today, I am here I met a seventeen or eighteen-year-old, very clever little girl on the street. This girl is wearing a lotus green skirt and has big eyes. She is quite beautiful. From talking with her, it can be seen that she is probably from the Xu family I don't know, is there such a woman in the mansion?"

After Xu Peng and his wife heard the words, their faces were filled with joy, and Long Yun rushed to answer: "What my aunt saw should be our daughter. Can her mischievous appearance catch my aunt's eyes?"

"Able to enter the eyes of the law? Hehe! Do you know what kind of physique this little guy is? The body of divine jade! If our Piaomiao pavilion master knows, we will definitely come to accept disciples in person." Xu Zixuan showed her excitement when she said this undoubtedly.

Seeing that Xu Zixuan admired Xu Lan so much, Xu Peng and his wife were overjoyed.Xu Peng hurriedly asked with some doubts: "Auntie, what do you mean by the jade body?"

"The body of the divine jade is a body that is born pure and clear. It is an excellent physique for practicing my Piaomiaoge Dingge secret book "Goddess Manual". I have not found a congenital divine jade body for nearly a thousand years. This kind of physique, although Acquired can also be cultivated through secret methods, but it is far inferior to innate divine jade body. Therefore, no one has practiced the "Goddess Manual" in my pavilion for thousands of years." Xu Zixuan sighed.

At this time, Xu Peng and his wife were a little short of breath, thinking: I didn't expect this ghost girl to be such a treasure!It was the jade body of the innate god that had not been seen in a thousand years!

Seeing that Xu Peng and his wife were very excited, Xu Zixuan knew that the main purpose of coming to Xu's mansion had been achieved, so she went straight to the topic, and asked in a discussing tone: "If I bring her into the Piaomiao Pavilion, I wonder if you and your wife will be willing to do so?" ?”

"This..." Xu Peng said half a sentence, and then fell into deep thought: If Xiaolan can have a great fortune, we must be happy.Otherwise, she would not be allowed to compete for the qualification for the national war.But Piaomiao Pavilion is no better than Seven Star Sect.The Seven Star Sect pays attention to letting nature take its course, teaching students according to their aptitude, and the rules of the sect are relatively loose; therefore, they adopt a kind of discipline method for their disciples.The Piaomiao Pavilion has strict rules and is famous for its mystery; the disciples in the pavilion are disciplined in captivity, so it is strictly forbidden for the disciples in the pavilion to leave the pavilion without authorization, so that the disciples in the pavilion generally do not show up in the world; and the exact location of the mountain gate is not allowed to outsiders. And know.This has resulted in the disciples of Piaomiao Pavilion, once worshiped under its sect, it is rare to see their relatives once in a lifetime.The Xu family already has the example of Xu Zixuan, is it possible that Xu Lan will follow in the footsteps again?But for Xu Lan, this is really a great opportunity to jump into the Dragon Gate!Xu Peng was in a dilemma and couldn't make a choice.At this time, Long Yun's excitement faded away, showing reluctance and embarrassment.

Xu Zixuan saw that the two had been silent for a long time, and immediately expressed her opinion: "If Xiaolan enters the Piaomiao Pavilion, I can guarantee that she will be accepted as a direct disciple by the pavilion master as soon as she enters the pavilion. If nainai takes care of her, Xiaolan will definitely not suffer any grievances, and her future will be immeasurable!"

Hearing aunt Xu Zixuan's statement, Xu Peng and his wife could only suppress their worries and reluctance for their daughter's future.Finally, Xu Peng finally made up his mind and said: "My nephew, I got this daughter in nearly half a century. I hoped to stay by my side to enjoy the family relationship. Now that she can get the way and her future, as parents, we should support her and look forward to it in the future." Take care of her, aunt!" Seeing that Xu Peng had expressed his opinion, Long Yun could only reluctantly nod her head.

"Hehe! This is natural, she is not only my treasure! She is also the treasure of the entire Piaomiao Pavilion! Maybe I will still rely on her!" Xu Zixuan laughed half-jokingly.

Before Xu Zixuan finished speaking, Xu Lan crashed into the living room panting, and shouted anxiously: "Dad! Dad! Hurry up! Long Fei and Niu Zhong are being followed, hurry up and help them."

"What? Someone in the Twin Cities dared to touch people from my Xu family. Auntie, you can rest here for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go." Xu Peng got up abruptly, clasped his hands together, and then wanted to run out.

"Peng'er! I'll go! Lan'er, take the girls to find them." Xu Zixuan came to Xu Lan's side in a flash, looking at Xu Lan passionately and dotingly.

"Ah! Why is it you! You are amazing!" Xu Lan looked at Xu Zixuan in surprise, as if she couldn't believe it.

"I'll talk about the rest later, saving people is the most important thing!" Xu Zixuan looked at Xu Peng and smiled.

"Yes! Yes! Lan'er, quickly take my aunt nainai to save people." Xu Peng's anxiety disappeared in an instant, and he said happily, thinking: there is an aunt on the way, not to mention the Twin Cities, even Fenglin Kingdom can walk sideways.

"Oh! Please follow me to Qiantong Lane in the north of the city." Xu Lan said hastily.

Xu Zixuan smiled sweetly, put her right hand on Xu Lan's left shoulder, and in a flash, both of them disappeared at the same time.

Thousands of alleys in the north of the city are mixed with fish and dragons, and the law and order are disordered. Alleys are crisscrossed, and dead ends can be seen everywhere.

An alley, two feet wide, with firewood leaning against the wall, sundries strewn about, and even people hanging clothes on ropes.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong seemed to be looking for something casually, but in fact, their spiritual consciousness covered within ten feet, and they knew every move of the three people behind them like the back of their hands.

At a dead end, Long Fei and Niu Zhongzhibu stood sideways.

"Come out! This place is a good place to kill and rob." Long Fei sneered with a slight twitch of his mouth.

"Hmph! You have some skills! Then stop talking nonsense and take your life."

As soon as the sound fell, three three-foot flying swords with flickering cold lights rushed towards Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

Long Fei calmed down and remained motionless, staring coldly at the flying three swords.

Niu Zhong's mid-level treasure, the Zijin Shield, was held in his left hand instantly, and the "Shadow of Streaming Light" was unfolded, and the shield shadows surrounded the two of them.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" Three sounds, and the three flying swords flew away.

"The shield technique is pretty good, but it won't save your life." The three of them revealed their true bodies in the dark, all masked in black tights, one strong and the other thin, the one who spoke was the strong one in the middle.

"Can words kill people? There's so much nonsense!" Long Fei sneered without looking at the three people about ten feet away on the left.

"Arrogance! I'll teach you how to write dead characters now!" As soon as the strong man finished speaking, three flying swords came rushing in the air.The three masked men, one with a knife, one with an axe, and one with a sword, unexpectedly followed the three flying swords and rushed towards them. They slashed, hacked with an ax, and stabbed with their swords, and directly took out the vital parts of Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

Seeing this, Long Fei was not surprised but delighted, he thought to himself: he wanted to fight melee, he wanted to die.After that, he and Niu Zhong looked at each other.

Niu Zhong stretched out his "Streaming Shield Shadow" again, and the shield shadow shook the swiftly stabbing flying sword.

Afterwards, the three masked men also attacked ferociously. When it was nearly two feet away, Niu Zhong's "Spiritual Shield" opened immediately.Niu Zhong has also reached the middle stage of concentrating, so the "spiritual shield" can protect the whole body for two feet.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three times, the three masked men collided with the shield and flew away, stunned for a while.

Immediately, Long Fei's human sword merged into one, and he spun on the spot at a high speed. With a "sword soaring to the sky", the human sword turned into a shadow of the sword, violently shooting at the dazed strong masked man.

"Chi! Boom!" With two sounds, Long Fei passed through his waist, and the strong masked man exploded to death, with pieces of flesh and bones scattered in all directions, and the mist of blood filled the air.

Long Fei flew back into the "Spiritual Shield", without any blood on his body.

"Let's go! The lamb is too strong!" The two skinny masked men jumped and ran away desperately.

Long Fei sneered and stood with his sword.Before the reinforcements arrived, Long Fei and Niu Zhong did not pursue them just in case.

"Shua!" Two figures, one white and one green, flashed three feet away from Long Fei.

Long Fei and Niu Da were startled, and quickly put on a fighting posture.

"Oh! Little cousin, where are you?" It was Xu Lan and Xu Lan who came, and Xu Lan looked around and asked suspiciously.

Long Fei smacked his mouth at the puddle of meat and bones on the ground, and said casually: "Look! There is one there, and the other two have escaped."

"The young hero has a great appearance, but it's a pity that the floating pavilion focuses on female cultivators!" Xu Zixuan said regretfully.

"Greetings, senior!" Long Fei and Niu Zhong both put away their weapons and saluted respectfully.

"Well! You go back to Xu's mansion first, and I'll go back as soon as I go." Xu Zixuan nodded with a smile, and said softly.

Afterwards, Xu Zixuan disappeared in a flash.

Seeing this, Long Fei and Niu Chong opened their mouths in surprise, filled with envy.

After that, Long Fei and the three went to Xu Mansion.

Three days later in the early morning, Niu Zhong and Niu Lan came to Xu Mansion early, just to see Xu Lan off.

In the pavilion in the back garden of Xu Mansion, Niu Zhong looked at Xu Lan who was sitting on the stone bench in the pavilion affectionately, the reluctance, sadness and helplessness in his heart were all condensed in his eyes.Xu Lan lowered her head, her eyes couldn't bear to meet Niu Zhong's eyes, but her reluctance, discomfort and guilt were clearly revealed.The atmosphere at the scene was dull and depressing.

"Hey! Is that an exaggeration? If it weren't for not being able to see each other in the future, it would be like a farewell." Seeing the two of them sitting so stupidly, Long Fei walked away from Long Yang and Niu Lan while talking. Come.

"That's right! Brother, this is actually an encouragement to you. When you join the Seven Star Sect and improve your cultivation to a high level, then go directly to the Piaomiao Pavilion and marry Sister Lan over! A lover will end up here. Getting married is a good story." Niu Lan said comfortingly.

Long Fei glanced at Niu Lan in surprise, thinking: This little girl, it seems that after being with Long Yang for a long time, she has been deeply poisoned by him.

Long Yang, a heartless guy, looked at Niu Zhong and Xu Lan's infatuated foolishness, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, I've said everything I want to say, and I've given away everything I want to give away! Especially the little stupid cow, who can't hold back a word at ordinary times, and it's still like this at this time!" Long Fei said in a big brother's tone , But I cried in my heart: It's so cool!It feels really good to be big brother Niu.

At this moment, Niu Zhong took out a crystal clear white jade pendant from his bosom, slowly presented it to Xu Lan with both hands, and said solemnly at the same time: "This jade pendant was given by my mother. My mother wanted me to give it to my wife in the future. I give it to you now to represent my heart."

Xu Lan took the jade pendant with trembling hands, tears welling up in her eyes.After accepting it, he took an emerald green jade bell from his left wrist, put it in Niu Zhong's hand, and said affectionately: "This jade bell is called Xuanyinling. It is an intermediate treasure. It was given by my aunt nainai yesterday. Listen She said that after injecting spiritual power, you can make mysterious sounds, and can solve bad spells such as phantoms and charms. Now I give it to you for self-defense." After a pause, then raised his eyebrows, changed his tone, and said viciously: "You must remember Stop, don't disturb the grass with flowers!"

Niu Zhong looked at Xu Lan in a daze, nodded again and again, but wondered in his heart: This is really a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart!Unpredictable!Change as soon as you say it, just now she was affectionate, but now she has become coquettish and willful.

"Xiao Lan, don't worry about this. I'll help you watch this stupid cow die. Besides, with your elder brother, a peerless, suave and handsome man beside him, beautiful women will fall in love with him. Isn't it?" Long Fei called out narcissistically.

After Long Yang and Niu Lan heard the words, they both curled their lips and turned their heads, as if I didn't know this person.

"Lan'er, we should go." Xu Zixuan, who was standing at the gate of the back garden, said dotingly.Xu Zixuan and Xu Peng just entered the back garden.

Xu Lan walked towards Xu Zixuan step by step and turned her head three times.Xu Zixuan waited for Xu Lan to walk in front of her, looked at everyone with a smile, pulled Xu Lan's hand, and stepped her right foot into the air, and the two disappeared.

The three of Long Fei were dumbfounded.Long Fei ran over quickly, looked left and right, his feet were still hopping on the ground, but he didn't find anything unusual.

At this time, Xu Peng had put away the reluctance and disappointment in his heart, looked at Long Fei's funny look whether he was playing tricks or really didn't know, and said with a smile: "Don't look for it, it's called the flashing technique. Flying thousands of miles. When you cultivate enough in the future, you can also reach this level."

"Oh! I see. Uncle, was that senior just now really your aunt?" Long Fei asked curiously.

"What's the matter?" Xu Peng asked calmly.

"She looks younger than you!" Long Fei said.

Xu Peng heard that Long Fei said that he was not angry when he was old, and said kindly: "With the improvement of a person's cultivation, his life span will also increase, and the speed of aging will also become slower and slower. This is what the world says The principle of longevity can be achieved through cultivation.”

"Oh, how long is the life expectancy after reaching the concentration stage?" Long Fei asked curiously.

"Generally speaking, in the body training stage, a person's lifespan is a hundred years; in the concentration stage, a person's lifespan can reach two hundred years; in the understanding stage, a person's lifespan is more than four hundred years old. As the cultivation level increases, the lifespan will double. Doubling." Xu Peng replied.

"Then is there real immortality?" Long Fei asked more curiously.

Xu Peng was silent for a while, and then, full of longing, said: "Longevity is hard! I don't know."

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