In March of Yangchun, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful.

After the Battle of Qiantong Lane, Long Fei devoted himself to preparing for the battle for more than a month, practicing hard and rarely going out.Hard work will definitely be rewarded accordingly, coupled with the magic of "Yanyu Sword Art", Long Fei has already touched the bottle top of the middle stage of concentration, and only needs one opportunity to break into the late stage of concentration.But Niu Zhong, under the encouragement of love, turned pressure into motivation, practiced desperately, and reached the late stage of concentration one step ahead of Long Fei.It's a pity that the two people's Huiling Pill and Jushen Pill have run out of materials, and they haven't refined any of them.But after thinking about it, the two of them were right. Since the two of them have never learned alchemy, they don't have a good medicine furnace, and they don't have the guidance of a famous teacher, how can they make it?Quotations from Lai Dashao: If it is really refined for us, then the Spirit Pill and Jushen Pill are not called Shen Pills, they should be called Rice Pills, which are eaten as rice.

In the middle of March, on this day, on the official road leading to Yuncheng, the capital of Fenglin Kingdom, five majestic psychic horses galloped amidst the dust and smoke.Immediately, the five people were Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Lin Hao, Chen Dong and team leader Xu Peng who participated in the national war in Twin Cities.Xu Peng served as the leader of this team because he was going to Beijing to report on his work.Due to Xu Lan's abstention, the Chen family and Chen Dong qualified for the competition.

The twin cities are more than three thousand miles away from Yuncheng, and it takes about a month to get there by riding a psychic horse.The psychic horse has been psychic, and can understand some fixed human languages. Of course, it cannot compare with the psychic intelligence of the second-level monster; it is tamed from the wild horse that is about to become a monster, and it can travel more than [-] times a day Li, and his physique is more than twice as tall as that of ordinary steeds.

"Xu Dutong, why did Zhang Yunfeng leave early instead of accompanying us?" Lin Hao asked with a smile, his expression extremely respectful.

On the day of the battle in Qiantong Lane, Xu Zixuan caught two killers as soon as she left Long Fei and the others. After interrogation, she learned that it was the Lin family who did it, and then went to the Lin mansion.Although Lin Bing confessed to the assassination in panic, he vehemently denied the attack on Niu's agency at night.From then on, the Lin family's tail was tight, and they never caused any trouble for Long Fei and Niu Zhong; and Lin Hao respected both the members of the Xu family and Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

"Zhang Yunfeng has a special status, so he didn't go with us." Xu Peng replied lightly.

"Special? Isn't he also a big family master like us?" Chen Dong asked in confusion.

Xu Peng smiled slightly, with a trace of respect hidden in his eyes, and said: "You will naturally know Zhang Yunfeng's identity when the battle takes place."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong vaguely guessed something, so they didn't make a sound.

After a while, Xu Peng suddenly whipped his horse, rode his horse past the crowd for more than ten steps, turned his head and said: "It's getting late, we have entered the Yaocheng area, ten miles ahead is a line of sky, and bandits often come and go in the line of sky. Everyone's strength is not afraid of any bandits, but in order to prevent accidents, everyone still speeds up and crosses a line of sky before dark, and then rests."

"Okay!" The crowd swung their whips and spurred their horses, speeding up.

A line of sky is a narrow and long canyon with cliffs on both sides, and only one horse can walk in the middle.Looking up from the canyon, the sky is like a ray of light, so it is called a ray of sky, which has become the inevitable road for bandits.

When everyone crossed the line of sky, they didn't meet any bandits, and passed through smoothly.He had just left Yixiantian and was not three miles away. When he was secretly sighing for luck, he saw a middle-aged man with a black face and no beard in the middle of the road ahead. phase.Seeing everyone galloping towards them, this person rushed towards them, screaming, "Help!"

"What's going on?" Seeing this, Xu Peng's expression darkened immediately, his eyes flashed coldly, and he rode his horse to the middle-aged man and asked in a deep voice.

"Heroes, my name is Xiao Ren, and I am a general soldier under Xiao Dutong in Mujing City. At noon this afternoon, under the leadership of Xiao Dutong, we escorted Mu Jing into Beijing for the emperor to wait for the national war. It was sent to the Seven Star Sect. Unexpectedly, it was robbed by a group of robbers five miles away from the first line of the sky. Xiao Dutong and everyone were all killed by the robbers. I was the only one who was forced to fall off the cliff, was hanged by tree skills, and then fell again. The river that fell into the cliff was spared." Xiao Ren complained with grief and indignation on his face.

"Usually bandits commit crimes in the first-line sky, but this time they committed crimes five miles away from the first-line sky. It's a bit strange." Xu Peng said doubtfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Ren seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly said, "Hero, I found out from the traces of the horse-drawn carriage that the bandits transported Mu Jing away by water after the robbery. This time it was not the robbers who committed the crime, but someone else. Because Xiao Dutong pulled off a masked man's scarf and said the three words "Luoyun Guan" before his death, I don't know if it is a sect."

"Luoyunguan is a hidden sect in Yaocheng. It's not surprising if you don't know it. Well, Chen Dong, you and Xiao Yun ride the same horse. Take my token and go to Yaocheng to move troops. The rest of you will follow me. Let Yun Guan explore first." Xu Peng ordered decisively.

After Chen Dong left, Lin Hao bowed his hands respectfully, and said carefully with a smile, "Xu Dutong, will our participation in this matter affect the itinerary to Yuncheng?"

"It's okay, the competition will be held at the end of April. We still have one and a half months, and there is still plenty of time. This time, I will take this opportunity to let you experience it." Xu Peng finished speaking, whipped his horse whip, and the black psychic horse under him looked up to the sky. With a hiss, he rushed forward to the left.

Long Fei and others rode their horses and chased after them.

"Uncle, what is the wood crystal that Xiao Ren mentioned just now?" Long Fei caught up with Xu Peng, and asked curiously through voice transmission.

"Wood crystal is a kind of crystal that restores or strengthens the consciousness. This kind of crystal is formed by the condensed energy of all things in the world. The most common types are divided into three categories, namely wood crystal, stone crystal, and jade crystal. As the name suggests, wood crystal is Plants are condensed by gathering the essence of the world, collectively referred to as wood crystals; stone crystals are condensed by all kinds of natural stones, and jade crystals are condensed by jade. Crystal is next, and wood crystal is the worst. In addition, there is another kind of crystal that has both high, medium and low grades, and that is Danjing, which is crystallized from animal inner alchemy. These are what I heard from Aunt Xu Lannai." Xu Peng elaborated He answered the sound transmission for Long Fei.

"Ah! It's a pity that such a good thing belongs to the court." Long Fei said in amazement, saying it's a pity, but secretly determined in his heart: at that time, he must grab some.

A day later, the Luoyun Temple in the half-hidden forest caught everyone's eyes from afar.

Luoyun Temple, with glass tiles and red walls, surrounded by peaks, is located on a mountainside, with a winding path leading directly to Guanmen.

After they set up their horses in a hidden cave, they sneaked towards Luoyun Temple.Along the way, he easily dealt with several secret sentries of Luoyunzong, and sneaked under the mountain where Luoyun Temple is located quite smoothly.I saw the bluestone path in front of me, covered by thick fog, I couldn't tell where I was going.

"I'll go and explore first!" Lin Hao thought that he was strong enough to deal with small sects, so he volunteered and sneaked in without waiting for Xu Peng's answer.

Long Fei and the others watched Lin Hao's cat waist sneaking, occasionally jumping, and cautiously approached the bluestone path.

After a while, Xu Peng commented softly: "Although Lin Hao is the weakest among the four of us, his proficient stealth and agility are still amazing! You two should study hard."

Long Fei smirked, full of contempt, and thought to himself: He's just a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death, stern and stern!

Before Xu Peng finished speaking, a strange scene appeared. Lin Hao, who had sneaked into the clouds, suddenly showed a strange smile, twisted his body, and took off his clothes.

"Lin Hao's smile seems a bit weird. It should be somewhat similar to the smile of the flower picker Scar Wolf. Hey! Isn't it very hot in that place! Look, he has started to take off his clothes." Niu Zhong looked a little puzzled Seeing Lin Hao's ignorant behavior, he said suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe it's using a special secret method!" Long Fei was also surprised immediately, guessing with a blank expression.

"Hmm! It's very possible that the Lin family's secret techniques have always been characterized by their rarity." Xu Peng thought for a moment, and said with certainty.

However, next, Lin Hao's performance made people's eyes drop, and he almost wanted to spray nosebleeds.I saw Lin Hao stripped off all his body, twisted his hips and swung his waist, stacked indecent postures, and the guy below was tied up hard.

When Xu Peng saw this, he was immediately embarrassed, thinking to himself: Why did this guy do it like this!I just praised him so much!Isn't this slapping me in the face?Then he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly shouted: "Not good! He has fallen into a phantom array, and he is possessed of illusion. Niu Zhong hurried over and opened the Xuanyin bell."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong suppressed their smiles, but Long Fei still said: "This guy is quite strong, he dares to striptease in front of so many people."

When Xu Peng heard this, he suddenly felt black lines all over his head.

The smiles are all smiles, and there is still a festival between each other, but Niu Zhong still ran over and opened the Xuanyin bell.

As soon as the Xuanyin sounded, the dense fog suddenly cleared, revealing the mountain road, and also revealed a skinny old Taoist priest with a purple gold crown on his head, gossip clothes, and a small goatee beard. Behind him stood a group of gray men of different ages. Clothes Taoist.

Lin Hao woke up immediately and saw that he was naked, his face looked like a pig's liver, he was so ashamed, he quickly grabbed the clothes on the ground to block his younger brother, regardless of danger, he rushed into the forest to get dressed.

"I am Taoist Yunchen, the master of Luoyun Temple, how many sneaked into my Luoyun Temple for some reason?" the skinny Taoist said sharply.

"Hmph! You have to ask yourselves that." Xu Peng stared at him coldly, and said bluntly without talking nonsense.

"Ask us, what are you asking? I don't know what to say! The Lord is in a good mood today, you go quickly, I will let the past go, otherwise, I will leave you with my life!" Taoist Yunchen is very strong, but there seems to be a hint of external power. look, said.

"Leave me waiting for my life? Ha ha!" Xu Peng sneered a few times, and then said: "Yesterday, in the first line of sky, you killed all the soldiers and snatched away the court wood crystal, are you still not guilty?"

Next to Taoist Yunchen, a simple-looking young Taoist priest turned pale, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't spout blood, how dare we rob Mujing of Mujing City, you must be responsible for your own words."

"Mu Jing of Mu Jing City! Strong!" Long Fei smiled slightly, tilted his head, and clapped his palms.

Taoist Yunchen gave the young Taoist a hard look, and then he still denied it and said: "You are purely insulting, there is no real evidence, don't mess around here, and retreat quickly."

"Really? Then I'll take you down first, and then I'll talk to you about the real evidence." After Long Fei finished speaking, he jumped towards Taoist Yun Chen, wanting to capture him with his bare hands.

"Everyone, take your time." A voice came from behind the old Taoist priest and the others, and then three tall figures landed in front of Taoist Yunchen.

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