Chaos fairy way

Chapter 248 The murderer is hard to catch

The fire was raging, and the flames were as high as ten feet; the smoke was billowing, and the sky was covered with dark clouds.Inside and outside the Daoist Hall, there are corpses scattered all over the place, with decapitated bodies; the blood is splattered everywhere, and it is still steaming; everything is so horrible and frightening.

When Long Fei rushed to the scene of the incident, all the men in black had already disappeared into the lush forest and grass next to the Dao Temple, and disappeared in an instant.Although Long Fei drifted fast, facing the dense vegetation that was too dense to fit in, he was amazed that the man in black was able to walk through the dense forest and grass like walking on flat ground, but he could only look at the ocean and sigh, unable to track him.After a while, Niu Zhong, Xuan Zhen and others drifted over, looking at this tragic scene with incomparable indignation.

"The deceased cut their necks to death one by one, and the blood spilled all over the ground. This was obviously done on purpose, and the method was extremely cruel!" Zhan Wu's face was livid, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Burning the Dao Temple instead of burning the corpse, the meaning of the demonstration is very serious. Could it be that this is revenge? To revenge us for destroying one of their deputy hall masters and many members in the volcanic lake?" Gong De's face was solemn, and his tone was sad and indignant.

"I don't think things are that simple! When the mysterious organization assassinated many outstanding young masters of the four major cultivation sects, they did so cleanly and without leaving any traces, so that the four major cultivation sects have been tracking them down for many years without success. This shows that the mysterious organization is by no means impulsive and reckless. Besides, what is the significance of their blatant killings to avenge the killing of the deputy palace master and many members? What's more, when the matter of the Three Immortal Stones has not yet been resolved, they have become the target of public criticism. Benefits? But what is their intention for doing this, it is really hard to figure out!" Long Fei rubbed his chin, frowning slightly, looking thoughtful.

"The mysterious organization killed so viciously and flamboyantly, and even set fire to the meaningless Taoist temple. This seems to be trying to attract the attention of all the monks as much as possible." Niu Zhong was expressionless, and it was difficult to see his mood.

"There is such a possibility! But what is the purpose of attracting the attention of all the monks by committing violence so recklessly?" Gong De bowed his head in thought, with his right hand twirling his gray beard, then he suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up, and said in surprise : "Could it be that they are diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and their purpose is to lure many treasure-hunting monks to one side, and take the opportunity to seize the Three Immortal Stone from the other side?"

"It's possible!" Zhan Wu and another Zhanmen monk said almost simultaneously.

Long Fei, Xuan Zhen and the others also nodded slightly, but there was something strange in the eyes between Niu's key points.

"Okay! The thing has already happened, and the murderer has nowhere to track down, so the arrest of the murderer can only be a long-term plan. We will bury the dead now, and then go straight to the destination, so as not to be taken advantage of by the mysterious organization!" Long Fei said, With a wave of his right hand towards the ground in front, a Yuanli sword flashed out, and suddenly the hundreds of Yuanli flying swords shot into the ground with a "crack! Crack!", and then smashed on the ground with a "bounce!" A large pit with a depth of several feet was formed.After that, the left sleeve swept across the numerous corpses, and those corpses flew into the big pit one after another.Then the left sleeve waved again, and a majestic force pushed the earth and rocks around the big pit into the big pit, and buried many corpses in an instant.

Afterwards, everyone could only embark on the road to the Taoist Temple on the top of the peak in a dull manner.Fifteen minutes later, when everyone was about to reach a fork in the road, Long Fei's expression suddenly changed again.

"what happened?"

"Is there another..."

Seeing this, Gong De, Zhan Wu and others already had guesses in their minds and asked questions one after another.

"Hmm! There was a big fire in the Dao Temple more than [-] miles away from the road on the right, and there were many corpses with different heads on the ground, but no man in black was seen. Now, the road on the left is the road leading to the destination , shall we go left or right?" Long Fei looked at the crowd with a heavy expression.

"This... oh! Go to the right and look! It is not known whether the destination really has the Three Immortals Stone, and it has never been heard of anyone destroying the ancient formation along the way, so now we still need to save people!" Gong De hesitated for a while, then said helplessly.

Everyone could only sigh and nod when they heard the words, and then quickly drifted away to the right road.

With a journey of more than twenty miles, Long Fei and others arrived in no time, and the terrifying scene was once again displayed in front of everyone.

The fire burned to the point that the Taoist hall was crackling, and a dead body with a different head was lying on the ground. Scary blood was still oozing from the fracture, and a thick bloody smell pierced the nose and throat, making people feel sick. Faintly sick.

"Hey! Bury them on the spot!" Gong De smiled wryly, and tried to dig a hole to bury the corpses.

"not good!"

Long Fei exclaimed, and hurriedly drifted forward with Niu Zhong.



As Long Fei was drifting rapidly, he suddenly heard a series of screams, and then crossed a section of rugged mountain road, and saw from a distance more than a dozen men in black on the Dao Temple Square in front of him, slashing at more than a dozen people who seemed to have been injured. The neck of a restricted cultivator.

"Bastard, stop!" Long Fei yelled, "Wind Shadow Jue" frenziedly displayed, turning into a small hurricane, "Xiao Xiao" flew towards the square of the Dao Temple.How could the man in black pay any heed to Long Fei's words? With the sudden ups and downs of the knife, the heads of more than a dozen cultivators in the cultivation world were chopped off and flew into the distance, and more than a dozen injections of blood sprayed out from the severed head.When Long Fei was about to arrive at the square, all the men in black had rushed towards the dense forest and grass beside the square.


A sword of Yuanli shot out from Long Fei's right palm, and the ten thousand handles of the flying sword burst into a "scream" and shot violently at the men in black who were about to sink into the dense forest and grass.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Many men in black swung their knives to shatter the Yuanli Flying Sword that was rushing towards them, and their figures disappeared into the dense forest and grass.However, a man in black with a weaker cultivation base and who fell to the end couldn't resist the intensive and swift attacks of nearly a thousand Yuanli flying swords for a while. He only heard "chi! chi!" Several Yuanli flying swords were shot.Immediately afterwards, his feet exploded into pieces with a "Boom!", and his body immediately fell to the ground.

Long Fei's body was like a hurricane blowing towards the man in black with exploding feet, and when he stretched out his right hand to search for him, suddenly the aura of the man in black with exploding feet suddenly surged.Seeing this, Long Fei was taken aback, turned around abruptly, and quickly drifted into the distance.

"Boom!" The flesh and soul of the man in black exploded suddenly. At this time, Long Fei was only three feet away from the center of the explosion.At the critical moment, a gossip shield flew between Long Fei and the explosion point with a "shua!" sound. "Bang!" The huge explosion force instantly hit the Bagua shield, and with another "bang!", the Bagua shield was hit violently on Long Fei's back.Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was interrupted immediately, his drifting body suddenly paused, and then he staggered forward and took a few steps before stopping his forward trend.Although the white glove was integrated into his body, his body was as strong as the white glove, but he was also hit with chest tightness and panting, and his face was flushed.

"It's okay!" Niu Zhong rushed to Long Fei's side, although his face was still tightly tied, his voice was full of concern and worry.

"It's all right! The power of a Dacheng master in the Yuan Dynasty to explode his soul and body is too powerful. If you hadn't helped me resist most of the explosive force with your shield, I would have been seriously injured this time." Long Fei took a deep breath. , to calm down the disordered energy in his body, he glanced solemnly at the bloody water and broken corpses all over the floor.

"The members of the mysterious organization are well-trained and fearless of death. It must be extremely difficult for the righteous forces in the cultivation world to fight against them." Niu Zhong made a move with his right hand towards the gossip shield in the air, and the gossip sank into his palm in a flash.

"Friend Long Daoist!"

"Handsome boss!"

At this time, Diao Wang and Xiao Ling led a group of monks from the Yaozu to drift from a small path beside the Taoist Temple Square.Although Xiao Ling still ran to Long Fei's side very affectionately and held Long Fei's left arm, but his expression was sad, his eyes were a little red and swollen with tears in his eyes, and he seemed to be more sensible.

Seeing this, Long Fei's expression changed slightly, knowing that something must have happened to the Yaozu, he quickly looked at Diao Wang.

"Ah! Huoyun got separated from us when he entered this peak. As a result, we found his severed body on the way here, and several monster masters died with him." Diao Wang lamented, A strong killing intent was in his eyes.

"The murderers are a group of men in black! They come from a mysterious organization. Niu Zhong and others have personally..."

Long Fei patted Xiao Ling's head, and then told the Yaozu monks about the situation of the mysterious organization and the tragedies he saw along the way in a heavy voice.At this time, Xuan Zhen and others had also arrived.

"Should we continue to investigate, or turn back to the peak?" Ou Qingxue asked.Although saving people is important, the Three Immortal Stone is related to the safety of the entire cultivation world. Ou Qingxue has always acted rationally.

"Check it out!"

"Check it out! We must kill this group of men in black."

Diao Wang, Xuan Zhen, Zhan Wu and other monks expressed their opinions firmly.

"I also think that the investigation will continue! The Three Immortal Stone is not that easy to get." Niu Zhong's tone was very firm.

"Okay! There is a corpse more than [-] miles away from this main road. After thinking about it, there must be members of the mysterious organization committing murder. This time, I will take the first step in concealed breath, and you will follow, hoping to catch it. One or two men in black will find out the situation, and then contact the righteous forces in the cultivation world to finally eliminate the members of this mysterious organization." Long Fei said decisively.Afterwards, his breath disappeared as if nothing, and he turned into a gust of wind and quickly drifted towards the main road ahead.

Since Long Fei and Niu Zhong entered the Tianxin Icefield, they had a deep understanding of the formations and layouts of the ancient monks, and they believed in the power of the formations and layouts of the ancient monks.After entering this mountain peak, although many monks arrived first, no one entered the ancient tomb, and only he and his two were able to enter by relying on their skills.This is enough to make Long Fei and Niu Zhong firmly believe that even if there are three immortal stones or important treasures in the Dao Temple on the top of the peak, only they can get them with the small metal statue.That's why Long Fei and Niu Zhong put aside the matter of going treasure hunting according to the guidance of the ancient monks, and agreed to solve the mysterious organization members first.

The corpse in front was a monk from the sea area, who died in the same place as the other victims.When Long Fei saw the corpse, he scraped past it without stopping.


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