Chaos fairy way

Chapter 249

The acquaintances are Wang Peng, Zhan Ye and several monks from the Seven Star Sect, and there are many monks from other forces in the cultivation world fighting desperately with the many men in black.Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" was running at full speed, his body quickly turned into a gust of wind, blowing forward while whistling.

"Fellow Daoist! The disparity in strength between the enemy and us is too great. If we drag it on for a long time, we will all die in battle. The Zhanmen Sagitar technique is the best short-distance movement in the realm of comprehension. You should be able to break through the encirclement by yourself with this technique. I will protect you. You go first!" Wang Peng pointed his sword in the sky with his right hand and drew a circle, gathering a majestic beam of star power on the tip of the sword. He glanced at Zhan Ye, who was fighting the three men in black back to back with him, and said.

"Brother Wang is kind enough to accept it. In my war clan, there are only heroes who died in battle, and there are no cowards who abandon their friends and run away." Zhan Ye, "Wrath of the God of War" was strongly aroused, with brows and faces, eyes like pillars, and reddish hair like steel needles The roots exploded, and the vitality and spiritual power of the whole body tripled, and the three-foot-three sky-opening ax violently shot out three-foot-three red evil spirits, slashing vertically at a man in black.



When a cultivator from the small sect of the Huahuang Continent brandished a gun to block a man in black's head-slashing sword, another man in black chopped off his head with a sword from behind, and blood poured from the severed neck. It sprays nearly ten feet away.



Although a Seven Star Sect cultivator raised his sword to block a fierce thrust of a man in black, he was immediately thrown to the ground by the man in black.

At this time on the battlefield, more than ten monks on Wang Peng's side had been beheaded, and only nine were still fighting desperately.On the side of the mysterious organization, there are still several men in black who have not participated in the battle. One of the men in black with a horse face who looks like the leader is watching the battle between Wang Peng and Zhan Ye with a gloomy expression.Because in the entire battlefield, only Wang Peng and Zhan Ye teamed up to fight the three men in black without losing the wind.

"The praying mantis blocks the car, it's beyond its control. Well, the monks from the cultivation world should be coming soon, and it's time to wipe them all out." As soon as the horse-faced man in black finished speaking, he jumped up suddenly, like a rainbow storming his body. With a sudden swing of the middle and right fists, a strong wind was whipped up and smashed towards Wang Peng's back and heart.

After Wang Peng repelled a man in black with his sword and slashed diagonally, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, followed by a gust of wind. In shock, he turned around and stabbed the sword in his hand towards the source of the strong wind. place.

"Jie Jie!" As the horse-faced man in black sneered, that fierce right fist punched Wang Peng like a black dragon going out to sea, and suddenly shot out a shiny black three-inch knife, and smashed the knife in Wang Peng's hand with a "clank". The sword strikes away. "Bang!" The right fist followed by the sharp attack of the knife hit Wang Peng's right chest fiercely. "Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spewed out from Wang Peng's mouth immediately, and his body retreated nearly five feet before falling to the ground, shaking the ground so that the dust flew up.

"Huh!" The horse-faced man in black didn't give up, and once again swung his fist straight at Wang Peng's face while his body was being plundered.

The horse-faced man in black attacked quickly and fiercely. At this time, Wang Peng was seriously injured. Facing the horse-faced man in black's attack, he could no longer dodge. In desperation, he struggled to his feet and forcibly raised the sword in his hand to face the strong man. The iron fist like a knife pierced straight away.

"Zheng!" A black flying knife shot out from the right fist of the man in black with a horse face again, and easily knocked away Wang Peng's sword, leaving a deep scar on Wang Peng's right shoulder with a "crack!" The wound passed.But at this moment, the right fist of the horse-faced man in black, as fierce as a tiger descending a mountain, has already attacked Wang Peng.

"Brother Wang!" Zhan Ye called anxiously after escaping the joint attack of the two men in black by relying on his superb "Sagittarius Technique".

At this moment, Wang Peng looked at the right fist that had already struck, and he was powerless to resist it, and there was despair in his bitter eyes.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed three feet away behind the man in black with a horse face, and shot through the heart of the man in black with a horse face in a flash. "Boom!" The horse-faced man in black suddenly exploded in horror, fragments spattered, and blood mist spread in clusters.Wang Peng was instantly hit by the explosive power of the man in black with a horse face and fell to the ground, his whole body was covered with blood from the impact of the broken body and blood mist.

The golden glow pierced the horse's face and the black-clothed man's body stretched out more than three feet, revealing Long Fei in white clothes that surpassed the snow.

"Junior Brother! Cough! Cough!" Wang Peng coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood in great joy.

"Brother Long!"

"Junior Brother Long!"

Seeing Long Fei coming, Zhan Ye and other disciples of the Seven Star Sect were overwhelmed with joy and joy, and their determination to defeat the enemy immediately rekindled their confidence in defeating the enemy.

The death of the horse-faced man in black was too sudden, and no one expected it.At this moment, the numerous men in black seemed to be in a dream. They were stunned for a moment, and then they looked unbelievable and angry.

"My lord! Ah!"

Numerous black-clothed men threw aside their opponents while roaring, leaped into the air, waved the treasures in their hands and besieged Long Fei; at the same time, they all opened their mouths to the sky, spouting clouds of gray and white flames and stormed over Long Fei's head , and suddenly exploded into sparks all over the sky, falling straight down like a galaxy pouring down.

Long Fei's white glove instantly melted into his body, his body was as firm as a white glove, ignoring the presence of sparks, he passed through the rain of fire, and with a "sword soaring to the sky", the human sword turned into a sword shadow in the rapid rotation, He shot head-on at a man in black who was slashing at him with a knife.There were only two sounds of "Chi! Boom!", and the body of the man in black who was wielding the knife exploded in an instant.



Long Fei, who was transformed into a sword shadow, just rushed out of the body of the man in black wielding knives, several men in black hurriedly waved their weapons and instantly stabbed Long Fei's vital points all over his body.Long Fei's expression tightened, he suddenly turned around and spun, and slashed the magnetized Yuanli sword with his right hand, "Dang! Dang! Dang!" He smashed away the swords, spears and other treasures pierced on his body, taking the opportunity of "Wind Shadow Art" Expand and drift out of the encirclement.After Long Fei was hit by many high-level treasures just now, although he was slightly injured by the top-grade treasure white fists, he was also hit by those powerful attacks and his whole body was in pain. , the disorder is not small.At this moment, as soon as he escaped from the encirclement, he quickly took out a handful of Shengshen Dan, Yuan Yuan Dan and some healing pills from the storage bag and stuffed them into his mouth.


Long Fei killed two men in black in a row, and one of them was the leader of the men in black.When Zhan Ye and other monks saw this, their confidence suddenly surged, and they quickly killed all the men in black while shouting angrily, trying to relieve Long Fei's pressure as much as possible.

"Hey! Boom!" Long Fei's pressure was relieved, and "one strike broke the sky" killed another man in black who had escaped from the peak of Dacheng in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Attack the enemy with powerful poison!" A man in black who had reached the peak of Yuan Dacheng shouted loudly.



All the men in black waved their right sleeves almost at the same time, and puffs of poisonous smoke gushed out from the right sleeve, covering everyone instantly.

"Ah! Cha!"

"Ah! Cha!"

Unexpectedly, the two monks on Longfei's side inhaled a puff of poisonous smoke, their bodies were suddenly numb and unable to move, and then their heads were beheaded by the men in black beside them.Although Wang Peng, Zhan Ye and other monks entered the inner breathing in time and did not inhale the poisonous smoke, the poisonous smoke could invade his skin, so that their bodies gradually became numb from the outside to the inside.

"Ah!" Long Fei's anti-poison armor suddenly floated on the surface of his body, resisting the invasion of the poisonous smoke. At this moment, he saw two more monks died tragically, and the other monks were also in a very worrying situation, his complexion changed like frost. , his eyes were as cold as ice piercing to the bone, and a terrifying murderous intent shot out from his whole body. He shouted, "One strike breaks the sky" and stretched out again, "Chi! Boom!" All the men in black launched a poisonous attack, the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng, and the men in black exploded into a puddle of flesh and bones.

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

Although the frantic Long Fei couldn't use "One Strike to Break the Sky" continuously, but with a lot of Ascension Pills and Returning Yuan Pills in his mouth, he could use "Shooting Sword" almost endlessly. With the speed of the wind, killing these masters who have not reached the peak of the Taoyuan Dacheng, it is really a blow one by one, everyone explodes, killing as many as five or six men in black in a short time.

"Withdraw!" The only man in black at the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng shouted anxiously.

But at this time, they could no longer escape, because more than a dozen powerful experts including Niu Zhong, Diao Wang, Xuan Zhen, Ou Qingxue, etc. had already arrived.

"Burn jade and stone together! To imitate the emperor!" The only remaining man in black at the peak of the great achievement of the Yuan Dynasty shrank his pupils and ordered sharply.It's a pity that his words hadn't finished yet, "Chi! Boom!" Long Fei's "Blow the Sky with One Blow" shot exploded into pieces after two sounds.

At this moment, suddenly, the qi in the whole body of the two men in black suddenly soared, and their bodies almost exploded.Ou Qingxue and Diao Wang found out in time, with a flash of yellow light in their left eyes, they quickly shot out several sealing spirits, piercing into their brows, sealing them dangerously.


Immediately afterwards, three men in black robes looked up to the sky and shouted that Zhongyu would explode his body and spirit, and died together with Long Fei and others.Niu Zhong, Xuan Zhen, and Gong De quickly unleashed the strongest attack. The seven-handled flying shields fell off like a rolling plate, the Qingfeng sword was like a dragon flying out of the sea, and the star force beam was like a sharp blade of a magic weapon. The man in clothes was cut to pieces.

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

Long Fei made another "Shooting Sword" triple strike, instantly blasting the three men in black, making them have no chance to explode.

The ensuing battle naturally had no suspense. Long Fei's side, with their absolute superiority in numbers and absolute combat power, killed all the men in black in a short while, except of course the two men in black whose bodies were sealed.

Long Fei walked slowly in front of the two sealed men in black, stretched out his right hand and tapped a man in black's eyebrows, a divine thought was wrapped in a light yellow magnetized force, and spread from the tip of his index finger In a flash, it sank between the eyebrows of the man in black.The man in black has mysterious black poisonous gas in his body. Niu Zhong has informed Long Fei, so Long Fei magnetized his energy to protect the spirit and searched for the man in black.The effects of magnetizing Yuanli to break spirit, Yuan and mind are indeed miraculous. Although it was also eroded by the mysterious black poisonous gas, it was enough to persist until Long Fei finished searching for the man in black.

After a while, Long Fei solemnly removed the right hand that was on the forehead of the man in black, stood up straight, and turned his gaze to the upper left of the mountain.



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