Chaos fairy way

Chapter 316 Fighting the Snake King


At this time, the exit of the big hole was only a thousand feet away, and Long Fei shot nearly ten thousand swords to clear away the sea snakes in front of him, then passed through the red sea water, and when he was about to rush out of the big hole, a red energy wall suddenly appeared in front of him.Long Fei's drifting speed was too fast, and the red energy wall suddenly appeared soundlessly, he had no time to dodge it, and hit the red energy wall with a "bang!".

The red energy wall is like a ball full of elasticity, when Long Fei hit it, it was immediately bounced away nearly three feet away.And after the energy wall flew with the bullets, it disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, ten treasures shaped like venomous snake's fangs broke through the sea water, and shot towards Long Fei's throat, heart and other vital points all over his body.

The Poison Fang Treasure Treasure was black and shiny, inch long, exuding frightening energy fluctuations, and traces of black poisonous gas lingered around it, it was obviously a top-grade treasure.

Although Long Fei had a momentary phantom due to being bounced away, he was aware of the attack of the poisonous fang treasure in time, and he didn't dare to be careless. One hundred and ninety-nine handles, divided into ten groups to shoot ten poisonous fang treasures.

"Ding! Crack!"

"Ding! Crack!"

The ten poisonous fang treasures were able to cut off a Dayan Qingtian flying sword without being damaged. After breaking through nearly a hundred flying swords, they all bounced back to the hands of its caster, the Sea Snake King.

At this moment, with a movement of Long Fei's mind, the remaining flying swords suddenly gathered and condensed into a three-foot-three-long Dayan Qingtian Sword with a dazzling yellow glow, piercing the sea water, and flashing towards the Sea Snake King.At the same time, Long Fei's "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded again, avoiding the place where it hit the wall, and drifted to the left of the cave entrance.


The strange thing was discovered again, when Long Fei drifted to the edge of the cave, the red energy wall flashed in front of Long Fei again.This time, Long Fei's drifting speed was relatively slow, and he had already suffered a loss once, so when he was about to hit the energy wall, he raised his right palm and hit the energy wall.Then, with the help of the rebound force of the right palm, the whole person avoided hitting the wall and stopped in front of the energy wall.Afterwards, Long Fei stretched out his right hand to touch the energy wall to find out what the energy wall was.But at this moment, the energy wall suddenly blurred and disappeared again, and Long Fei's outstretched right hand felt empty.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" There were ten rings in a row, and the three-foot three-foot Yan Qingtian sword violently shot towards the Sea Snake King. On the way, it was hit one after another by the ten poisonous fang treasures thrown by the sea snake king. After the weapon hit hard, it burst into pieces with a "crack!" and scattered in all directions.The ten fang treasures were shaken one by one and flew towards the Sea Snake King, their luster dimmed a lot, and they obviously suffered a lot of damage.

"There are also top-grade treasures, no wonder you are so arrogant! Now that your top-grade treasure has been destroyed, let me see how you can resist my ten-fang magic tooth." Taking advantage of the opportunity when Long Fei hit the wall twice and was blocked, the Sea Snake King led many sea snakes to finally After catching up with Long Fei, he was not in a hurry to attack at the moment, but looked at Long Fei playfully, as if he wanted to play or insult Long Fei first.

At this time, Long Fei had given up trying to forcefully rush out of the big hole, because he had already guessed in his heart that the red energy wall had a great relationship with the imposition of "Welcome in the lane".

"Really? So you must have a lot of top-quality treasures!" Looking at the appearance of the Sea Snake King, Long Fei felt a little funny in his heart, and secretly sighed why he was always underestimated.

"There are at least two, but this is enough to kill you. If you kowtow on your knees, maybe I will want to do something good for a while, maybe..." The six heads of the Sea King Snake were raised together, and the eyes of the six eyes were all bowed to the top of Long Fei's head. He stopped talking halfway, deliberately leaving room for Long Fei to fantasize by himself.

Long Fei was speechless for a while, but on the surface he asked with interest: "I don't know what might be the meaning behind this? Are you trying to recruit me?"

"Hehe! Recruit you? You are so whimsical, I might suck you myself, and not let you be eaten by other citizens, this is a great honor for you, haha!" The original anger of the Sea Snake King At this moment, he has been washed away by the condescending arrogance of the strong, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.


At this moment, Long Fei threw his right hand abruptly, and the Dayan Qingtian Sword flashed out, melting into nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine handles, and then suddenly condensed and condensed into a three-foot three-treasure sword with a dazzling yellow glow. The light pierced through the sea water and shot towards the Sea Snake King's throat; at the same time, "One Strike to Break the Sky" was displayed immediately, turning into a golden ray, and shot towards the Sea Snake King's heart.

"Ah! This sword is so intact? Quick! Quick! Start the 'Welcome in the lane'" The Sea Snake King screamed in panic, and quickly threw the ten-day magic tooth in a line and shot it towards the Dayan Qingtian Sword.

"Clang! Crack!"

The first magic tooth and the Dayan Qingtian sword fought fiercely, and after only holding on for a few breaths, it was cut in half, lost its luster, and fell to the ground.

"Clang! Crack!"

"Clang! Crack!"

"Clang! Crack!"

There were nine sounds in succession, and the nine ten-day magic teeth collided with the Dayan Qingtian sword one after another. Although the Dayan Qingtian sword was continuously retreated, they were already damaged after colliding with the Dayan Qingtian sword one by one. It was chopped into two pieces, or the luster was so dim that it could not be driven by divine sense, and so on, all fell to the ground in the end.

"Crack!" After the Dayan Qingtian sword hit and flew the last ten-day magic tooth, it finally couldn't bear the continuous powerful blows, exploded and shattered into ten directions, and gradually faded and disappeared into the sea water.


The Sea Snake King's anger erupted again, even worse than before, but he didn't show the slightest panic when facing Long Fei who burst into the golden light, and seemed to be waiting for Long Fei with some anticipation attack.

During Long Fei's violent shooting, although he was a little surprised at the calmness of the Sea Snake King, he did not give up his attack because he had enough confidence in "breaking the sky with one strike", and still stormed towards the Sea Snake King with great momentum.


When the golden light transformed by Long Fei shot about three feet away from the Sea Snake King, suddenly a wall of red energy flashed strangely in front of the golden light.The golden light couldn't avoid the red energy wall in the ground shell, but no sparks burst out, and there was no churning of violent energy, and even the sea water only slightly trembled.Although the golden light's attack was extremely fast and extremely powerful, it hit the red energy wall like hitting cotton.Although the dent in the red energy wall was several feet deep, the red energy wall was not damaged at all, and it also bounced Long Fei, who had revealed his true body because the attack was blocked, back to the distance.

"Hmph! Go to hell!"

The Sea Snake King took advantage of Long Fei's momentary shock from the rebound force, and rushed to Long Fei's side violently, with a black ax that was more than ten feet wide in his right hand, and slashed at Long Fei's waist.This broad ax is surrounded by surging evil spirits, and the energy fluctuations it emits are even stronger than the ten-day magic tooth. Obviously this is a top-grade treasure that is more powerful than the ten-day magic tooth.At this moment, the Yuan power in Long Fei's body was not much left due to the "one blow to break the sky", if he was hit by the axe, he would be seriously injured if he did not die.

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