Chaos fairy way

Chapter 317

The broad ax face was sharp and sharp, flashing a frightening cold light, and the horizontal chop was as fast as thunder, and it reached a foot away from Long Fei's waist in an instant. Long Fei felt a tingling pain in his waist, and a strong sense of crisis instantly awakened Long Fei from his stupor.

Long Fei drew out the crescent magic blade with his left hand, swung his arm suddenly, and swung the blade vertically to block the black axe.


The sparks burst out and were instantly drowned by the water; the evil spirit surged violently, causing the sea water to boil like boiling water.There was only half of the energy left in Long Fei's body, and he was immediately thrown nearly ten feet away before he stabilized his body and landed on the water ski.The Sea Snake King retreated more than eight feet, standing on top of a huge boulder.

"My cultivation level is not as high as the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng, but I can hit me with a full blow, and I have two top-grade treasures. I can be considered a person in the outside world after thinking about it. Humph! But, do you know that the Sea Snake Palace is a master of the catastrophe period?" Nightmare?" The Sea Snake King's face was serious, and he didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue him, because Long Fei's combat power had already made him hesitate.At this moment, he decided in his heart that Long Fei had become a bird in a cage, so he didn't want to fight to the death with Long Fei.

"Hehe!" Long Fei sneered twice, but did not reply, he was glad that the Sea Snake King didn't realize that he was slightly disadvantaged due to lack of vitality, otherwise his situation must be very bad.So he unhurriedly took out the Shengshen Pill and the Yuanyuan Pill from the waist storage bag and stuffed them into his mouth, taking the opportunity to restore the Yuanli and Divine Sense in his body.

"Send the guests back to the west!"

The Sea Snake King saw Long Fei take the pills and seemed to understand something, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted sharply.


The densely packed sea snakes in the distance immediately dispersed, forming a group of nine, connecting end to end to form a circle, and swimming rapidly.In a moment, the center points of the circles suddenly formed small vortices the size of palms.

"Snort! Snort!"

At this moment, the bodies of all the sea snakes rushed out of majestic black poisonous gas almost simultaneously. The poisonous gas permeated the sea water instantly and poured into small whirlpools, disappearing without a trace as if being sucked.As the poisonous gas poured in, the color of the small vortex gradually turned black, and finally became as black as ink, and emitted a strong stench.

Long Fei silently watched all this happening, trying his best to restore the vitality and spiritual power in his body, because he didn't know what kind of forbidden technique this "send the guest back to the west" was, so he didn't dare to act rashly at this time.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Suddenly, a foot-long black poisonous arrow flashed silently three feet away from Long Fei, and then shot towards Long Fei like black rainbows.The black poisonous arrow is formed by the condensation of black air. It is not a treasure, but its power, momentum, and attack power are better than high-level treasures.

The distance is too close, the attack is sudden, the attack speed is like lightning, and there are many arrows shooting together, such attacks cannot be avoided.

Long Fei was surprised, the crescent moon magic blade melted into his body instantly, the anti-poison armor instantly floated on the surface of his body, and a silver-white energy light curtain was propped up, covering a range of ten feet around his body; at the same time, his right hand suddenly swung With a wave of his wrist, the Dayan Qingtian Sword was thrown out from the palm of his hand, instantly transforming into nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine flying sword handles, and scattered in nine directions with a sound of "Wow!"


With just one sound, the many poisonous arrows that came together were smashed to pieces by nearly ten thousand flying swords, and the heavy poisonous gas disappeared without a trace inexplicably in an instant. They were obviously not dissolved in the sea water.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Countless black poisonous arrows suddenly flashed again, shooting towards the nearly ten thousand flying swords that were a little dim due to the fierce battle last time.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

At this moment, it was not the poisonous arrow that exploded, but the flying sword.The flying sword was completely destroyed in an instant, and the poisonous arrows were almost destroyed, but there were still more than ten poisonous arrows that did not die together with the flying sword. They passed straight through the silver-white energy light curtain, and shot fiercely under the poison-avoiding spirit armor. superior.Although Long Fei's body was as strong as the crescent moon magic blade, he was not injured, but there were a few cracks in the originally damaged poison-avoiding spirit armor.As for the silver-white energy light curtain, although it separated the poison of the poisonous arrow, it was much dimmed due to the damage of the poison-avoiding spirit armor, and it trembled a little.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, the flashing frequency of the black poisonous arrows suddenly increased, flashing once pulled out, followed by another flash when pulled out, they shot towards Longfei imperviously, and their attack was urgent and powerful.

Long Fei's expression suddenly became serious, and he threw the Dayan Qingtian Sword again quickly, and once again nearly ten thousand swords were shot together, "Crack! Crack! Crack!" The ringing continued, and the sea water vibrated like dumplings under boiling water.Although nearly ten thousand flying swords chopped off two black poisonous swords one after another, they also exploded into the sea water.But at this moment, the black poisonous sword was drawn for the third time, but Long Fei didn't have time to use the second time with nearly ten thousand swords.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Countless black poisonous arrows shot at Long Fei's body one after another, the silver-white energy light curtain collapsed and disappeared in an instant, the poison-avoiding spirit armor was battered and forced into the body.Although Long Fei was not injured by the crescent moon magic blade, but facing countless black poisonous arrows that are more powerful than high-level treasures, after a long time, he will inevitably be injured by the crescent moon magic blade, not to mention the black arrows. Poisoned arrows are also highly poisonous.

The situation was very critical, Long Fei suddenly unleashed "Sword Soaring to the Sky", turning himself into a white sword shadow, trying to forcibly break through the layers of encirclement formed by the black poisonous arrows drawn one after another.

In one breath, the white sword shadow shot through the water, as fast as a startled rainbow, breaking through the second layer of poisonous arrow encirclement in a row, and when it was about to shoot into the third layer of poisonous arrow encirclement, the third layer of poisonous arrow encirclement unexpectedly moved synchronously with it , what is even more depressing is that the fourth layer of poison arrow encirclement flashed immediately.One breath time passed, the white sword shadow slowed down, and re-formed Long Fei's figure, still deep in the black poisonous arrows.

At this moment, the Sea Snake King didn't take any action to besiege Long Fei, but just watched the situation on the battlefield indifferently.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The voice of the body shot by the poisonous arrow kept ringing.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The sound of nearly ten thousand swords slashing arrows followed closely.

Long Fei's clothes had long been riddled with holes and torn to such an extent that Long Fei was almost fighting naked. What was even more worrying was that little wounds gradually appeared on Long Fei's body.Once these wounds were formed, the wounds immediately became pitch black and festered instantly.If Long Fei hadn't taken the Dudu Pill in time, even if he hadn't been cut, he would have been gradually devoured to death by the poison like man-eating ants devouring animals.


Once again, Long Fei fired nearly ten thousand swords, emptied the black poisonous arrows that had been drawn together, took out a black bead the size of a thumb from the storage bag on his waist during the short gap, and covered it with a layer of The magnetized elemental force enveloped it, and then violently threw it towards the group of sea snakes.


The Sea Snake King suddenly noticed that Long Fei had thrown the black bead, and swung the black ax in his hand, breaking through the sea water and slashing towards the black bead.

The broad ax is the ultimate treasure, its speed is naturally faster than the black bead, and it catches up with the black bead in one hit, and when it is about to hit the black bead, the magnetized element force layer that wraps the black bead shrinks suddenly, squeezing the black bead forcefully.The black bead was squeezed by the magnetized element force layer, and immediately broke through the magnetized element force layer like gas from a balloon, and shot towards the sea snake group.Faced with the sudden increase in speed of Heizhu, the broad ax was unable to catch up and fell through.

The black bead is of course the thunder bead, and Long Fei only has two left, so he has been reluctant to use it, but now the situation is critical and he has to use it.

"Boom! Crackle!"

As soon as the black bead shot into the sky above the group of sea snakes, it suddenly exploded into violent thunder and lightning, smashing all the sea snakes within a range of nearly a thousand feet below to pieces in an instant.If they were not in the water, these sea snakes would definitely be blasted into powder.

As soon as the sea snake died in a large area, the countless black poisonous arrows around Long Fei immediately faded and disappeared.


Long Fei turned into a hurricane, rolled up a small vortex, and drifted to the rest of the sea snakes in the blink of an eye, followed by thousands of sword shots one after another, and large pieces of sea snakes were smashed to pieces.

Although the confinement is powerful, whether it is "playing music", "welcoming along the road" or "sending guests back to the west", they are all arranged by the mobilization of certain energy by the sea snakes.Regarding this point, Thunder Pearl broke the imaginary restriction and Long Fei suddenly came to his senses.Therefore, the most direct way to break these imaginary restrictions is to kill all the sea snakes until they can no longer set up the imaginary restrictions.


The Sea Snake King never expected that Long Fei could break out of the encirclement encircled by the black poisonous arrows, he was stunned for a moment, and then furiously threw a black axe to slash at Long Fei, and he himself followed the cat's waist Leaping forward, like a black shuttle, piercing through the sea water, he shot towards Long Fei, his huge right fist pointed directly at Long Fei's face.

Long Fei smashed the secret treasure into his body, and with his left hand he pulled out the crescent moon magic blade, and with his backhand he slashed vertically, "铛!" He slammed the black ax away; at the same time, with a wave of his right hand, the Dayan Qingtian sword shot out , turning nearly ten thousand swords into ten directions with a "scream", almost clearing out all the sea snakes within a thousand feet.


The Sea Snake King has already attacked, his right fist like a heavy hammer pierced the sea water, only three feet away from Long Fei's face.

Long Fei clenched his right palm, and swung his fist straight at the Sea Snake King's right fist. With a "bang!", the Sea Snake King was sent flying three feet away, while he himself only scraped the ground and backed away for more than a foot.


As soon as Long Fei stabilized his body, he shot ten thousand swords together, killing the sea snakes in all directions.


While the sea king snake roared, it attacked again.

Next, Long Fei fought against the black axe with the crescent moon magic blade, and shook the sea snake king with his body. Time and time again, nearly ten thousand swords were shot together, and the sea snakes were scattered in nine directions, killing the sea water into blood, and the corpses were even more scattered. foot.

After more than an hour, no more sea snakes swam out of the small holes on both sides of the big hole, and there were not many sea snakes left in the big hole.

At this moment, Long Fei fought hard against the Sea Snake King again, taking advantage of the sudden retreat, he drifted out of the cave at a very high speed.As expected, when Long Fei drifted to the entrance of the cave, the red energy wall did not appear again, and Long Fei turned into a hurricane, blowing out of the cave.

"Pass down my order, gather the strength of the whole family, welcome the guests along the way, and send the guests back to the west!"

The Sea Snake King took out a piece of black and shiny jade from the storage bag at his waist, and as soon as he finished talking to the jade piece, he crushed the jade piece suddenly.

"Ow!" "Ow!" "Ow!"

Rapid snake sounds came from all over the Sea Snake King's Palace one after another, and they became one piece in an instant, causing the sea water to tremble non-stop.

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