Chaos fairy way

Chapter 319

"Oh! No! No! Brother Jiang kindly came here to give advice. How can I let my brother spend money? I should be invited by my brother." Swaying again and again, with a simple and honest look.

"How can this work? If you come to meet with your brother, you will naturally be your host. If you let your brother invite you, doesn't it seem that your brother is here to eat and drink? No! No!" Jiang Wen sat down on his buttocks. On the opposite side of the boy, he said with some displeasure.

Seeing that Jiang Wen was a little sullen, the young man started dancing in a hurry, and then, as if to show that he sincerely invited him, he quickly turned his head to look at the waiter in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Xiaoer, take the table from this table. The dishes have been withdrawn, serve me the top eight dishes of your store, I want to invite this brother."

"Brother, you... what are you doing?" Jiang Wen rolled his eyes, suddenly showing anger, then sighed, shook his head helplessly, and laughed.

"Table 88 Shanghai Tian Bazhen." The waiter with a baby face yelled and walked to the young table, neatly cleaned up the dishes that had been eaten on the table, put on two clean bowls and chopsticks, and then bowed and walked away .

After Jiang Wen waited for the shop waiter to leave, he tapped the table with his left palm and five fingers, his eyes were a little cloudy, as if there was something difficult to make a decision in his heart, but after only a moment, his eyes must be looking at the boy, his expression Some said solemnly: "Brother, for my brother, you are also a bold and generous person, and you are a friend worthy of deep friendship. Brother can treat me with the famous eight treasures of the sea and sky in the southern region, which shows the truth of his affection. Brother If you don’t express it, it would be too contemptible for the heroes of the world! Brother, here is a jar of ancestral spirit wine, which is brewed with a variety of rare and rare herbs. It is better than ordinary spiritual treasures. Usually I am reluctant to drink it as a brother, and I only use it to break through when I am promoted. Today, for the sake of brotherhood, I will take out this wine, and we each drink a small cup."

As soon as Jiang Wen finished speaking, his right hand cautiously took out a fist-sized mutton jade bottle from his waist storage bag, and gently uncorked the bottle with his left hand. Floating out from the inside, the aroma of this wine is refreshing and intoxicating, which is enough to show the extraordinaryness of the wine.In an instant, the aroma of wine permeated the entire hall on the third floor, attracting the attention of many diners, many of whom were amazed, but there were also a few people who glanced at Jiang Wen and turned their heads away in fear.Of course, there was one person who didn't look at the boy and Jiang Wen, but had a smile on his face. This person was the thin man who was with Jiang Wen before.

"Brother, this... this can't be allowed! This can't be allowed! You and I gave such a great gift when we first met, I can't bear it!" The young man stared straight at the mouth of the jade bottle and swallowed After that, he waved his hands in a panic, looking shocked.

"What are you talking about? Are you looking down on me?" Jiang Wen suddenly became a little angry when he heard the young man's words. Flying the wine glass in front of him, he poured a full glass into it without hesitation, and then poured another glass into his own glass.Then carefully cover the bottle cap, and put the jade bottle into the storage bag.

"Come on! Let's make a toast to our meeting today, to show our sincerity, and to show our respect to my brother." Then, Jiang Wen held up the wine glass with his right hand and raised it towards the young man. After finishing speaking with a full face, he raised his head and drank the whole glass liquor.

"Okay! It's my great fortune to be able to make friends with such heroes as my brother, do it!" The young man's expression was quite excited, and he raised his glass and drank it down.

At this time, the waiter in the shop brought up delicacies from mountains and seas, as well as a large jar of good old wine.But the young man just took a bite of the food, his expression froze, and he fell down on the dining table with a sound of "Pa!".

"Hey! Brother! Brother!" Jiang Wen was surprised, and quickly stretched out his hand to pat the boy's shoulder and called out. Then, seeing that the boy didn't respond even after patting a few times, he smiled bitterly and sighed: "Oh! I didn't expect brother to be like this Overwhelmed by alcohol."

Afterwards, Jiang Wen took out a few pieces of high-grade spirit stones from his storage bag and threw them on the table. He got up and helped the young man up. go. (First hair) Seeing this, the thin man quietly dropped the chopsticks in his hand, stood up slowly, stretched himself, and immediately followed Jiang Wen away.


The one who sighed was not the few people who looked at Jiang Wen with some fear just now, but the old shopkeeper who was thinking about it at the counter.

"Second shopkeeper Lin, please don't say too much about what I, the South China Sea Pirates, are doing!" A somewhat cold voice reached the old shopkeeper's ears immediately. Exuding a strong look of fear.

The person who transmitted the sound was the thin man who had just stepped on the stairs with his right foot. The thin man never looked at the old shopkeeper from the beginning. After moving his lips a few times, he sneered and walked towards the fourth floor.

At this moment, Jiang Wen helped the boy into the entrance of a luxurious room on the fourth floor of Haitian Pavilion, pushed the door in, closed the door and then grabbed the boy's shoulder with his right hand and threw the boy onto the bed.

"Damn it, I'm so exhausted, it's so heavy at such a young age!" Jiang Wen punched each other's arm muscles, gasped and murmured to himself, then sat beside a simple carved tea table in the room, and fell down. He took a cup of tea and drank it, as if he didn't care that the boy would wake up.

"Big brother! Big brother! Hey! Are you fat?" After a while, the thin man rushed in, and then he closed the door and bolted it impatiently, and then looked at Jiang Wen who was leisurely in some surprises and said: "Why are you still there?" Don't do it? It's too late to make a difference!"

"Why are you in a hurry? I can't run away anyway! After drinking my 'Ten Years of Fragrance', I can't wake up for ten days and a half months." Jiang Wen curled his lips, with a disapproving expression on his face.

"Hehe! The door is locked!"

At this moment, the young man sat up from the bed and looked at Jiang Wen and Jiang Wen with a smirk on his face. The simple and honest appearance before was nowhere to be seen.

" are you okay?"

The thin man was about to go to the boy to search him, when he suddenly saw the boy sitting up, he was startled, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Friend! It seems that you are also a fellow, and you have even deceived us South China Sea Pirates, which shows that your methods are not weak. But since you have fallen into our hands, even if you are a fellow, you can only accept it. Fell down. We South China Sea Pirates only seek money and don't kill their lives. After thinking about it, you know a little bit. That's it! You honestly hand over all your belongings. Not only will we not make things difficult for you, but we will also give you a Pay the travel expenses home." Although Jiang Wen also looked shocked, he was very calm.

"It doesn't kill you to make money! Hehe! One of you is in the late Yuan Dynasty, the other is in the middle of Yuan Dynasty, and you are also a thief. I think you have a deep understanding of the affairs of the Southern Region, so it is useful." The young man smiled as soon as he finished speaking. As soon as he closed it, the breath all over his body suddenly rushed out of his body, instantly smashing Jiang Wen, the thin man and the furniture in the room to the ground.

"Tu...Tuu Yuan Da...success!" The skinny man's complexion turned pale instantly, his tongue was tied, but he was still awake, and as soon as he jumped up, he wanted to slam into the door and escape.

The corner of the boy's mouth twitched, and his right index finger moved a little away from the thin man, and a light yellow sword-shaped chrome imprint of spiritual thoughts flashed into the back of the thin man's head.The thin man's body froze immediately, and he stood in the room blankly while maintaining his forward momentum.

"Senior has such means at such a young age, and with such cultivation, we Hainan double thieves have confessed. If you want to kill or cut, you will do as you please!" Jiang Wen stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and looked relatively calm.

"He's a man! Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you, and maybe I can bring you a huge fortune." The young man nodded slightly, quite satisfied with Jiang Wen's performance.

"Oh, really?" When Jiang Wen heard the words "huge wealth", his eyes turned hot instantly, he hooked his shoulders and stretched his neck, and looked at Long Fei with a smile, completely gone from the calmness of things just now However, after only a moment, he seemed to realize his gaffe, quickly put away his smile, and regained his calm expression.

The young man was speechless when he saw it, but he seemed more satisfied with Jiang Wen's greed and smoothness.

"Senior Boss, after thinking about it, what do you want us to do for you! Just tell me, this junior will go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, and I will not hesitate." Hearing the young man's words, the thin man quickly expressed his loyalty. They were all trembling, as if everything they said came from the bottom of their hearts.

The young man glanced at the thin man, smiled and shook his head, then he casually moved his right hand towards the thin man, a pale yellow sword-shaped imprint of spiritual thoughts flashed out from the back of the thin man's head, flew across the palm of the young man's right hand and sank into it.

The boy is naturally the transformed Lai Dashao Long Fei.Three days ago, Long Fei finally reached the vicinity of Nanzhu Island after a month and a half according to the "Southern Sea Chart".Before entering Nanzhu Island, Long Fei considered that he had left the small interface of Tianxin Pavilion for several months. During this period of time, the news that the head of the shrimp clan was killed by him must have spread throughout the southern region, so his appearance would also be known. Everyone in the Xia family knew about it, so they decided to change their appearance.In order not to attract attention, he made his appearance extremely ordinary. In addition, he used precious refining materials to refine the four-color snake repairing skin bag into black and brown.Afterwards, Long Fei went straight to the Hainan sub-helm of Huxiao Mountain to ask Wu Dao, but unfortunately learned that Wu Dao and the young helm master had gone out to perform an important mission five days ago, and it was hard to predict when they would return.In desperation, Long Fei could only rely on his own strength to inquire about the situation of the Xia Clan and capture the Haiyin Conch from the Xia Clan, and finally found Niu Zhong with the help of the Haiyin Conch.The best place to inquire about news is naturally Haitian Pavilion, and Long Fei has already learned about these things from Wudao before.However, Long Fei has his own unique opinion on who is the best person to ask for news, that is to find hooligans, robbers and thieves.Because these people have always been well-informed, and they are most familiar with their own living environment, otherwise, would someone have money waiting for them to steal it?

"How much do you know about the Shrimp Clan? Let me tell you in detail." Long Fei's coercion and lure had achieved his goal, so he asked bluntly.

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