Chaos fairy way

Chapter 320 Wanhai Chamber of Commerce

"Yes! Yes! Senior, although the Shrimp Clan is not a big clan of the Sea Clan in the Southern Region and is attached to the Shark Clan, the overlord of the Southern Region, it is the actual ruler of the Hainan Region in the Southern Region. , and I heard that the Hainan sub-rudder has become quite jealous of the shrimp tribe recently, and the reason for this is beyond the knowledge of outsiders such as me." Jiang Wen bowed his hands and said yes repeatedly, but halfway through the sentence he didn't know. Going forward, he looked at Long Fei with a half smile, obviously wanting to see how Long Fei would react after hearing the strength of the Shrimp Clan, so as to figure out the purpose of Long Fei's inquiring about the Shrimp Clan and its relationship with the Shrimp Clan .

hey-hey!old fox.Long Fei sneered in his heart, but his faint expression did not change at all, and he said irrefutably: "Keep talking!"

"Oh! Good." Seeing this, Jiang Wen immediately realized that he had encountered a problem, and quickly put away his contempt for Long Fei's youth, his expression changed and he said solemnly: "Shrimp clan, you are proficient in puppet techniques and refining weapons , is second to none in the entire southern region, which is why it is not a big clan but dominates the southern region. Usually, what the shrimp tribe does in the entire Hainan region is a bit... a bit too strong."

"Don't worry! I have nothing to do with the Shrimp Clan, and I want to learn from the Shrimp Clan, so you don't need to be shy in front of me." Long Fei saw that Jiang Wen's downcast eyes moved to his face again when Jiang Wen spoke. Ministry, so he said calmly.

"Oh! Hehe!" Jiang Wen laughed awkwardly when he heard the words, and then said with a look of righteous indignation: "Speaking of the shrimp tribe, they are domineering and domineering on weekdays, bullying men and women, and taking them by force." Things happen from time to time, and they are not only for the human race, but also for other small races of the sea race. They are the nightmare of the Hainan area. Only in Nanzhu Island, they have a little scruples about Tiger Roaring Mountain. If you are restrained, you will be unscrupulous and do whatever you want on other islands and in the sea. Well, senior, I don’t know why you are looking for the shrimp clan? Is it revenge?”

"So what?" Long Fei looked at Jiang Wen with a half-smile.

"Cough! Cough!" As soon as Jiang Wen heard what Long Fei said, his expression froze, and he was instantly choked by Long Fei's thoughts. , falteringly said: "Senior, the shrimp tribe has three masters who should be robbed. If you want to take revenge...we...we..."

"Yes! Yes! Senior, in the Hainan area, the Xia Clan can't afford to offend them. Once offended, the Xia Clan will take revenge, and there will be no way to go to heaven, and there will be no way to go down!" At this time, the thin man also looked nervous. He walked over, afraid that Long Fei would force them to do something against the shrimp clan.

"Three masters of the tribulation period!" Long Fei pondered for a while, his eyes became a little solemn, and then he continued casually: "Don't worry, I'm not looking for revenge, I just want to negotiate a big deal with them. Do you know where their headquarters are?"

"Oh! That's it! Senior, you scared me to death." Jiang Wen's expression relaxed immediately, and then he tried to persuade him: "I don't know what kind of business senior wants to do with the Shrimp Clan? It's not easy to deal with the Shrimp Clan Yes, many people were planted in the hands of the shrimp tribe, and there were many who lost their lives, so there is a saying in Hainan that 'when you buy and sell shrimp, you buy the coffin together'."

"Hehe! It's okay! I'm sure of myself. Let's just say it straight! The purpose of my visit to Hainan area this time is the Haiyin snail of the shrimp family. No matter how much I pay, I will get it. Since I am not familiar with Hainan area, So I want to invite the two of you to do this business together, and I can pay the two of you five top-quality spirit stones as a reward, how about that?" Long Fei chuckled lightly, as if he was determined to win.

"Five top-grade spirit stones? I..." The thin man exclaimed, and just as he was about to express his opinion, he suddenly saw Jiang Wen staring at him fiercely, shutting his mouth and daring not to say any more.

"Hey! Well, senior, after thinking about it, you should understand how precious Haiyin snails are to the shrimp clan. For monks like us who have no power and have not yet reached the stage of catastrophe, if we want to get Haiyin Yinluo is simply harder than reaching the sky, so we brothers may not be able to help you with this matter, and please forgive me, senior!" Jiang Wen smiled wryly and bowed to Long Fei.

"Remuneration, top-grade spirit stones are ten yuan per person!" Long Fei ignored Jiang Wen's embarrassment.

"Well, senior, although we Hainan Pirates are not afraid of heaven and earth, we are only afraid of speaking justice with Hainan, and even more afraid of negotiating business with the shrimp clan. Dare to do it. Please forgive us, senior!" Jiang Wen begged with a sad face.

"20 yuan per person for top quality spirit stones!" Long Fei looked at Jiang Wen calmly.

"Senior, you are willing to pay such a price to hire us, not just... just doing business as simple as this?" Jiang Wen hesitated, obviously a little tempted.

"50 yuan per person for top quality spirit stones, 20 yuan down payment." Long Fei's expression remained calm.

"Damn it! People die for money, and birds die for food. Just give it a vote. I know that seniors are not just buying Haiyin snails." Jiang Wen's expression froze, he gritted his teeth, and nodded fiercely.

"Boss! That's it! The big deal is that after we finish this vote, we will go to your cousin." The thin man's spirit was extremely excited, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Long Fei smiled slightly, twitched the left corner of his mouth, the bad arc had not changed due to the deformation, and immediately took out a black bag from his waist storage bag and threw it at Jiang Wen, saying, "This is the deposit from both of you. Pay the rest after the work is done, and run away if you want to gain benefits? You have seen my method just now. As for following me closely, the benefits you will get are definitely far less than these few top-grade spirit stones, and there are I will not do things with you that are life-threatening."

"Thank you for your kindness, senior! The two of you, the junior, will definitely stay together to the death." Jiang Wen took the black bag, and hurriedly bent down with the skinny man to express his loyalty. Of course, only the two of them knew how much sincerity was in it, but Long Fei's boldness and generosity did not It made them want to deal with Long Fei.

Long Fei nodded and said: "Okay! The three of us are all out of the Yuan Dynasty. According to the rules between monks, we should be of the same generation. From now on, don't call me senior. My name is Gao San, and you will call me San from now on." Father!"

"Yes! Third Master!"

Jiang Wen and the thin man responded in unison.

Later, Long Fei asked Jiang Wen and Shouzi about other things about the Shrimp Clan, and learned that the headquarters of the Shrimp Clan was in a secret seabed in the eastern sea area of ​​Hainan, and Jiang Wen and Shouzi didn't know exactly where.However, Long Fei got a very important piece of news, that is, Xia Libang, the deputy head of the Xia Clan, often comes to Nanzhu Island Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to participate in the Wanhai Auction.During the recent period, Xia Libang was stranded on Nanzhu Island because he failed to win the position of patriarch, and refused to return to the board of directors.

Then, Long Fei naturally set his sights on Xia Libang when there were three masters in the Xia Clan's headquarters, and he didn't know where the Xia Clan's headquarters was.The Wan Hai Auction is naturally the best place to make friends with Xia Libang, not to mention that Long Fei also wants to participate in the Wan Hai Auction, because he is going to buy two precious refining materials, the skin of the deep-sea blood crocodile and the skin of the poisonous ghost. gold.These two items, Long Fei is used to restore the anti-poison spirit armor.The poison-avoiding spirit armor has helped Long Fei a lot, especially the activities on the bottom of the sea have shown its importance.In the last battle of the Sea Snake Palace, the poison-avoiding spirit armor was badly damaged, and it would take a lot of effort to repair it, requiring dozens of extremely precious refining materials.Fortunately, Long Fei's spiritual treasures and precious materials are piled up like a mountain, and the varieties are complete, so the only thing missing is the blood crocodile skin and the poison-proof gold.

The Wanhai Chamber of Commerce has power all over the sea area. It can be said that it is the ninth largest force outside of the four major royal families and the four major cultivation sects in the sea area. In terms of strength ranking, it is even stronger than Wu Xiaoshan.However, the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce is a commercial force after all, so it is naturally weaker than Wu Xiaoshan in terms of combat power alone.In addition, the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce basically gives [-] to [-]% of the profits to the local landlords when doing business. This is the reason why the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce can bloom everywhere in the four regions of the sea area, becoming stronger and stronger.

Wanhai Chamber of Commerce Hainan Branch is located in the middle of the commercial district in the east of Nanzhu Island, not far from Haitian Pavilion, only two streets away.The Wan Hai Auction is held every half a month, and the venue is the Jiuding Building of the Hainan branch.

Three days before the Wan Hai Auction, Long Fei immediately checked into the most luxurious guest room in Haitian Pavilion, Tianyi No. [-]. This room is usually reserved only for the powerful and powerful. Long Fei booked it for an indefinite period at double the price.Because since he planned to make friends with the deputy chief of the shrimp clan, he naturally wanted to show off and raise his own value.

As for these three days, Long Fei has already made a plan, that is, to taste all the delicacies in Hainan, and to carry forward the fine tradition of Dadixuanzi's lineage of eating all over the world.During this period, Jiang Wen and the thin man (the thin man's name is Chen Pi, and Long Fei learned about them shortly after he surrendered) followed Long Fei in shock and shock. The financial power of spending money like water makes it even more shocking that Long Fei shows his strength from time to time.After only three days, Jiang Wen and Chen Pi were in awe of Long Fei and completely submissive. Of course, Long Fei's kindness and power and abundant rewards were the most important reasons.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Jiang Wen and Chen Pi came to Long Fei's door and waited early. Neither of them called out a word, but just waited quietly.

"Okay! Let's go! Today's auction will be under my command, but you will come forward to bid." Long Fei pushed out the door, nodded to Jiang Wen and Chen Pi with satisfaction, and walked out in good spirits.These three days were actually three days for Long Fei to test Jiang Wen and Chen Pi. With his perception and the detection range of his divine sense, he naturally knew every move of Jiang Wen and Chen Pi in Haitian Pavilion like the palm of his hand.

"Yes! Third Master." Jiang Wen and Chen Pi bent over and answered, with an extremely respectful attitude.

Afterwards, the three of them went down to the Haitian Pavilion one by one, one in front of the other and two behind. When they got down to the third floor of the Haitian Pavilion, the old shopkeeper sighed again from behind.However, the sigh at this time was a sigh that the dignified Hainan double bandits were subdued by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

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