Chaos fairy way

Chapter 321 Spinach Shopkeeper

The Jiuding Tower, taken from the words of a promise, symbolizes the tenet of Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to conduct business with integrity.Wanhai Chamber of Commerce has set up Jiuding Building in each branch to hold various auctions.The Jiuding Building on Nanzhu Island is as high as three floors. According to the cultivation level of the monks, there are three levels of auction venues: the period of concentration, the period of understanding, and the period of detachment.The Wan Hai Auction is naturally divided into three stages: Concentration Stage, Consciousness Stage, and Escape Stage.

"Jiang Wen! I don't know why you came to my Jiuding Building today? Jiuding Building belongs to the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce!"

Long Fei and Jiang Wen just walked under the steps in front of the door of Jiuding Tower, when a black-faced middle-aged monk strode over from the door of Jiuding Tower, looked at Jiang Wen coldly, and his tone was hostile.At this moment, the two burly guards standing on both sides of the gate of Jiuding Building also came over with unfriendly expressions.

"Boss Yu, what do you mean? I'm down..." The smile on Jiang Wen's face froze immediately, his head drooped involuntarily, but he suddenly realized that Long Fei was beside him, and he snorted coldly, his head suddenly raised , raised his chin high, looked down at the black-faced middle-aged man, pointed his right thumb at Long Fei, and said proudly, "Hmph! What are you a bastard? You have to straighten yourself Location. Today, I will accompany my eldest son, the third master, to attend your auction, and you are bound to win the three major items of your auction, so you can take care of me."

"A miscellaneous boss?" Hearing Jiang Wenzhi's words, the black-faced monk Yu's eyes suddenly ignited, and after squinting contemptuously at the rustic-looking Long Fei, the anger disappeared instantly, revealing a deep smile of contempt, and then She curled her lips and said, "Hey! Is he your boss?"

"Is there a problem?" Long Fei was expressionless, staring at the manager with sharp eyes, stepping up the steps step by step. The manager staggered and took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

Although Long Fei didn't know what kind of feud Jiang Wen had with the Wan Hai Chamber of Commerce, he slapped him in the face when they met, and didn't even give the basic courtesy of being a guest, and also affected the accompanying people, which made Long Fei quite unhappy.Besides, since Jiang Wen followed him, Long Fei would naturally defend Jiang Wen and never let others bully his subordinates.

"At such a young age, his cultivation is close to the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, and the strength of the breath is far better than the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty. It is strong enough! Admit it, I have no eyes, and I hope Brother Gao will forgive me." The horror on Director Yu's face, after all, is The veteran who galloped in the mall hurriedly bowed his hands and apologized.

Long Fei snorted softly, nodded slightly, put away his eyes staring at the manager, walked up the steps slowly, and said indifferently: "It's okay! I don't intend to offend the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce. I came here this time because I wanted to take a few pictures , Second, there is a big deal to be negotiated with your Chamber of Commerce. Immediately arrange a luxurious box for me, and then ask you to be masters to come and discuss with me in detail."

"Yes! Yes! I will report to the third shopkeeper immediately. Brother Gao, Brother Jiang, this way please!" Director Yu quickly turned sideways, and made a gesture of invitation very respectfully.

"Yeah!" Long Fei hummed lightly, with his left hand behind his back, he led Jiang Wen towards the hall of Jiuding Building with the demeanor of a superior.At this time, Jiang Wen didn't say a word, and he didn't take the opportunity to find trouble with the manager, but his head was raised very high, his chest was straight, his expression was very proud, and his eyes were full of dark eyes. Excited.

After the manager Yu followed Long Fei and the two into the hall, he quickly called a beautiful maid in green and warmly asked her to entertain Long Fei and the two well, while he bid farewell and went to report to his superiors.

Afterwards, under the guidance of the maid, Long Fei walked to the Tuoyuan Period Auction Room on the third floor of Jiuding Building,

"Jiang Wen! What's going on?" Long Fei followed the maid in green and asked via voice transmission.

>" Jiang Wen looked embarrassed.

"It deserves it! By the way, I just heard from Manager Yu that I reported to the three shopkeepers. Didn't I hear you say that there are only two shopkeepers in Jiuding Building last night?" Long Fei said in a voice transmission with some surprise.

"Well, I have been to Jiudinglou for several months, so I am not very clear about this matter." Jiang Wen smiled bitterly.

While the two of them were talking, Long Fei was guided by the maid to a luxurious box in the auction house on the third floor.Looking at the auction house, there are three sides of stepped seats, one side of the auction platform, and more than [-] luxurious boxes are located above the stepped seats.In the luxury box, there are purple gold tea table, thousand-year-old mahogany root carved chairs, and a large carved window facing the auction house. There are no leather items in the whole box. This is obviously because of the mixture of sea people, monsters, and sea races. It is to prevent the monster skin from causing discomfort to the monster cultivators. Of course, the auction items are not so scrupulous, which also reflects the cruelty of the journey of cultivation.

Long Fei and Jiang Wen entered the seat, and after the maid served the spirit tea and fruit, they turned away the maid and waited quietly for the shopkeeper of Jiudinglou to come.

"I don't know if it's that distinguished guest who came to my Jiuding Tower! I didn't greet her in person, it's really inappropriate, I hope you will forgive me!"

After a while, a sweet and very seductive voice came from outside the box, and then a young woman in a purple tights with bare breasts and a seductive face walked into the box with her waist twisted and hips swung.

Long Fei nodded with a smile and got up slowly.

"Oh! Brother Gao, this is our third treasurer, Ning Bo." Manager Yu walked in right behind him and introduced him warmly.

"Oh! So it's shopkeeper Ning, long time! Long time!" Long Fei bowed his hands.

What Ning Bo first saw was not the slick Jiang Wen, but a rustic-looking boy with a snakeskin bag on his shoulder. There was an imperceptible strangeness in his beautiful eyes, but he was a courtesan after all. Still, the sweet voice followed: "Mr. Gao, you are so young at such a young age. You are really a dragon and a phoenix among people! If Mr. Gao thinks highly of concubine status, call me Sister Bobo! It's strange to call me shopkeeper Ning. Hehe I don’t know if Mr. Gao has something to do for you?”

"So it's Sister Bobo! Sorry! Sorry! My name is Jiang Wen. We want to do a big deal with your chamber of commerce. My boss will discuss the details with you." Jiang Wen has been in a daze since Ning Bo entered the box. Looking at Ning Bo anxiously, it was only at this moment that he came to his senses a little, and hurriedly smiled and snatched the words, throwing away the previous caution in front of Long Fei out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Seeing this, Long Fei was speechless for a while, and sighed in his heart that Jiang Wen and Han Ziling were the same kind, but he has always been very open-minded about his own people picking up girls, so at this moment he waited for Jiang Wen to finish his performance before getting out of the snakeskin bag. He took out a blue storage bag, handed it to Ning Bo, and said, "I have some rare treasures here, and I want to entrust your Chamber of Commerce to auction them. Of course, if your Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay a suitable price, that's fine."

"Oh! Okay." Ning Bo casually took Long Fei's storage bag, and the smile on his face seemed a bit forced. This may be because of Jiang Wen's bewitching eyes, or he may not believe Yi Jie San at all. Xiu's Long Fei would have some rare treasures, but after her divine thoughts probed into the storage bag, her beautiful eyes widened in shock, her small mouth opened, her breathing was a little short, and she actually stuttered. Said: "Then... that Mr. Gao, is the thing in this... really going to be auctioned for us?"

"That's right! But I still need to buy two pieces of news from the Guild and entrust the Guild to collect some materials. As for the price, it's not a problem, you can figure it out." Long Fei was not at all surprised by the change in Ning Bo's expression, because that The items in the black storage bag are all obtained from the Sea Snake Palace. Although they are not the best among spiritual treasures, they are all extremely rare items in the cultivation world. The value is so high that even the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce on Nanzhu Island is rare in a year. When I came across a few pieces, as for the commission for the auction of these rare treasures, I am afraid it would be enough to earn the income from the Nanzhu Island Wanhai Auction for several years.Of course, Long Fei only took a small part of the original bag of spiritual treasures and auctioned it to the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce. If he took the whole bag, Ning Bo would probably suffocate on the spot.

Hearing Long Fei's words, Ning Bo put away his startled face in embarrassment, calmed down, and then immediately showed a bright smile, cast his seductive eyes on Long Fei, and said in a very soft tone: "The matter of collecting materials, For our Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, it is a trivial matter, what is the news that Mr. Gao wants to buy it?"

"Hehe! These two pieces of news shouldn't be difficult for the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce." Long Fei just smiled lightly at the look in the eyes of the hot and sexy Ning Bo. So moved, let alone Ning Bo?Then Long Fei took out a soul wooden stick from the storage bag at his waist, put it on his forehead, left a message of spiritual thoughts, handed it to Ning Bo, and said: "The news and material list I want are all in it, what are you doing?" When you have all the materials or news, please let me know, I will live in Room [-], Tianzi, Haitian Pavilion."

"Tianzi No. [-]!" Ning Bo was shocked again. This ordinary-looking young man with inappropriate clothes gave her too much shock. Wave after wave, it seems that he really doesn't look like a man, and the sea water can't be measured. , not to bully the young and poor, Ning Bo warned himself several times in his heart.

At this moment, Director Yu saw Ning Bo startled and started to be a little confused. Now that he heard "Tianzi No. [-]!", he finally understood what was going on, and his mouth was wide open in shock, not knowing what it was taste.

As for Jiang Wen raised his eyebrows at Manager Yu, in the past due to cheating, abduction, theft and robbery, the shadows in his heart caused by being extremely despised by the world, especially the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, were instantly wiped away, and there is a kind of being a legitimate person or even a high-ranking person. The refreshment and sense of pride.At this moment, looking at Long Fei's eyes is full of awe.

"What?" Ning Bo was surprised for the third time. This time, because of the previous two warm-ups, he didn't lose his composure again, and then his face changed suddenly and he said: "The materials needed by Mr. Gao, I, Wanhai Chamber of Commerce I am quite sure that I can collect them all for you within a month, but Mr. Gao's inquiring of two pieces of news made our Wanhai Chamber of Commerce very difficult!"

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