Chaos fairy way

Chapter 322 Swallowing mountains and rivers

"Sister Bobo! You are serious. I can guarantee that you will never be involved in the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, as far as I know, buying and selling news is also an important way for your Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to make money! And with your Are you so strong that you dare not even inquire about this kind of news? At that time, even if there is something, you can completely deny it. Besides, I only care about the authenticity of the news, not the price, and I still have a lot of business to do with Wan Hai in the future. Chamber of Commerce cooperates."

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he looked at Ning Bo with a half-smile.

"Heck! Mr. Gao is indeed a leader among the monks! I believe in your character, and I will appoint a special person to help you with these matters." After receiving Long Fei's promise, Ning Bo smiled charmingly, his eyes flickered, and his voice changed. He said more softly: "Master Gao! It is a great honor for the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to meet such a big customer as you! To express my respect and gratitude to you, I will present you a piece of VIP from the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce. Gold medal. With this card, you can not only enjoy the most favorable discount, but also enjoy various unexpected services, as for the service, you will know when you see the VIP gold medal."

"Oh! Really? Then I would like to thank Sister Bobo." Long Fei cupped his hands in surprise and said with a smile.

"Heck! Mr. Gao, don't be too polite. I can hope that you will take care of the business! The gold medal of the VIP will be handed over to you by the manager. As for the receipt of this bag of spiritual treasures, it will be recorded in For the VIP gold medal, Mr. Lao will check it at that time. As for the auction of this bag of spiritual treasures, we at Jiudinglou will formulate a detailed auction plan, operate it properly, and strive to sell the best price for you." Ning Bo smiled charmingly, looked at Long Fei deeply with a thousand emotions, and then sighed with a hint of reluctance: "Oh! The auction will be held in half an hour, and I have to deal with the auction. , so I can't accompany you, I hope you will forgive me!"

"Oh! Sister Bobo, you're busy! You're busy!" Long Fei intentionally avoided Ning Bo's eyes, and waved his hands.

"Heck! Farewell!" Seeing that Long Fei was a little shy, Ning Bo smiled again, and then walked away with Manager Yu.

"Sister Bobo! Let's go, keep in touch!" Jiang Wen stood on the left side of Long Fei, waving that fat right hand in a very flamboyant manner.


"The person has long since disappeared! The hand is still shaking?"

Long Fei turned his head to look at Jiang Wen's appearance like a calf in heat, and couldn't help laughing. He raised his right palm and slapped Jiang Wen on the back of the head.

"Oh! Third Master, this girl is really good! If you don't go up, I will go up!" Jiang Wen rubbed the back of his head, and the saliva seemed to flow down when he spoke.

"Look at your potential, you're still a pair of pirates in Hainan! Well, as long as you have the ability to get it, you can do whatever you like, but bullying is not allowed." Long Fei shook his head speechlessly, and immediately sat down to drink After drinking tea, he forgot the scene of drooling when he saw Ou Qingxue for the first time.

"How can I, Jiang Wen, do such a thing? Although I, Jiang Wen, steal the world, cheat and rob everything, but I always insist on stealing in the right way when dealing with women. Stealing the heart is not stealing the body." Jiang Wen seems to feel that Long Fei Insulting his character, he puffed up his chest and said unhappily.

"Pfft!" Long Fei couldn't help but smile, and the tea spouted out of his mouth. In his heart, Jiang Wen's pioneering feat of integrating hunting into robbery and developing a set of theories, I really don't know how to evaluate it.

"Third Master! How can you do this? I really never forced a woman to be with me, and my woman is voluntary." Jiang Wen explained a few words, but when he saw Long Fei, he didn't care. After he glanced at it, he immediately sat down angrily, picked up the spiritual fruit on the coffee table and ate it, and said: "Okay, don't talk about it, the way is different, we don't conspire with each other."

"Third Master! Third Master! The news has been found." At this moment, Chen Pi broke in.

"Oh! Really? Let me explain in detail." With a wave of Long Fei's right hand, the door pushed by Chen Pi closed with a "bang!" At the same time, a flag flew out from the storage bag in Long Fei's waist , flying into every corner of the box.Although each private room has sound-proof or shielding spiritual thoughts and sensory detection arrays in order to keep customers confidential, Long Fei still arranged several powerful arrays for safety reasons.

Chen Pi grabbed a cup of tea on the coffee table with his right hand and took a big sip. After Long Fei set up the formation, he said with a complacent look: "Master! This time I only spent a top-quality spirit stone to inquire about the shrimp tribe." The news from Xia Libang. He did participate in this auction, and he is bound to win the top lot of this ancient puppet, and the box he reserved is luxury box No. [-]."

"En! That's right. Then, these three top-quality spirit stones are for you." With a thought, Long Fei suddenly flew out three emerald green top-quality spirit stones from the storage bag at his waist, and they jingled. It landed on the tea table in front of Chen Pi.Long Fei had already expected that Xia Libang would participate in the auction, because the ancient puppet was said to be the best among high-level dead puppets, and could be regarded as the peak master of the great success. The deputy patriarch will naturally take care of it.

"Oh! Thank you, Sanye, haha! It's hard to follow Sanye to become an upstart!" Chen Pi put the three top-quality spirit stones into the storage bag with a smile on his face.

At this time, the entire auction house was full of seats, and a famous monk was wearing a cloak with black gauze curtains on his head. The cloak was equipped with a shielding formation to prevent others from prying eyes and protect the identity of the monk from being discovered. function, thus eliminating the worries of the monks who are afraid of being robbed by others after taking pictures of the items.As for the more than [-] private boxes, all of them have private passages, and the monks inside cannot meet other monks in the auction house at all, so there is no need to wear cloaks.

After a while, Manager Yu sent a metal medal, which is naturally a VIP gold medal.The VIP gold medal is rectangular, the size of a palm, and the whole body is golden, shining with golden light. There is a round soul jade inlaid in the central part, and nine silver threads surround the soul jade.According to the explanation by the manager, the soul jade is used to record information, such as the identity of the licensee, the consignment goods, etc.As for the nine silver threads, it means that the gold medal contains 9000 million spirit stones, and one silver thread means that there are 1000 million spirit stones.The 9000 million spirit stones were advanced by the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to Long Fei, and this was a privilege for VIP gold medal holders.Long Fei penetrated into the soul jade with a divine sense, and suddenly his face became strange.


With the ringing of a bell, Wan Hai's auction officially started.At this moment, an old man in gray clothes, with white hair and a childlike face, with shining eyes, walked out from the backstage of the auction stage, walked slowly to the front of the auction stage, and saluted the three monks one by one, saying in a loud voice: "Fellow daoists! Yu Liangyuan is the deacon elder of Jiudinglou. He is in charge of this auction. I hope everyone will be happy if I don't go there. Alright, let's stop talking nonsense and the auction will officially begin. The first item we are auctioning today It is a high-level treasure, which was obtained from..."

For Long Fei, it is naturally difficult for high-level treasures to catch his eyes.At this moment, although he was looking at Yu Liangyuan with both eyes, he didn't pay any attention to the auction on the field at all. Instead, he shot toward the No. [-] luxury box with a magnetized elemental force wrapped in a trace of divine thought.

Long Fei's "Magnetized Yuanbo" has been repaired to the point where half of his foot has stepped into the realm of breaking the gods, so the magnetized Yuanli can completely break the defense of spiritual power, Yuanli, and spiritual power, and can carry out weak Yuanshen attacks.Therefore, at this moment, relying on the mastery of the formation, it is not difficult for the magnetized elemental force to crack the shielding formation of the box.

About a quarter of an hour later, Long Fei's magnetized elemental force finally broke through the shielding formation, and his divine sense immediately penetrated into the box, and instantly found out the situation in the third box.At this time, there are four demon cultivators of the shrimp tribe in the luxury box No. [-], one of them has reached the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, and the other three have also entered the stage of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty. .Although Long Fei's cultivation was only close to the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, his spiritual sense was far stronger than that of Xia Libang, so it was difficult for Sha Libang to detect it when Long Fei was very careful to detect it with his spiritual sense.

"Third Master! That Nine Yuan Golden Pill is of great benefit to my subordinates' promotion to the late Yuan Dynasty. Unfortunately, my subordinates took pictures of several items in a row, so I can't afford to take pictures now." Chen Pi looked at Long Fei pitifully and said.

"How much has the auction price increased?" Long Fei asked casually.At this time, Long Fei was concentrating on trying to use the magnetized energy to help his divine sense penetrate into the storage bag on Xia Libang's waist without disturbing Xia Libang, so as to check whether there was Haiyin in it. Luo, so he didn't pay attention to the situation in the auction field at all.

"300 million spirit stones!" Chen Pi said out of joy but also a little embarrassed.

"Oh! I just took a photo of it for 1000 million yuan." Long Fei blurted out without looking at Chen Pi.

"Boss, you are really awesome! 1000 million." Jiang Wenwei waited for Chen Pi to speak, and at the same time gave Long Fei a thumbs up, he yelled, with the courage to swallow mountains.He seems to like doing this kind of showy and face-lifting thing, maybe he is showing it to Ning Bo.

"What? 1000 million!"

"Everyone adds 7000 land, but he actually added [-] million directly. There are so many spirit stones that there is no place to put them!"

"This guy is sick. At best, the price of the Nine Yuan Golden Elixir will not exceed 350 million, but he actually offered 1000 million. He is sick, really sick."

After being stunned by Jiang Wen's quotation in the auction house, there was a moment of silence, followed by a lot of discussions, most of whom were jealous and swearing.

"Third Master! Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?" Chen Pi lost his excitement after taking the picture of the Nine-Yuan Golden Pill at the moment, and was rather depressed by the monks scolding him, as if he felt that he was indeed a bit stupid.


At this moment, in the No. [-] luxurious box, Xia Libang exclaimed, and quickly took off the storage bag at his waist to check it, but unfortunately, he was followed by a look of bewilderment.

At the same time, after Long Fei smiled triumphantly, he then showed a little regret, because just now his divine sense could not enter the Xia Libang storage bag quietly, and suddenly forcibly broke through Xia Libang's protection bag. Spiritual thoughts entered the storage bag, but there was no sea sound conch in the storage bag.


Long Fei raised his hand and slapped Chen Pi on the head, and scolded angrily: "Exaggeration! What are you exaggerating? Today we focus on the results, and first of all, we will give a few blows to the monks participating in the national auction. It's much easier. What's more, we are here today, and showing off is also an important task."

"Hmm! Hmm! I have already understood what the boss thinks." Jiang Wen immediately echoed.

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